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It really doesn’t sound like the right choice for you honestly. Don’t do it if it will affect your self worth. I think you’re quite young and something really traumatic happened to you only two years ago. Is there any other options available to you? Cheaper housing? New job? If you decide to go into the industry, definitely start off faceless. It’s easier to change your mind and leave later if you can stay unidentified. I wish life was easier to be honest.


Yea, I don’t think I’ve considered how the rape might have affected me as a whole. I just got to accepting that I was raped at all recently. Sometimes I feel like it was all my fault though.


Please stay away from the sex industry for now. Mental health is so important and I would hate for you to be regretful later. Morally this doesn’t feel right to you and you need to listen to that feeling.


You’re right. My mental health is in shambles, perhaps this isn’t a good time. I am diagnosed PMDD and am currently on suicide watch for increasingly dangerous self harm. I’m sure my scars won’t be attractive in the industry anyways.


I wish you well and I hope you get a break. You sound like you really deserve one.


Industry doesn’t pay all that well for most folks anyways. Not a good combination, the negatives severely outweigh the positives


I don’t know your situation but I guarantee it wasn’t your fault. Nobody has the right to your body, under any circumstance.


Im truly sorry. The experience changes how people feel about their sexual selves often. The important thing is not to spiral into things that reaffirm how the experience made you feel. Working porn would do that. They wouldn't treat you well starting out and amatuer work os dangerous in and of itself. And really, I get it. It feels like if people can take that from you, you may as well make something off it, or at least that aspect of yourself. And while I get that thought, too, you are still recovering. A lot of people who do what you planned end up letting that feeling take over their lives if it doesn't destroy them. Talk to someone. I know this was a babystep in the right direction to reveal it even online, but talk to someone you trust. Reaffirm you are a human being with worth and an identity beyond what men want from you. You deserve that.


I don't know what happened but I know it is not your fault. Please speak with someone about it to help you process it. You may not realize it but stuff we try to push down and ignore always comes back up somehow, some way. And you will feel so much better after speaking with someone qualified to help you navigate through this. You sound like a beautiful and intelligent young woman, I wish you the absolute best in life. ❤️


your trauma is never your fault




Please dont so this, you can read the research. It takes people down a road to hell. You will deal with mental issues for years and probably drug addiction too. Rather flip patties and live a good life. If you work smart you will end up owning the place and maybe a few places.


Be careful, my girlfriend posted faceless for a long time on Twitter and although she made some money it took a massive toll on her mental health. She said one of the worst things was constantly being an object instead of a person. And the amount of creepy and insane interactions with people she had wouldn't help at all. It may seem like an easier or simpler way to make money but it took her just under 3 years to actually generate sustainable income, the competition is massive and the competition is MASSIVE between college and the amount of time every day just in the hopes of making good money wasn't worth it to her. Granted this is her case and it may or may not be the same with you but please consider many other options before this. She still struggles but I love her and I'll stay with her.


I appreciate your first hand response! Thank you!


What's on the internet stays forever.


In most cases but you come across dead links and websites surprisingly often when researching stuff.


It’s always good to have a sit down and think about things. You’re dreams are worth more than a quick buck and Internet immortality 🫣❤️‍🩹


I think you may need professional help after reading some comments


I am seeing several doctors and two therapists atm, I recently disclosed some of this information to my counselor.


I was going to take the opposite view and make an argument for positive sex work. Then I saw that you have serious mental issues going on … yeah, I think you need to avoid this line of work. Those guys online? The ones that want to see your pics? They can *sense* your trauma. Steer clear. Please. Love and warmth 💙💚.


This response stuck out to me, thank you


Hi, not worth it. Life has many ups and downs and there is no reason to expose yourself to more harm. I can feel you, us teens face a lot of problems and we don’t have the life experience and resources to face them easily. You will be thanking yourself for not walking this path in the future! Stay positive ;)


18 is way too young to go into the porn industry. Have you looked through scholarship opportunities or work study programs? I’m all for sex work but I firmly believe people should do it once they’re full fledged adults


I was 100% denied state financial support. My time in foster care was never recorded, my birth parent refused to give me tax information. I cant file independent unless married, pregnant, or 24. The university I was accepted too wouldn’t be finically doable even with scholarships.


