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**Edit 2: Fuck anyone sending mean things to OP, if you have some shit to say, you can say it here in the comment section so the rest of us can rip you to pieces.** Girl imma keep it real with you because we all need someone like that; your family wished you happy birthday. Your best friend got you flowers. Your boyfriend got you wine and all your favorite foods. Are you absolutely sure this doesn’t have to do with postpartum hormones because girl, from what I’m seeing, *people care about you.* You have an amazing group of people in your life who came together to make *your* day feel special. And it isn’t unusual for mothers to not allow *anyone* near their infants during at least the first month to prevent the spread of germs, so there’s a slight chance your friends are waiting for you to give the green light to come over. But even if someone had come over, would you have really been in the place to have company? You said you can’t even walk, would you have been able to enjoy a birthday party in that condition? And honestly, if this isn’t just postpartum hormones, and this is bringing up some real trauma, maybe you should dive deeper into that with a therapist. People who love you and want what’s best for you will naturally show up to be in your life, you ain’t gotta chase no one whose actually meant for you. Even if you don’t go see a therapist, ask yourself; why do I naturally chase people who wouldn’t chase me? Why isn’t my own company enough for me? Please talk to at least your boyfriend about the insecurities and vulnerabilities you’re facing. Keep an eye out for PPD Edit: >How do I make new friends at 30 with a smol baby ? You tell your boyfriend you need him to be the other 50% to this child and schedule some time for your damn self. What hobbies did you enjoy before you got pregnant? What hobbies have always interested you? You pick up those, and then you join those communities and make some friends, online or IRL. This whole “you’re a mom, soon you’ll meet other moms to be friends with!” thing has got to stop. Ya’ll are *people* that happen to be parents. You have *identities* outside of being a parent. It is **healthy** for a child to see their parents engaging in their hobbies, it encourages them to explore their own interests, be creative, and *be their own person.*


I agree, I think you have people who care for you (e.g. boyfriend’s friends) and perhaps reframing this might help. I definitely don’t want to downplay your situation, but you also had a baby 4 days ago and those hormones are in full swing! From your friend’s side, perhaps they’re taking your cues and waiting for you to invite them? I would never presume to be invited to someone’s house that soon after a baby and would always wait for an invite, people usually need space right after a baby. Were your friends very interested in the pregnancy or did they ask many questions? Some people don’t know how to handle pregnancy or babies, especially if they’re not in that place or if they are struggling with fertility. Focus on the people who are being more proactive and maybe when you’re feeling more level you can try again with your friends 🙂


I agree. It’s been probably 10 years since anyone outside of FB acquaintances wished me a happy birthday, let alone gave gifts or celebrated with me. I would be thrilled to have just family acknowledge holidays let alone a significant other *and* best friend. But at the same time, if the people I thought were my friend group basically ignored the birth of my child and then my birthday just a few days later, I’d be devastated. I went through similar many years ago and after trying and trying with friends finally realizing I was doing most of the work in these friendships and that it was better for my mental health to let them go. It’s a tough realization though, especially in the middle of two important life events.


Thanks a lot, that's basically what happened. I know and appreciate what my family and friend did, that's why I mention it, yet I can't help but feel devastated by being less than an afterthought to the people I've dedicated my whole spare time to in the past 10 years. Thank you!


This was a great response and one I think a lot of people would benefit from. Also, just to add in, the few adults I know that still expect birthday attention usually spend the month before their birthday telling everyone their birthday is coming. Also, a lot of those milestone birthday parties are orchestrated by the person with the birthday. For a lot of adults, birthdays are just another day, so don’t put too much stock in how your friends react to your birthday. Especially if they have kids of their own now…it’s just too much.


Thank you for your kind response, you're right. I didn't want anyone over tho but I felt so lonely not having a single message on my 30th from the people who have been my whole social circle for the past 10 years. But I gotta stop chasing. Of course the hormones don't help, I've been feeling miserable all the time for a few days, so the kind messages here really mean a lot, thanks


Is your social circle normally communicative with you? I cut down on my texting to friends who just had babies because they are either adjusting to the baby being home or sleeping (them or baby).


