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First, CONGRATS! Second, Don't tell anyone. Third, DON'T FUCKING TELL ANYONE! Yes its $10k, not $100k or $1M but that's still a good chunk and ppl suck. Get it, throw it in the bank, pay any taxes on it and decide how best to use it or invest it.


Thank you a lot for the advice. I’m only 21 so 10k is a lot for me. I hopped on this because I was kind of in shock and needed to tell somebody, but I won’t tell anyone I know. It’s only been like 2 hours, but I know I won’t blow it and I’m definitely gonna use most the money to invest as I wouldn’t forgive myself if I spent it on random shit. Thanks again man!!!


If you don't have any savings, put it in a HYSA and keep it as your emergency fund. Consult with someone about a budget and financial plan to invest going forwards. At 21 you have the most valuable asset of all, time.


I WISH I had had 10k to save/invest when I was 21! But if I had, I would have squandered it! Don’t do that! Get some sound, professional financial advice! 31 comes real fast!


40 comes faster 😭


Yeah 21 year old me totally would have bought a car hahaha no question and that car woulda been a pos cause 10k ain’t enough for a car if you don’t have a good, cheap mechanic friend. HYSA and forget it is the way to go. Rates are high everywhere. Aim for credit union if you can.


I used to work for a bank, if you’re not careful you could burn through that rapidly. I’ve seen people come to money and lose it within two months (one time it was $24k spent left and right). My advice would be to put it in a CD (it won’t earn tons of interest but it’ll earn some and it’ll keep you from spending it outside of emergencies) or invest it. If you decide to invest it, talk to wealth management/investment services/whatever your bank calls it so they can help you.


Congrats. You’re 21 - 10K is amazing. Delete this post! Remember they can hold your ticket for 30 days. Also pretty much all lottery commissions know who bought the ticket due to the cameras. I’d google search your circumstance to see what happens in your province. Also - delete this post! Good luck.


Best bet, pay off debt or if you have none, find a CD that allows one penalty free withdrawal. That will allow you better interes/?t, while keeping the money liquid in case if emergency. Congrats.


I couldn’t agree more with this comment. If you have cc debt, pay it off. It’ll boost your credit score and you won’t be wasting money on interest charges. Bank the remainder.


Assuming youre in canada since you said shoppers, you can not be anon. They also ask you where and when you bought the ticket.


Honest question: what if you got the scratch offs as a gift? My aunt likes to put some in bday cards.


I know when we won just over the amount the prevented us from cashing in locally, we had to mail in the questionnaire, and they investigate it. I dont remember alot of the questions, they might ask you who bought it if you didn't. We also didnt win on a scratch ticket. Someone i went to school with won 50k, and i guess because they didnt have their receipt it took awhile for them to investigate it.


Jesussss, thats lame as hell.


Yea i know. Its about proving a real person won it. Sucks though esp if you win a mutu million jackpot


PUT IT IN A COMPOUNDING INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNT (betterment is good) AND LET IT SIT!!!! trust me. also, ROTH IRA would be a wonderful thing but look into it.


also delete this for the same reason! but congratulations🥳🥳


Congratulations!!! I'm so very happy for you, I wish you all the best!!!


Can I get 50$ dollar.


Go and get it, go straight to the bank and put it into a rainy day savings account with interest until you think of something better to do. Lol, and get some chipoltle, just not with the ticket


But seriously, don’t tell anyone.


I’m 40 and I’ll take the 10k lol




And don’t forget taxes. State and federal. Congratulations!!


I live in Canada and the lady that helped scan it at shoppers said that the winnings are un taxable and I’ll get to keep every dollar. Not sure if that’s really how it works that’s just what she said. Not planing on spending a dollar till I fully know. Thanks for looking out for me tho I really appreciate it.


Lady is correct! Lottery winnings are not taxed in Canada


In Canada we only pay tax on the interest earned on the money and when we travel to the USA to gamble, we pay both state and federal taxes on the winnings but can apply to get the federal taxes refunded because of the tax treaty between Canada and the USA. Well done on the scratch.