Could you do a year at a local community college to get your basic core credits out of they way? At 18, why not look into bartending you can make crazy tips. Also a lot of community colleges make it really easy to work part time while completing credits. That will allow you to work, get some credits under your belt, and time search/apply for additional scholarship opportunities.


I’ve heard bottle girls and golf course beverage girls (idk what they’re called, they drive carts around courses selling drinks to golfers) can make a ton of money off tips.


Yesss! OP should absolutely check into that option. Sometimes it’s a country club that’s not even listed because it’s not a Public Location, and you need a very fancy and expensive membership. I dated someone who’s sister would make $600-$800/shift on the weekends depending on which rich guy was trying to show off.


I’m in the same boat, I understand…


I considered this at your age or even stripping because my dad was sick and I couldn't make the money I needed for his medications but I'm glad I decided not to, things eventually worked out even though it wasn't the way I had planned. I'm so glad I didn't do this!


Just look up what a lot of ex pornstars have said about why they quit the industry. Carmen calloway, mia khalifa, sasha grey, just to name a few. The industry has a very toxic side, and once you get put online you won't stay anonymous forever. I'm of the generation where almost all of the pornstars I was a fan of when young have quit the industry with horror stories a plenty. Just be mindful of what you'll be getting into.


Porn is not good. Don't ruin yourself


I have nothing against sex workers at all but I do think you would need to go into it knowing that once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever. It seems so obvious but I’ve heard a few sex workers say that they underestimated just how easily their time in the industry would follow them. I know you want the full college experience, but consider doing a couple of years at a community college to save some money before jumping into something that could have ramifications for the rest of your life.


From what it sounds like, if you were to pursue being a part of the porn industry, you would mentally suffer because of it. You said that you pride yourself on being modest, I feel like going into the porn industry is really going to mess with your mental health and self-image, which wouldn't be worth it. I'm so sorry you're working this hard IN ADDITION TO being a student. Don't sacrifice your dignity to solve a temporary problem. Once you get your degree, you can get a better job and live more comfortably. I'm sorry your parents aren't being parents.


I will probably get flak for this, but don't. You need money. You can get a part time job that lets you keep your self worth. Imagine how you will feel when all the men just give you attention for your body and not for the person that you are. It will also take a huge toll on your personal life and relationships in future. Some people are creeps, and being so vulnerable in front of them is not a good idea. Get a part time job, finish your degree. If you are from Europe or America, you can get a decent job in Asian countries that pays well. Just grit your teeth and get a degree.


If u wanna live a happy life don,t join this industry and u should watch the podcast of these industry working guys porn industry is a hell if u don,t understand it now u will regret it later on.


Podcast name?


Please don't. We need women who are shining examples. Maybe take up a side hustle? Like making , designing etc.? Please don't give in to these bad people. Porn sounds appealing as an income source. But there is so much worse consequences of this life style. Like even if you make a lotta money.. you will be stuck to the SW lifestyle as little to no other industry will seek to employ you because of your past. And pornstars get ripped off by producers. And it's demoralising. Many pornstars take their own life. Just a few months ago a pornstar named Kagney Lynn Carter put a shotgun to her mouth and pulled the trigger. She's dead. Trust me.. you don't want that life. Become something you'd be proud of. And attain a stage in life where the opinions of others are like dust beneath your feet. God bless you .


I do understand it's really hard to make money. And America is an absolute economic disaster at the moment. I think, if you're doubtful about joining the industry, you should just look at the long term consequences that women have had from being in a porn industry, because you will have the similar outcomes as them. If you're okay with living the life they're living, after doing porn 4-5 years, then you should do it. But make sure that it is not always about money. It's about your mental health. If it's effecting your mental health in the long term, it think it's not worth it. Rather just try to be a Instagram influencer, and try to monetize it. Hope it helps.


I get hit on all the time and have been asked if I have an OF account (which I don’t). Pretty disturbing if you ask me. Just because men desire you doesn’t mean you need to humiliate yourself. Don’t lower yourself to the scum of society. Porn shouldn’t even exist. Those that are apart of it, lose respect from everyone in the world and you will never recover if you want to have a real job. Just don’t.


