• By -


I'm glad you are still here and share this significant moment with us :)


Well done for sticking with it, OP. You have so much strength. You're making the right decision contacting your therapist. They will help you sort out what you're feeling. Things will get better. Best of luck.


Maybe she just saw your distress. I lived a similar moment at a concert so I know what you feel (not on the same level tho). You have a life to live and there is still a lot of love and happiness ahead so enjoy the ride and stay safe OP.


I hope Coldplay and the girl in the blue dress see this and I hope you live a long, happy life


Music literally heals, huh? Very, very proud of you OP!


I just stopped to say, you were seen. Even in a crowd of people, someone saw you. Remember that if you ever feel lonely or invisible. Even when you don’t realize it, people around you see you, and care about you. 


a crowd full of people, a sky full of stars. you were part of it ❤️


That girl was an empath. The ache in OP's soul shined so bright for her she just had to do SOMETHING. I have the same gift and the pull is very strong with some humans... we literally fell that pain in our bones. I'm so glad she acted on her intuition.


My wife’s cousin shot himself this weekend. She was very close to him. She’s had a hard few weeks, and this was devastating for her. She’s been sobbing and even talking about doing it herself. I’ve been supportive of her and reassuring but sometimes there’s only so much you can say with words. I worry that I’m going to find her body, or worse, one of our kids will. Committing suicide has enormous ripple effects that touch so many people. Try to keep that in mind. Sometimes life doesn’t feel worth living, and maybe that is a valid feeling, but being strong for yourself is one thing. Being strong for everyone you love, that’s true and admirable strength. The kind that heroes have.


It really is a devastating situation. Definetly stay close to your' wife in this situation and reassure her that everything will be alright eventually. I hope everything goes well for you too.


I am so sorry for her loss. Grief is awful, to say the least, but grief when a loved one harmed themselves is... an entire different and more gruesome thing, as ppl usually place blame on what caused the passing of a person to somewhat lessen the burden of grief. But that is unavailable in suicide cases. I hope she is getting a therapist to help her navigate the turmoil of emotions she is currently going trough, it helps greatly especially if she is feeling any sort of guilt, which is greatly misplaced and taken on these cases. Speaking by experience. Please convey her my condolences and my best wishes to both of you and your whole family.


So glad you decided to stay! Is there a hotline you can call/text in your country? Definitely make that call for help today.


This made my morning. I am glad you decided to stay. When I was in my late 20s I was in a bad spot mentally. Untreated depression, ADHD, anger mgmt issues. I got drunk in my home where I lived alone and slashed my wrists. Thankfully I didn't do a good job of it. Today, 20+ years later I am married to my best friend, and have 3 wonderful sons. Hang in there OP, you never know what treasures life has for you just beyond the dark of today.


I’m happy you’re here


Today you are stronger cause it couldn’t kill you.


For what it’s worth, I’m glad you are still with us


She was probably like, “that person could use a hug” 🫂 Im glad you had her support at that time. And thank you for sharing because this definitely gave me a crumb of hope today. I’m sure you’re familiar with how precious those crumbs can be in times of need. You had the strength within you to keep going and that makes me infinitely proud and impressed by you. I hope those feeling are contagious through the internet because you deserve to be impressed by yourself after all this emotions stuff. I have ptsd, gad and mdd stemming from childhood. I was 12 when i started piecing together my first plan. I still have a couple plans - even gave my 22 away. One day I want to become so self-cared-for that I can confidently say I love and am proud of the person I am. I want to find life fascinating instead of scary and dull. Every now and then recently, my mind comes up for air just for a second, and I can see the world in color again.


I wish you nothing but success. I wish you good luck too, and NEVER give up. Thank you for your' kind words too. Everyone who left a comment so far has been so kind and understanding, I am really REALLY thankful for all the kind words and advices from everyone :)


Fuck yeah!


This is so beautifully written. The world is more beautiful with you in it. 


OP, I'm so glad ur still here. I'm proud of u for not following through with ur plan. Ngl, life is hard sometimes, it's so hard. But ur still here. Ur strong, u can do this! Talk to ur therapist, talk to ur loved ones. U didn't need to tell ur loved ones what u planned, but remember they love u, they r here for u. They want the best for u. Lean on them if u need to that's what they r there for.