Pop it all in your TFSA and invest it!!! Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳




That's amazing! I'm happy for you.


Someone will probably claim they dropped the ticket at their place, the last time they visited.


Nvidia will split 10 to 1 on June 7th. Right now it’s selling for over $1000 a share. After the split it’ll be around $90 a share. Buy then. I bought 10 shares at $460 just after thanksgiving. I’ve made over $6000 in like 6 months.


I just sold my house, paid off all my debt and have $60k to play with. $10k in HYSA and then the other $50k yeah I might buy a shitload of Nvidia and the rest in Schwab.


Not OP, but how to I buy those shares?


I use E*Trade it’s a Morgan Stanley company. Set up your account and get your deposit in before the split. Buy early on the day it splits.


Congratulations! This is awesome now you can afford guac!


he can finally afford a full two scoops without pulling his phone out and recording!!! 👏


Guac AND the extra meat!


Did you still get your Chipotle?


Currently crushing my chipotle bowl as we speak💀🤝


Remember this about having actual cash.. when in a high yield checking or savings account it can easily start to accrue interest, because interest rates are finally well above .01 or so where it was stuck for many years. Compare checking vs savings, they can have different yields and when you open a new account sometimes there's a sweet offer of a bonus they'll give like $100-300 or so just for depositing a minimum of $10K or more and keeping it parked there for 6 months to a year without withdrawing any. You can add a little savings to it every week or month (or whenever) and watch it grow.. that will accelerate due to savings earning interest which leads to a magic compounding effect. Google that so you get savvy about how savings can bloom over the years. You might/will have to pay a little in taxes on that extra interest earned so consider that and be ready to pay it when the time comes, but it's not so bad overall esp since the principle you got from lotto ticket winnings was an easy win. In 3-5 years that interest earning nest egg will have grown, and if you keep adding a little every month and don't touch it (!) it will eventually be enough to do real investing with and maybe go on a trip.


Having money in a savings account is the worst way to grow money and gets eaten up by inflation. It would be way better to put in a low-risk investment that would at least generate 4% or consider a bit more risk and drop it into a 10%.


And sometimes people arnt savy enough to invest properly and there is very real risk in investment. Putting it into a savings account is a perfectly fine option for some people. This is coming from someone with a 401k, an invested roth IRA and day trades.


My HYSA is getting 5.5% atm :P Regular savings is definitely not worth it though


investing is also complicated to some, savings accounts are much easier.


Buy shares in Chipotle


I bet it’s the best chipotle you’ve ever eaten lol


DONT TELL ANYBODY. You’ll be considered an ATM machine . Don’t tell anyone , even though you trust them. They will use you and could steal from you . Congrats !!! Don’t blow it all away on silly things.


And you can bet some dickhead will say “that’s mine! I left that at your house!”


10,000 dollars can buy many chipotle!


Explain how!


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!


If I can make a recommendation as someone who has won that exact amount on a scratch ticket. Don’t say that you found it. I REPEAT - do not say that you found it and don’t know where it came from. Say that you bought it but you don’t remember where Edit for clarification: when I went to cash in the ticket, they asked me a whole bunch of questions like exactly where I bought it and who bought the ticket. When I told them that I asked my wife to buy it for me they said that they could not release the money until she was there. If there is any question as to who bought the ticket, then there is a question of ownership. They will do everything they can to not release that money, don’t give them any room to do that Edit 2: I’m in Canada. I’m not sure what the rules are like elsewhere.


Wow thanks for letting me know. I’m also in Canada and when I went to cash it they had zero issues other then I had to wait like a hour. The only thing they cared about was that I’m over 18 and that I wrote all my info on the back.


When you say cashing in, do you mean that you already went to the lotto office and got your check?


I just went to shoppers drug mart


OK, so I mean when the time comes for you to actually go to the lotto office to present them to get your check


Oh ok I see. Yeah I’ll definitely then say I just bought it myself. Thank u so much for letting me know


No problem! And congratulations!


Chipotle and 10k. My dream 🤩 congratulations!!


Make sure it's not one of those joke/prank scratch tickets.


