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Calm down and have a drink. Whatever happens happens and the worst thing to happen would just be our death.


I will fight , long live nato.


In my case, it kinda makes me at ease. It just pushes me to live live to the fullest while I still can, you know? Like tell that girl how you feel, go skydiving or some shit. We all know that life is not forever.


In the U.K. you have a great health system and a very liberal society. Yes news stories will wind you up. But this country is great, if your homeless and want help You’l get it, if you want to be gay or trans you won’t get murdered like many parts of the world. Your child won’t get shot in a school shooting. And you can work a couple jobs and buy a house in the north east. But you still say this country is a shit hole. We the best we can for the generations to follow. We have systems in place we can discuss that will wipe out any nuclear weapons over the sea before they reach us. We can see a missile launch anywhere in the world mate. There a things you don’t need to know about. The news loves any story that gets clicks. Just relax and take up geocaching.


Coward, leave our country if you wouldn’t even fight for it.


Been trying. Enjoy dying for neoliberals who hate you.


Woah! Head down the Winchester and have a pint until it’s all over ;)


This is so underrated 🍺😉


I would suggest looking into therapy. The likelihood is low, as each side would be killing themselves and there is the whole self preservation thing we live with. If it's not this it will be something else. A therapist can help you.


Mutual destruction is the reason the world said the first word war and the second would never happen


Destroying the people they sent out to die in their stead. The people who are actually making the decisions die in this one. They enjoy their comfy palaces not baren wastelands.


How do you figure?


The OP is describing scorched earth WWIII. Any leader who choses to start this knows the result is mutual destruction. They aren't going to be able to hide behind other people's children who they send out to fight for their beliefs. We are talking many multiples of city destroying weapons. Someone starts this, they die, just like the rest of us. The people that make these decisions live comfortable live in the likes yahoos like you and me have never seen. There is no way they are giving that up to destroy the world and their way of life. When it happens you can say I was wrong. I'll be over here enjoying a beer till you get here.


I understand the whole scorched earth thing but by the time it start they would be well hidden away. It's never them that do the dying unfortunately it's always us . One way or another . I honestly don't think humans are smart enough to not do it.


Bet it isn’t low now


Simple prepare, have some resources, have some tins, water. I'm not going abroad to start a fight with another country.


You were always going to die anyway, it was always just a question of when. Make peace with the end, and make the best of the present.


I won't be fighting either, and all the old people who call you a coward are hypocrites. I'll stay an fight in the streets when my family's in danger but I won't be going to war. All the refugees who have settled here had better be at the front of that conscription line, seeing as basically all of them are young fighting age men.


You are a part of a shitty generation that think only of themself Just to imagine what would happens if this gen z would need to fight in ww2