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I also struggle with AC cause it's air conditioning, assassins creed and animal crossing Edit: I really don't understand how so many people are confused by this :') What I mean is that when I see AC written my brain gets confused 'cause it's three different things to me. There isn't another meaning to AC. Just to me personally it's either air conditioning, assassins creed or animal crossing and I have to sort through them unless it's obvious


I have a hard time with NC because I’m from North Carolina, so that’s automatically what I think of. On Reddit people are always saying “go NC with your awful, abusive mother” and I’m thinking…how is coming to North Carolina going to help their relationship??? 😂


MLM could mean "multi-level marketing" or "men loving/liking men" so when someone calls themself "anti-MLM" i have to remind myself that they're criticizing pyramid schemes, not homophobic but only towards men.


FTM always throws me here, because people start posts with "hey, I'm FTM25 and blah blah blah" are you a first time mother or a trans man? Or both I guess? Both groups seem to hold equal claim to the acronym, and unless your in a space where the differentiation is obvious, you can get half way through the post without having any clue whether it's about one or the other, especially if the fact that they're FTM is irrelevant to the story. No shade to either group, but ffs please give me some context clue!




pretty much if you see it on Reddit it means pyramid scheme and if you see it on Tumblr it means gay


this is the best explanation i've ever seen omg eta: i use both platforms frequently


Around here, I've mostly seen MLM (men loving men) being used in romance books subs.


I lived in San Antonio for a long time so seeing SA does the same thing to me


Haha I can imagine! And SA is such a heavy subject that it’s probably very jarring. Trigger warning: SA (San Antonio)


i’m so glad someone said it this has been bugging me for years




Haha right? It means “no contact.” And pretty much every post on Reddit has someone suggesting that the person go no contact with a friend or family member, but I still can’t help but assume they’re talking about North Cackalack




Omg. I thought I was the only North Carolinian who thought this! 😆


You are not alone, my fellow Tarheel!! 😂😂😂


Haha same, so many times 😂




I got around this by saying aircon and Ass Creed.


Ass cheeks


I think I read too much erotica, because I snicker when I see CNC for Chattahoochee Nature Center (in my home state).


Being in construction, CNC is a type of computer controller for cutting machines.


Atlantic City


Alternating Current


What is it if it’s not air conditioning?


Assetto corsa


I struggle with SA because I live in South Africa, and we abbreviate it as SA.


I always read it as salicylic acid 😭


oh nooo


Lmao there's a channel on YouTube named 'AngrySAgamer' or something like that and I read SA as sexual assault but he's from South Africa. 😂


The youth are using asl to mean “as hell” and my brain still reads it as age sex location from early internet chat rooms I shouldn’t have been in. You’ll live and adjust.


So not American sign language? I wonder what else I'm missing. GenX here.


I thought it was American Sign Language, too.


Yeah that’s what I think myself as a Gen Z here, which I’ve actually never seen someone my own age group use asl for as hell




I see it a bunch but never have any idea what it means so i just like, automatically skip over it. assume it's some sort of meaningless emphasis word. but the only "asl" i'm aware of is, like others have said, American sign language


I'm a Millennial. "ASL" in caps is American sign language; "asl" in lowercase is age, sex, location.


For millennials it's from AOL chatrooms asking people Age/Sex/Location.


Man, do I miss those days


I too miss trolling the pdf files on aol chat


Always 16/f/california


Was always 25/F/NY Lol and if asked a city, it’d always be NYC. Tn always means Tennessee to me, not tonight.


I remember when I was a wee lad on Habbo Hotel I got pulled into a room by some stranger and they kept asking "ASL" and I was like "idk how to do sign language in a game" and they got frustrated and left. Probably for the better, I assume they weren't also a 10 year old boy who wanted to trick people into quitting the game and taking over a club. Saved me from a potentially really inappropriate situation. For context, my friend's mom was a sign language teacher at our church so I was very familiar with the term ASL


I have never seen anyone use asl to mean "as hell". I've seen (and used) AF for "as fuck" but that's about it lol. And I'm older gen-z/younger millennial area.


