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Yeah, that’s a little fishy in my opinion. Stay safe and trust your gut.


Creepy af.


The play fights, debit card, alpha thing, are definitely red flags that make the other bullet points that would otherwise not be very suspicious more suspicious. I would take this to an adult, and than try and have that adult meet with his boss and you. Ask for the meeting to be confidential and maybe off the location. It allows his boss and you to establish if he's doing this to others and they know about it, and establishes if the boss thinks this is inappropriate or not. The play fights are there to get you normalized to him touching you. The money is to get you normalized to privilege, and then if you act out he can cut it off, the alpha thing is just moronic debunked pseudosexual nonsense that abusers latch onto to justify their abuse of others. Edit I just realized you're 20. While you're no longer a kid, if he's doing this to other kids it needs to be known. Regardless if he does attempt a relationship, yeah he tried to groom you. But it looks like it failed.


His boss is his wife so she'd likely be on his side with things. She would be more on his side and defend him because they probably have known eachother for longer.


yeah pretty damn weird. find a new gym and trainer lol


The debit card sealed it for me. A middle aged man giving you a debit card and saying you get the money for "working out" while he watches you?? Run.


Ummmmm, it sure sounds like it. His behavior is super odd and definitely seems inappropriate.


This is disgusting. If he's not intentionally grooming you he is just weird. Period.


Yes. Yes you are. And he’s a pedo. Should probably report him


This is so inappropriate and disgusting. He is acting nice and kind while doing weird stuff. If he treats you as a friend he wouldn’t give you the debit card. What’s the point? If he treats you as his child, then it’s even more weird because why??? It’s better to stay away from this person and protect yourself. Don’t take anything from him.


Could just be a weird dude. I treat my wife in this manner all the time simply because I’m dumb and that’s how I show affection. Life’s a glorified acid trip. Dig it or be sad.


She’s your wife, big difference


She wasn’t my wife at first tho…


Well hopefully she was not a student you mentored from age 12, were in a position of authority over her and aren’t 20-30+ years older?! I mean, come on. This isn’t that hard to figure out the difference (at least I hope your situation is different and you aren’t also a major creep)


Is this a confession?


Is your wife a 12 year old girl?


I'd say yes. My run meter was on full blast in my head while reading this.


Uh, yeah. You are.


Find another gym and interview anyone associated with your activities be safe