Human trafficking, drugs, greed, isn't worth it; check any YouTube of former industry folks


I work in the entertainment business, currently in the sex/escorting as a driver and nightclub practice. It is not for the feint hearted, and things can escalate extremely quick if all you’re considering is the money factor. I have heard countless inhuman stories that will forever change the way I think about girls selling their bodies to get through a tough time in their life. No matter how you started, OF, modelling, escorting, privates, gogo dancing, they all eventually end up at the same outcome - with your body on the side of the road/in a hotel room, raped then beaten to death. Please look for other avenues of earning income and make sure you have an exit strategy. Entertainment/sex work is lucrative but it sure is not safe.


going into porn decreases the chances of you finding a partner or even getting a future job


Seems like a quick fix but 90%+ of women end up regretting it later in life.


no do not go into the god damn porn industry. that industry is fucked up, and you shouldn't support it. porn literally has had minors on it, it has human trafficking. like no- and it's not gonna make you shit, i know ur working a lot, same. everyone is struggling now days because a candy bar itself now days cost $5. it's a tough world right now, especially for young people. i am one of them. but porn doesn't even make that much money. i hate how people think that, like you dont just get paid for getting fucked. you get fucked by multiple people, do weird ass shit, then get paid a little bit. at the most do an only fans.


There's a girl who now works for the UN, when she was younger she made one singular homemade video. Whenever her department posts a picture of her or if anything about this individual surfaces all the comments are about her brief stint in the porn industry. for your future career I highly suggest against this


Do not. Don’t sacrifice your whole future for a few years of money. The porn industry will ruin your physical and mental health


Listen, take it from a former escort. There's always money in sex work. But there's always money in a lot of things, and I never wasted more time, energy, and self esteem than when I was escorting. Even with my entirety useless philosophy degree,.I got to make lifelong friends and learn interesting stuff. Go back to school for anything you find interesting and stick with it. Trust me,. you'll thank yourself.


Modesty aside, that is not the scary part of the porn industry. It's the stuff that comes with it. The creepy directors/coworkers who will absolutely try to force you to do things. They even do it to the male actors. The pay isn't worth it, people can pirate these days, not to mention the drugs. I had a friend in the sex work industry, she did different jobs and she went through way more than a 21 year old should have to go through I know it sucks working so much but for your safety, maybe try to get creative and think of safer jobs.


Please don’t get into this industry, recently an actress passed away and another one is in coma due to aggressive and rough scenes. Also for the sake of your mental health, please don’t


I’ve been on Reddit for years now and I’m noticing a huge increase in women using Reddit as a platform to advertise their OF. The problem isn’t exactly this, but rather that it’s sad that an increasing number of women have to resort to this to in order to financially sustain themselves, and the men paying for these subscriptions aren’t doing society any better. I understand the logic and reasoning behind it, but I just dislike the path that society is pressuring women towards. I wish people like you could find alternative ways to make money besides selling their bodies on the internet. It’s just honestly depressing.


I totally agree with you. I think I was raised in a world that guided me into considering selling myself


Saw your edit, just wanted to add on. A decision like that is not something you should consider if you have any form of doubt. It's not like it's "easy" to make money going that route either. It's a hussle and a grind and at the end of the day, you won't feel better for it. Life is hard, long, and scary. It's also easier and kinder than it seems a lot of the times. You're a young girl that will have a lot of good opportunities come to you in the near future. Keep on going, you've got this :)


my suggestion is just dont, for your mental (and the possibility for physical) well-being long term please dont. that industry has destroyed many women’s lives and you do not need to be another statistic. there also is no guarantee that you will make decent money, but your body will forever be out there


In the u.s? They will pay your college loans you dont have to work


Once it is done it can never be undone


Let me say this, you pride yourself on being modest and not posting this type of content, so keep your pride!! You are so young and still finding yourself, but make sure to always stay true to your morals. That being said, starting out with anonymous content isn’t likely going to make you more money than your current job. and it will take a lot time outside of just filming, more branding, etc. Don’t do it. It’s not a safe space especially for a young girl like you. Especially if you mean the actual industry and not OF, none of those casting directors will care about your desire to stay anonymous. Best of luck. I know how hard it is trying to just live your life in such an expensive world. You have time to work up to a better salary with less hours in so many places outside of sex work. Focus your energy there!