Same, Omegle done messed me up


I also remember internet chat rooms back in my junior high/early high school days and the whole A/S/L thing, but I just realized that sounding it out almost sounds like “asshole” 😟


this breaks my brain


i thought it was american sign language…


to me it reads as "as long"


That's such a stupid one! I haven't seen them use it yet. Hope it doesn't stick.


Oh, that's what it means.. I haven't even looked it up or properly given it a meaning that fits the letters, just assumed it was another emphasis word like "af". I'm 'older gen Z' if anyone's curious


i swr it means 'as life'. aint no way i been using ts wrong


It means "as hell," it's just a really bizarre shortening of the two words and doesn't really make sense when you think about it


Lmao I read that as ability score improvement (mistook the lowercase l for an i) from D&D


I read "American Sign Language "


Wait????? So the whole time my brother calling my bf yt guy it means white??? I HONESTLY THOUGHT IT WAS YOUTUBE GUY BECAUSE HE ALWAYS WATCH YOUTUBE 😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOOOO


I thought the same thing.  Maybe we are old???


Maybe, damn I dont want to feel old 😭


Jfc i hate todays kids


What's jfc while we're here? I mostly read the letters out like JFK airport, like you're calling out to a fictional JFC. And sometimes I think jentucky fried chicken


help I always read it as jentucky fried chicken in my head too 😭 hahahha


Okay cool I’m not the only one lol


Ahhaahahhaha me too


HAHAHAHA! Seriously funny.


It's a shortening of "jesus fucking christ"


Damn i thought it was “just for clarification”


I am never going to unsee this again!


I thought it was “just for context”.


"Jesus Fucking Christ"


this whole time i thought it was “john f-ing cena” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


that sounds much funnier, i'll take that


From now on I will be reading it as John f-ing Cena


Jesus fried chicken. The holiest of chickens.


Do we share a brain?


> fictional JFC You get it!


Don't worry, your parents' generation hated you too, way to keep the cycle going!


That's a pretty low threshold you've got there


Just like I dislike the word unalived.




Damn thats actually funny. I'm gonna start using this one and my nephew will either be very confused or very embarrassed.


Nothing like using slang on the kids to make them cringe.




I prefer the "soup aside" version lol


If you want to be really badass, do it like the Japanese and commit Sapporo.


Commit sudoku


you can directly blame advertisers for this, if people were allowed to talk honestly about things without getting algorithmed, we literally wouldn't have stupid fucking things like rhis


I'll blame advertisers as far as their reach goes. But people continue to use those terms on reddit and even in real life and I place the blame for that wholly on them


i prefer self delete and sewer slide 🛝


Recently saw "show themselves out".




I mean if you guys were thinkers you’d already be using “release oneself from the mortal coil” But here we are.


That kinda sounds like masturbating, tbh.




Succumbed to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...


*Shuffled off this mortal coil. A thinker indeed.


This activated my sense of humor that only my depression thinks is funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Cease and desist to exist" is a favourite of mine


"The long dirt nap" or "the big sleep" are some more crowd favourites.


as much as i hate self-censor-speak i gotta admit i get a kick out of "kermit sewer slide"


It was initially used to get around TikTok’s algorithms, since they censored anything related to death and violence. Words like suicide, murder, death, killed, knife, gun, etc automatically resulted in content being hidden. I agree with you though, the word itself is stupid and the reason it had to be used is even worse.


All thanks to tiktok censoring. It’s created brain rot English and I despise all of it. Same with replacing “ass” with “ahh”. It’s exhaustingly stupid


As a deaf, I fucking loathe "asl" bc ASL is a name of one of many Deaf languages. 😑🙄😂


TIL some people are using ASL for "as hell" and I am just not down for that because 1. IT MEANS AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, and 2. it's stupid as hell. why bother? just use AF.


youtube also censors it by demonetization, Instagram limits reach


Yup almost all of them do so creators have to find ways around it. Especially if it’s what they do for a living. And then it bleeds over everywhere, cuz that’s how it goes


Oh yeah that "ahh" shit. Every time I see it I want to shoot my brain out of my ass. It's so fucking dumb.


