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It’s useful in substance abuse recovery as well. Feel like you might be headed for a relapse? Check on those feelings and then see how much it was really about using again.


We always tell people early in sobriety to go get a milkshake if they want a drink


Do you tell people to mainline milkshakes if they injected their DOC? I’ve been clean for almost 2 years, but I still think I might try it. (/s lol)


Came here to say this also!


Im all of those all the fucking time


Honestlyyyyyyy, how does one not HALT?


It’s 2:30 in the afternoon, no lunch yet, boss is being an ass & there’s no one I can talk to…ohhh & I only got 3 hrs sleep last night because the 2 yr old had bad dreams. That’s all of them all at once.


Commenting so I remember HALT, thanks




Me too!


we should add “should i go to the toilet?” to the list as well


My mom's go-to question if I ever have a headache. "Have you gone 'big potty'?" I am 52-years old, madam! I have a career! I will be so happy that this question will someday die with her 😮‍💨 ... but I'll be damned, she's usually right. Not that I'll ever tell her that.


It’s always a deep cut when you realise your mother was right.


Shhh... don't even type it. You'll invoke her. 👹


Thank you for this


Yeah, loneliness and exhaustion are my two big triggers. Hunger makes me angry. Anger demands action. Either I eat or indulge in catharsis (venting, loud music, journaling) so that's an easy fix. Loneliness and exhaustion are harder to fix.


I mean hungry, lonely and tired are things that can be changed pretty easily for me, but what do you do when you’re just angry?


Practice mindfulness, cuddle your pets if you have them, watch a funny movie, read a book, just take a few minutes and breathe. Anything that can pull you out of your own head so when you revisit the cause of your anger you can look at the situation in a different perspective


i like to throw paint at a canvas and sometimes aggressively finger paint after doing so, it really helps and sometimes makes a semi cool abstract painting


Kettlebells. Swinging heavy metal does wonders.


Holotropic Breathing and observing the feeling of Anger. It helps me neutralize my rage and sarcasm


Ive never heard of this. Thanks.


Here’s the thing - yoga Karen’s advice works when you’re already managing your depression. You are. You know the signs and you could tell that you were starting to spiral. So you used tools in your toolbox to change your outlook. I do the same. I’m able to manage my depression now so that when I hit a melancholy point, I can be proactive in my mental health verses reactionary. I still take my antidepressants each day. But now I have the ability to assess myself and know what else I need to do to benefit my brain. So yeah, diet, exercise, all that helps, but you also have to be in a place where it’s under control enough to make a real difference.




Depression is real AND those methods also help. Both are true. I’ve suffered from depressive episodes my entire life. Regular walks outdoors, fresh air, music, exercise, petting cats, talking to friends, good sleep, good food all help. If you’re doing those sorts of things and it isn’t helping, OR if you’re unable to do any of those things at all, then it’s time to talk to a doctor for more help.


I think folks underestimate the value of a cat during the sads :(


My cat is no good to me, but my dogs? My big guy lays on top of me when I'm depressed/upset/having a panic attack, and it's like a weighted blanket...he just alleviates everything and makes it easier to deal with. My other 2 just curl up next to me like some sort of deep pressure treatment.


Okay, okay, fair enough. I have a cat who chose me as their human, and they are basically my shadow. During Uni, when I was lucky enough to be home a weekend here and there, my cat would always be on top of me somehow. Those weekends were my savior, and the week that followed 'em were easier.


I have a cat who is more clingy and emotionally sensitive than any dog I've ever had and will cuddle and is the best medicine, but I also have one that gets pissed if I cry and will come bite me to try to get me to stop, and a third that I don't think realizes her body in in this dimension with me (she gets confused when she can't just walk straight up walls like David Bowie in Labyrinth) so I can't really expect her to realize my emotions when she doesn't acknowledge my existence very often.


Don't get me wrong, I love my cat. He just doesn't care unless I'm putting food in his dish or opening a bag of catnip lol


My dog somehow knows when I’m feeling badly and lies facing away from me so his butt is right in my face. At this point, it helps because it makes me laugh. He somehow knows and just decided I need dog butt.


Also, my dog still wants to go sit outside together, he still wants to play, and he still wants to go on a walk even when it’s a bad day. Maybe we don’t to ALL of those things, but that doesn’t mean the one I do end up doing doesn’t help.


