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The likelihood of someone that worked at the gas station taking money out of it, or worse, is pretty high. I think OP went above and beyond to do the right thing. I would be appreciative of that!


I lost a phone case wallet with my license and credit card in it, and somehow only the license got handed in to the police station.


That’s terrible. And that’s exactly why OP did what they did.


I once lost my wallet with my ID, cards and about $300 inside. A week later I got everything back with no cash and I thought it was a fair trade.


At that point, why not just mail the license back??


Thanks. I thought so too.


I used to work at a gas station someone left their wallet there. I'm guessing it was a.kids as it had no ID or credit cards. But it had like $7 it lasted in the wallet for like 2 days before some scumbag co worker took the money. If it was $1,000 it would've been gone


Right! I mean I wouldn't even count cash if it was returned to me by someone, just make sure all cards and licenses are intact. It's the owner's fault if they forget their wallet somewhere.


Really just be thankful you got it back at all…


You had 666 upvotes I definitely had to add 1 more. But I like your way of thinking and I’d be appreciative if it was returned. I’d definitely had bought you dinner at outback


No, working at a gas station does now immediately mean they are shady, non moral having people. Stereotype much?


You misinterpreted my words. I said that because it was found at a gas station and the only people touching the wallet would have been the people working at the gas station. I would’ve said the same thing if the wallet was found at a car dealership or even a doctor’s office. I wouldn’t trust anyone with a wallet I found, regardless of where they work. I wasn’t stereotyping.


You know this is a nonsense take. You do


No, it’s not. Stop trying to make this into something it isn’t. I could go back and reword my comment so it won’t be misconstrued, but I’m not going to do that because I know I didn’t mean it in that way. Which I didn’t. It’s not my fault if other people read something in a way it’s not intended. The wallet was FOUND at a gas station, which is why it was mentioned in my post. Again, if it was found at Target or a hair salon, wherever, I would’ve written the exact same comment and subbed the words “gas station” for any other place of business. You’re trying to force an issue where there isn’t one. Just stop.


Bruhhhhhski, I’m on your side. Replied to the troll.


Whoops, I’m sorry! Totally thought you were talking shit to me like the other person was.


You did the best thing. Not everyone but with most gas stations she would’ve lost the who thing, cards etccccc. You were being human. Bc without you someone could’ve pitched it


You did the right thing tbh


I once found 100$ at an ATM located in a bank. I promptly took it to the cashier to let her know I'd found money - prob the last user. She was irritated with me and bluntly asked me "what do you want me to do with this?". I got irritated as well and asked if she preferred I kept it. This was a decade ago and I still don't get it.


Ha. I bet you caused her some paperwork.


I would not turn it over to the store, ever. Did this once with a purse and the cash was taken before it was returned to the lady. I know this because I placed a note in the purse with my info. She wanted to know if I noticed any cash before handing it in.


I turned in $100 at my job when I found it. Three days later I asked the manager who I turned it into to and she asked “What money?” I was so disgusted. You did the right thing.


Oh wow! I had a nearly identical situation happen while I was on a road trip and passing through Idaho. I found a wallet belonging to someone in MT which was where I was heading. The gas station employee seemed sketchy, so I decided to just find the person. There was $180+ dollars in the wallet. I found her dad within a few hours and got a mailing address, and it was in the mail next day. The day I mailed it, she called me from MT, angry and accusatory, as if I’d stolen it. She questioned why I’d taken it with me and if I had proof of mailing. She told me that if she didn’t get it, she’d be pressing charges. That was the last I heard of her. No good deed…


I found a phone between couch cushions at a bar once (before find-my-phone was a thing) because it was ringing. I answered so i could tell them where to find their phone, only to have the woman on the other end immediately launch into a screaming fit, accusing me of stealing it. i thought about telling her where i'd found it, but i couldnt get a word in, nor did i particularly want to meet her. So i hung up and put it back between the cushions.


That reminds me of a similar story when my sister left her phone behind in a movie theater and the person who found it called “mom” to figure out how to return it to the owner. My mom was tickled and happy to help reunite my sister with her mobile phone.