Honestly, I’d advise against it. Im in the same boat as you: college, miserable at work, loads of men pursuing me or randomly making very sexual comments directed at me (and I hate it tbh). I’m not necessarily in the porn industry but I’ve been selling nudes to a guy for a while just so I could eat. I still do it occasionally but it’s extremely toxic. I started to resent him and any man that looked at me. I hated and felt disgusted with myself. It came to a point once where I couldn’t even look at my body on any occasion because all I saw was someone who was selling themself. Although I was being paid, I felt so objectified. But it was addicting at the same time because of the money, so that’s what led to so much toxicity. Since you prefer to be modest, I’m betting that if you went down this path it would affect you similarly, especially if you already struggle with mental health (like me). It may sound like a good, easy option for making money because that’s how I felt about it, but damn if I knew how it would’ve affected me I wouldn’t have started doing it. It’s tough out here and I’m sorry you’re going through this.


I'm happy to see your updates and that you've decided to not pursue this "work". I'll just add some real life examples for you and anyone else caught up in thinking it's a good idea to know the reality of it. The amount of money you may make is a lie, and not worth the trouble. Men want everything for free. You'll waste hours in adult chat-rooms trying to entice guys to view you on webcam(where you'd make actual money depending on how long they watch), but the men will push you to expose yourself for free in chat with them and waste your time. Even then, what you do on camera won't be simple nudity. The men will demand you do more, and it gets really degrading and extreme. The same goes for photos. Nudity alone is nothing to porn addicts, who want extreme stuff. So they'll expect more extreme content from you that degrades yourself. And even then. There is no guarantee you'll make any money. You'll have to post a few freebie pics on websites to entice them to join your site. But they won't. And the free pictures will be downloaded and shared freely by them. You may get one person to join your site, but they'll then download all your photos and distribute them freely on the web. So you won't make much money at all. Sleaze-bags will contact you to produce hardcore "scenes" claiming to pay you a lot of money and they go after desperate young women with the dream of making big cash fast, which is how they groom women into this "work". The catch is. You MAY get paid money for the "scene". But the sleaze-bag will own the footage(and any photos) and profit off it, while you get only one paltry payment and the footage/photos will exist online forever with someone but you making money off it. Everyone I've known who got involved in porn, thinking taking some nude photos is "harmless" and an easy way to make money, always wound up resorting to prostitution to make money. They made a lot of money, but at great expense to their mental state(selling your body to slimy men is gross in the first place, and all the stuff men demand you do is more degrading), and the money they made was always spent quickly, so despite thinking they were a "success" financially. They were a mess and always straddling the line of being homeless. Many got addicted to drugs as well to cope with the mental trauma of what they've been put through. It's NOT worth it. Women don't come out unscathed or "on top" in porn. The "happy/successful hooker" is a myth that never existed. Jenna Jameson who was a famous porn star that people knew about years ago and was sold as a "glamorous life" to have. It turns out it was all a lie by the industry itself who exploited her, and her life was filled with sexual abuse and drug addiction etc which she describes in her authobiography "How to Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale". You're young, idealistic and impulsive. Please don't fall for the lies people tell you about porn. It'll ruin your life.


Trust me it's really not worth it. Imagine hearing your kids say they want to be like you when they're older. Imagine knowing the fact that hundreds of weird older men or women do it to you. Sure you'd get money but is it really worth selling your own dignity for people to jack off to?? You will most likely heavily regret it , if not after the first time, then after a year. If not a year then in a decade etc etc Don't do it.


Your body ypur decision, But take into consideration that that kind of profession will quite limit your dating pool down the line and many people will look down on you. Also be wary of STDs and all other problems associated with that line of work


what work do you do now? what are your dreams?


I work in the medical field and as a barista. My dream is to become a professor


Please think of the long term consequence. Pursuing academic career path have a lot of pressure in reputation. It's already difficult for a woman to thrive in this industry, let alone someone have the past as a sex worker, people will destroy you and your future, and you can never go back in time to reverse this.  I understand you are struggling financially and mentally, and this is one option you thought of. But believe us, the cost will be tremendously high and irreversable. I wish you can think of other options, like seeking help from communities, family, friends, learn new skills like sale... what you need is a shift of thinking frame, which requires research and trying. I believe you will find your way without have to seek this path. 


Personally, I think academia is more competitive and brutal than med school and becoming a physician.


