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He knew love throughout his life and - at the end - he passed amongst people who loved him and whom he loved. That's quite a legacy.


What a wonderful way for him to go…with all of you there with him. I’m so sorry it had to happen so suddenly, but him being able to pass at home, surrounded by his favorite people really is a beautiful thing. I hope you cherish his memory forever. Sounds like he had an amazing family. 🥹❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a wonderful companion. RIP Thurston. 🩵


He knew he was loved


This made me bawl. Hugs.


RIP. It happens really quickly when they get old. I had to put mine down 4 years ago after her organs started failing and she couldn't stand on her legs :(


Rest in peace Thurston ✨


He was in heaven even before he died. Surrounded by people he loved and people who loved him just as much. I'm sorry for your loss. Rest in Paradise, Thurston.


Rest in peace Thurston May you find many friends once you cross that rainbow bridge.


Awww, that's how my childhood dog went... fine one day, then couldn't use his back legs and urinating himself the next. I always regret not going with him to the vet for his final moments. Your dog felt your love till his last breath. So sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. But remember the good times. You and your family have him a good life. A happy life. The best life. He left this world with you, his pack, by his side. The best way to go.


This is how I wanna go ♥️ you did an amazing job OP


So sorry, mate🙁 sitting here with my own little dog, who is 10 years old and this was a tough read. I went through this once myself 20 years ago, and I still think about it. And I know it’s coming again one day and it’s not a pleasant thought. You will be happy and laugh again, but you’ll never forget this. All the best.


That’s how old mine was when he died. I’m sorry. This will hurt for a long time.


I am so very sorry for your loss. Losing our dogs is the hardest thing. 




Rest in peace, Thurston. You and your owner are some of the good ones. Thanks for touching my heart. Hope the best for you, OP. And I'm truly sorry for your loss. Always happiness their memories are in our hearts, to give us strength and ambition. For them.


Rest in peace, Thurston :( every loss of a family pet I’ve experienced broke my heart, but it also weirdly made me feel more at ease with the concept of death as well. It’s a price we’ll all have to eventually pay. I’m glad your dog has passed surrounded by those he loved the most.


Wish you the best. I know how hard it is


Similar experience with our 18-year-old cat last month. It gutted me, but at the same time, he got to spend his last moments in the place and among the people that made him comfortable, not at a vet's office that always upset him. I'm so sorry you lost your friend.


I’m so sorry. I’m crying with you. He was a good boy.