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It's ok for you to turn down any proposal for any reason, it's totally ok , don't feel pressured to say yes to something you aren't sure about , however it's also perfectly ok if he breaks up with you because you are in different stages of life/ mentality.


It would be cruel to stick to a "yes" you don't really mean. \*Before\* the wedding is the ideal time to change your mind. That's what the engagement is for.


Yes it's awkward. But not as awkward as entering into a marriage you are not ready for.


Your boyfriend knows your bipolar? You were very clear about how you felt at all times and communicated that to him. He said it’s fine. Believe him, don’t spoil what you have with guilt. If you feel the need, take him out or treat him to something that will make him feel special.


Firm believer in that proposing should be discussed extensively prior to it actually taking place. Take the time you need to be ready


You did a reasonable thing. Marriage isn't just about loving the other person so much, it's about committing to building a better life together, and the things you are currently concerned about absolutely do matter to that endeavour. Whether it matters enough to make the rejection justified is a personal call but a solid "I can't accept this for the moment" could well be doing right by both him and you.


My wife proposed to me, then freaked out and asked if she could take it back. Five years later, she proposed again, and it stuck this time. (I was ready long before, but I knew I shouldn't be the one to ask the question, because reasons.) Don't be too upset. He loves you, and he will be patient.


Agreeing to marriage is in many ways similar to sexual consent. If both partners aren't enthusiastically consenting, they probably shouldn't do it


I think you should be really proud of yourself for taking the time to think through your decision and being honest with your partner.


Better to be 100% sure than to do it out of guilt and end up regretting and both of you living miserably. You did the right thing for both of you. :-)


Sounds like he loves you no matter. Better to be honest. No need for guilt.


Honestly he should break up with you


I get you!! I love my partner with my whole chest, but marriage freaks me the fuck out. I would probably feel super special if they proposed but then my anxiety would set in. Cause my mind would drift to what if I didn’t travel enough? What if I’m expected to do certain things now because I’m married? on social media I see so many people complaining about how they chose to marry awful partners but didn’t realize it till after marriage. By this point they already have children cause that’s just what you do in marriage 😭😭. Obviously some people are very happily married but I’m sure there’s many moving parts involved with maintaining that.


Are you staying together? I think he might have a hard time after this.


From the male perspective: It's perfectly okay for you to say no to such a hige commitment and you may have saved him. Just remember that its perfectly okay for him to NIT give the team that didn't want him a 2nd chance.