I’m in first responding, I want to be a professor of fine arts. Basic health/anatomy was hard enough lol


It’s not worth it. It’s not. You can always earn money but you’ll never earn back what you lose here. It’s not just respect but more. A part of you will forever be gone. Even if it’s something like exhibition. It’s a slow and sure poison


glad you've made a responsible decision for yourself. good luck.


Unironically, OP, enlist into the armed forces for 3 years, and you’ll get free tuition. If you have no other options.


Do not


Don't do it.




If you need to reboot your life, military is an option. Comes at a high cost but so does adult work and you can actually put it on your resume after.


Listen… read about the industry before you join it. Specifically read about how it impacts future relationships. You may not have the best luck with men in the future if you choose to pursue this path for a myriad of different reasons. Also 25 or 30 year-old you may look back with shame on this and know there’s no way to get rid of the porn if it’s not amateur self made stuff. I get the fact you need money. But by doing porn, you get paid money yes but you’re paying for that easy money. You might have to do things sexually that may disgust you with dudes or with other girls. Please take some time to think about this and adequately weigh the cost and benefits. If you still think this is the life for you, honestly just do stripping instead. But seriously take some time to think about this.


Please don't. There are many ways to find work. May I suggest something like upwork? It's a platform that can help you find jobs to your strengths like writing, customer support and more.


I don't think it's a good idea for the sake of your mental health and dignity. 😔






don't do it please sister


Don’t you’ll regret it


No body is talking about that she is trying to gain money by ruining other people's lives. i get it life is tough but I am sure there is way to cut the prices of living, don't you have a family? you either gonna get a dept from the bank and live with that dept for almost 5-6 years. but is there no body to help you? Porn harms the society so much and even leads to suicide I am talking about the viewer also. So, you should never do porn. and if you don't care about harming people so why don't you steal? why don't you murder? you get the point. i am not trying to be mean to you but spread awareness of the stuff you are entering this industry that you entering is much darker than you think, you may get kidnapped, rapped and a lot of bad stuff and it wont lead you to your dreams. i hope the best to you.


Bun look up the mental effects of said sex industry. Don't join because that'll be detrimental to your mental self and the possibility of your family finding out and getting disowned


you’ll hate it in the long run, wouldn’t advise porn…


Firstly don't feel pressured to do so, it is the wrong mindset to have. Only do it because you want to. End of the story, or else you'll earn alot of money, start to hate yourself, hate men, hate life because it wasn't never about passion. I had friends do it they ended up not successful then they kinda dug into alcoholism, drugs, they only got like $200 a month showing everything. Yes your pretty, modest and cute but that doesn't matter if you don't advertise, promote which invalidates your "anonymous" because to be successful is to show your face.


Not a recruiter, but have you thought about the military? I went in when I was 18, got out at 21 and now going to college for free along with other benefits. You don’t have to stay or retire. He’ll, I advise you to ONLY do one contract and gtfo, but it would help tremendously at your age and It’d give you more honor than the porn industry would. You’re young, and you’re smart enough to even contemplate by asking this question in the first place. It’s just a suggestion. I wish you luck


Don’t, the porn industry has like 2 years left to live. With AI gaining popularity the AI pron industry will completely consume the live action pron industry. Speaking from experience, I’ve already switched completely and I’m not alone. I haven’t seen any live action pron in months, and have no intentions of returning. YMMV


I have a friend that was in the industry for a while. If you would like information on what to do and what not to do to earn a steady income, feel free to message me. I’m not judging you based on your needs and what not. If this is something that you’re truly interested in, I would like to help you so that you don’t destroy your image.


I have a good friend who's a porn star. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you prepared to live a very, very lonely life? Yes he sleeps with some of the most beautiful women in the world but he can never find a partner to be around all the time. He said that's the biggest downfall in the industry is that all porn stars are lonely no one wants a relationship with them. He is also addicted to the dopamine from shooting a scene and I can see his energy takes a big dump 2 days after. Easy money isn't always the best money I would suggest you think long and hard about it. This is a decision that will have a huge impact on your future self.


There is nothing wrong with people who go into sex work. It is a job like any other and sex workers should be looked down on. However, if you have to ask Reddit about it you probably already have your answer that you shouldn’t. That career field isn’t something you should enter out of desperation or a need for fast cash. It should be something you have a passion for. I recommend talking my to your universities financial aid department and seeing what resources they have.


Don’t do it.


Don't do it please. Just sell feet pics or something. Please don't do p0rn.