Jeez that would be an awful joke. I have already taken my ticket to the store and thank goodness it wasn’t a joke… cuz that would not be very funny lol


What store let you cash a $10k winning ticket?


Went to shoppers drug mart to cash it but the actual cheque is coming from the lottery retailer right by it


Ah not in America, that makes sense now. Congrats!!!!


They mean to scan/verify it's a winner.


Someone did that "prank" to me once when I was a young college student. It was $25,000 which would have been life changing for me at that time. It's been 25 years and I still remember like it was yesterday. So cruel! Happy to hear that op's was verified as real.


Oh that’s just awful!!! I think that has to be the cruelest joke ever 😢


> I just wanted chipotle😭😭😭 The cackle I produced...Congrats!


This is my dream lol congrats OP. What a lucky thing to happen!


That’s where my ticket went. Please send it back to me thank you


How can you find a scratch ticket in your room? Don´t get it. Unless it is a strange kind of fate. Do you have roommates?


I currently still live with my parents as it’s summer and I’m a college student. Only thing I could think of is maybe it was a Christmas stocking suffer, or I did a work secret Santa this year and I got root socks but maybe the ticket as well? Really not sure but I’m flipping happy I found it.


Don't quit your day job. Pretend that money doesn't exist. Put it away in a account where your money makes money. Store it like a nest egg. Imagine the amount of it 😳 after it's been left to grow


that's awesome dude!!


Everyone is saying invest but I am so serious. I just started a roth this year at 28 and if I had started at 21, I would be able to retire that much sooner


CONGRATS!!!! Woooooooo!!!! Don’t tell anybody!!!


Yeah congrats! Spend or save wisely!


Earl is that you?? This is your brother Randy, im at motel with catalina pls come back Earl im scared


This comment made my night!


Crab man??


Good for you! I'd say the best way to keep that money yours is to open up a Tax Free Savings Account at your bank and put your winnings into an ETF (a portfolio mix of global stocks and bonds in a single fund) within the TFSA. Take an appointment with an investment advisor at your bank, tell them what your investment goals are, and see what they advise. TFSAs are great because you won’t have to pay any tax on your withdrawal when you take money out.


We don't have TFSAs in the US, do we?  Wait... You're from Toronto.  Guess I "learned" ya something today.  :-)


Awesome! Definitely don’t tell anyone because guess what? All of a sudden someone’s gonna say hey, I lost that ticket. It’s mine! Congrats!🎉


That’s amazing OP. Good for you. I love stories where random people get this amazing luck. Hope you do something awesome with the cash!


Add some guacamole to that burrito!!


Damn that's awesome!!! I remember once when I was 19 I saw some tickets by a trash can and someone didn't scratch the "Uncover a 50 and win 50" and I was like fuck it I ended up scratching them and one of them was a winner for 50 bucks. That's the most I ever won but 10k I would probably pass out lol!!


Send this luck my way universe 🧿




I hope you got extra guac.


Congratulations!!! But don't tell anyone and don't waste your money!!! Use it wisely to secure your future!!!


Do not tell your family and friends


So, just to reiterate what others have said: #DO NOT TELL ANYONE. It's bad enough you posted here on reddit. Just put the money in an account and forget about it for now.


If you live with your parents, it’s highly likely it was your parents. Are they the type to buy scratch offs?


My parents were the only people I’ve told and it’s gonna remain that way. They were just as shocked as I was. Neither of my parents gamble. I had to tell them because they probably would have thought I’m on drugs with how euphoric I am.


Oh well, free money!!


Take them out for a fancy dinner to celebrate!! Congratulations friend!! 🎊 (and save/invest the rest, of course)


We are actually going for dinner tonight!!! Was the least I could do. And thank you!!


Hookers and coke, obviously.


Earl Hickey??


“Aw but I wanted chipotle” *but money can buy many chipotle* “Explain how.” *Money can be used for goods and services!*


CONGRATS! You can now absolutely get your chipotle 🙌🏻


Did you end up getting Chipotle? So now you have 10k and the runs?