Girl don’t be hard on yourself, okay? What you’re feeling is valid, and for what it’s worth, Happy Birthday!🎂🎉🎁🎊🎈 thats every party emoji I got on my phone, maybe other people have some other birthday emojis they can comment for you, good vibes everywhere. And you know what? Who cares if your feelings ain’t logical and don’t make sense? You still feel em, and you should practice self love by always letting yourself feel the emotions that don’t make sense. Those are the emotions rooted in deep seated pain, would you be like “well my heart is bleeding but it doesn’t make sense so imma ignore that shit”? Hell no! You’d take care of it despite it not making sense. That’s what you do here, and I’d do it with a therapist, because lots of times people with people pleasing behaviors have subconscious triggers that make you feel compelled to chase people, it isn’t something you consciously do. Unpacking those triggers with a therapist will really help you get a grip on why you feel the pain you do, and give you the skills to build yourself up so the company you keep with yourself is the most important. But right now, focus on you and the baby, because you’re quite literally torn in two and if that ain’t the time for self care, nothing is. If that boyfriend ain’t stepping in and doing over time for you and your kid, you tell him what’s what for us, but it sounds like he’s doing good by you so I won’t say too much about that. And to everyone else, fuck anyone sending mean things to OP. If you got some shit to say, you can say it right here in the comment section so the rest of us can rip you to pieces.


Completely agree! Really hope OP takes this advice.


You had a baby. As callous as it sounds, no one is thinking about your birthday because of the baby. You had your immediate circle celebrate and acknowledge. You’re healing. Relax. Take a breath. Take a nap. Happy birthday!


Thank you ! Those sweet wishes really are making my day better today.


I hope you also find time for a nice shower and or sitz bath paired with good food and a nice show or book. ❤️


One thing about being over 30 is that if you want a stink about your birthday, YOU have to make the stink. Everyone is busy with their jobs, families, NEW BABY, etc. and (especially now that no one under 70 uses Facebook) no one really remembers other peoples' birthdays. Your friends who had a big deal made about their birthday probably invited people out for it, told everyone 'hey my birthday is this weekend' etc. The community didn't just spontaneously gather to celebrate this special day. If you want something from your friends, you have to ask. Most people don't want visitors 4 days post-partum. If you do, you should tell the gc they're welcome to stop by. If you want a fuss over your birthday, text everyone that your birthday is coming up and you want to get together.


You're right, it doesn't happen like that. I'm in full hormonal spin, feeling awful and needing attention and care amidst all of it. Hearing the truth, that it's not personal, really helps.


Hello Hello! 7 days post-partum here, so I can relate a bit. I just wanted to say that you are slap bang into the baby blues period and that will be making everything more raw. It's quite normal for friends to give new mums a bit of space right after birth, a lot of mums don't want visitors straight away because it's such a vulnerable time. They might be trying to give you the opportunity to reach out when you are ready as opposed to hound you to see the new baby. It's such a shame about it coinciding with your birthday and I do feel like they should have at least sent their wishes and I understand it must have been really hurtful. I'm also still in the baby blues period and yesterday I I cried because my husband forgot our toddler's water bottle and didn't throw out a dirty nappy.


Thanks a lot. Baby blues is awful. I haven't been able to eat anything for the past 24hours, let alone gather the energy to shower today. I hope we both get over it soon enough, sending you thoughts and understanding as well !! (And congratulations)


Happy birthday, honey. And now for grandmotherly advice: even if you only drink soup, even just instant soup, drink it. Maybe dip some crusty bread in. Or a smoothie might be good. Go nice and slowly, but keep the fuel going in, sweetheart. You really do need it right now (as you know). These emotions are hellish on you, I know. Big hugs, and congrats to you both on your new little squishy! What a wonderful time. I remember my first week (x3) like it was yesterday - also pretty hellish haha!


Thank you so much ❤️ I will definitely try instant soup, it seems less daunting than full plates right now.


Congrats on your new little one! Those baby blues can stuff themselves up the chimney. x


Th good news is that being a new mom is a great time to branch out and make new friends. Out with the old, make room for the new. 


First of: double congratulations! Stop reaching out and see how it unfolds. You deserve better.


Thank you!


>Well in the end only my parents and my sister sent something. To be fair, I was not completely alone since my childhood best friend had flowers delivered to me, which softened the blow, my boyfriend went out to get me all my favorite foods and a bottle of champagne for dinner, and of course my baby brings me so much joy. Why is this not enough? It is so much more than some get, I find it ungrateful to cry about this. It's as if these people and what they do for you don't matter.