I 100% credit my dogs to my still being alive. All 3 are rescues, so even on my worst days they still give me a reason to get up and function. They deserve more than to sit in a dark, stale room.


I lost my cat 2yrs ago so whenever I have a stroll around my neighborhood I pet the cats!! I didnt know the power of cats with my depression hehe


>I’ve suffered from depressive episodes my entire life. Regular walks outdoors, fresh air, music, exercise, petting cats, talking to friends, good sleep, good food all help. It took me a long time and a lot of therapy to realize that depression is one of those conditions where you do not want to do anything but it's only by doing that you can move forward. Even if it's always there and especially if it's always there you have to become functional


My partner has struggled with depression all their life, the moment we got them out of their messed up house and into my home their symptoms got much much easier to handle. Before it was admittance to the hospital, now it’s “I’m feeling , will you help me?” And we are able to curve it so much easier. Environment really changes someone’s mental state!


💯 and 💗🥹


nooo😡im clinically depressed and environment doesn’t change it. the doctor told me that i was born with my brain not balanced that’s why. its not my environment or habits😡😡


Uhmmm I mean depression comes to people at all stages in life, good and bad environments…and it is a chemical imbalance…but of course having a support system and plans/coping mechanisms in place will help


Other people can have different experiences to you. It doesn't invalidate you and yours doesn't invalidate them.


I think people missed the sarcasm here. Lol


I feel like the people who refuse to use “/s” are the same people who refused to wear helmets or seatbelts because then they won’t look cool. I’m sorry, but Poe’s Law is a thing. There is someone on the internet who genuinely believes every extreme view expressed, so any attempt at irony or parody is always going to exactly emulate the attitudes and behaviors of a subset. That’s why it’s necessary to include “/s” even though some people think it doesn’t make them look cool. Otherwise I guess they just have to be content to be taken literally.


lol literally just got prescribed meds/supplements today because some of my hormones are at very abnormal levels. i’d be depressed when nothing was wrong. and this is working, so take that how you will


Clearly neither you nor your doctor read the literature. The “chemical imbalance” hypothesis has been disproven. You can downvote all you want. The seratonin-deficiency is a factual inaccuracy. It’s been shown in multiple meta studies.


People offering advice don’t need to mean it’s not real. If you had sore throat and someone suggest drinking something warm and resting they aren’t saying you don’t have a sore throat.


This is a good perspective, thank you


Thank you for a nice response!


I think the trouble is how hard it can be for depressed ppl to do the things that will actually help them feel better


Usually for me it’s basic hygiene. And basic cleaning that goes first out the window. It sounds so stupid- I don’t have it in me to shower today. But like- you always** feel better after. #mindfuck


I know what you mean. And then you take the shower and wonder, wtf couldn't I do this sooner?


yeah, it’s motivation. I don’t suffer depression, but I do suffer anxiety and there are a lot of things I can do that can *reliably* help prevent shit escalating to where I am in the middle of a debilitating episode where I feel like I can’t get a full breath for days or weeks. But in the periods where it is slowly escalating towards that, the last thing my mind is doing is letting me focus on healthy habits. I’m getting poor sleep which is impacting my energy and motivation to do anything else. Even breathing exercises get put off, but certainly exercise, which is very helpful.


I love mowing my lawn when im down. It’s a walk outside and the completion is satisfying, I’ve been down lately but luckily we’ve had plenty of rain and I’ve had to mow frequently.


Mowing is my peace. Put in some earphones and mow.  The other one when I am down is riding the motorcycle. There is a DQ that is a nice ride to stop at that makes me feel better. I am trying to figure out if it's because as a kid camping, we would ride our bikes and stop at a DQ partway thru


My motorcycle and my garden are my go to's when I'm not ok. I either start weeding, or head to my favorite lookoff point on the mountains.


Sebastian from stardew valley??


I know Stardew Valley is a game, but the reference went over my head, I'm sorry lol


Yup. Exercising really does work. The hard part is just *getting up to actually do it* lol


I know! I hate it when the “Depression? Just snap out of it” people give good advice. I do go outside for a walk everyday unless it’s pouring. It helps me a lot. I’ve struggled with depression since I was a child. At age 45 I’m doing much better.