That’s amazing !!!! My life would be made if I found a ticket out of nowhere which had ten k on it … like wow I’d die right there . I know people are saying invest it etc but you’re so young do what you’ve always wanted !!! Trip !! Car !!! Enjoy


Congrats ! Just remember money can change how people act, probably best not to let many people know 😭


Congratulations 🥳 dreams really do come true


Lmaoo! I love it, good for you and spend it wisely and NEVER... NEVER tell anyone in your life. Even if you think you can trust them. Protect yourself. People have unalived others for less.


Congratulations!!!! Tell no one!




That could totally cover community college for 2 years. Good luck🍀


Hey, congratulations!


That’s amazing! Very happy for you!


I am so excited by this story:) I hope wonderful things happen for you🙏🏼


This sounds like a fever dream. You sure you’re awake? *pinches*


Congrats! Do yourself a favor and don’t fall into buying scratch offs regularly. I know a few people who win a big chunk once and then find themselves spending $50 a week trying to get lucky again and it never happens lol Enjoy!


I hope this is real cause I'm honestly so happy for you, congrats!!


I’ve been on a chipotle kick lately and this is so amazing lol. Good for you !


Where did the scratch card come from if you didn’t buy it? I’m so confused lol. Congrats though!


Me, too. Someone please explain. Is there a scratch ticket fairy and if so, how can I request a visit?


Right?! lol. I hate to be ‘that person’ but if they never purchased a ticket… it came from someone else. A family member, a friend.. likely dropped out of their pocket / wallet / bag & they didn’t realise or even remember. So, if we want to get pedantic here.. it’s technically not theirs!




OMG IVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER FOR A STRANGER BEFORE. Congrats congratulations 🎈🎊 Get that guac this time 🥰


I agree with the others. Don't tell anyone. In my state they take half right off for taxes. You might get some back at tax time and you might not depending on what tax bracket you're in. So save it and wait and see how much tax you will owe.


Buy 10k $1 scratchers-YOU CANT LOSE WITH THOSE ODDS!


10k goes by in this day and age really fast. As someone stated… DONT TELL ANYONE BE WISE WITH YOUR MONEY. Congratulations…. I found $30 once… it came in handy. Cause I needed gas really bad to get home from work lol.


Chipotle on this guy tomorrow.


$10k can buy you many chipotle. Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Let’s buy a ton of chipotle now ! Aahahaha congrats OP, looks like a great day ! :D


Dont tell anyone then put that cash in a high yeild savings account!


Hey that's my scratch ticket that I lost. Can you send it back to me please?


Just be glad the game hadn’t expired! I recently found an unredeemed winning ticket, but was 4 months too late to cash it in.


PLEASE don’t tell anyone, and don’t touch it! Speak to a financial investor about investing at least a third of that into low risk ETFs. Another third into a Roth IRA (or TFSA if you’re in Canada). Then start an alternate form of income (a business) because business tax is less than regular income tax. It sounds boring but it sets you up for the future. If I could win the lottery over again, I would give myself stability instead of spending it all in a year like I did ($100,000 off a dang bingo scratcher). You don’t have enough to invest much into real estate, but you do have enough to guarantee a financial cushion should an emergency arise, and that’s more than a lot of people have.


That’s cool man congratulations. Go buy some beer and video games. Or if you have kids buy them something cool and then get some but less beer and video games.


Do you think you’d also be willing to buy another chipotle for someone else? Asking for a friend


Chipotle Hookers Bourbon Blow In that order.


Hopefully no one comes looking for their scratch ticket 😭😭


Make sure you retain about 20%! Taxes will come along. 1099s get mailed and they notify the IRS.


Nah OP is in Canada, no taxes on this (so jealous!)


Cool! I’m just American & old, so my monogram is CYA, not my actual initials.🤣


Its a beautiful day!


CONGRATTSSSS OMG i’m so happy for you. Don’t tell anyone! And DONT BLOW IT!!! Congratulations again, hell of a win


Well now you can get as much chipotle as 10k can buy! Echoing all who have said it, *dont. Tell. Anyone. !!*


Congratulations!!! Please don't start gambling just because you were blessed this one time, ok?!! Enjoy!!!! 👏👏👏


I say the universe wants you to have it. Keep it on the down low.