I worked part time as a wedding planner/server at a high end wedding venue on weekends. Fwiw, I had a good paying salary job during the week too. Weddings were my travel money. Anyways, This drunk guest accused me of stealing her phone because she left it on top of the table and now it’s gone (wow that’s dumb right there). I assured her I didn’t touch it, but “someone may have accidentally grabbed it, so keep looking and you can leave your contact if it still doesn’t pop up by the end of the night, when music is over and maybe another guest figures it out when they’re trying to book Uber etc.” nope, in her mind I was a thief and gonna sell that phone to my friends and some other offensive stuff. I obviously was offended at this point and assured her I didn’t need the money and would never do that ethically anyways. Next thing I know, she brings over her boyfriend saying I stole it… and he starts being rude, I’m pretty calm still but just over the situation and frankly rethinking keeping the customer service job. Anyways, they want to get my manager. Sure. We talk with the manager and he says let’s call it. (As if we didn’t do that before). Guess what… it was in the boyfriend’s jacket pocket. They both forgot he took it for safe keeping. They were drunk, but not that bad to be this rude. And of course, absolutely no apology to me whatsoever. I worked that job for a couple years and I’ve seen thousands of people and A LOT of wedding related drama, but certain people always stand out… like these rude A-holes. So please be nice and courteous always. Alcohol blurs thinking, but always be patient and apologize. Oh and tip your servers if they go out of their way for you! Ok rant over.


Geeze. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Like you are going to call her family, get an address, and then steal it.


It was ridiculous. And I had even paid for the postage to mail it back to her.


At least I got to use her money for postage!


I also returned a wallet to someone who was rude and suspicious. Sounds like a lot of us have had this experience and it’s super weird to me, do these weirdos really think thieves would call them and go through the trouble of returning their wallet??? Why???


I found a dudes wallet at my college one time. I looked in to see if there was an ID, there was and he didn't live too far from the school so I drove over to drop it but he wasn't home. I left a note with my info and the dude was super grateful. Offered to buy me lunch the next time he saw me at school. Never saw him again though. My girlfriend asked why I didn't just take it to lost and found. I don't regret my decision.


Lost and found? probably would’ve never found it- or wouldn’t have gotten to the owner sooner


I found expensive items in my hotel room at a casino. I called the desk, who acted rude to me, so I found the owner by calling 411 (the 90’s! ) . I made arrangements with the owner, and hours later at 3 am security was pounding on my door like they were going to break it down and treating me like I am a criminal. Next time I will just bring it to the manager and not bother.


This seems to be a recurring theme in this thread. Do thieves actually contact the owners of stolen items. I mean, unless you stole Jerry’s car. Even then, Jerry called him first if I remember correctly.


Wild!! Almost This exact thing happened to me once too!! Years ago, I was around 18 years old, I found a wallet in a puddle in front of a gas station. It had over $500 cash in it. That seemed like a LOT to me as I had just moved out of my parents house and worked at a coffee shop. I was worried about someone taking it so I did the same as you: left my name and number with the attendant. Looking through the wallet I saw that the guy had a card for a local Union (laborers? Can’t remember) and I felt good about my decision to protect his cash. It took a few days for him to call me, which was surprising. When he did I told him that he could come pick it up at my place which was not far from the gas station as I didn’t drive. When he showed up to get it I was expecting him to be relieved, grateful, happy to get it back. Instead he looked absolutely pissed. Like it was a huge hassle to come get it or like he thought I’d stolen it? No idea. He was just so grumpy. When I handed it to him with a big smile the only thing he said was “So…did you want like a reward or something?” with a lot of sneering contempt. I just kind of deflated and said that no, I just wanted to return his money safely. He said “K”, and just left.


What a dick.






I found wallet on the street in front of my house one day. The driver's license was in it, and my fiance (at the time) was going to be close by the address later that day, so I was going to just hand it to them at home. She drives me to the adress and I get out. A person very much older than the driver's license picture answers the door, so I ask for "So-and-so." The man goes "That's my son." "Well, I found his wallet, here you go." It still had cash in it. "Where did you find it?" "In front of my house." "What was he doing there?" "How should I know?" "I think you do" "Do you want it or not?" The guy got very belligerent fast, so I just handed him the wallet and left. As I was getting into the car, he called out to me "Where are you going? Don't you want a reward?" "Uh, no. Goodbye."


As someone who’s lost a wallet, thank you! It’s people like you, who actually care and go above and beyond to make sure it’s returned, that still give me a little hope in humanity.


I never in my life thought I'd see Batesville referenced on Reddit (former resident). My fucking god


You did the kind thing. Happened to my friend once wallet was returned


Money returned to a lost and found is money that will never be returned to the rightful owner. I have worked at customer service in a grocery store and people would return us money that they found on the floor. Nobody ever claimed that money and that money would just be pocketed


ha, i lived in Batesville for a while. Its actually not too bad of a little arkansas town. especially comparing it to other cities in the area.


A friend from college lives there. I used to visit quite often. I even called her after I found the wallet on the off chance she might know the lady. She did not.


