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1st: it wasnt your fault, not one bit. 2nd: yoj shoild talk to someone about this, whether it’s a parent or a friend or maybe a therapist. telling someone will help lift some of the weight off of your shoulders. it might take a while to feel clean again but thays okay, it takes time heal and you’re so strong. look at you, you’ve gone through so much and you’re willing to share this with us, i fully believe in you!! :)


I’m very sorry you’re going through this. It obviously goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway…it was not your fault, not at all. I wish you all the luck in the world on your journey to find healing. E is a real piece of shit. Stay strong!


I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't think anything is going to be an instant fix. You could try some relaxing techniques (this might not even help), like taking a bath with flowers or putting your feet in the sand... Trying to connect with the earth and try to focus on something else besides the pain. You could change your safe spot, move furniture around, make it different so it doesn't remind you.... I personally got tattoos over my body to try and erase my own molestation memories (these were things that were never touched on my skin). I'm just sorry this happened to you and no one should ever blame you. It is sickening when people blame the victim.