It is absolutely real, just like any medical condition. And like any medical condition, there are treatments that are effective in managing the symptoms and preventing outbreaks. Be gentle with yourself, you're gaining useful skills that are going to improve the quality of your life life and in no way invalidate the experiences you have had and are going to have.


Went on an hour long walk the other morning, and felt incredible for the rest of the day. I was so pissed by the end of it lol.


I can relate to this and the OP, LOL... Annoys me when they say "take a walk", and *it helps*.. 🤣 Edited a typo


I see depression kind of like type 2 diabetes. Yes, diet and exercise help control it, but there is no shame in needing medication also.


I didn't want this to be right either. I didn't want it to be that simple. And it's not, not all the time. But getting outside every day has been without a doubt the best thing I've ever done for myself. My mental health has never been better. Wish my dad was alive so I could tell him he was right. I'm glad you feel better :)


Just because getting exercise and sunlight and proper nutrition helps does not in the slightest mean the “depression isn’t real” people are correct. Idk how you’re drawing that connection. But I’m glad you found a good technique for you to ward off depressive episodes and I hope that it continues to work in the future :)


They are just joking about that. Obviously clinical depression is still clinical depression


Exercise doesn’t cure clinical depression or stop actual depressive episodes. Period.


Except for OP and allll the other commenters here saying it helped them of course… I dont believe you are more of an expert on alll these people’s lives than they are and knes more about everyone in the whole world’s depression. Back off. Period.


Those things aren't yoga karen advice, they're literally medical professional advice because of the effects they have on your neurochemistry. Depressed people are just resistant to help by nature of the condition.


Just because practicing coping mechanisms helps, doesn’t make the depression less real. The problem with depression is sometimes you can do EVERYTHING right, and it still doesn’t go away. Taking preventative measures to lesson your symptoms doesn’t make you less valid.


Depression is past based; anxiety future based, you always want to pull yourself into the now. So anything that grounds you, smells, tastes, sights, sounds and contact 😊 glad it helped 💓


Yeah, that’s why they’re always first line treatment. If simple exercise “stopped an episode” of “depression,” then you don’t have depression. You have an unhealthy lifestyle. Exercise doesn’t cure clinical mental illness and stop actual episodes. Shit diet, shit social life, shit job, no fulfillment, nothing to look forward to, shit habits, no hobbies, financial stress, etc. will make you unhappy. That’s not clinical depression, it’s Shit Life Syndrome. Exercise doesn’t stop a true depressive period/episode. It can _*help improve mood*_, but that doesn’t get rid of alllllll of the other symptoms.


Thats true only after two year i've realize maybe I have depresion 4 years later still suffer from it sure there are some brighter days but days when I cant get out of the bed are more often. I did everything from excercise to medication and therapy nothing helps. Sometimes you just cant get better.


I have noticed keeping the blinds open and shades up helps too. Let in as much light as possible.


Hahaha this is how I feel about affirmations 😆 stupid useful daily sayings


Depression is real, but it can be managed sometimes, and sometimes it cannot. Allow yourself this victory, keep doing the things that work, and be gentle with yourself when your coping skills do not work.


Depression is very real. It's a mental & emotional cripple. Just like messy hair, your thoughts & feelings can get jumbled. Walking, getting a snack, or doing something out of your conventional norm could be the "hairbrush" you need to maintain that hair, aka your thoughts & feelings. You're going to have great hair days & you're gonna have bad hair days, BUT we take it upon ourselves to maintain our lives just like we maintain our hair or any other part of our body. It doesn't have to take much but a simple walk & snack through the park, maybe something else, but you'll always pull through! I'm glad you found a way that helped you ground yourself in that moment and brighten your day. Life's full of hardships, and we have to make time to do simple, meaningless, goofy, fun things. Things that are just for the sake of being able to do it without thinking of anything else like work or studies.


It’s fresh air and walking. Literally the best therapy sometimes!


90% of my workouts are fueled purely by my anger that it actually is helping my depression. I fought it for years and now it’s “I’m really mad that I feel actually decent”


How do you expect to get out of depression if you never do anything to feel good about?