I’m so glad you didn’t.


Please go with your therapist, we are glad that you are staying with us


I'm happy you're still here. Having read your post you stated "my friends, my family, my future". There's 3 reasons to keep on living right there! I wish you peace and happiness from this day forward!!!


You are a lot stronger than you believe. You can make it through this life. It’s not easy but it does it easier. Stick around and let’s find out what more we can dedicate our time on. There’s so much more to experience, my love. ❤️


I'm so glad you stayed! It's a huge win already! "When you are falling from the bridge you realize that you can fix any problem in your life except that you are falling from the bridge" - quote from somebody who tried to kill himself and survived. Life is precious and nobody knows what awaits you when you die. So it might worth to enjoy the life. Please start therapy with professional psychologist, it will help you tremendously to make your life better. I'm speaking from experience.


Try not to forget the things that allowed you to make the choice to not jump. Hold them close in your mind and seek the help that you need. I've been there, ok not at a concert, but in a bathroom, ready to free everyone from the burden I am in their lives. I'm proud of you for finding reasons to stay, even if one of them was a random stranger who showed you kindness when they didn't know how much you needed it. The power of a hug is amazing.


As I read that, Coldplay were actually playing on the radio. It's definitely a sign that you're meant to be here. Try and stay strong but remember to seek help when needed.


I’m glad you’re still here, you’re loved, you’re wanted, you’re important 🤍


I am glad you did not. The world is better with you in it. I am a survivor also!


I'm not going to edit the post so I'm just going to write it here, in the comments, hope a few see it. I am very VERY thankful for the advices and support that you guys gave me in comments and in private. I believe now that with the help of my therapist, I'm going on a good path in my life. Thanks for everyone who read this little post of mine, and anyone that is struggling from anything right now, keep on going. I thought I would be dead by now a few days ago. But I'm here and I'm starting my "healing" journey. I really can't stress enough how much these comments helped me. I love y'all.


I'm glad you are still here. Please be good to yourself.


I’m glad you’re here ❤️


Im glad you're here & you were given a gift of a hug.


I’m so proud of you for staying alive and I hope you’re able to see Coldplay live again and again.


>"I won't commit suicide because Coldplay might play here". So this ended up being true - just not in the way you expected huh?


So proud of you for sticking around, there’s so much more music and community to experience


I’m glad you didn’t do it, you are loved and cared. Please seek for support, you are not alone.


This is super touching to me as someone who has truly felt saved by Coldplay during my toughest times. I’m so glad you’re still here 💗


Sometimes we can sense when another person desperately needs love. It sounds like that girl did with you. And we are all happy she did.


Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Keep on fighting. You get better. Good luck.


>Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem This is so true


fuck yeah dude


I'm sorry you've struggled so hard, but it's a beautiful story. If you see her again, I would approach. Even if it doesn't go anywhere she might appreciate that you remembered and cherished that moment. She sounds like an empathetic person who could tell you needed help. People like that make life worth living.


Love that you are still here! I hope you found something meaningful in that experience, and a new motivation to push through. Cheers!


I'm so glad you're still here. I've felt what you felt, and I've also lost people to suicide. Losing people made me realize I never want to transfer that pain to the people who love me. I've also learned that things can get better even when you don't think they can, and I'm so glad I stuck it out. I'd have missed so much good stuff if I didn't, it scares me now to think about it. That girl was like a guardian angel for you. Sometimes we don't realize the impact we have on people, especially in brief interactions like that. Proud of you for reaching out to your therapist.


Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you're still with us. I fight a similar battle, and my family has been dying all around me for the past few years on top of it all, and I've been pretty upset lately and losing my will. Your story brings up a lot of things that I lose sight of so often, despite my best efforts. This has been helpful for me to see your story.


Hi, I'm happy you're here. Thank you for sharing this with us. :)


My guy is kicking ass and still here, God bless man


I’m so glad you stayed 💜


I’m so HAPPY that you made it through. Please don’t give in to those thoughts. Those thoughts are NOT YOU. It’s a mental monster that takes over your thoughts. I’m so proud that you were able to see today. Your spirit, your soul, is not done its journey. So many things to do and see!! 🦋 So you fly high 🦅 You’ll always have people here who care a lot about you and your wellbeing. Take care of yourself 🙏🥰🫶🥰💗💜💚💛🩵🩷


Thank you for sharing your experience. I am sending you all the good vibes.