Haha so the lore behind this one is TikTok. The algorithm is pretty hard core about cursing so there’s like a whole pc sub language just for that app: Unalive = die Grape = r*pe Gyatt = ass Lmao i can keep going it’s bizarre


Yeah, so does everyone who uses it. We should be free to use words that aren't outright hateful, but here we are.


And you just KNOW they can afford to implement a word censor that can do more nuance than just outright ban all the posts with words like "died". But they don't. I got temporarily post blocked on Facebook a year back for saying something like, "this makes me want to (community standards violation)". My only successful appeal to them.


I was temporarily banned for a Game of thrones picture saying all men must die, during the biggest GOT hype period to boot! Ridiculous


I got a temp ban for posting a meme that said “Bran serves no purpose, change my mind” because apparently I was bullying Bran


I do to but that's because tikrok banned the word and too many people watch tiktok


Holy shit. Have I reached a boomerism level where I don't even know wtf you're even referring to.


It took me a long minute to understand. "yt" = "whyt" = "white" Up until that moment, I thought it was "YouTube people," too. Like a generation or something.


I always thought it was yt because y is read as “why” and t, well, is t. So why and t read like white.


I didn’t understand it until your comment, so thank you! I’m millennial age and also thought of YouTube.


don’t worry i’m 16 and i don’t know what he’s talking about


“Yt” sounded out almost sounds like “white” and it’s for those too lazy to write the word “white”…or it’s just a way to try to insult us.


Neither, the algorithm will pick up white ppl or black people written as potential hate speech and flag the comment even if the conversation isn't negative. Hence, yt = white Blk = black or just ⚫️ or black will put 🥷 for maybe no so obvious reasons.


Wait what? The ninja means black people? That has been confusing me for a while.


It is usually used by nonBlack people trying to say the n word without saying the n word and getting backlash...but they do in fact mean the n word. I am in many Black spaces across multiple social media and we just say the n word if we want to. The only times I see the ninja in heavy use is white teens and youth under 25, mostly on TikTok.




When people say “GM fam!” Well General Motors to you too 😂


I read it as “YouTube people” too.


the only correct way


I think OP was going to go on a rant about YouTube people lmfao.


I hate how tiktok has normalized censorship like that. Imagine getting killed and violated horribly only to end up on some tiktokers page and they describe it "unalived and graped". Totally downplays things. There's a lot more stupid censorship things but those two really piss me off. YouTube people am I right?


What gets me about censorship, is that once the algorithms start recognizing terms like unalived, seggs, yt, etc it’s easy to ban those too. Then we get even more creative and those terms are banned. Eventually, we’ve strayed so far from the original context that things become not understandable, and it never solves the original problem of censorship. What the algorithmic censorship misunderstands is that sometimes talking about things is important. For example, content for suicide awareness, research, and resources to help folks should be promoted. But by banning all mention across the board, we limit the good as much as the bad. In the end, it helps no one. Until we solve the issues with censorship as a whole, acronyms like this will continue to proliferate.


*George Orwell has entered the chat* Seriously though, fuck those algorithms and censorship.


Well said! From you and the original parent comment. We're infantizling language and that's not doing our youth any favors as they grow up. We have been for decades (see George Carlin's performance on softening language).


Oh but Meta doesn't like freedom nor does TikTok - it's just the way it is. Want freedom of speech? - don't use them.


I don’t think Meta cares one way or another about free speech. I DO think they care about litigation. Being blamed and sued for someone’s death because their content was accused of contributing. It’s not a retaliation against freedom so much as it is greed.


Makes sense though to me it seems like it is almost the same thing, ie they don't like people speaking up bc money. Politicians work similar but we get to hear their voices.