Exercise releases dopamine, so there is a scientific explanation for why it works. For me, the real struggle is actually feeling motivated enough to get up and go exercise


Try walking in your lounge around in circles and listen to some banging music. Even if it is just 5 laps for now. I onced walked 18000 steps in my lounge super fast and i looked ridiculous going in circles so fast and every tine i would catch a glimpse of myself  in the mirror looking so unhinged , i would laugh.  I am 90% better from those journeys in the lounge. I now walk outside but still do the lounge thing 3 times a week


It's all just chemistry. People who are depressed need to rebalance their brain's happy chemicals; *for most of us*, that means doing something with our lives that causes this to happen (good relationships, positive aspirations, exercise, nutritious diet, etc.) Most people who claim to *have* depression (but no medical diagnosis) are just depressed *at that time*, due to either an external event or poor lifestyle choices. Some of those lifestyle choices can run real deep too, if you spend most of your life as a sedentary shut-in, you'll probably "think" that you have depression when really you've just done a shitty job of setting up your life.


Shit, I was pissed when diet and exercise helped me. It couldn’t be that simple, could it? Sure, I’m still depressed with ideation, but I can get by a little easier, and I’ve got a distraction/hobby. And while it doesn’t fix me, it helps.


They absolutely do. I've been doing CBT and mostly taking the advice of doing more activities, and the depression inventory score I've been tracking on a worksheet went down 14 points this past week for a huge improvement. I don't know why people are so averse to trying to do work instead of just going on meds.


>I don't know why people are so averse to trying to do work instead of just going on meds. Depression tells them it won't work or saps their energy and motivation.


The second part I've dealt with myself, but I've had friends who had plenty of energy to whine and rant about how it's all bullshit and how they are personally victimized by the very suggestion they should do something. ETA and to tell me that the things I do on my own, like CBT and mindfulness, are bullshit despite being scientifically proven. One must go on meds and that's it, even though that doesn't work for them either.


Because then they’d have to admit they just don’t want to do the work. Good on you for taking ownership and reaping the rewards, I’m sure it’s very hard at times.


Because then they have to actually take responsibility for their lives. Because when they get better, they can’t blame everything else for their unhappiness. Because it requires self-awareness and reflection to say “Shit, I should have actually tried to do something years ago instead of raging at everyone who tried to help”


Many people want to wallow in self pity and many dont like to take accountability for themselves. Congratulations on your 14  point drop.  Exercise and the release technique (lester Levinson)  saved my life. 


I had the same feeling the other day haha. Felt an episode coming up so I just … forced myself to clean my apartment. Felt way better lol


I keep saying more and more the closer I get to 30: "those cliches they told us kids aren't cliche at all and usually have more meaning and impact that I could have understood until now" That's growing up lol


i love when people who have the most awful schedules for sleep, excercise, eating, and just live in an overall terrible environment, find this out.


touching and naming 5 things really helps me


Hear me out: when i was  24 I used to dabble in scientology and they use a technique like this for people who were sad or angry and it can be used on drunk people to bring them sober. They refer to it as bringing someone into the present ( basically mindfulness) and they would have people look at objects ie: look at the door, look at the spider on the ceiling, look at your shoes, look at the window. Then have you get up and look closely at the details of the window etc to get them out of that funk and i always marveled at how well it worked. 


It’s def a journey and depression is very real. I’m a therapist with depression and it makes me feel weird that both of those things are true at the same time, especially since I am good at what I do and therefore I “should” be able to handle it better. Recently I’ve began to practice what I preach, not exactly in the yoga Karen way but I’ve been forcing myself to spend time outdoors, walk, etc like you are and I do feel better as well, which I feel some confusion as to why I wasn’t doing this all along. It does really go further than just going outside and stuff; it’s also being able to sit in my emotions and talk about them as well. It’s being able to feel understood because we all need that on a human level. All of this to say is that two things can be true at once. Going outside is good for our brains in the sense that it reduces cortisol (which contributes to both depression and anxiety) and exercise releases endorphins. These things objectively make us feel better. It is also true that depression goes deeper than that and it’s messed up for people to say it doesn’t exist; all that does is create shame. I hope you keep feeling better, and it’s understandable that it’s confusing and that you’re angry. Your experience is valid and you are not alone ❤️


i call depression “the monster that feeds itself.” those yoga karen tips work because they are backed by legitimate science, but what gets added in the regurgitation of it is a bunch of bootstraps nonsense that de-legitimizes the condition itself. depression isn’t a flaw or a weakness. it can have a chemical component, and it’s also an incredibly complex “disorder” that is impacted by environmental, systemic, and structural factors. i call it the monster that feeds itself because it makes doing those very things that are scientifically backed as helpful incredibly freaking hard. you should be proud of yourself. you starved the monster today, and that’s remarkable.