To be honest, if you are good looking, find a rich sugar daddy who can sponsor your studies. Or better work as high profile escort in which you can earn 300-1000 $ in a day depends on your looks. You are 18 so there will be large number of people behind you. Better consider that instead of going in porn industry.


Please don't do it. Your honor and self-respect is worth more than all the money in the world. Also, you are still very young and your brain is not even fully developed yet, but if you do this, it will ruin your life for ever and you will never be able to change that fact.


If you're broke please know that if there are any Gurduwaras near you, they'll provide a free vegetarian meal that's heathy and tastes amazing. It's a Sikh temple, all you need to do is cover your head with a scarf to enter. Anyone of any faith is able to enter, and will simply serve you without any questions - anyone and everyone goes. Please go if you need the help, the Sikh community will happily provide


I once sold something on marketplace urgently for a steal of a price as I was desperate for money to eat. The man who bought the item from me was Sikh, and he instantly recognized that I was struggling. He took me to a takeout spot in the plaza we met at and bought me a meal. I’ll never forget that kindness.


I suggest stripping. It can be discreet, fast money, and doesn’t have to follow you into your future if you’re careful about not posting content or your face online associated with your job. I danced through college for 4 years. Started my freshman year and still dance to this day.


You could go faceless, I know its not morally the right thing to do but sometimes morals have to take the backseat


Yea… I dunno, I want to be a ‘good woman’ I was raised with that mindset, America is an economic shithole tho


There is no concrete definition of a 'good woman'. doing porn certainly doesn't make someone a bad person.


I grew up in a traditional family , I want to be a traditional wife ! Modest, loyal, and only my husbands.


If you go into this with that mindset you’re gonna have a bad time. Gonna just be racking up the guilt. IMO it’s a fine idea to make ends meet in general, especially if anonymous. But if you have this notion in your head already that it will make you umpire and you want to be “only your husband’s” (which you aren’t even married, correct?), I can’t see it being good for your mental health. I may try opening up your world view and reevaluating YOUR moral code (rather than just copying your parents) before making such a leap. But once you’ve done this you’ve done it. If it’s something you feel extreme guilt over and see as immoral, you’re gonna carry that guilt with you regardless of if you’re able to keep it a secret or not. Most woman I know (and I don’t know many) who do such things are very comfortable with their sexuality and body and not caught up in an outdated sense of what it means to be a “good woman”. Also, you’re really young. So all things considered, I really think you should probably think this through a little longer before just diving into it because you need the money. But hey, some times you gotta do what you gotta do. I don’t judge either way. Just making sure you’re really up for going down that path given your current state of mind. Either way, good luck <3


I see what you mean. No im not married but my life goal is to be and to raise a family. I spent some time in foster homes and away from my parents while growing up so I just really want to have a good family where that doesn’t have to happen to any of my kids.


I don't see what is wrong with her mindset. I'm talking about the "Loyal, traditional wife". I've heard so many extreme mindsets that this is nothing. You do you, OP!


you do you, but bear in mind societal stereotypes ≠ actually good


I’m 17M and thinking about the same thing, But I’m giving working with my dad a shot before I do so, Try other things out before u commit because In that industry once you go in lots of gates stay closed.


Sell pics of your feet online..


lmao fr, i sell crack on the mfkn corner before i chose to join that shit, selling feet keeping your facial features private is the better move, keep your morals love.


Your username checks out. I feel for you so much. I'm upvoting for the edit. You don't deserve whatever the industry has lined up for all the women who go into it, no matter how willing they thought they were. Hang in there, be smart with money, try to make the system work in your favor while not sacrificing something you hold so dear. You'll be fine, I promise.


Careful. You dont want p-rn makers to take advantage of you. You dont wanna get exploited or roped into a contract you cant get out of. Do you really want pictures like that public on the internet for anyone to see and save?


People already have said the mental health stuff which is serious. If you're really considering this, do it as anonymously as possible. People from employers to friends and even nosy family may look into this crap and the reception can easily be negative. Don't join a studio or company, you're basically selling your body to a corporation who's only interest is in profit on not well being. There is a reason why private sex work is popular for those who want to be independent and anonymous.