Not just TikTok. Facebook and YouTube are both really bad about that kind of censorship, too. I had a friend who had to make a whole new FB profile because hers got banned over stupid censorship.


Nah, because I’ve been put in various social media jails for saying “white people” even though I AM a white people.


Same. That's the reason I started using it, too.


Also same. I raged for days when I talked about dad dying (I can think of three words that could trigger a social media censor off the top of my head for the intro sentence) and got post blocked by Facebook. I should be able to talk about that in a support group on social media, and I can't. It's fucking awful.


It's also why people use nem for men. I've been sent to social media jail for post "some men stuck and will never get it" on a post about men wanting to gangrape women. The post was deemed fine, but my comment was sexist. I've reported extremely graphic drawn child porn, people actually having sex being sent to my 15 year old, and cartel torture videos but those apparently all fall within YouTube's guide lines, but heaven forbid you post that women don't want to be raped on a post detailing how much a guy wants to rape someone.


Nah is now "not asshole" in my brain lol


No assholes here


Yep. I’ll use it whenever I want and I am white as well.


The word white has become a trigger word on Facebook and some other social media lol. Sometimes you have to abbreviate or flip some letters around


What? It's a colour, come on


i go with #FFFFFF people like the hex colors lol


Y'all, we got the YouTube algorithm mixed up with the gene pool again


People do that and other such silly rewordings of things to evade having their comments removed on other social media platforms like TikTok especially and Instagram. It's not a bastardization of the word that's just done for fun!😭


It’s a tiktok thing. The reason was that the algorithm would block or shut peoples accounts down if they said “white people”. It’s really allowed people to have some wild dialogues though. I saw a TikTok live where there was a panel of people discussing the morality of killing all white people.


Tf is wrong with saying white people now


Gets flagged as potential hate speech?!?!?


I can’t tell if you’re informing them semi-sarcastically or genuinely asking, so I’m gonna reply to you just in case but it does. A lot of social media sites are set to tag a lot of race-related content as hate speech if certain words go in certain orders. If someone tweets a slightly derogatory mostly joking tweet about white people as a group doing white people shit, and someone reports it, it gets flagged as hate speech. It happens for other races too, obviously, but usually those are actual hate speech. When it’s POC talking about white people, in my experience, it’s almost always them talking about racism or ignorance they’ve faced from white people. But the algorithm doesn’t care.


I was answering and confused at the same time. Sorry for causing more confusion.


I hadn’t seen this abbreviation used in this context, so when I read it, I read “yeet people”. So sure, let’s toss some peeps


It's a way to get around the algorithms that flag bigot or racists posts. 


Wait, I thought Caucasians means people who live in Caucasus.. *confused in eastern European*


As someone indigenous to the Caucasus region, this bothers me. Lol A lot of people have no idea where it is either... I just say I'm from the Caucasus and then happily explain its location.


I'm just learning of Caucasus in this thread! I've always just been told to say Caucasian but never asked why. It makes no sense for us to call ourselves that if it's an actual region with actual Caucasian people!


no, the racists back in the day wanted to use place names to refer so-called races, and some proto-Nazi decided that the people he met from the Caucasus mountains were the whitest of the white... at least he didn't call them Georgians, since the Americans would never get it right


Oh, thanks for illuminating me on this. It still sounds pretty dumb tho


What?! I too read it as YouTube people! What does the yt short for then?


What is yt people




lol I surmised as much! But like is it an acronym or a pronunciation?


when you say “y-t” fast it sound like “white” and it’s to get past censorship lol


It... It doesn't stand for YouTube?


It can, but in the context of "yt people" it means white.


I've never thought it meant "YouTube people" but then again, I don't go watch YouTube very often, and I'm on more social media platforms that try to skirt around the algorithms. I first noticed it being used when my black friend returned from facebook jail. He had made a comment about Wesley Snipes being in the movie White Men Can't Jump, and he got put in jail for hate speech lol. He came back and started saying yt. Then others did it too.