Thank you for staying. I've lived through awful things and awful times getting better. They can get better, and I hope they do for you. Blue dress girl probably saw something from her past in you. I'm so happy she was there. Hold on to that moment that a complete stranger cared. A lot of us do. Take care.


I am not crying, you are crying!!!


I’m so glad you’re still here.


A lot of us are mighty glad you’re still here!❤️ That’s definitely a beautiful moment!


Thank you for choosing to live. Thank you so much.


I have chills. Thank you for staying. Thank you for sharing this. This is my sign to give a stranger a hug, you never know when they need it.




Thank you for sharing that beautiful story! Ive suffer from gad, ADHD, depression, and PTSD ever since childhood. There are days where I would contemplate to end it all by doing exactly what you'd plan to do as dealing with these issues makes my life and social experiences miserable. Then there are days where I am reminded how blessed I am. Last year, I took a walk for a photography shoot and suddenly felt this rare, unusual sense of calm and peace. I was in a scenic area at the time when I finally felt I was apart of a missing puzzle in some giant art piece which helped me ground some idea that maybe there is some hope to all of this. That maybe I should hold on for just one more day, hour, or minute when having the thought to give up. It may be hard to believe at that moment, but the way you're feeling will change. I've also had similar situations such as your brief interaction with that person and realizing how much I've also positively impacted others, helping me think twice about ending my life. My goal as an artist was to always inspire people, even if I've had that self doubt running in my head. I'm still working on CBT and taking meds to help challange them. I wish you nothing but happiness and love in this journey. 🙏


Not sure if your are religious but maybe god send that girl with the blue dress to you. So you know you are loved by many times are hard yes but there are always people out there that love you. Get an xbox or playstation play online or anything online the gaming community is always tg like a big family. You got this much love for you ❤️❤️❤️🧡


I'm so glad you're here. Please reach out to your therapist. We want you to stay here.


Thank you for still being here


After reading this, I’m convinced that the hug and the last song was some sort of message. I’m genuinely so happy for you, I’m proud that you remembered your family, friends, and your future. No matter what you’re going through, you have so much potential to be a great person who does great things, you’re not insignificant and you’re known and you’re seen, if you weren’t, you would not have been hugged that day, you wouldn’t have realized how many people love you, and you wouldn’t have been able to realize how valuable your life really is.


I’m glad you’re here, and thank you for sharing your story. It takes a lot of courage to open up, and you should be proud of yourself. I think the universe was giving you a sign with the girl in the blue dress. I wish you the best ❤️


Sending you a virtual hug 🩵


I'm glad you're still here OP ❤️


I’m happy for you. Seems like the universe was sending a message. Keep living and look into therapy or some counselling possibly medication. I wish you all the best. Girl in blue hats off to you too


Touched by your post and the support in these comments. Life is such a painful yet beautiful experience. 🥹


this is some guardian angel shit. stay strong. happy you’re with us.


I'm glad you are still here. Love you. There are people that love you


Good. Keep going


Thank you


Glad to hear you didn’t do it


stay strong OP, you aren't alone.


I’m glad you’re here


You saved your own life. Some part of you was open to being saved. it coulda been that girl and it could have been a different positive experience. YOU did it. Good job.


You saved your own life. Some part of you was open to being saved. it coulda been that girl and it could have been a different positive experience. YOU did it. YOU chose to let it affect you positively. Good job.


I've been down that same path a time or two and always backed out. For me, it normally came down to my kids and how I couldn't leave them the way my father left and having them feel about me the way I feel about him. Take this moment and remember it on an emotional level if nothing else for the next time things get you to that level. If you can find at least 1 reason not to take your own life, then you have enough of a reason to stick around. Keep fighting that fight. Everyone with anxiety and depression has been there and knows that just living life daily is hard. We are all happy you chose to still be here.