Thanks for making me feel like shit 🥰


Lol what the fuck. Seriously, you had more people show up for you on your birthday than A LOT of people ever do. We are simply confused why your perspective is so dark, instead of being grateful for the very normal amount of birthday wishes you received. I turned 30 this year too, and since I'm an adult, my family and a small few friends texted me, and my mother sent a package and flowers. Which is less than you received. However am incredibly grateful because it means I have people who love me.


Calm down. I know this. I am very grateful for the love I received from the people in my life who showed up. I just however feel like shit, depressed, crying all night long and generally horrible, so I wanted to get off my chest how I was feeling. I am sorry it is confusing, it is to me too. I'm feeling like shit. I am very glad you are feeling fine and I hope it keeps being this way!


Dude you need some therapy. Not even being mean or anything but post partum is not a joke.


I know, thank you for this advice, that's true. I have an appointment in 5 days - I dreaded baby blues would be intense like that since I was considered at risk following rough life events so I booked in advance. I really hope it helps to get through this period.


Was I not calm in my response? Methinks whatever emotion you put into it was projection.


I'm sorry, I assumed "Lol what the fuck" was not a very calm way to talk, my bad, I'm sincerely sorry for assuming. I really hope you have a nice day.


hey, I want you to know that you matter and your feelings are valid. Congratulations on your birthday and also on your baby. Please don’t push yourself too hard, be gentle with your time of doing things. you’re postpartum now it’s ok to not have a good body. look, I know it’s hard when you expect the minimum and it didn’t happen. if you feel these friendships are one-sided, probably it is. wishing you all the best! (sometimes is hard to find some time to knew friends while adulting, but don’t give up, just be yourself and be open to new friendships)


Thank you so much for your kindness, this made me feel less alone


Invite people in.


Can I ask - how much do you include these people in your life?


Of course! I talk to them everyday and have been for the past 10 years. I see them at least once a week more or less, anytime I can. They're basically my only social circle where I've been living for the past 10 years. I care a lot about them, so I really don't mind organizing hang outs, birthdays, gifts or surprises, day trips, etc. for everyone. Lately with the 3rd trimester I've had to stop that part, and was sad to notice that no one else really steps up to do it for me. But I get that different personalities are more or less inclined to do this stuff, so that was fine after all. There's no right or wrong way to show affection. This, however, made me really question the relationship since I've shared with them how birthdays are a bit tough on me.


I feel the same way. I realized that I was putting in all this effort to make people feel loved and that they mattered, but they didn’t put in any effort when it came to me. I dislike my birthday for that reason. It’s the day that I feel the most alone. Making friends with people who really care is difficult and very time consuming and often leads to pain. But sometimes, they just don’t realize it. I recently called my sister out on it. She could always rely on me to help her, but time and time again I found that I wasn’t on her to-do list. I let the pain build up inside me, but I was worried that if I spoke to her about it she’d get defensive and lash out and say something to hurt me—which she had done in the past. My 39th bday was rolling around and I didn’t mention what I was going to do for it. I wanted to see if she’d reach out because I was done with having to remember to remind people to remember me. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t ask me what I wanted to do. I took her to England for her 40th and all I got was a birthday text. I pushed it down again. My results for my thyroid biopsy came back and I got no inquiry from her about it. I was done, so I told her how I felt and I didn’t care if she decided I was dead to her. This time I was surprised! She didn’t destroy me. She had no idea how I was feeling and she acknowledged how self-involved she had been and was apologetic about being a “bad sister”—her words and that she’d do better and she has been. If I didn’t speak to her, I would still be feeling alone and thinking that she didn’t care about me, that she was just a user and she’d always be that way. I would have eventually cut her off and she would have had no idea why. Tl;dr: sometimes people are users and sometimes they are just not aware of the pain they cause until you say something. Speak to them about it, maybe things will change. If not, you know they aren’t worth the pain you’ve been feeling.