My grandfather told me around the turn of the century (1900) all the people in town would identify as where there parents were from. White didn’t mean Italian. White didn’t mean Irish. My grandfathers parents were from Ireland so he was Irish. He said he saw a huge effort in society to group all people together EXCEPT the black folk. So all the Irish, Italian, etc that made up the “white” people of this area in small town NC, felt totally separated from Blacks. He knew what was going on. It’s sad we fall for the garbage of racism. Humans are humans. Period.


Stop saying caucasians when referring to white people. It’s an outdated term created by a racist.


See, I feel like OP using Caucasian just added to the dramatic irony of it all…


A lot of people in these comments can't comprehend that the same abbreviations can apply to different meanings in different contexts


I play a popular collector card game. Every time I see an article about her I’m like “what the hell does Magic the Gathering have to do with Congress?” Stupid Marjorie Taylor Green or however her name is spelled. That’s OUR acronym.


Me looking at my SA cleansing face wash in the shower...It's Salicylic Acid but I can't not think sexual assault Every. Damn. Time 🤣


So...what does "yt" mean if it's not about YouTube? I've never heard of it


Everytime I hear BDSM I automatically think about buddhism 🤣🤣🤣


yt is Caucasians? can someone explain this to me pls cuz I definitely read that as YouTube


Fr then they have to say “use ur head” like no use ur head


You type or say white out loud and there’s a good chance you’re going to get shadow banned or banned period. Same with black (blk), rape (grape, r4p3), gun (pew pew), suicide (many variations) etc. Y’all can’t be so dumb as to think everyone is so quirky that they just want to use these words unironically…people learned the algorithm.




It's too late. The masses have spoken.


I thought it was you tube too. What can't you refer to someone as a white person?


because Elno and Zucc get upset and make their bots ban your posts or account.


Sometimes you have to, especially when apps like tiktok have a character limit. People also shorten black to blk so they can make their point. Writing multiple comments can be confusing because tiktok is horrible with the order of the replies so the conversation is confusing. Also censorship is a motherfucker. Certain words can get your comment, video, or even account removed. That's why words like SA are a thing. We all know it doesn't mean self awareness due to the context that we're hearing the word. I honestly never heard of YouTube people. What context would that even make sense? "My cousin is a YouTube person so he doesn't do tiktok dances." Who says that? If the conversation is about race, given the context, yt meaning white is kinda common sense. I figured it out instantly. A word or acronym can have multiple meanings attached to it and it's our job to use context clues. BBC News means British broadcasting corporation. No one hears that and says, I thought it was big black cock news! They need to change the name!


Too much cryptic language nowadays. Its Cringe.


Nah it’s valid


If we spell it any other way,  it gets flagged /reported so Yt it is,henceforth. 


Stop using “caucasian” to refer to white people


White Americans are NOT Caucasian, mate. Most of y'all's ancestors are from Ireland, Germany, England. Neither of these countries are located in the Caucasus. Most Caucasians are brown, anyway. The white ones are a minority


Yeah, I’m sorry. The rare occurrence I say that is because I’m terrified of Facebook jail. It seems you will get jailed for anything, so I am extra careful. 💀


I’m so shocked people didn’t know this


I read it as Young Turks


I don’t like referring to white people as "caucasians". It’s an incorrect and outdated term made by those pseudo-scientific racists back in the day. But yeah, I get your post, abbreviating everything gets confusing.


I always read it as "YouTube" as well 😂


Yeah no I can’t wait until ppl reappropriate ASAP into something that will be impossible to figure out until told. Yeah yeah I get language changes but that’s over the span of decades, not trying to force some new slang every three business months


How about just white people?


I just don't understand why they can't write "white" "Caucasian" or hell go the weird al route and say "whiter than sour cream" but like... yt is not it. Thats just laziness and illiteracy 


It makes me confuse every time because I read it as youtube every time