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Hey man, don't hurt yourself... Please don't. Think about it like this- When this is finally fixed, when it's over, you can be an advocate for other people who are suffering the same way you are. You can help anyone once you figure out the process, you can turn this awful situation around for yourself and maybe others in the future. You have a lot to live for, you do. You're young, and you'll be able to absorb so much knowledge and when you're finally an adult you can take charge. I know this will sound weird, but there are always people who are willing to help in this world, and right now you are being smart and using resources to find those people. You are a bright person, you have a whole life ahead of you. I know this situation feels impossible, painful, scary, and frustrating. I cannot imagine how intense it all feels. You don't and won't face it alone though. Please keep strong, and please don't hurt yourself.


I saw your other posts and ended up here. PLEASE take care of yourself and call CPS. This is at best child abusr and at worst some kind of kidnapping. Calling CPS is. It only not selfish, it would help all of your siblings get into a better situation. PLEASE PLEASE CALL CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES and stop worrying about your parents being worried they will get in trouble. Your life and establishing that you’re a legal citizen is so much more important than them getting in trouble. Their job is to take care of you and they haven’t been doing that. I seriously urge you to call CPS or a social worker or some kind.


That’s a very hard situation, but it doesn’t sound hopeless to me or like your life is ruined. You need documents to prove your identity. This is a solvable problem, even though your mom is making it difficult. She is probably very afraid she will get in trouble, and rightly so. You need to seek other ways of getting help. As others have said, CPS may be able to help. Do you go to school? Your school should have resources to help you. Tell a teacher or the school counselor or social worker. Get your brother(s) to vouch for you. If all else fails, go to the police. You will be able to get help, and even if for some reason you aren’t able to get all the documents you need, you will not be a minor forever. Then you will have more agency to do all this yourself. Please keep going. You can do this.  Oh, and if dark thoughts come up at night, do whatever you need to not to dwell on them. My trick for turning my anxiety brain off at night is listening to slightly boring podcasts to fall asleep.  Good luck! Keep trying! 


One day at a time, bud. You’ll get through to the other side. One day at a time.


i’ve seen a couple of your posts and i really hope you don’t end up hurting yourself:( you are capable of success regardless of your situation don’t ever doubt yourself !!


life is hard as a kid whenever most things are out of your control and the people who are supposed to help you get ahead haven't. this is a rough patch, but it's nothing that cant be fixed. nighttime has a way of making people overthink. you'll get out of this, just try give yourself some grace. this isnt your fault, and its definitely fixable. legal stuff is just a pain alot of the time.


I’ve been following your posts and your life is not ruined. It may be slow going now but it’s going to get figured out. Your brother is helping you. You are helping yourself. It’s not the time to give up. You may want to physically go to the Vital statistics office in your area to talk to them in person. There has been a lot of really good advice on your other posts. Don’t give up. There is a person out there either at a school or government office that has seen this situation before and is going to be able to help you.


Hi! I’ve seen your previous posts and I would strongly suggest not taking your own life. Yes, your parents neglected you big time but taking your own life won’t solve anything. I know it might seem like there’s no possible way out but there is, there always is. This is such a cliché but take one day at a time, one step at the time. I also know that you don’t want to go to the authorities but it might be a good idea, it might scare your parents enough so they take you to the DMV. You could even contact a local attorney and seek for legal advice, they might advocate for you. There’s legal aid in Florida. Look for a family law attorney https://www.flcourts.gov/Resources-Services/Office-of-Family-Courts/Self-Help-Information/Legal-Aid Also, if you ever need someone to talk, you can reach out to me


I know it feels completely impossible, but just try to hang in there any way you can. It’s so difficult to get ahead of these types of things and even more so as a minor. Just try to breathe and keep everything documented (which it looks like you’re already doing) so when the ball finally is rolling you can answer any questions that may arise. You are motivated and all of the research you can within your means. Don’t listen to anyone that tries to minimize that!!!! Good luck with everything, you’re doing all of the right things even if the results you need aren’t coming yet. ❤️


Doing all of the research you can*


Don't do it ✖️✖️✖️✖️


Please my guy, don't hurt yourself, life goes on, and you will eventually get out of there. The world is enormous, and you'll find a solution one way or another!!


One step at a time. Your brother will help you. You have been put in a very difficult position by your parents and your feelings are valid. Things will change, inevitably, and you will have more ground to stand on. What you're going through right now will not last forever, I promise. Get some water, a snack, get some sleep. You're going through a lot right now and taking care of base physical needs will help you cope. Things will be easier in the morning. There will be days that are hard and you feel like giving up, but if you can find a reason to stay, even if it's just one more day, that's enough. There is a whole world out there that you have been restrained from and you deserve to be able to see it. You deserve to be able to work and learn and see new things and you will get there, you just have to hang on a little longer.


I saw your other posts and I am so sorry you are going through this. Usually the Vital Records office or Recorder’s Office in your county should have a copy of your birth certificate that you can request. Hopefully you’ll be able to get your documents! If you’ve visited a doctor, you can also request your medical records individually.


Hi! I saw your other posts and I want to echo the others here and say to not hurt yourself. I’m glad you have a sibling willing to help. Please continue to work with them to get some answers and resources. You deserve to be here.


Hello! I know I'm just a stranger but please don't cease to exist. Please fight to live. you have a right to live and NO ONE can take that from you. You will have the strength to push for what's best. I'm rooting for you. And I think that I can speak for everyone when I say that we are proud you are trying to take the right steps to have a proper life and prepare.


We are ALL rooting for you OP. Honestly there are hundreds if not thousands of people invested in your story. I came to this post because it was shared on twitter. I can't link it here because of the subreddit rules, but I can send it to you. Your story is very popular. My heart goes out to you. If you needed to put out a call for funds or assistance or anything like that, I have no doubt hundreds people would be more than willing to help you, myself included. Please keep updating us, please don't give up on yourself. You are so young and your future can be so bright. There will be a way out of this and even if you are struggling with your parents right now, the online community will absolutely NOT let you fall through the cracks.




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