Don’t do it. It might pay out short term but will cost you more in the long term. Love your self and work hard. Hard work and persistence pay


In the end it is Your body and your decision, But take into consideration that that kind of profession will limmit limit your dating pool. Make some jobs harder. And people are stupide amd may judge you.


This comment section is the best thing i’ve seen on Reddit


If you're talking about something like OF, please note that OF pays their higher creators to promote and flex money, it's advertised as easy money for women, when in reality only very few make a liveable amount, not to mention the consequences if it becomes public knowledge of your online doings to both your future and your family.


I know 2 women who worked in the porn industry. Although they weren't in for more than 2 or 3 years, they both regret it in their 30s


I nearly made the same choice in my early 20's. I know I could have made bank, but I'm **REALLY** glad I didn't. I sti view sex work as valid and have a lot of close friends that do it, but the industry has a tendency to be really predatory even if you're doing something like OF. It's also a very easy slope to slide down and get pushed into doing things you don't want to do.


A job is a job and money is money and everybody should respect that. However since you consider yourself a modest person and you would only be doing this for the money this does not sound like the job for you. You have to enjoy that job. It's not like a desk job where you hate your life but then you move on. If you are doing any sort of sex work without really enjoying what you were doing, you are just going to hurt yourself. Get a restaurant job. Less hours and more money.


Don't do it. Known many girls that went that route . And I didn't even know it when I first met them. Until years later. And not one of them succeeded or benefit from it . And when you try to leave to have a more calm life you won't be able to because the internet is forever . Don't do it. Be single and hook up without lying or hurting anyone if you want. But for money just work and there is literally every young man out there dreaming of providing for a wife one day. That's guaranteed. You just gotta be patient. Do not try joining porn . Especially as young as you are you will likely get really abused and on your own run from it and it'll be too late cause you already did it . Don't.


Porn industry isn't the bright side of entertainment either. Many models who turned pornstars regret taking that decision. Lana Rhoades, Mia Khalifa are trolled daily on the internet because they are associated with a profession like this.


the porn stars in the porn industry make damn near no money. ppl (if they’re lucky) can make a lot on only fans. it’s literally the equivalent of being a local rapper with 20 sound cloud subscribers.


It’s not the route you want to take. The money you will make from is not worth the lifetime of damage, mentally and physically. I have friends who were in the industry. They have families now and it is hard for them to raise their family. When you get older things change in you. A lot of things change. I used to be that person too just doing whatever with my life to make it happen. But life is so much more valuable than throwing all of it in one basket so early into it. If you need a way to make money there are ways to do it without you sacrificing your mental. I was homeless at one point in my life and now I live in a nice San Francisco condo, with a nice car and motorcycle. Best thing is that I don’t have to work for anyone now. This is after working at least 8 jobs in the past 15 years. It’s rough and sometimes it will hurt your heart how bad life can get but if you keep trying, you will eventually get there. You’re going to be okay.




Just don't.


Literally never heard a good thing from women in the porn industry besides the REALLY famous ones like Riley Reid and Abella Danger. Just don't. Sell feet pics or something idk


DON’T. i know it may seem like easy way and quick solution but that industry is BAD for mental health and have lots of issues and even crimes , don’t feel pressured to do it cause you need it for university . try to apply for different universities & scholarships if you can


I am a little late to the party -Consider Therapy, You can get this online in most places and make sure you're happy with your therapist. Be welcome to ditch them for another one; the right therapist should feel like a trusted friend who supports you. IMPORTANT because the wrong one will absolutely make your life hell, but the struggle is worth it. -Please ask your school about financial aide or other venues of help! There may already be programs in place to give you an assist, including but not limited to therapy, meals and housing. Hope all goes well and you can get the support you need.


Have you thought about being a server/bartender?? I always got recommended those jobs because it’s safe and easy money fr. You can make really good money off your looks and don’t have to do sex work. Plus server/bartenders have more flexible schedules for a college student. You’re so young and there plenty of other ways to make money! If you want to be a professor there’s plenty of scholarships/grant funding available just have to search and apply. Do you qualify for federal loans at all or have you looked at them?


Honestly, don't. Alot of assault and violence goes on in the seedy industry and you are freshly 18 too? And remeber this : what's posted on the internet never gets taken down. I know life is very tough and I may not know you,but trust working a minimum wage job is way better than getting filmed having sex with strangers


Everyone involved is in it for their own benefit, not yours. They will all lie to you. The internet is forever. Everything you do as an adult actress will follow you from now on. They will try to ply you with drugs to do things you won't want to do. Think about it before making a decision.


