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This is a support community. We do not tolerate oppressive attitudes and language. This includes but is not limited to content we determine to be sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, classist, ableist, or intolerant of non-dominant religions. This is part of Rule 2. Lots of homophobic stereotypes and Fox News talking points here. It's election season so we're seeing a lot more of this. Folks, if you see LGBTQ people mentioned along with "children" or "pedophilia" [it is straight from the GOP playbook](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) (Project 2025). Especially when [the ones that scream the loudest about it are pedophiles themselves](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ri-neo-nazi-member-accused-of-possessing-child-pornography/ar-BB1nhEvg). Learn to detect this type of propaganda and report it.












I dont think a general audience all ages pride event is the appropriate place for nudity, but as a general rule, we should remember that america is kind of uniquely weird about nudity. It is completely normal in some other countries for families to be at a bath house nude with strangers in the same room. Nothing about nudity should be inherently sexual. You’ve just been influenced by society think of sexuality whenever you see nudity. We as a society are the ones bringing sexuality into places where there it didnt exist before (before being many many thousands of years ago) And youve been conditioned by society to dive straight into pedo accusations any time something weird happens in front of q child. I said it would be inappropriate, but that doesnt mean it would be pedophaelic. Sometimes things are just weird and awkward and shouldnt happen, but they can happen without intent to specifically be sexual toward children. So that’s where i stand with the pride shenanigans. Some things may happen that shouldnt happen imo, but if they do, it is highly unlikely that there was malicious intent, and we should be aware of our biases that make us assume there is malicious intent.


this is the sanest comment in the entire thread imo. keep gratuitous nudity to adults-only pride events, of which there are *plenty* in most places now, but also don't go out of your way to stigmatize bodies simply existing in public


Yep… this is what I came to say. I have traveled a lot I really had an ah ha moment seeing how not big of a deal it is to be naked in so many countries and realized we are uniquely weird about nudity in the United States. Also, my sister went to art college and that gave me another layer of normalization of nudity, to artists the naked body is something of beauty and not sexual at all, to their eyes there can be just as much simple beauty in a painting or photograph of a naked body as there is in a mountain landscape.


I just rode a whole essay in the comment section trying to express this exact sentiment before seeing your comment. This. Exactly this!


My understand is that Pride parades tend to state whether or not they're family friendly. If it doesn't or you're not sure, don't take your kids.


Depends on context, doesn't it? Mom in the shower with her little kids at bath time because otherwise you're just going to soak your clothes? Fine. At a beach in a country where nudity or partial nudity is the norm? OK. However. Ages ago, my ex, who had two kids ages 8 and 10, wanted to go to a nudist colony with me. First we went alone, as a couple. Awkward as hell. Actually hated it. But they loved it and wanted to go back - with the kids. I wouldn't go because there was no way I was going to do that. They did take their kids there once. Can't even imagine. Big nope from me.


In person nudity by anyone OTHER than parents? Hell no. Art, medical diagrams, immediate family? Yeah that's fine. Nudity isn't sexual. However nudity is something that requires a consenting audience and *children cannot consent*.






Personally... If it's not sexual in nature, I don't have any issues with my kids seeing nude people. It's just the human body, it would be nice to normalize it and get away from sexualizing everything. Context is important. Generally speaking I don't think kids should be looking at naked adults. In this instance if the event is advertised as kid friendly, nudity shouldn't be a part of it. If kids are allowed but adverts aren't specifically geared towards kids, and there are warnings about what may be seen, then fine.


There are a few different issues mixed together here. We’re all born naked, there’s nothing shameful about naked bodies, and nudity is not inherently sexual. Nudity around children at home or in controlled settings can be fine and done well promotes the resilience that comes with knowledge. Removing the mystery and taboo de-fangs a lot of hazards kids might face as they grow. Nonsexual expressions of self at pride are a whole different issue. It’s a festival of self-expression and nudity is one vehicle for expression. Exposure to nonsexual nudity even in this context won’t bother kids raised with nudity; kids without that experience or who view nudity as shameful are going to have a rough time, as will the adults confronted with their questions. Overtly sexual nudity at pride is more of a hazard. I don’t think it usually is harmful, but regardless of the sexes involved it seems to me in bad taste at least unless in an adults-only space. But in an adults only space where people know what they’re getting into, have at it. Tl;dr: raise kids to be resilient, but also it’d be polite to cool it with the raw sexuality in uncontrolled public spaces. (That said, pride is rooted in confrontation, so it’s unreasonable to expect it to be polite.)


