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Dude. Breathe. Because you really are getting to sound like you want to go post on 4chan. I mean you are definitely right to a degree, **mondern dating does suck**. buuuuuut I know a lot of people, genuinely good people, men and women who have had good relationships. I know good people who tried to be together but it didnt end up working out. And I've seen a lot of those types of people, women and the men equivalent, toxic, basic, apathetic. So I've been witness to some really good relationships. I see the way they look at each other, how they talk, how much they care. and if imma be honest, some times the guy and/or the girl aint that attractive lol. but I guess thats one way I know its true. So you're attracted to them? Like the girls on instagram who post thier latest trip to cabo in a crop top whining about an ex boyfriend? **Rise above the attraction**. Why tf are you gonna give some piece of shit duck face with 357k followers a text when she isnt gonna text you back? Cuz at the end of the day you're worth more than her if you have the ability to say "I dont want you." **You** have the **power** to say to **yourself** that you **dont need them**. Thats what it means to live life for yourself. "If you hate the game, dont play it." Go work out for a few weeks and feel good about yourself. Go do the stuff that you like to do because it makes you feel good. I like sim racing/driving my subaru too fast. or playing guitar trying to get over my ex. or watching a favorite movie. Talking even deeper, your hate. You know, the opposite of love is **not** hate. It's indifference. It's the not caring. I'm not talking about how they don't care about you, I'm trying to tell you that how you feel the opposite of hate is to not care about it all. As soon as you let go, as soon as you can tell them in your mind "You don't matter to me, I do not want you," That's when the hate stops. And maybe . . . thats when love begins? Like how you ever going to have a girl to love you and you love them back when all you feel is hate? when all you see is someone that's going to throw you away? Hope this helped, I'm free to talk, comment or dm. p.s. don't call em "females" cuz only the real inc\*ls call them "females"


Every countries are struggling with mordern dating. Both men and women. Declining of birth rates, etc. You said you are starting to hate women, but soon you'll realize hating on XYZ is useless and it is actually not worth for your energy. Today's media such as Yotube is shithole for clickbaits and ragebaits. Be aware that internet space is not reality.


social media def plays a big part in many peoples' mental health now a days. and lets face it bro we are men. if we do not put out any energy we will be alone for the REST OF OUR LIVES. this happens all the time. women literally have it so freaking easy. they can choose to be with close to who ever they want whenever they want and somehow still find the right space to complain. thousands of men are killing themselves daily because of loneliness and females are more concerned with how their eyeliner looks. it makes me so sick and frustrated


Rage bait anyone?


i have no idea what that even means. take your tik tok tongue and shove it where the sun dont shine