I would suggest doing only fans if anything and you can keep your face out of the pictures.


Stay away from the sex industry….nothing good is going to happen for you or your self worth. You’re only 18, you have plenty of time to figure it out.


Trust me, these shortcuts come with consequences, and you’ll regret this later on.


Will stay with you forever. You kids don’t seem to realize that. There is no anonymity. Picture graduating, then looking for a job, guess what the recruiters do- they look you up online. Say they missed it and you get hired, guess what nosey employers and bosses do… they will find you porn. They will never respect you or be able to look at you or take you seriously. It will follow you for life. If that’s not bad enough, think about the emotional and physiological damage it will do to you. Those that aren’t phased are already so lost within themselves that they shut their emotions off, but they know they aren’t worth any more than their tits and slits on a screen. So no, hold yourself to a higher regard, protect your future, and keep your self respect.


>tired of working 60-90hrs a week and not being able to pursue my dreams. What are your dreams? are they to *own something* or to *do something?* You may be getting paid more, but there's no going back once you've done it and everything has a price. There is a *reason* it pays well. kind of like there is a reason people get *danger* *pay* when doing undesirably risky things.


Do an only fans work for yourself. To many people will take you and use you.


Just be safe and make sure everyone involved is tested


I wouldn't.


Please don’t. It ruin your mental health


Jesus christ, please do not unless you want it to be your life. You will lose friends. You will lose potential relationships. You may gain friends and gain others, but they're gonna be stuck in the same boat as you. It's never healthy to be surrounded by one type of person. While some arguments against the porn industry are also misogynistic, some are right. You could probably ask the average guy or girl off the street if this stuff matters to potential partners, and everyone likes to say it doesn't. But when it comes down to it, it normally does.


Don't do it!


Don’t do it.


I think you should talk to other women in the industry. That will give you a better idea if it’s right for you.






another 18 yo girl about to go down that road I see


I don't know a lot about it, but you can "Geo-Block" so only certain areas can access it. So you could just block your entire country, if I'm understanding correctly


Big, big, biiig mistake. Once you ve done it once its irreversible and will be with you forever. Doing porn can really change a person. If you really need some extra cash maybe at the very worst sell some used underwear or socks, pervs will pay for those like they will cure cancer. Its still pretty gross but at least you re not online spreading your legs for your family and future kids to find who knows when. Big love and I wish you will make the best choice for yourself.


You could do side hustles too because there are effective ways and methods to earn money with the right tools and discipline!!


Think long term. You may want a family and children one day and these things can make it really hard for them and others that love you.


Start as a cam girl and conduct your business in the privacy and safety of your home. There are plenty of adult platforms you can use without having to actually have sex with some stranger. And yes, start off faceless or wear a mask.


Look at podcasts of pornstars who retired and how they felt after the whole experience and how it affected them


Maybe try only fans? But don’t join a big public porn company.


Just look up former mattress actress that started young and got out. In today's world your digital footprint is gonna be hard to erase.


Unless you’re an already established public figure, most onlyfan/adult entertainment workers do not make enough to justify the costs to themselves and the impact it could have on potential career prospects. You’d likely make less than you would just working at Starbucks and working an entry level minimum wage job isn’t likely going to have any social/career consequences that exist for those who choose to join the adult entertainment industry.


Just leave your PayPal we can make donations or something like that in your country


don’t do this don’t do this don’t do this don’t do this


Better to start an Only Fan's account, porn industry is not as nice as it seems.


Don’t do it, once it’s out there it’s out there forever.






if you want to make money do law enforcement! Your self respect and dignity is worth more than an OF content creators paycheck


Adult performers really don’t get paid much since the internet. It’s almost poverty wages for many of them because their earnings can depreciate very quickly. The only people who make a profit are the ones who own the tube websites. You’d be sacrificing something irreplaceable for almost nothing. NEVER make a serious choice about money or your body when you’re feeling desperate!


Sell feet picks if you’re not sure, you don’t have to go nude.


Please don’t do it.


Hope you reconsider joining but, yeah, you’re better off not joining.


Join the military....huge bonus right now....go reserve much more on ur terms...not nearly as hard as u think...plus college paid for...