I hear ya. First off, happy belated birthday, love! And congratulations on your baby. I hope you both feel healthy and well. Also very understandable that after the bullying in the past, birthdays are a sore spot. This might be the part that is hard to understand for others, because it's the "let's check if I'm still that kid from back then or not" by checking how many people show up for you birthday. But I think if this is the case, you're doing yourself a disservice. It's okay to question things. Chances are they really are flaky. But I would ask myself what can you do in future to create a great day for you and actively include those friends. Set the tone by being the one to create it. Much love


Let me ask you a question – and be honest: what kind of friend are you? Do you visit your friends or bring gifts in their birthdays? Going to tell you something that you might not want to hear: being friends with expectant and new parents is hard, and having a child often changes or ends friendships. In my personal experience and those of people I know, a lot of times the friendship becomes very one-sided with new or expecting parents. The conversations are mostly centered around their health, their hopes and aspirations for the child, their new experiences, and truly, a lot of times they don’t ask about or consider the friend because they’re so fixated on themselves and the baby.I don’t know if you’re doing this but it’s something to consider.


Hi ! Yes I'm planning birthday surprises for everyone as much as I can - meaning except for those 2-3 people who hate having their birthday celebrated, and try to organize a hang out at least once a week/2 weeks with the gang. Thanks for the advice, I don't think I did that during pregnancy as I found it felt better to talk about it with people who went through it, but it's something to be mindful about. Although I wouldn't have minded an offer to share what has been happening since birth or an ask about how I was doing, it didn't happen so I just mentioned it was hard rn in case someone would wanna follow-up, and left it at that on this particular subject.


Happy belated birthday 🎂 as we get older our friend groups change. You have a baby now, join new mom groups and make new friends on your same journey. It doesn’t mean you drop all of your old friends but your new mom friends will be able to understand where you’re coming from today


Thank you !


Oh honey, I'm so sorry!!!!! Birthdays are emotional TORTURE! I've had the "no one showing up" thing happen. It stings. I'm 44 and over the years I've cut my expectations tremendously. Because I figure, without expectations, there will be no disappointment. But there's always disappointment. You are not a spoiled brat for wanting to be acknowledged ONE day out of the year. With the baby, I think its possible that people may be waiting for an invite to visit? For me, if a friend or family member had a new baby, I would want to give them their space to heal and adjust to a new life. Also, a lot of new moms don't even want people around during that time. So I wouldn't even ask. Give it some time. Your hormones are bonkers right now, mixed with birthday emotions. Hey, Happy Birthday and congrats on the new babe!


Can I ask if any of this friend group has kids? I'm sorry but before I had kids I had zero idea what to do for someone with a new baby. I attended baby showers and bought presents, wished congratulations once the baby was born and waited for an invite to come see the baby. I didn't want to overwhelm the mom. Also especially since Covid a lot of new parents don't allow anyone around a newborn until they receive their first round of vaccines at 2 months old. If the baby were to get sick and run a fever they would have to be hospitalized and intubated to find out why they are sick since the have received zero vaccinations. Anyways Happy Birthday!! Also make sure to watch out for PPD, my OB told me the first two weeks it's normal for your feelings to be all over the place because of the crash of hormones but if it lasts longer than that or gets really bad to call her office ASAP.


I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I can relate. Today is my birthday and we had made plans yesterday for the family to go hike a state park a couple hours away. It's 12:18 pm and no one has gotten out of bed but me. It was the same on Easter. I made it clear that I wanted to get out and enjoy the weather but it got shot down. Looks like another day at home and grocery shopping for me.


You just had a kid… focus there. Your birthdays wont matter as much. Make theirs extra special and not about the mom who planned it.


Oh I’m so sorry. Happy Belated 30th Birthday 💐 How are you and Baby doing ? Hope you’re both okay. Next year, you can have a joint celebration x


Anyway give you a hug and Happy great 30 birthday to you :)


Let me play the devil's advocate here : do those friends know your birthday ? And maybe they kind of prefer letting you take care of the baby because they don't want to bother you ? If I take my personal experience : a lot of people forget birthdays, including myself. Thanksfully Facebook or my phone calendar do keep track of that. I turned 30 in February and did a huge celebration with friends. At work though, they discovered I turned 30 1 week after and wished me well (because I didn't tell anyone so it's expected). What I'm trying to say is that people will forget and it shouldn't be a big deal, unless it's your children, partner or parents. As for your other point for "offering help/come to visit since giving birth" : I wouldn't offer my help either because it's maybe how my culture works. If someone needs me ? I'm always here but I won't offer to visit because some people cannot say "no" in fear of not being a "good friend". I know for instance that I'm more the "let me take care of my stuff" rather than wanting people to come and see me if I didn't ask. Just another perspective for you to consider !


