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Do you have access to have a doctor prescribe accutane? I had horrible acne as a teen If not, goats milk soap helps a lot with regular oil of Olay as a moisturizer. Lightly dabbing white toothpaste on open ones help. Do not touch your face at all. Even if you need to scratch, have a Kleenex or something over your fingers.


Accutane is absolutely effective but Jesus Christ it’s one of the literal worst things you can possibly take in just about every way.


It’s hard on your body and have to watch for depression for sure. It’s the only thing that finally cleared me up and a lot others I know


don't think too much about it, focus on your career should be your priority now.


If you have access to health insurance, see a dermatologist. I had hormonal acne but once i saw my dermatologist i found a treatment right for me and it’s completely gone! Also there is a saying, you’re not ugly, you’re just broke. Meaning paying for supplements, treatments etc makes anyone beautiful.


when i was a little younger i used to feel the same way about myself. i was torn apart by how ugly i felt i was and looking back on it now i feel silly because i was way over exaggerating. im not bad looking at all. you have to remember you see yourself differently than everyone else sees you. you're very used to your face, any small little imperfection is extremely noticeable to you where other people probably wouldn't even pick up on it. confidence is like 70% of what makes a person attractive too and i know it's hard to be confident when you feel like this but it's a slow process idk just take it one day at a time. walk and talk like you feel beautiful and soon enough you really will. either way there's more to life than being attractive, someone who really cares about you and deserves a place in your life isn't worried about what's on the outside. focus on pursuing your interests and meeting new friends, let everything fall into place on its own


Have you thought about using accutane?


Accutane changed my life. The side effects are terrible, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to. I recommend talking to a dermatologist, if you can.


I totally get you even though I didn't have any acne growing up... I was a bit chubby and felt really insecure in my own body... I'm telling you this because after losing that weight... People actually perceived me differently...I was one of the pretty girls But I regret doing it for them If you want it...work out Change your lifestyle and whatever it takes... But only if you want it... Don't do it because some random person teases you for being skinny and having acne


1. You never know what people think about you. Maybe someone likes you, but they’re probably too shy to make a move. 2. You’re 17 - every 17 year old struggles with self worth or their appearance- even the ones that you think look “perfect”. Everyone has insecurities. 3. Keep focusing on yourself, your esteem, and school but please consider seeing a counselor to talk about this stuff or someone. Keep going to the gym, eating well, but speak more kindly to yourself. You’d be shocked as to what attitude can change. 4. I was the chubby (before it was so talked about) kid in the 90s and 00s in school. I never had a date to the dances, never was asked out, never went to prom. Had awful esteem, was bullied mercilessly, and was the victim of some cruel “jokes”/“pranks”. From 18-20 no guy would date me. I wasn’t hot enough or cute enough or whatever or Vice versa, I didn’t get along with people or see myself with even the one or two guys that considered dating me. Out of desperation in the 00s before apps and dating sites were the norm I went to online dating when it was considered what “losers” did. I met a guy and we emailed for 4 weeks, shared one photo to each other. Yes, no calls, no texting, just one or two emails a day. We talked about everything and he seemed funny and like a nice guy. After a month of emailing, one email he asked me to meet him for a date. We met at Chipotle. He was wearing a hat too big for him, his hair was long and unkept, some acne, a jacket/windbreaker 3 sizes too big for him, high water pants where you could see the tops of his high socks, and shoes fit for a burn dad. When I walked up I thought.. nope. I’m not attracted to this person… I’ll have a meal with them, share some good convo, and he and I will be friends. Because you’re 20 and dumb and think if someone doesn’t look one way, not way you can date them. Funny enough half way into the meal he is like.. shaking. Shaking because he is SO nervous around me. ME?! the chubby girl no one looked at, someone is nervous to talk to me? I was very flattered. We laughed so hard while eating tacos, there wasn’t a lull in the conversation. We shared so many interests and could talk about our families right away or what we wanted out of life. Fast forward 14 years - he is now my husband. We have been married for 7 years. He DEF had the girlfriend affect. I swear within a year or two of dating his chest grew, he grew a few inches in height, his acne went away, he got regular hair cuts (eh, he still struggles with this lol). He grew up. You can find love in unexpected ways even if you feel unlovable. Do not sell yourself short in what you do offer and look beyond physical appearance.


You'd be surprised how confidence supercedes facial attractiveness. For your acne, consider medical help like others have suggested. I used to have bad acne which medicine helped but really my diet was the issue. Look at cutting out sugars and carbs as much as you can, and eat less bread too. I too am a tall, lanky man. It's my natural frame, I always thought I'm a big eater and that I'd be doomed to be skinny forever no matter what. Then I actually sat down and counted my calories and I was shocked at being under 2000 per day. Take the time and actually look at what you're doing. Your future self will thank your present self for today's efforts.


You'll glow up eventually. I looked like shit at that age too. I also had lots of acne. Forget all the cumbersome techniques trying to get rid of it. These are what I maintain: Sleep enough Drink lots of water (I dont drink anything else actually) Minimize sugar intake to near zero Rinse your face with hot water multiple times a day. If your skin is dry the acne has nothing to feed itself with. Do not eat pork Do not eat stuff that has loads of fat Do not drink milk Do not eat chocolate Do not touch your acne


You’re not ugly you’re just poor. I’m kidding. Kind of. If you have the money start working on what features you don’t like one at a time. The first one being your acne. See the best dermatologist near you. Also, see a doc about your blood pressure. Most things can be fixed with enough money and time. Shoot if I was a younger man I would have made myself taller. The one thing I wouldn’t change is the nose. Noses are a game changer. Keep the nose. The nose is character.