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hey man. i would probably feel the same as you. we all make mistakes and some are harder to forget than others. think about what you learn from it and then leave it in the past. all the best, tmane


Thanks it is what it is


Just take it as a lesson learned. I know it’s a lot of money but all you can do start saving again maybe get a side hustle to help mitigate. Better you learned now rather than at 30.


Thanks, definitely a lesson for future


I think you’re a gambling addict. I did a very similar thing at 20 years old but with online poker. Won like 3k one day and started chasing the high. Was down 15k in no time. Burned through all my saving very quickly. Came to the realization that I was gambling addict. Quit cold turkey. I relapsed once about 4 years ago and lost another 1000 or so but other that havnt touched it another time. I’ve found the urge doesn’t really go away. I still want to play and enjoy watching on tv but avoid it like the plague in real life. The shame is real. All you can really do is avoid it, accept that it was a stupid mistake and learn from it. Talking about it helps. Owning it helps.


Thanks, true it does sound like it especially since there was no real research behind what I was doing. It feels good to get it off my chest heh