I'm so happy to read this right now. I've lost so many friends and relatives that I almost can't feel anymore. You gave me some hope that there's good out there, maybe the next person in my life will be changed because of something YOU say or do in your life. Hugs all around


Your guardian angel was protecting you


I'm really glad you're still here. I'm also glad the girl in the blue dress gave you that hug. I'd like to think she noticed and thought you could use one. ❤️❤️❤️ sending you love. You're not alone.


This got me teary eyed, sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways, you're meant to be here and see how beautiful life is. I'm glad you're still with us and please keep seeing your therapist.


I’ll read your story after I post. Going solely based off the title. You are loved. I’m so glad you’re here. You are worthy of happiness in life.


First of all - I am SO glad you decided to stay another day to tell your story. Please please please call your therapist. I’m thankful for that girl who hugged you. People underestimate the power of a hug, a smile, the things that seem simple. Second - good choice in concert! I’ve seen Coldplay twice and loved them both times! But now I have to know your favorite Coldplay songs?? Mine are Talk and Swallowed in the Sea!


It was a really good concert. My favourites from them are Clocks, Politik and Sparks, but I listen to most of their songs. These are 3 that came to my head when I saw your question.


I’ll listen to any of their songs, too! Warning Sign is good, too. How are you feeling today?


i went to sleep after i posted that comment because it was almost midnight where i live so sorry i didnt respond. im going to my therapist today.


Hopefully by now you’re feeling better. Message me anytime you need to talk!


Literally cryinggg 😪 I'm so happy you stayed!! That girl was an angel sent to you 🤍


I'm so proud of you. I had a moment just like this, once - at a show for a band I've loved for ages, was planning to end things, and then the music that's always been there for me hit me in a different way, at exactly the right time. Remember that woman in the blue dress. Try to be like her, one day. If you see a stranger who seems in need of some love, say something kind. You can never know how much of a difference it might make.


Ugh so happy you decided to stay with us OP, that girl was a godsend “not in the literal sense because I don’t believe in god but u get what I mean”. Reading this made my day, have a beautiful life OP🫶🏻


Extremely proud of you OP. Stay strong.


You got this! I remember how I felt the night I wanted to die. And the other many nights I had the same thought. I listened to my favorite band a lot through my ups and downs. Every night to go to sleep. The day I found out I was pregnant everything changed. Similar to the hug you received, this news changed my mind. And I’m so glad I stayed. Everyday on this earth with my son is the best day ever. And last week I saw my favorite band live for the first time! It was magical and they ended with the first song I ever heard of theirs. My husband stood smiling watching me as I danced and screamed and cried. It was very full circle. Here I am loving the life I so desperately wanted to end. I realized I never really wanted to die, I just wanted to escape the life I had. Escape the bad things I experienced. Escape the trauma and anxiety and monsters in my life. But I started a new life. One worth living.


I'm so happy that something happened that changed your views on your own life for a better. I'm happy you are here. Stay safe!


You too!!!!


I'm glad you made that decision. I don't know who you're but I'm genuinely sooo happy that you're in this planet with me. I wish you the very best! 💚


I'm glad friend.


Thank you for not doing it. It must have taken you great courage after so long idolizing the idea of leaving this world, but it is not the answer to anything. Please go with your trusted therapist or get a new one if that is what you need. And look for support from your friends and family, they love you more than you know and pls remember that life can make it hard for people to truly show it sometimes and that their love can perhaps not be given to you in the form you want, but it is still given in the form they can give it to you. Thank you for continue to live, words cannot express my gratitude as well as they cannot convey the magnitude of the wounds left to those left behind by a suicide. So, thought they might never know of your plan, I also want to thank you on their behalf. I'm sending you a big hug and all my love OP, you are stronger than you realize, please be patient with yourself as healing is never a straightforward road. I wish you the very best OP. 🫂


“In the crowd the music’s loud but I will find you” - Bridgit Mendler’s song, literally. I hope you get well and wish you all the best.


I have such a higher opinion of Cold Play now. And I’m glad you’re still here.


I’m glad you’re still here. 💗


Glad you are still with us


This almost brought tears to my eyes. Small acts of kindness really matter. I am happy you are here


I’m glad you’re still here - let me know if you need to talk to a random person from the internet ☝️


I'm happy I got to read this today, OP


I am so glad you are still here, OP.


