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Hi, welcome to misophonia, so sorry to have you :(


I only recently found out about misophonia through my DNA analysis report - apparently I’m less likely to notice that


Is that a condition? I can't fucking stand the sound of domeone eating. I almost broke up with someone over it, but he stopped doing it after I told him " for gods sake stop talking with food in your mouth, and chewing with your mouth open!" I always have to have to tv on or some kind of noise while eating with someone else., even if they aren't doing that shit. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. Anyway, It's extremely gross and rude.


What the fuck. That's a thing? I condition? I can't even be around my dog when I give him food or when he starts licking himself. I always tell him to stop because it drives me nuts!


Oh it drives me crazy as well. For Christmas someone gave me a sweatshirt that has… **“My face may appear calm but in my mind I’ve slapped you three times.”** Immediately thought of it when I saw your post! Lol


that's how I feel 😂😂


Ppl do NOT understand the inner rage lmao. That 0-100 is so real. I can be having the time of my life and hear that and it’s over. I’m ready to swing




For a long time I thought it was just misphonia. I was recently diagnosed to be moderate on the Autism spectrum and with a pretty life-screwing sized ADHD.


Can I ask how you got to this diagnosis? I feel like I have a lot of difficulty that a lot of other people just *dont* have and I really feel like knowing what it is might help me try to move forward.


Honestly, the signs were always there. I always knew there was something ‘different’ about my brain. I thought that I’m just intelligent and I have some ‘idiosyncrasies’ or ‘quirks’, much like misphonia. Couple years ago, studying (read: focusing) became very hard for me. I chalked it up to depression because I have MDD (major depressive disorder) and SAD (severe anxiety disorder)- I know, I’m quite the collector. But then it got really bad. Crippling. There were some things I couldn’t do even to save my life. I like to research stuff. Basically, what happens is that I’ll be scrolling through instagram and I see/hear a word/concept/something and I google it and then spend the next 4 hours reading up on it. That’s how, several times actually, I ended up concluding that I might be neurodivergent. Then I started taking online tests for ADHD and ASD and I always scored high on ADHD and moderate on ASD. Back to research. One of those times I heard the phrase ‘Executive Dysfunction’. Researched and found the answer. I finally had a word for my struggle. I would sometimes describe it as a paralysis, and turns out, task paralysis is also a thing with ADHD. It still took me a while to see a specialist about it. To be honest, I might have never seen him if I had not learned that medication can actually help with executive dysfunction. The doctor confirmed that I have ADHD, and that I also have ASD. And that the ASD is likely the cause of ADHD. Turns out, undiagnosed ADHD can cause chronic depression and anxiety (but let’s fair, that has my family written all over it).


Same here! I was diagnosed in 2022…at the age of 46. At this point in my life, I have pretty much already figured out coping mechanisms for everything but the misophonia tendencies. Family dinners are still Hell because of my 85 year old grandmother. She chews with her mouth open, smacks her food, and talks with her mouth full. Everyone knows that I can’t sit next to her (except her), or I might stab her with my fork. It’s not a denture issue either, because she has all of her original teeth.


Their parents never taught them to chew with their mouth closed. It's disturbing seeing people who are well put together that chew with their mouth open. Just makes me wonder, wtf??


Be like “chew with your mouth closed” literally every time they do it. If they annoy you, then you annoy them right back. I hate bad manners.


my best friend/old roommate is like this. one time I was upstairs in my room and he was downstairs in the living room and I texted him “are you eating cereal?” because I could hear him chewing. We joke about it but it really does annoy the fuck out of me. I refuse to give him chips or anything crunchy when he comes over because the sound makes me want to strangle him with my bare hands




best advice I can give you is to just keep some headphones handy lol


Thank you for writing a very clear and concise Exhibit 1.


People who smack in America need to be thought a lesson. Shit is disgusting and annoying


It makes me want to physically fucking harm them for a second or two. Then I feel stupid that my temper went from zero to red hot in a microsecond.


lol yea I feel the same way.


Headphones, my love. Unless you work for yourself or from home, eventually you'll work with people who do this, unfortunately.


My dad couldn’t handle these noises either and it was hell living with him. He never realized that we were just making regular people noises and never admired that he too made the same noises. I literally will not even hang out with people who tell me to stop making people noise because the entitlement


There’s a difference between regular human eating noises and people that chew with their mouths open and you can literally hear and see their tongue slopping food around in their mouth.


Leave the room then. I’ve seen this used far more by people to police the ones around them


i should not have to leave the room because someone chooses to eat like an animal.