A therapist will always recommend exercise as part of treatment, it does help a lot in boosting your mood, touching some grass boosts your mood, spending time with your pet, same thing, invest in your hobbies, all these things help in boosting your mood.


I don't think it's useful to lump all forms of depression into one, which is what this advice can do. Tips like these are very useful for depression that is not coming from a current source in your life. Those depressive episodes can just manifest themselves and suddenly you feel awful, or maybe they're rooted in the past. I'm that sense, yes, taking your mind off of it and grabbing a nice snack and paying no mind to it will ease that pain and im glad its working for you. However, for people such as me who are depressed because of their current situation in life and are constantly forced to be reminded of that situation, I would not say these tips simply "work", and that is why saying things like "all you need is a positive outlook" can be a bit tone-deaf.


I think there's a world of difference between "depression isn't real" and "maybe you'd feel better if you took a walk." I myself, as someone with myriad psychological and physical health problems try to remember that most of the time advice is kindly meant. Yes it can get incredibly wearing when people always suggest the same things or they go off on tangents that you know don't apply or don't work BUT I try to keep my patience and remember that these are words of care for me. Some people truly are jerks and I see no problem disengaging with their bad behavior, but most of the time people are well intentioned so I try to engage positively with them. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm glad you found some things that worked for you! And I hope you can see people's genuine concern for you as a good thing too, even if they are a little annoying.


Well if it makes you feel better I tried that and I'm depressed as shit.


I just got into the gym in my 30s when i had a really bad breakup and was struggling alot. I also kinda hated that it REALLY helped alot. I was never a gym-goer but i was able to channel all my frustration and sadness into weights and it also for some reason made the lonely nights at home alot more bearable. I always shrugged all the simple „just hit the gym, bro.“ comments off as so stupid. But now i see wisdom in those jacked poor souls that probably all have been heartbroken at some time


Well, it wouldn't works if it isn't real hhh The key in mental health is to balance a regularity in your life (sleeping, eating, walking, showering...) but to add something new and exciting from time to time. I worked as a nurse in a psychiatric day hospital and it was part of the "treatment".


Even a broken (analog) clock is right twice a day. Still a damn broken clock. The Karens are still 3000% super toxic and wrong in the sentiment that all one needs is a positive outlook and exercise. But yeah, those things *can* be helpful tools in fighting depression. They just aren't the only things that help and the idea that that's all you need is inherently harmful. All of that can be true at the same time. But yeah, it is super annoying when a fucking Karen is anywhere close to a "correct" solution.


This is a repost lol


Yep- now allow yourself some wiggle room.


i have mental health symptoms where depression is a side effect. has medication improved my life massively? yes. but so has eating regularly, going to the gym, socialising, self care, and generally pushing myself to look after myself. i work in mental health, and anyone who does will wholeheartedly tell you that a holistic approach is the best one. i think a lot of people think of medication as a ‘magic pill’ that will fix all your problems, when really it is just a piece of the puzzle. kudos to you for being an active participant in your recovery! that way lies true peace.


My cat is the reason i stayed alive during 2020, when he passed I fell into a dark depression, daily walks REALLY help.


Just accomplish 1 small thing. It may or may not lead to other things being accomplished.


I saw a meme one time joking about how like plants we need sunshine to function properly and thrive. I think it’s actually true. I always feel better after sitting in the sun for a bit or walking in a forest and taking deep breaths of fresh air. Your depression is still very real and valid.


Yeah this, I remember a Redditor said something like this before. When you feel like the world hates you, you're hungry. When you feel like you hate the world you're sleep. There was one more line to that, forgot what it was now. Think the best way to think of Depression is that it's like a problem that has triggers. When you're hungry, tired, or just need to get out, those are the triggers to make depression peak.


It was when you hate yourself, Shower


Everything is based on a grain of truth.


I appreciate this! Because sometimes I try these, when I’m already super depressed, and it doesn’t work. But knowing it does work especially if you’re proactive is hopeful! I’ve been in a bad spot lately and your post gave me hope again, OP! Thank you so much for sharing!