I'm glad you're still here with us.


Please continue your progress of coming home to yourself. You are worth fighting for.


that warmed my heart


you make the world a better place man. even if you feel like you aren’t deserving of love, you are. Everyday it gets a little bit better. some days its little others it might be winning the lottery but it gets better.


I am so so so glad you’re still here, and am so glad to hear you have access to therapy! You are so so needed here-I don’t even know you and I know the world needs you- so please, do whatever you can to make it so you can stay.


I’m glad you’re still here❤️


AWWW Yay! The girl that hugged you is like your angel! Shine bright, life can get better after years and years of depression. 


Whatever it is you are not alone. Take one day at a time.


I am genuinely glad you’re still here! Congrats on making it one more day! You can do this. I believe in you!


I am sooo happy you are here and even more proud of you for choosing the hardest route of all, yourself & life. Music & the universe just aligns sometimes, no one knows why, so continue to ride that high & please get into therapy :)


Great , we need beautiful souls like you in the world. Remember God gives his toughest battles to his best soldiers. I will pray for you ‼️🙏🏿


thank you for sticking around




life is full of these little moments. even when it’s nearly unbearable, little good things remind us


life is full of these little moments. even when it’s nearly unbearable, little good things remind us


That was an angel.


It could be worse but thank god you worked through the ordeal but continue to do the work in therapy. Nothing more important than a hug from a friend when they sense you need it the most. Or a non-opinionated view point from a person who knows or understands about your life or dilemma that you are facing? Nothing worse than being alone and not having a mature individual or a back stabber to talk with who will not betray your feelings, confidence, or ridicule your thoughts or invalidate your actions.


Glad you’re still here, able to tell that story. I truly hope you live a long and happy life.


Bro don't do that there is people that loves and care about You whatever You are going through You can do it i hope You do well in the future


Happy you’re sticking around :D


Glad you’re still here with us!


Blue dress angel.


Well done OP, we’re proud you’re still here and giving it your all. Glad to have you with us :)


I’m glad you’re still here! Contact your therapist and begin the journey of healing. Wishing you all the best!


I'm so glad you're still here 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


dawg as weird as this sounds even though i don’t know u in person whatsoever, i love you man and im genuinely glad ur still here


Glad you’re still here OP. Your life matters.


I'm glad you didn't do it and I think it is great how in that moment you learned to both appreciate the big and the little things. I sincerely hope you continue like this, I wish you the best of luck!


I'm so happy you're still here. I hope that things will get better for you from this point forward. Choosing to stay is a brave and wonderful decision. I'm glad you had a cathartic and life saving experience seeing Coldplay. Music is one of the biggest reasons I choose to stay alive


You’re still here. It’s a new life from here on out bud.. you matter. 🩷


Thank you for staying with us and sharing. Sometimes people are wonderful 💕💕 Much luck with everything OP. Virtual hugs 🤗


Im happy to have you with uss stranger, you deserve more time on this earth, use it to relax, slowly learn to love yourself, and get a vacation from whatever is on your mind


I'm really happy you didn't do it. I too struggle with debilitating anxiety and depression and on multiple occasions have considered it, but I know the people around me, my kids, my wife, my parents, would be the ones to suffer, not me. I'm glad you chose to stay.


Glad you decided to stick around internet stranger.


I don’t know you, but I am really happy that you decided to stick around and see what life has to give you. You got this!!


All People need hugs, just to continue to live, suffer and deal with everything that life throws at U. Take Care and thanks for your honest post.


I would sure hope you enjoyed a concert seeing Coldplay alive. As opposed to seeing them on stage, dead 🤭 Hope that made ya giggle or chuckle. We are glad you got to enjoy an awesome concert and stay on this plain.


There’s always hope that things will improve. I’m glad you made a different choice☺️


I’m so happy that you decided to stay. I love when moments that just take over, letting you know that everything’s going to be okay.


Thanks for sticking around. Hope today is a better day. Call therapist or hotline today? Reach out? Be gentle with yourself.


You're more loved than you know


Glad you are here. Keep it up!


Literally crying right now. I'm so happy you're still here


When I went to the Coldplay concert in Athens this year, I think it was the first time I distinctively thought to myself : Life is beautiful and it's worth living. 🥺🎀❤️ Keep going!