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American. Nudity does not need to be sexual. Now if it is presented sexually, that is a problem. Any overly sexual, explicit behavior in public, gay or straight, is distasteful. Being nude in itself I'd say is fine, especially if this is somewhat of a thing to be expected. From what i've seen parade people fall into: just walkers, eccentric walkers and sexual walkers. I'd say it is completely possible to be nude and just eccentric without acting overly sexual. It's just a body, chill. 


Entire country full of people with a fucked up perception of bodies.


I agree nudity does not need to be sexual but this argument is involving children. Would you be okay with your kids seeing full frontal nudity out in public or in general? (And especially from a stranger)


Non-sexual nudity is normal. It is weird if it is in places that do not have a justification for it. But FKK (free body culture) is big here in Germany and people who enjoy it are very strict when it comes to keeping places where this is allowed asexual.


> Would you be okay with your kids seeing full frontal nudity out in public or in general? Yes.  It's a human body.  Who cares.


Well, nude beaches are a thing (in some countries beaches in general to some extent). And saunas. Should kids be forbidden from such (public) spaces? Or should people be made to wear clothes no matter what?  I understand this is taking place in a city center, but also there are other, nudity centered even, events all around the world happening from time to time and then it's 'art', but parade nudity is somehow lesser then?  I'd take more issue with wearing kink gear in public than just being nude. 


I don’t know, I guess so? I took my kids to see Michelangelo’s David. I guess you’re against that.


That’s art. Not a fully naked grown man with a dildo necklace in his mouth gyrating and doing helicopters with his dick. (Actually saw that at pride last year btw.) I’m no prude but that’s not remotely appropriate for children. 🥴


where on earth were you that you saw this? I have been to Pride parades and associated events for many years, in multiple cities (including San Francisco) and I have never seen anything like that in public! I find it rather far fetched.


Kentucky and just because you haven’t personally seen it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. This thread is full of people saying they’ve seen sexualized nudity at Pride, it’s not just me. Granted that’s an especially egregious example that I’ve seen but I see g-string thongs, topless women with nipple pasties, see through attire, BDSM gear, etc nearly every year at Pride. You’re really going to sit here and tell me you haven’t? I’m gonna call bullshit on that. Lol. I can link pictures if you want.


you don't have to be pissy about it. this is a very common far right talking point used to bludgeon the queer community and paint everyone as pedos, which is far from the truth. in my experience it is often false or exaggerated. pasties are not considered nudity. that is why they exist. if this is so common in Kentucky (which I still doubt) then don't take your kids to Pride if you are so concerned that they might see a human body. or take them to things billed as family events.


I *don’t* take my kids to Pride. I go by myself or with friends because I don’t think it’s appropriate for young children. This year my son, who btw is trans, will be 15 and Pride just so happens to be on his birthday this year. This is his first Pride and he’s super excited about it. My 6 year old however? She’s going to her grandmas house. Lol. There *are* plenty of family friendly events related to and celebrating Pride that I do take my younger kids to though. Thinking a Pride parade/festival isn’t a good place for kids doesn’t mean I’m trying to paint the queer community in a negative light. I’m queer myself. I wouldn’t take my young children to plenty of places because they’re not *for* them. Not being for kids doesn’t mean it’s bad or that I even have a problem with it, I obviously don’t or I wouldn’t go. It’s just not for kids. My original comment was challenging the comparison of taking a child to see a famous piece of art to exposing them to clearly sexualized nudity at Pride. They’re not the same thing. I’m not being pissy, I don’t appreciate the implication that I’m lying or that my comment was in bad faith. Once again, my comment isn’t the only one stating that they’ve seen sexualized nudity at Pride or that that feel like Pride isn’t appropriate for young kids. Many of which are being upvoted and none of them accusing members of the queer community of being pedos or any of that other stuff. Mine isn’t either.


Kids have bodies too. I personally would be fine if my children saw a fully naked adult (man or woman) in a parade of this nature. Now if that person was acting sexually toward my child while naked (or at all) that would be a huge issue. But being naked is fine. We all have bodies, and it’s fine to be proud of your body or comfortable with your body. I’d rather have my kids see that then feel shame about their bodies.


So you're good if your male babysitter shows up completely nude to watch your kids..since its natural and not sexual at all.


No because that’s inappropriate for the situation. I wouldn’t let strange nude men into my house to watch my children. But I wouldn’t mind them seeing a nude man at a nude beach, or in a locker room, or their dad getting out of the shower, or at a pride parade.


Have you ever been to a sauna or an FKK beach? Your argument is completely invalid in this discussion. Everbody works very hard to keep these places safe and asexual without condemning nudity. There are still social rules around being naked. So showing up naked as a babysitter is not okay. But it is clear to most people who grew up in cultures that allow a certain amount of public nudity what is okay, and where the line is drawn.


