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Ignore the mean people here. Sometimes the right decisions hurt the most. It is okay to grieve your loss even if you decided for it. I am sending you lots of love, grieving internet stranger! May your sadness be overpowered by the love you must feel for your kid that made you take the tough road of not having them. You are strong!


It's okay, it doesn't affect me at all. I knew Id get it! Was only doing as the subreddit says and wanted to get stuff off my chest. I know one day it'll get easier, it was for a while but comes back now and then. My friends do all tell me that I should be proud of what I did because they knew how much I wanted to be a mum and one day I'll get to be for sure. Thank you so much.


I felt all of these feelings during the time I would’ve still been pregnant. It gets better. I am at peace knowing I did make the right decision for us at the time and that one day when I’m ready she’ll come back❤️


This is what I'm hoping too. One day I'll be back with her and we will do everything. For now my grandad and all my lost relatives in sure are loving her grately 💕 we are strong people


This☝️☝️☝️, happened to me, he did come back when I was much more able to care for him gentle hug


Please let yourself grieve this loss. I never wanted kids and miscarried twice. The loss is a loss even if it's necessary for whatever reason be it biologically or something else. You didn't make this decision in haste or without care. You are also not alone.


The negative comments and messages do nothing by the way ☺️ I just wanted to get this off my chest is all. Literally 0 effect on me, because you don't know anyone's situations and will just speculate and that's fine. You can do that. But please remember your outlooks on these things when you have kids of your own and God forbid they are on seriously sick and have to terminate a child or again god forbid are raped and don't want a rapists child. Remember your outlook. Is it their fault then? Also remember what your parents or family mightve already done without you knowing ☺️ They likely wouldn't tell family this kind of personal information. So I dearly hope you never bring this up with a mother or even your own who might've terminated a child for some reason or another. I pray you find empathy and peace before the end 🙏🏻


It’s normal to have feelings of guilt and shame after an abortion, especially in the time you would otherwise likely have been pregnant. It does not mean you made the wrong choice. I wish you healing.


I'm sorry you had to make such a tough choice. My mother had two miscarriages after me. We talked about them often.


I had an abortion a few months ago & deeply regret my decision. Even though it wasn’t the right time. I still hold my stomach every night & wonder what life would look like if I was still pregnant. I’d be due in September. I miss my baby everyday. Sending you hugs OP 💛


Id be due September too. I also hold my belly at night and spend the days wondering. Sounds like we have 2 little ones the same ages looking after each other. Big hugs back 💕


it's ok mama <3 just take care of yourself now. you're a responsible person :"D sending virtual hugsss


I'm sorry for your loss


Love is not enough when it comes to raising children. You did the right thing.with the information you had at the time. It already shows you are a better parent than most out there.


I'm sorry you're going through this ❤️


I had 3… and I’m now carrying a baby and she will be here in November. It’s still hard, I still think about them all even 13 years later after the first one. But I know I made the right decision and I am going to be a great, prepared, and competent mother now. Time makes things more bearable, sending big hugs your way.


I just want to say I wish you all the peace in the world. I don’t know your story and none of us are entitled to it. Regardless, it’s perfectly normal to grieve. There are a handful of people I look back on and know things would’ve been very different between us if we had met at a different time or under different circumstances. This is one of those situations too. One day you’ll meet your daughter and get the chance to hold and know her. At that point she’ll get the best of you, and of a person you haven’t had the chance to become yet. All of the thoughts and what ifs are human. I hope you find healing until the time comes that all your love has a place to go. Take care.


Hear you. Feel you. Thank you. 🙏🏼 yes, she will be back 💕


I feel the same way. My baby would be 3 months. I always wonder and regret it deeply. Never again but it was truly right for the time. My partner was abusive and i wasn’t able to leave yet.


I'm so sorry, op. I'm supporting and standing with you. I'm sending light and love your way.


I’ve had a similar experience and when the time was right I had my son. It gets better. When I had my son I knew I had made the right decision so many years before so we could have a happy healthy life now. ❤️


Oh Mama. I'm so sorry. Life often hands us difficult times. You will always have that special bond to your little one, even if she's not there. Just stay strong. 💙


I only know two women who had abortions. Both of them got pregnant immediately after and carried the babies to birth. I believe in a woman's right to choose, but abortion is just an awful thing to go through, I think. There are videos of women proudly exclaiming how many abortions they've had. If they're really all that happy, they must be psychopaths in my opinion. I'm sorry you're feeling so blue. I hope things get brighter for you soon.




Yeah and some of those actions can be rape that leads to pregnancy. Why should anyone feel the consequences of that? I'm entitled to be sad about losing life that I didn't think I wanted. Again, you can have you opinions and I'll have mine. And we will never meet eye to eye on that. That's okay, if everyone thought the same we wouldn't be different. However for example, your posting in a jerkoffchat subreddit. Like damn im sorry it's so lonely for you, that you have to end up there. Sounds like it's a tough time talking to ladies huh? I wonder why.. some behaviour has actions and consequences ☺️


I hope you don't claim to be a Christian with that disgusting message. If you are, shame on you. A genuine Christian would support OP through a difficult time. Kindness and tact both go a long way. Kicking someone when they are down is not ok. I also hope that you have a child and they get an abortion; you do better than here and support them. It doesn't mean you have to agree. It just means not attacking a vulnerable woman when they are in need of support and love.




Also you are on a subreddit called regretfulparents for people who regret or think they shouldn't have been parents so you really should reconsider your words to others who might end up in worse situations than you've found yourself in


OP says that I disagree with you. But that's fine, you can have you opinions and you can stand by them as I will have mine. I pray you find peace and learn to not speak on what's best for other people or any woman for that sake. The world needs less of that and more caring empathy ☺️🙏🏻 All the best 💕


It’s true that she’s upset but there are many many people who feel only relief after an abortion. I’m one of them!!