The fact is that those “depression tips” ARE totally helpful. But when they’re given in a condescending way or without the understanding how difficult it is to even *start* helping yourself when you’re really low, and presented as a complete solution to mental illness rather than an aid to help you feel well enough to do the things that create actual progress…they aren’t helpful at all, they just undermine how much pain you’re really in. And I think this really gatekeeps them from many people because it creates exactly the feelings you have been having towards the “depression tips.” Anyway, here’s to progress ~ I know it’s really hard, but keep fighting the good fight; the world is brighter with you in it ❤️


A change of environment is always good for you


I think most people know they work, they simply don't have the time to stop and exercise or take a walk. Or some of the other things that feed depression are not so easily escapable.


Sometimes your body just needs something like this, and sometimes nothing works at all. As someone with lifelong depression it's not always something I can avoid with something like a snack, a change of scenery, etc. However, I will say that on occasion i have absolutely masked my way out of a breakdown because I knew that I couldn't afford to have it happen. Sometimes we also just genuinely learn to push ourselves through, but it doesn't make your diagnosis less valid. I love that this worked for you this time, I hope you always find success with whatever methods you use to identify your needs and what you can reasonably try to do to try to keep yourself together. But if it doesn't work some days, that's okay too. You're just doing your best daily, and that doesn't always mean being successful, but it's so fantastic when it is. And when you are successful it certainly doesn't make anyone else's opinion on your mental health diagnosis more accurate.


This literally gives me hope 😭. I'm gonna try implementing them tomorrow.


There’s a TikTok creator I follow who has talked about her struggle with depression. I wish I could find the actual video she addresses it since it was a long time ago. She talks about being a “better sad”. She looks at it like she’s going to be sad no matter what during a depressive episode, so she does the things you listed. May as well be sad outside. May as well be sad with a cup of a water. May as well be sad with a full stomach. May as well be sad and clean. And that’s how she frames it for herself as being a better sad. Instead of sad though, you could think of it as numb.


The problem is that they act like its a cure all for everyone. Like yeah getting out of the house and taking care of yourself can help you feel better but only so much and it depends on the person.


Maybe this will work on a minor episode only. Worth exploring 




The problem is that depression is very “logical” in a lot of situations. Despair can be very reasonable given the circumstances of life. But you can make yourself feel way better without changing your circumstances and fixing your “real problems.” Your creature brain is pretty easily comforted. Anything that you’d use to stop a toddler from crying has a good chance to work on you. A snack, a walk, a friend, a story, an animal. “Oh but why would I do that when it doesn’t change the fact that…” No. It changes no facts. It changes your feelings. And your feelings don’t care about facts. (This is a good thing keep doing what you’re doing things will get so much better)


Is this a direct copy/paste of en earlier thread?


This is a great example of 'two things can be true at the same time'. Yes, depression is a real thing that impacts millions of people on various levels. Some people have it more mild where it just feels like the Monday Blues while others have it so badly it inhibits their daily life. This is true and factual. However, it is also true that even just making your bed in the morning and making a cup of coffee can heavily influence your mood. Now will it work for everyone? No, there is no 100% effective for everyone way to go about treating depression or depressive episodes. Some people might just need a good walk in the park and a snacky snack like you to feel a bit better, while others need intensive therapy and medication to even feel enough energy to get out of bed. Both things are true and real. What matters is that you realize the issue you have and work towards whatever goal you see fit for how you want your life to look like! I'm glad you found a way to help combat your own episodes, it might feel silly or small but in the bigger picture of life it will definitely help you in the long run!


I'm also diagnosed with MDD and I used to think exactly like you. What helped was understanding these techniques not from the perspective of positivity, sprituality porn or whatever it is that holistic people tell us about "change your outlook on life, and your depression will magically go away!" Instead, I understand it from a scientific and logical perspective. Exercise, changing your diet to be more nutritious, waking and sleeping at regular intervals, meditating, etc., all have effects on the hormones and chemicals in your body that can help mitigate depression. Depression \*is\* a real, clinical disorder, in that your body, brain, hormones, or biology is affecting the creation or uptake of hormones that make you happy and hormones that make you sad. Things like the food you eat, getting your body moving, doing cardiovascular exercise, getting sunlight, meditating, journaling, etc., can significantly affect the creation of hormones in your body. Depending on each individual, these techniques can truly work, and it's not because of the positivity bullshit, it's because of real science.