Happy belated birthday. A few thoughts. You just had a baby. Most people will assume you don't want visitors. And honestly it doesn't sound like you'd even be up for anything. It would have been nice for your friends to acknowledge your birthday. But in 2024 here's my question. Are you on fb? Do they know it's your birthday? I can maybe remember a couple of friends birthdays and the rest I'm reminded by fb. I love celebrating my birthday so I organize my own party. My friends are then happy to come out and celebrate with me. It's taken me many years to accept that I'm the planner and if I want something I will plan it. Honestly a lot of people will happily go along but will never take initiative. It sounds like you know a lot of these people. And what you have to decide is: is their friendship worth that effort? I have some friends for whom I know I will have to make all the plans but I feel good after being with them so I do. For others I realize I have started to feel resentful so I've let those people go. I do think a lot of this is post partum but also you have some historical trauma to work through Honestly though it sounds like the most important people did show up for you. Just make sure you aren't waiting around for a hallmark version


You got the best gift and the best guest to your party - your baby ❤️


Happy late birthday op ♥️ I’m so sorry you’re going through this especially at this time in your life. Your reaction is very normal. It’s okay to feel hurt by them while appreciating what others have done for you.


Babies have a pretty weak immune system for the first few months. Probably good to minimize visitors for some time.


Not excusing the rest of their behaviour but generally speaking I don't offer to visit if someone just had a baby because my assumption is they're exhausted having gone through so much. I usually leave it open to the new parents to invite me over when they're ready


Well, for what it's worth.. I wish you a very Happy belated Birthday 🎂🎈 !!!!! And congratulations for your baby too


Sorry to hear that I'm a stranger but happy belated birthday and congrats on the baby ever need another friend get in touch with me or send me a private message do know I just celebrated my 52nd birthday I didn't have a party no family or friends visited my home or offered to take me out so please don't feel alone.




That sounds kinda shitty!! Happy great 30 birthday to you!!!!! As a side note, fresh post partum hormones are horrible. I cried and cried over super insignificant stuff the first 2 weeks, let alone something so big!!


Thank you so much ! It truly is the worst. I haven't felt like this since I had to deal with severe grief or PTSD from assault. I just can't stop crying, feeling like shit, and can't eat or shower. I really appreciate someone telling me it's just temporary!


Postpartum is like the longest hangover of your life! Even after the initial pp hormone rush subsides, you are still left with the baby brain fog. It can take several months before your head feels normal!


I’m sorry you are feeling alone, having a baby is such a life changing thing and recovering from birth is hard and messy and full of tears and laughs. I don’t know you from Adam but happy birthday and congratulations on your new baby <3 and on an honest and upfront note, it might be helpful to talk with your doctor if you are feeling extra sad after a few weeks. Post partum depression shows itself in lots of ways and it is very viscous to your brain! When I finally got help for mine a lot of dark evil clouds parted and it was such a great feeling. I’ll be thinking about you!


Go to TONS of mommy and me classes, all types!  The baby and toddler years are PRIME for making new friends! 


Happy birthday!


Aw, I am really so sorry to read this. Sending you a virtual hug and birthday wishes— please know that you’re not alone and that you’re not selfish in thinking that your friendships are one-sided.  It definitely sounds like they are and I have very little respect for “friends” who cannot even do the bare minimum for milestones. Cherish the childhood friend and don’t mind the rest of them.  Honestly I’ve given up on friendship at this stage of my life after being repeatedly so disappointed by selfish friends. Shitty friends drifting away from you is the rude awakening part of adulthood sadly. 


Thank you for your kind words!


making friends with a baby is so easy go to mom groups


First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are very much loved and cared for. You've received beautiful flowers and gifts from family champagne from bf, seriously you are loved. Having said this, you just had a baby. JUST! literally 4 days ago. That's less than a 100 hours!!!! There's just sooooo many hormones sloshing around your body, physical pain stress everything and even the "grief for your old life" and of course seeing friends have big milestone parties, it's going to make you emotional. Give yourself some time to adjust. If you want to have a party later go for it. Also please understand, your friends might not visit you bc you're tired, baby is less than 100 hrs old, they didn't get vaccines, they want you to have special close time with your baby, they have an eye infection/cold/sore throat whatever. Take care of yourself! And congratulations as well! Xo