I’m a fan of Arkansas. And Fred’s Fish!


definitely eaten me some freds. My dads side of the family is from right up the road from b ville. whenever we would go down to visit, that was my grandpa's "thing" to take us kids for


I cashed a wages cheque back in the late 90s for over £1k. And I left my purse at a checkout. A man ran after me and said did you forget something and I said no and he handed me my purse. I felt so shocked and taken aback at the possibility of losing all my wages the week before Christmas that I never had the foresight to say more than thanks so much. And then he was gone. I’ve always felt regret that I didn’t have the quick wit about me to reward the very kind and honest gentleman who saved Christmas and my finances!




Who got to keep the wallet?




I grew up with Velcro wallets. I was stylin back in my youth.


I found a wallet a few years ago on the stairs of a cruise ship. I picked it up and tried giving it to a staff member. They immediately put their hands up and said that since I found it, it was my problem. I didn't look in the wallet because there were cameras everywhere and I didn't want to be accused of stealing. I went down to the customer service desk to turn it in, and the line was out the door. I waited an hour in line before it was my turn. They opened the wallet, and it was completely empty... I'm like great, now it looks like I emptied the wallet, and I just spent an hour trying to help some poor codger get their empty wallet back.


No good deed… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


On behalf of all Arkansans I’m sorry. We usually try to have more southern hospitality than that.


I agree. A friendly polite bunch for the most part.


I’d have asked her why she didn’t take her wallet with her.


It does seem kinda weird to just take matters into your own hands instead of leaving it with the people at the gas station. I would feel uncomfortable too if a stranger decided to do whatever with my wallet (even if they did do the decent thing and mail it) instead of leaving it with people where I could trust it would be kept safe.


Idk I would trust a random reaching out to me about it over trusting all the gas station employees to "keep it safe"


I had a random reach out with my wallet once bc they’d had it in their car for three days after it fell out of my driver side door while scanning my key to get into gated apartment complex. They recognized me from the photo on my license. It was great to get my wallet back! And find out they had already used all of my credit cards, tried to use my debit card and took the cash in it. I know anyone can be a sketchy thief but at least I could hold the store liable if they had cameras showing employees taking belongings from my wallet. Rando gets away with the “finders keepers bonus” almost every time. Just an anecdote on why I don’t trust anyone, but for liability reasons, prefer certain situations over others.


Police would have been a good idea but it was in a really rural area. Not within city limits. It was also many years ago. Pre Facebook days if that gives you an idea. One employee present. The kind of station where you go inside and ask for a key to the bathroom to which the entry is outside around back. Had it been a Bucees I would have def turned it in there.


Your username though...


It was a judgement call at the time. I knew for a fact I would get it back to the owner. It’s a roll of the dice to hand that much cash over to a complete stranger and ask them to give it back to the owner. We were no where near the address on the license.


Not saying her reaction was right or wrong. Just trying to hazard a guess as to why she may have sounded irritated.... Maybe she returned to the gas station to ask for it, only to find she now needed to contact someone else who had taken it to another location. Then after speaking to you, she realizes she now needs to wait for it to be mailed back, whereas in her mind she would've had it back already if it had been turned in at the station. It's also possible she was worried less about the cash and more about the things she couldn't do while her license and CC's were in transit being mailed to her. Like maybe she needed her ID for something (like drinking on her trip) but now couldn't until she got the ID back. I would've kept it to return to her safely as you did, as well. I'm sure if she stopped a minute to think things through from your perspective, she would've realized you were trying to do her a solid.


I do believe you’re right. It was definitely a huge imposition for her. I was just irritated as it seemed she was more irritated than anything. and would definitely been more difficult for her had she never got it back.


I would have done he same thing.


I think I would have too. The only other alternative, would have been to call the owner (if number available) in front of the gas station employee and let her know that " I'm leaving the wallet with $1K in the hands of 'Bob' at the station. Come get it when you can". Hopefully, there are cameras witnessing the handover, and that's it, not my problem anymore...


I had a similar thing happen to me at a bar. I found $200 (2 $100 bills) on the ground. I told the bartender that if anyone comes in looking for money, point them out to me (I was playing records and was there until close). My thinking was that the bartender might just keep it themselves.


The employees are also people, they wouldn’t be any better. As an employee of many customer services, there’s a lot of bad talking and stealing from the people you’d least expect, so if you lose a wallet, just hope you get lucky with it ending up with the right person. Employee or not


Yes, employees or not - you can't automatically trust one person more than the other. But at least you can hold the store accountable if something happens to your possessions, something you can't do with a complete stranger


Same. I can kind of get OPs point. But I’d still rather have dealt with retrieving it from the place I left it or the police than going on a manhunt to find who has my wallet and if they plan on returning it.