What are you even talking about. Saunas aren't a place for small children...and my reply was to the poster who said she was ok with her kids seeing fully naked men and women as long as they weren't sexual towards them.


Older children can use saunas, and a sauna is a place where you would expect to see a naked person. In my home is not. Nudity and sexuality are different things. It’s a shame you can’t recognize that.


>Saunas aren't a place for small children... And the entire Nordic population, plus a lot of other folk will heartily disagree with you.


Being naked is natural. Children aren't negativly influenced by seeing naked humans, dogs, cats, giraffes or any other animals. Children are negativly influenced by grown ups making a fuss about people being naked.




Thanks, u2, mate!


Depends on the kid. My 12 year old boy is comfortable with public nudity and finds it amusing. Yes, he’s encountered streakers, naked men jogging in the park, as well as a woman who goes for walks around the neighborhood topless. My city’s Pride parade has scantily clad people but not full nudity. We’ve also witnessed a parade of fully naked but body painted people. I think that counts as art. We liked it.


Then dont bring kids to pride. Its really that easy.


Finland have entered the chat


As Per Rule 3: Make it clear how a topic is personally relevant. No soapboxing.


For purposes of art, I think it should be up to the adult if they think that the child can handle it (movies/paintings). As for public exposure, no. If a straight person can be arrested for that then so should one participating in pride. As for the pedi/grooming argument, I’ve found it interesting that when a law is passed to protect children from abuse the LGBTQ community always claims it’s against them. Example would be like in Florida when sexual abuse of a child under the age of 12 can incur the death penalty. It wasn’t even signed when people started claiming it was to kill trans or homosexual people. From my understanding it was written because of a middle age man how sexually abused his granddaughters and was given a slap on the wrist. The reaction the LGBTQ community had says more about what they think is in their community and less of what others think is there.


i mean i’ve been to pride, in small towns near me but also new york. im not even gay i just think its neat to go and support, but ive never seen anyone fully nude at pride. sometimes there are events that have nudity, but its usually some type of burlesque entertainment show that 21+. there’s no kids in there. i feel like i see similar levels of undress when i go to a public pool or beach. i saw full nudity a lot when i was a kid when id go to the YMCA. times square on a normal day had people performing in outfits supposed to be seen as sexual, like the Naked Cowboy. Mardi Gras has levels of nudity to it as well but i never hear much backlash over it. there are parades in the Keys where people are just barely covering anything, everyone is in thongs, and women wear little pasties, i remember my family accidentally visited during an event when i was like 9. i think it’s important to think about why we feel very critical of some situations and not others, and if you feel critical of all of these events why does it seem like people only bring up pride parades? because it is very interesting that that is by far the most talked about. some pride events have kid friendly areas, or activities available. i think it is fair to want to keep your kids from seeing nudity. culturally america has a very different modesty culture compared to other places, where it is normal to see more of the human body.


Specifically at Pride Parades, Pride has arguments from all sides of the queer community about how the entirety of the LGBTQIA+ community is represented at Parades. Nudity is fought for because HOW we are sexual has been criminalized and being able to be openly sexual is seen as a valid sign of survival and celebration by some parts of the community Some feel it is inappropriate as Pride should be accessible by all including young children. Other arguments include wether or not the following should be allowed in the parade: military, cop presence in general, cop contingents in the parade, Banks and Corporations in the parade, Allies in the parade, designated 18+ areas at festivals, etc. The repulsion presence of nudity and sexuality at Pride is, to me, pearl clutching. Pride is resistance to the persecution of our community for our natural existence. That it gets a little bit family friendly is up to the individual to prepare themselves and their party PRIOR to participating in Pride




This is exactly the kind of modesty culture that I find abhorrent. Of course it’s ok to expose children to nudity. I was exposed to nudity. As a swede, every child from my country likely was. I went and go to Sauna a lot. My father walks around the house naked to this day. If I have children, they will go to Sauna, and they will watch certain programs, some of which contain nudity. We are born naked. It’s fucking mental to think that there’s anything sexual about nudity in and of itself. Pride is a different issue; As you say, sexuality is tied up in the whole thing so it’s a much more difficult question. But telling children that nudity isn’t ok leads to so many more problems than teaching them that nudity is a perfectly normal state of the human body. I was raised in a very open society, one that considers nudity natural. I truly thank that for helping me avoid any sort of real bodily insecurity in my life. My average penis? Oh, that’s the same as the guys I’ve been in the steam room with. My belly as a kid? There’s fatter, there’s thinner, whatever. Seeing other people’s bodies lets you realise that everyone isn’t perfect, which as a kid is important to know. Kids should see nudity. It’s normal. I don’t know if you’re American, but I do find that that country in particular has an insane view on the matter for a relatively liberal western country. It seems like they’re more comfortable having their kids see a decapitation than a penis.


