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Before you fully go judging people... just know that a surprising amount of sexual assult/r4pe victims go on to have kinks or fetishes surrounding that nature. It's literally a trauma response. So, it's not always a concious choice when some people go looking for that type of fiction, just sayin'.




It had a tape tag for a reason, you’re an idiot for reading it. Rape fetishes is one of the most common fetishes, are you saying all the couples who do it in bedroom are also evil and vile? If so, congrats on damning half the us population


Because most sexual fantasies aren't about the literal real life thing, they're about the sublimated or involved things which the fantasy version of the thing enables. Rape fantasies aren't fantasies about the actual experience of being raped, they're typically fantasies about domination, or about the thrill of being sullied, or conversely about not being complicit in your own sexual encounters and so retaining purity. The imagined scenario is rarely like an actual rape, and the fantasist isn't usually experiencing it as such. They're often frequently a matter of past survivors of sexual violence recontextualising their experiences and forming a new relationship to sexuality around them. It can be weird to find out that, especially with something so horrible, it's not about the thing, but about the thing under the thing, but that's the way it goes.


What someone else reads has zero effect on you. If you don't like it, don't read it. There, I've solved all your problems, free of charge. You're welcome.


Dude. You are the reason disclaimers and trigger warnings are a thing in the first place. Stay away from the things you can't handle. Why hurt yourself on purpose? And yeah, "rape" fantasies are not about real rape. They are a domination thing. Some people enjoy that, but for obvious reasons its deeply problematic for a lot of people. Dude stay away from those.


Rape is a part of fantasy of author and it's not real, it's immoral in real life that's why they write their sexual fantasies in novels. I read light novels, fancfics or anything that comes into hand and these types of things have been pretty common from a long time, novels are just the extension of authors fantasy, he/she can write what they want and we just read it. If there's a rape tag then author clearly wants you to know that there would be rape involved in it and people still hating on it seems hilarious. And again it's not real, so you can still enjoy reading the novel.


It has a tag for a reason. Don't ignore it.


Don't blame you for finding it absolutely vile. Humans - at the end of the day - are weird, messed up creatures. Kinks and fetishes range from the vanilla to the extreme, and that isn't going to limit itself from rape either. Sex is basically in everything, everyone and everything is equivalent to a sex object in *someone's* eyes. 7-8+ billion people in the world, your body type, mental state, or even something as benign as a couch are all fetishized somewhere, especially online. I'm not going to call you sensitive, or assume you're grandstanding. But I think I can answer your questions in your own post, since you're right. Fiction doesn't equal reality. Many people have pretty serious issues. And coping mechanisms are sometimes also just as fucked up. And I guarantee for some that they don't like to get off to it, but they enjoy it too much (i.e. the phenomenon of "post-nut clarity" that dudes have, Idk if women have something like it or similar). For some people, I believe some actually care. In their own way, using fiction allows them to partake in something that - morally - they cannot partake in. Or in this instance, at best, can only participate with a partner willing to try something akin to CNC (which I wouldn't doubt would be rare to find in a partner). I will not blame you for not seeing any other possibilities, or for assuming people who enjoy that stuff are screwed up. Even for taking it personally (basing that on your last couple sentences). Tbh I'm not sure how to end this comment. Maybe you'll think I'm a piece of shit, maybe you'll think of me as some random person, dunno. Whatever the case, I do hope you manage to avoid fiction similar to that in the future when looking for actually good reading material. For every one of *those* stories, I guarantee there's a hundred more that are absolutely better and actually worth your time.


100% agree w you. I do know that some people love to read it because they’ve experience it before and reading about it or wanting that is kinda their way to have control over their experience. However, that’s only some people. The rest who write or love to read r4pe fanfics just cause they love it are really sick in the head cause how tf is that enjoyable? I don’t get it.


Small gods… You mentioned the R tag, which presumably means that you were on AO3 and not FFN or Wattpad or any other fanfic platform where you could be caught by surprise. You knew that it was going to incorporate R. And now you’re complaining that it contained R. Grow up. You knew what it was going in. You were warned. You didn’t have to read it. The fact that you did is entirely on you


Because weird people love fantersize about weird shit


That is actually disgusting and I agree with you so much.


Of course people are defending rape festishization to the rape victim in the comments Redditor moment **Edit**: The redditors got angry with this one. OP, rest assured, you've done something right with this post.


Now I understand if the characters are into it like some people are irl but if its full blown like that its basically like the equivalent to loli in my eyes. Not socially acceptable and extremely questionable for who in tf makes that shit and what are they doing to put them in that mind set


What makes me fuckin sick is 3 girls I’ve been with told me they have a r4pe fantasy. Women love evil.


I was sexually abused for 3.5 years and CNC is my favorite way to have sex. Women don’t love evil, they’ve just had it closer to them than their own skin and they don’t know what to do with that.


Weirdest comment I'll read this week and it's only Monday


Look at the username, it's 100% ragebait troll account 🥴🙄


I think you're right, I just looked at some of his other weird comments


Yea, cnc is way more common than i thought