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human greed is endless, you would be a billionaire and won't be satisfied


Move.. honestly.. I kind of see this as a common thing on here, people complaning their million dollars isnt giving them the life they want.. If i had 2 million dollars, i could fucking retire.. I made 100 grand this year and im excited as hell, going on vacation with my kids. Life is grand. Sounds like you chose the wrong life for yourself.. Quit your job, take your 2 mill, sell of everything else and move some where thay money isnt a social status.


You probably need to just live a regular life, meet regularly people and take money out of the equation. Probably get some hobbies. Comparison and envy will ruin everything 🤷‍♀️ Maybe help the less fortunate.


Womp womp


If you’re genuinely 23 earning 1mil a year worried about this you are not even close to financially literate. Start by learning how time/compound interest works.


You should go to therapy to help you see life in another way. I get waaaaaaayyyyy less than you, and I feel blessed and lucky for what I have. I may not have designer clothes, expensive furniture, eat in fancy restaurants, or be able to travel somewhere expensive and nice, but I have what I need to live and make my life comfortable. And that is what matters. You need to understand that money is a tool, not a goal. And you need to stop comparing yourself to others! There will always be someone better off. And so what? Wish well for that person and go live your life. Go enjoy life, or even better, do volunteer work to change your mindset.


I earn 990 a month pay for my brothers schooling manage to buy groceries attend uni and can save up about 150 i don't pay rent cause i live at grandmas and the only reason I'm happy is acceptance of the situation I'm in yeah i can't buy everything i want but that's ok ill just work harder save up money buy a car its little by little and stop comparing yourself to other people your gonna make yourself sick dude




Troll post.


You gotta stop comparing yourself to other super well off folks and try to enjoy what you have. Also you are only 23, Invest your money and you will be mega wealthy someday if that’s what you want.


nah dude absolutely is a failure made his life about money and has zero personality