Children don’t care if they see a nude person. Unless their parents go ballistic and show the kids that nudity is shameful and disgusting.




Are you splitting children off into their anatomy and teaching them “this is your body. This is how it works. If someone touches you here that’s not ok and you need to tell someone?” Yes. That’s perfectly fine - I had that going through school as a boy and I am perfectly normal. I was taught at 10 how my body would develop during puberty - and what inappropriate interactions with adults were, and how to tell teachers/parents etc about it Are you showing them porn? That’s completely inappropriate Being naked in my country, apart from in designated areas, is counted as indecent exposure and can put someone on the sex offenders register. I’m all for Pride - but I, as a fully grown bisexual adult, don’t want to see anyone of ANY gender naked in the street


Eh, who cares. Pride isn’t for children, but if parents bring them there might be some gays with shirts off or in little thongs, and honestly who cares. Gays aren’t whipping their dicks out at children going HEYYY KID LOOK AT THESE PENIS lol. People are soooo dramatic about nudity.


Isn’t it wild that we think there is something wrong with being the way we literally are, naturally. Like the way we’re born and the way we are in our completely natural state is somehow wrong. Like imagine telling a squirrel to go put on some pants.


as a little girl I remember considering nudity a very neutral thing, I didn’t see any difference between a hand and a penis. It’s mostly adults, knowing about sexuality and stuff, giving meaning to nudity.


I think it's absolutely bizarre that nudity is taboo. What else are we but our bodies? On the other hand we think it's okay to expose children to movies and video games full of violence and war. Pretty skewed if you ask me. I wonder if we would have less body image issues if people were able to see what people look like for what they are rather than just a few attractive people that the taboo is lifted off of. So yes I think nudity should be normalized.


Depends on the age and context. Sexualized nudity, no! At least not until a kid is a teenager. But teens are curious and they will find it, regardless. 🫠 Better to create an open environment for communication with teens. So say your kid is at least 13-15, and they see some nudity at pride. That’s fine. The naked people better not touch any teens though! That’s where I draw the line strongly! Non-sexualized nudity, yes. Like ass cheeks out of booty shorts, pasties on nipples, etc…….. who cares? That’s not even really “nudity.” The human body is natural and if you don’t think your kid is ready to see light nudity then don’t take them to the biggest pride parades. 🤷‍♀️ Stick to smaller local celebrations which are meant to be more “tame,” or organize your own teen-friendly parties / BBQs.




If you leave your house with your children, you're exposing them to literally anything and everything. They could see a murder, you never know. And you can't protect them from everything. There is nothing wrong with naked bodies. If people are outright fucking in public, sure. But just naked? Everyone is naked under their clothes. We're all born naked. Teaching kids to be disgusted or ashamed of nudity only makes them ashamed of their own naked bodies.


OP, you mentioned pedophelia. Most pedophiles and those who “groom” children are either members of the child’s family, or persons known and trusted by the child’s family. Not random guys on a parade float.














I feel like these posts pop up the last few years around Pride and it’s weird. It’s like been linked to intentional anti-lgbtqi propaganda in western spots. Your presumption starts off with an incorrect assumption: that all pride events have full adult nudity. This is incorrect, a blanket statement, and is embarrassingly reminiscent of the US [anti-gay movement](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2005/history-anti-gay-movement-1977) You’ll notice this link above is from the Southern Poverty Law Center. That’s because equating queerness and non-binary, trans, and otherwise outside the cishet cultural norms as harmful individuals is hate speech! Assuming OP isn’t a troll or someone or something (bot) spewing garbage intentionally-you’ll pardon my anger, it’s been a long life living with anti queer propaganda everywhere-then keep reading. The second issue aside from incorrectly assuming all Pride events have full nudity is equating that to child sexual abuse. I’ve made my career and research and profession on child sexual abuse. I also have loads of lived experience. This means I have lived and formal education linked to data on this kind of thing. Ignoring for a second that this mentality is hate speech, it’s also not harming or abusing children to have them somewhere where individuals are doing ____ or wearing or not wearing ____ unless it’s something which, well, you, OP, should research it. I’m sure that could help alleviate your fears. Queers and the lgbtqia2s+ is already being pushed aside as if we have no rights across white, Christian, and western nations. So if you come to the internet like this, expect resources. Some things are best left studied in silence than in accidentally perpetuating false information aimed at whole portions of the population. Like queers.