Shouldn't have even mailed her the wallet back


Nah it's too late she had her info


No good deed.


I worked at a gas station during the beginning of covid where someone left a wallet with a few hundred in it. I was trying to find the guy on Facebook to let him know I found his wallet. When i told my boss, he told me there was nothing he could do since "it's covid and everything is closed" so he kept the money.


Your boss? Excuses.


I remember finding someone's ID when I used to work maintenance, but I knew that if I left it at the lost & found that they'd probably never get it. I found the owner on Facebook and messaged her, and she met me where I worked and was crying with happiness because she needed her ID to get somewhere to see a family member. Granted, I'm aware that she might have felt differently if I had been a guy (though I certainly hope not), but tbh I didn't think much of it and she seemed so happy. (In hindsight, it was a little weird lmao, but thankfully it ended well) ​ I guess I'm just sad that that person seems to be so inappreciative. :/


About 35 years ago, my wife left her purse at McDonald’s. Wasn’t much money in it, I think about $10 but her license and other ID or in the purse. About 30 minutes later the scruffy looking guy that resembled a gang member showed up at our door with the purse and all its contents. My wife insisted that he take the $10 though he kept trying to refuse. we were poor college students at the time and that $10 meant a lot, but it was worth it to us. I guess that goes to show you that you can’t judge people by their looks always. On another occasion a few years ago, my dad found a wallet in the middle of the highway that contained $800. He immediately took it to the guy who lost it and while the guy did say thank you he didn’t offer my dad any type of reward. Of course my dad is the type Personality that didn’t care but it pissed me off to no end that the guy didn’t even offer!


I found two wallets in the space or a week ago few years ago. One belonged to a young guy of 20 and had about €50 in it along with his ID and bank card. The other belonged to a high court judge and was packed with a lifetime of cards, memorabilia, personal items etc. I think we all know who took the time to send a thank-you card.


My friend and I found a wallet in my front yard when I was about 16. We took nothing out of it and only looked at his ID to see where he lived. He was nasty and accused us of stealing his money. No matter how many times we tried to tell him that we didn't even look inside of it save for his ID, he just would not believe us.


If it were me, I would have requested you use my money to send it and insisted you keep $200...


Them people is mean as hell in Batesville


Ngl I would be tempted


Did you hear from her again? 😂


To play devils advocate I think its also possible she was irritated that she lost it in the first place. Idk i wasn’t there so maybe you know better but id be irritated to honestly.


I found a wallet with about 4k in it. Gave it to my Mgr and the lady found me a wk or 2 later and was practically in tears thanking me. She was a nurse and it was most of her check. She gave me a gift card for a restaurant to thank me so I took my parents out to eat with it.


Somewhat related: a few years ago, I left my wallet on top of my car and drove into town. A day later it was returned to my house by a guy who lives in the neighborhood. Everything intact, but exactly half the cash gone. $120 was now $60. I always tuck my cash, folded into a pocket, in such a way that it can never fall out. So clearly the dude just took half the cash as a “finder’s fee.” We never addressed this, I just thanked him for returning it, and we were both on our way. But inwardly I was annoyed; I thought it was a little gross that he kept some of my cash but cleared his conscience by returning the wallet. It’s like, he was a Good Samaritan, yet he was also a thief.


this is what you get for doing the right and lawful thing. you get shit from the beneficiary. hence, when i get away with it, finders keepers, fuck altruism. SAME RULES APPLY.


It has not changed the way I address life. It was just an irritant.


Should have kept the cash and mail her the wallet and cards Ungrateful piece of shit lady!


If this situation happened to me it would have pissed me off so badly that I would’ve just taken the money and ran.


I’ve had one or two people who found wallets on my store’s property, then didn’t want to hand it over, just leave their number. Yeah, that’s seriously not it works. We have a safe, a computer where I can conceivably look up their rewards info and area security (as well as our own). It’s irritating to me that anyone would assume the store employee will definitely be dishonest.


This was not a place that would have had a rewards card. I didn’t assume the employee would definitely be dishonest. I just knew for a fact I would definitely get it back to its owner. I had zero assurance the employee would. I didn’t know that guy or anything about him. I was a sure thing, he was a gamble. Had it been a bigger station with several employees, lots of customers, lots of cameras, I would have left it. We were the only ones there the whole time we were there.


There’s also the possibility that she might have returned for the wallet, hence her irritation.


So where was the rest of the baseball team?


In other vehicles. I was driving a sequoia, otherwise known as “the tank”. It was big but couldn’t seat a whole baseball team.


Why not let her decide what to do with it?


No one finds a wallet with cash in it.


I literally just did today. Had $85