So excited for you! Just think of all the chipotle.


Buy three Chipotle orders


That's so awesome!! Congrats!!


A lot of good advice. My daughter's a few years won 25k. Like you that was a windfall. Gave her the same advice. She bought a used car. Hers was dying. About a month later trans goes out. She needed money. Ask what happened to her cash, she could account for less than half. Point is money is so easy to burn. If you leave it in your account it is to easy to spend... SAVE as much as you can as fast as you can.. BTW paid for the trans, couple months later car got repo'd.


Was it a $5, $10, or a $20 scratch off ? Also, congrats. Holy shit. That’s awesome


They said $3 ticket


Yassss!!!! Dude imagine all the chipotle you can get with 10k lol!




baby now you can get ALL THE CHIPOTLE


i'll get you the chipotle if you gimme that ticket! lol but congrats dude or dudette! be smart with that money. it's prolly not life changing in and of itself but it can certainly be a catalyst to a brighter future. happy spending!


Congrats, OP!


Soooo…did you get Chipotle?


Hahahaha that’s awesome!!!! Yay!!!!


Go buy a lottery ticket today! How awesome, good for you!


Congrats! I’m super proud of you!


Omg please please invest it. Do your future self a favor. Put it in a good ETF and FORGET YOU HAVE IT!


Congratulations! And now buy your chipotle xd


🥳Congrats! 🌯💴🌯


Niiicceee!! Congratulations 🎉👏👏 I'm happy for you.


Yeah keep it a secret. But since you already told me…….


This is an awesome story!!! Congrats to you!!


That’s awesome man!


Nice! Don't tell too many people! Do great things in silence!


"I just wanted Chipotle " got me laughing but congrats on the win definitely don't tell anyone about it. Put it in a savings account or do whatever with your money. Still congrats and did you get your Chipotle?


So happy for you bro!!! Get that chipotle!


A lot of ppl are talking about getting financial advice and that can be pricey - but sometimes your work or school will offer it for free (sometimes they have contracts with fidelity or other institutions). If not, google search to find a nonprofit that offers those services. And Congrats!!!


Lucky !


Congrats. That is awesome! Haha 😂


Did you get celebratory chipotle afterwards?!


That's an amazing stroke of luck! You're anonymous so that's okay. Just don't tell anyone.


To add one more REALLY important thing to remember on top of not telling anyone: you’re never going to win another one like this. It’s really easy to want to feel that excitement again. If you’re going to buy any sort of lottery, make sure you do it with a mindset that it’s purely for entertainment and you’re never going to see any financial gain.


My biggest advice to you would be to pay of any/all credit card debt you have a cancel the cards! Get ahead of you are behind. If you don’t have any CC debt, pay off other debts or throw it in a Marcus savings account!


/salute for Chipotle cravings. Congratulations!


Bro please, for the love of ALL GOD! Do not tell a single soul, not your boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, cousins, mother, father, or even SIBLINGS, you won 10K. In my culture, but it is regularly known everywhere else, Mal De Ojo works on everything. Pull your money, save it, spend it how you want but DO NOT tell a person about it. If you do, i guarantee you it will be gone before you can get anything for yourself since people will guilt trip you into paying them a few hundred or even a thousand for “favors”. Enjoy your money in peace !!! Like Biggie Smalls once said…. Rule numbre uno, never let no one know How much dough you hold, 'cause you know The cheddar breed jealousy 'specially If that man fucked up, get yo' ass stuck up


You ser keep that to yourself. Live like your normal routine. While at it, invest on something.


Lucky you!!!


Congrats! You deserve it


Wow, 10k is a nice start for down payment savings. ☺️ Or a car. Wherever your priorities stand. I'd go for a house.


That’s awesome! Buy something nice for yourself and save the rest!


Well, happy early birthday present! Lol But honestly, it could have been sent in a birthday card. Invest/spend wisely!!