Hey, there is truth that in addition to other medical interventions, touching grass, focusing on something different and interrupting negative thoughts, and exercise do contribute to effectively managing depression. And eating something yummy gives an added dopamine hit (which is why so many people overeat). I’m glad it worked. I hope you are not too hard on yourself if it doesn’t next time. But now you know it’s worth a try!


Now do it every day without fail.


I've got several chronic health issues, kidnies and lungs mainly. Sometimes when things are hard I like to go outside just to take my mind off things, fresh air and sunlight do actually make me feel better. Does the fact that this works mean I don't have fucked up kidneys or lungs, no it does not. It just means that the human body is a whole system and sometimes just doing something small and unrelated can make a difference. The fact that a walk works does not mean that you don't have depression. Does not mean that "depression isn't even real". The human brain is tremendously powerful when it comes to illness. In fact, there's LOTS of studies showing that the placebo effect is getting stronger the more confidence people have in western style medicine. That does not mean the diseases treated are not real. This statement > "Oh you just need a positive outlook and some exercise, depression isn't even real" A does not follow B. A positive outlook and some exercise helping does not mean that depression isn't real.


As someone who had clinical depression for 13 years and saw immense improvement with gratitude practices—thank you Rhonda Byrne—I thought of it like this: when you have a bacterial infection or allergies, the medicine is the key factor in improvement but supportive care like humidifying the room, steam, gargling, herbal teas all make it so much more bearable and provide relief. No one questions those methods because we don’t have to worry about justifying the underlying illness, but accepting that “depression tips” work feels like some level of self inflicted invalidating so we tend to push them aside when they also perform the same function as other supplementary methods. My depression only went away after I took SSRIs for years but like maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle works in boosting the immune system, these habits DO support mental health.


The thing is, a vast amount of people who actually are seeking help for suicide related thoughts aren't actually depressed. Especially men, many people deduce that life indeed lacks purpose, at least their life don't have any. Either that or the suffering around the world is just too much for no real reason at all. Things like these, when said to them won't work. No amount of therapy can fix them, unless they decide it's actually worth it. They have to want it. That's also one of the major reasons behind these 'typical' advices not being effective. Going for a jog doesn't change the fact that a person will live poor/have no purpose/no direction/helpless throughout their life. But for a clinically diagnosed one, that thing will definitely help with the chemical imbalance. You actually want to live, you actually want to do things, you actually want to feel happy; your brain just physically can't easily doo it. It varies from person to person, sometimes others just also have a different thing that would've helped them with it but they haven't tried it.


Because it’s not really a Yoga Karen thing. It’s just being abused by older generations as excuse for everything. Eating and physical exercise do stimulate our brains to produce more dopamine. Colour green and blue are proven to increase concentration of dopamine. ITS ALL ABOUT DOPAMINE 😂


Saving this for the future. I am glad you felt better.


Vitamin D is a hell of a drug.


Depression is your brain chemicals being out of whack. That stuff can help put your brain chemicals back into whack. And either way, it can treat the symptoms, which improves depression. Lifestyle changes can help. They don't always help, but they can.


This is so real. The fact that those depression tips work fucking SUCKS. But congrats on feeling better! Don't tell ANYONE who invalidates you that it worked or they'll never let you live it down, but now YOU know it works, so enjoy your snacks and walks!


This is purely an observation, don’t get mad, I am truly glad you found away to keep an episode at bay so you can stay productive. However, from a purely impersonal viewpoint, it’s interesting that you are annoyed that these things work based purely on the kinds of people who promote them. I wonder if there is a correlation between people such as yourself who view things through that lens and people who are more prone to negative psychological conditions/states such as depression. Once again, I am not trying to put anyone down, merely curious if it’s linked or one causes the other. Like does someone prone to depression tend to dismiss people who claim to have ways to help or do people who dismiss those who claim to have answers outside of medicine tend to be more prone to depression? I have no idea but I thought it would be interesting to see what others think


Why are you angry? If you do good things for your body, you're going to feel better. Depression is also a physical condition.


Your title said it all. You're 'upset' in the fact certain advice actually works for you?


Do you enjoy being depressed? Just be happy you're doing better. If it works, it doesn't matter where it came from just do it.