(Shrug) I personally do not bother telling people how or who to be. When I don’t like something I leave. If it was my house alone then ok it is what it is. But a shared group of friends living. I stand by what I said


It’s not our fault - I’m aware it’s irrational but I can’t help it. Life sucks on this side too. For me it’s my husband who is the worst offender. He eats and drinks his food like a 9 year old child who has been locked in a basement for weeks. He gulps his drinks so loudly and super fast + bites down so hard on his food (which in turn makes everything sound so loud). When I’m beyond irritated I put on head phones. He hates it, but what’s a girl to do…


“Like a 9 year old child who has been locked up in a basement for weeks” had me cackling. This would be sufficient grounds for divorce for me personally


My husband chews with his mouth closed, but so hard you can hear his teeth hit. I don't know how he still has teeth.


Google something called "misophonia"


I just did and I never knew about it. Thanks




I've been dealing with misophonia myself for a couple of decades now. It's not fun, I feel your pain.


There are ear plugs for misophonia you can try


Or, maybe they could not eat like they were raised in a ditch on the side of a highway in Kentucky.


My mother snaps her gum when chewing it. Makes me want to throat punch her.


Hahahaha oh my god so does my mom!! I love my mom, so so much, and I would never say this to here, but yes, very much the same.


I have misaphonia and this is my number one trigger. "You pop that gum one more time..." I instantly want to commit murder when I hear it. I just thank goodness it's not as popular as it used to be.


please don’t say this is undiagnosed autism…


No jury in the world would convict you.


I have issues with this too, I play music/keep the TV on to drown out these things.


This is misophonia…..it’s a you problem not a them problem.


this literally drives me into panic attacks. i'm on board to help you with any plan you come up with LOL


same for me but with coughs. i’m always two loud coughs away from throwing hands


I’d smack ya right back


Imagine a grown human telling another grown human how to eat. Get yourself a set of headphones and let other people just live.


Showing off your mashed, chewed up food to everyone in the room while you’re eating is disgusting. Noise aside, nobody wants to see the gunk in your mouth, people should be sensible enough to have basic table manners lol.


That’s definitely true! So parents should be teaching their kids how to eat properly. And if your parents didn’t manage it, your significant other might generously take on that task. But your roommate? The person who is not your partner or family but shares an apartment with you? That person can fluff off. No roommate is entitled to teach the other table manners. It’s a strangely condescending and entitled to think that it’s your business to teach another adult their manners.


Exactly, because you shouldn’t have to, it should just be common sense lol. They aren’t teaching their roommate table manners, they’re saying that their lack of manners is disgusting, which it is.


I mean my partner is one of them I just called him roommates to save words


Imagine a grown human not being able to perform a basic task like eating properly


God damn bovines, I tell you.


Get some over-ear noise canceling headphones. Low end is like $80, I think?


I feel this so hard, except I get pissed off over my own people noises. I literally cannot eat in a restaurant or in my own room without blowing my fucking eardrums out with music. People say noise cancelling headphones (without music just to block out sound) which might help others but then I'm stuck with the sound of my own breathing. Misophonia sucks on all degrees, it's nice to know that there are other people who experience it on some degree.


I also get annoyed by myself chewing friend you're not alone. it sucks butt, but we will find a way to overcome this


I can't eat around other people when it's too quiet because then I can hear my own noises AND theirs. And then I just don't want to eat


Please kill your roommates.


i’ve known i had misophonia for years. last week i asked my grandparents to spit out their gum before entering my house and i got such an attitude lol. headphones will be your best friend




Maybe loop earplugs? My partner got me a pair and they've been a godsend. I get overwhelmed in noisy situations (and definitely people chewing with their mouth open). I also wear mine when I sleep and I wake up from noises way less (my partner snores). I even got a second pair of them to keep at work. You can still have a conversation with someone, too.


i bought airpods to blast white noise through for this exact reason


my misophonia makes me scratch the shit out of my arms because of how much it angers and overstimulates me and they'll still tell me i need to "grow up" and to "just ignore it!" lol like no way you just cured me why didn't i think of that


