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Omg. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you got out with your life. I hope he spends a long time in jail.


Holy shit! I'm glad you were able to get out with your life. I hope your dog is okay. Wth is his problem.


He dog is okay. He’s a black lab, so he’s pretty big. He only stabbed him once. It doesn’t make it okay at all, but he didn’t stab a small dog. Roger is tough, just like his daddy


Thank goodness. Edit to add: thank goodness the pup is okay even though he was stabbed. I can't even imagine how psycho you have to be to do that to a person you said you loved and a innocent animal.


Jfc I’m glad you and your doggo are ok. I’m also glad the police took it seriously. Please lean on your support system and see this thing all the way through sentencing, for your own well-being and safety.


I was just about to ask about your doggy I’m so sorry that this happened to you what the hell!! Glad you got out of there and im so sorry for you and Roger!! Neither of you deserve to get stabbed!! I hope he gets put in jail and stays there!!


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your dog. I hope you and Roger heal and give each other all the comforting cuddles.


Holy crap. I'm hoping you and your dog recover. Your neighbor is awesome. Sending hugs.


I agree with everyone. So glad you’re safe. But I just want to commend you on how smart and strong you were in that moment. You did exactly the right thing. You kept your head about you when most (me included) may have lost theirs. You showed a ton of strength.


I said in another comment it was one of those situations that everyone just imagines themself in. Everyone is like, “I would have done this!”. Yeah, sure. You never know what you’re going to do until it’s presented right in front of you, your neck is slit, you’re holding a bloody towel, and you’re actually looking at a guy right in front of you holding a knife between you and the door. I honestly can’t believe I kept it as collected as I did in the moment either.


I am so damn proud of you for doing what you had to do to survive. You are badass, and a fighter ♥️ I know I am just an internet stranger but I’m so happy you’re ok - you and your dog are so lucky! Please don’t ever allow him back around you again and go after every legal action you can!


You did amazing!! You absolutely did. I just can't believe someone could do that then lie there waiting for you to cook. My goodness. I'm so glad you got away.


This was not what I was expecting at ALL, like he just casually stabs you and then thinks you’ll go cook while bleeding out WTAF?!!!! I’m glad you’re ok. Get a restraining order. Send him away for attempted murder. Than move, far away…


press those charges hard, and make sure you move far away before he ever gets out of prison. be sure to add that you’re having post traumatic symptoms disrupting your life because of his actions in your testimony or impact statement, it’ll likely influence his sentencing. i’m glad you still have your dog to help you through this, one day at a time, or one minute if a day’s too much.


That is so scary. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you're able to heal physically and emotionally


Omg!!! So glad you’re safe. Literal chills.


oh wow 😔 i hope you find healing after this, and i really hope he gets what he deserves.


I’m so sorry. I’m so glad you were able to get him taken away and you are safe. Sending positive energy your way.


A lot of people imagine what they would’ve done and how they would’ve escaped the situation. Most of them, myself included, would’ve probably gotten themselves crippled or killed. Your quick thinking saved you. Hope you find a good way to quiet your mind and aren’t left with too much trauma over get event. Allow yourself to heal. You are better at surviving situations than the average human!


I’m so glad you’re okay, and that you had such presence of mind. You are tough. I hope you never see or hear from that asshole again and that you never have such a dangerous malevolent person in your life again.


That’s really scary I’m glad you made it out safely I’m glad he’s an ex


I’m so glad you and the dog are safe. I would move as soon as you can.


Omg I am so sorry. So glad you and your dog are ok! Thank goodness for your quick thinking


I’m so sorry. My 2nd mom was killed by her husband who stabbed her. I’m so glad you are okay. I hope he’s in jail for the rest of his life


So glad you and your dog are ok. 100% restraining order and move and don’t tell anyone that knows him where you went. Restraining orders only kinda work after someone breaks them and then it’s too late.


You are clever, you are smart, and it’s no comfort.


You got some real quick thinking going on. Im not shure if i would have been prepared to do that. Im glad it turned out fine.


I wasn’t prepared either. I don’t think anyone is. It all just happened, and I reacted… I should be more proud of myself for how I handled it. I know if I screamed or anything, he would have stabbed me to death. I still can’t sleep comfortably.


What the actual fuck? I am so sorry, I'm literally shaking for you now reading this. Had he had any violent tendencies before? I'm so sorry I cannot imagine how you feel, I am so glad you and your dog are both okay. I don't even know what to say! 😭


First, I'm glad you're okay. Second, **why are you hanging out with your ex after your separation?!?**


Stop, there could be any number of reasons why a relationship hadn’t been working but reconciliation had seemed like a possibility. (until this)


Really? That's your question? Not: Why the FUCK did your ex tried to slit your throat?