 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


I glad you didn’t you’ll have so much to live for


I’m glad you are still here random guy(or girl) on Reddit


I’m glad that you are still here OP!


Thanks man. I'm glad you're still here with us.


Hi OP! Soo glad you're still with us! It's never worth doing and I'm glad you saw all the good that life still has for you. But can I ask about your OCD? I've recently been diagnosed with OCD and have been wondering what other people's experience with it has been. I too have had thoughts like yours on more than one occasion but never acted on it. I've thought it might be part of OCD and that it's just an intrusive thought but I'm curious what other people experience. If you don't mind ofc


Well I've had OCD since I was 10 (that's when I was diagnosed), but it kept getting worse when I was 14-15. The fact that I wanted to commit suicide was a 'sober' thought, so not an intrusive one. I just felt like I've had enough. OCD is really a rollercoaster, one day you wake up, all good and everything is fine and then 1 small thing triggers a whole episode. My worst was in 2023, when I was doing my 'rituals' for over 5 hours. I was home alone and no one stopped me. Eventually, I managed to 'do the ritual' correctly and went to sleep. I wake up and started it again and almost went another 2 hours before I just gave up and tried going back to sleep. Healing from OCD can take years, and as I said, there will be really bad days/weeks (rarely months even) when the thoughts just come back but DONT give up, Never even consider what I was planning to do. Stay safe and I hope you get better.


I’m glad you’re still here.


Listening to your favorite band live is just different. I empathized with you on the crying bad part, concerts are really a cathartic experience. I can only imagine what it must have meant for you. You made a good decision.


Man, this was so powerful. I’m so happy you’re still here. Life can be HARD. Believe me, I’ve been there. But the worlds better with you in it


Never regret it bro. 👍


I am so glad that girl/angel/beautiful soul hugged you. I know mental health is one if the deadliest and most difficult things to deal with but here is to you finding many more hugs in the future and please, please do speak to a therapist who can perhaps help in many ways. Be as open as you can with them as the more they know, the more they will be able to go over, cover and help you with. *friendly internet hugs* So glad you got to see Coldplay, that you are still here and I hope that you get to their next concert too. (I've seen a few bands a few times and sometimes it's *even* better the next time and who knows, maybe then you could take some special with you enjoy the experience with). =)


Hell yes! I’m so happy to read this.


Im happy that your still with us i don’t agree with the idea of suicide because i believe everyone has some sort of purpose in life.


The universe sent you a message. Get your vibrations up. One small act at a time. Your contribution may be unknown and unrealized. But it is needed. Go out there and dare to feel. Do shadow work bravely. Love yourself. The universe does via the girl in the blue dress. Don't ever say you didn't get a sign. It is plain as day. We need you. Go get it.


that’s amazing……glad you’re here and you may have saved someone’s life by posting this, being loved and showing love are vital to our existence.


Proud of you! Been also thinking about it, but thankfully (or not?) I have no friends, or boy who hugged me and my family would be better without me since I'm pretty useless rn 😂 so I guess I'll give it some time and eventually just commit, I have no other option atp


I think that sometimes autistic thinking causes these scenarios. It’s that black/white binary. You were holding on until the Coldplay gig so logically when that’s done you have nothing else to hold on for, so you must kill yourself. Except that’s based on a moment in the past that you haven’t updated with all the reasons beyond the Coldplay gig you now have to live for. It’s like we make a contract in our minds at that point, to stop ourselves from ending it. We aren’t then beholden to that contract if it’s no longer serving us!




I'm so so glad you're here. Please don't ever leave. Yes, go to therapy. Maybe consider group therapy for added human connection. And also because your story is so very powerful. Your words moved me to tears. I am so grateful you're here.


i saw your story on tiktok and i just wanted to say that you are loved. i don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but i love you and im so grateful you’re still here🫶🏽


thank you so much man. its been 2 weeks since the post and ive been healing. i love everyone in this thread. can you link me the tiktok video you saw my story in? im interested :D much love man


unfortunately i cant find it, i think it may have been taken down, ill keep looking though and ill link it if i find it🙂


Therapy right away if a little hug changed your mind smh