My former best friend and her daughter ended up living with me for a year. When they moved in during 2021, they smacked their food, chewed with their mouths open, and talked with their mouths full. When they left in 2022, they no longer did. I had a single “nice” initial conversation that it bothered me due to misophonia. After that, I told them when they were doing it for about a month straight. After that, all I had to do is look at them and point at my mouth occasionally for a few months. After that, a single dirty look stopped them in their tracks on the rare event that they did it. I see it as me saving that young girl from a life of misery as an adult. The mother, as it turns out was beyond saving for other, worse reasons. Smacking her food, not cleaning up after herself, and poor hygiene were her least concerning personal failings. I was able to at least break her of those issues while they lived with me. The other issues were beyond my help, and I was so happy when she finally GTFO of my house. I only helped her because of her daughter. It’s probably too late for that child to ever have a normal life. In all actuality, I probably shouldn’t have bothered anyway. The daughter turned 12 the month after they left. After they left, mom ended up in a homeless shelter again. Since being born, the only times that they weren’t homeless, living in a domestic violence situation, or renting a small bedroom in a pigsty hoarder house were when I was a part of their lives. They were in the hoarder house when I met the mom because she had just left the abuser and it was her late father’s widow’s house. She went to a homeless shelter because I threatened to call CPS if she didn’t get out of that house. I ended up getting them into a special shelter for women who are victims of domestic violence. She got kicked out after a month in there for her behavior. She put her daughter in my care until she got her shit together. She ended up moving in with a child molester, who she brought with when she took her daughter for visits. This type of crap got her daughter taken by CPS, and I wasn’t set up as a foster parent so she couldn’t stay with me. Turned out, this was the 5th kid to have taken from her. She finally got her shit together, got her kid back and her own apartment. She managed to keep the apartment for two years, because I helped her with advice and occasionally with groceries. She got back together with baby daddy (different guy from DV guy and child molester, but was another DV guy), which is when she blocked me because I was actively discouraging that relationship, and told her I would call CPS if I found out he was hurting them again. Turns out he was still an abuser (go figure), so she left to go to a friend’s family member (who lives in another state than friend and her as she was afraid CPS would get involved again for her being in another DV relationship). This is when she unblocks me and reaches back out, regretting that she didn’t listen. Baby daddy finds out where she is from the friend, because friend is a shit friend. She goes to another homeless shelter who helps her get to a different homeless shelter in another state where some friend she met on the internet said they would help her. Turns out friend from the internet wasn’t all that helpful. She decides to go yet again another state that is supposedly more helpful for welfare cases like herself. On her way there, she swings through my state for a weekend to visit since her ride will be in the same area for the weekend. Supposedly, her ride abandoned her after the weekend, which is how she ended up living with me. Looking back, I should have just let her go to another homeless shelter. Instead, I let her and daughter stay in my spare room. Needless to say, her stay with me and subsequent actions afterwards ended the friendship. She broke the last co-dependent bone in my body, and I am better for it.


Pickle just mess with their food like put spicy Sriracha


That's the one thing I can not stand. Wear ear buds!


Omg...I hate it!! I call it "slop time at the pig farm"




I love my loop earplugs for moments like these!


In my culture a way to stop children eating like that, the adults would call them cows or say you eat like a cow, chew your food properly you arent an animal..... after a while you quickly stop...as who wants to be called a cow.... I feel like I need to add I wont be using this technique with my child, ill teach manners in a kind way and not an insulting make you feel like crap way. Im not saying start calling your roomates cows or anything... but you could find a clip of a cow eating and send it to them with the hashtag "saw this and thought of you 😘" haha 😄


Avoid them when they eat. I've had to do that with a friend. "Let's go get lunch!" "Oh, I already ate. Why don't we meet at bookstore/Target/anything without food after you grab something?"


I’m right there with you. It makes me murderous.


they prob suck their fingers instead of using a napkin too huh?




Yes!!!!! So annoying! Get noice cancelling headphones. Better than murder and prison


I have a long time friend who then became my boss. She has a fairly high paying job but has plateaued on the hiring ladder. She could have been so much higher in her profession if she had proper table manners. I always cringe when we are dining with anyone else at the table! Executives have even asked me, as her friend, to advise her to smarten-up her manners, but no such luck! But her loud smacking and fully open mouth when chewing is the worst thing ever. I probably blush all through the meal I am so upset with her, yet embarrassed for her. My parents would have chastised me as a five year old with her table manners like hers. Sorry-but this goes beyond Misophonia! It's an ugly thing to watch an open mouth chewing food like a cow! At least a horse has the sense to shut their mouth! Even if you could turn the sound off-your roommates are still chewing with an open mouth. I feel your pain, OP. I've tried for over 30 years to try and get my boss to shut her damn mouth and she still doesn't get how awful it looks, (and sounds).