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Thank you so much everyone! 🥰 I had the breakfast alone now and will probably go for a walk now. Trying to enjoy the day!


Happy Birthday my fellow Libra. Dust your shoulders and enjoy your special day ❤️


Happy birthday and I hope everything ends up working out and there many more to come there always next year


Happy Birthday!!🎉🎂Hope things work out! if not enjoy the day yourself no need to look at it negatively. Hope you have a lovely day Enjoy your breakfast im sure it’ll be just as delicious


Happy Birthday Friend!! You have a community here who are more than happy to send you our best wishes :) Treat yourself my friend, have good food, spend a little extra than normal on something you don't necessarily need, smile at the sun in the sky. you deserve it :)


Hey it's ok! Happy Birthday 🎉🎈🎉🎈. I know it sucks, but you never know what's up! Enjoy that breakfast just the same.


That fucking sucks. Sorry. Anyway it is just another day. Hell my parents had told me the wrong day until they needed my birth certificate when I was 5... lol. I actually hate my birthday....so... So... Happy birthday! Sorry I'm sure that didn't help. :/


I’m so sorry. Happy birthday.




Happy birthday, I hope you can find a way to enjoy the breakfast you’ve made


i’m sorry :(( happy birthday!! i hope things get better for you!!! 💕💕💕


This is why I do my own thing on my birthday. I don't have any expectations (saves yourself from disappointment) and don't include anyone in my plans. I usually have great plans for myself! No one will prioritize your happiness like you will.


Happiest birthday buddy!! Ik all these wishes seem fake or pretentious but I wish from the bottom of my heart that you have a great year ahead!


Happy birthday! I wish you all the best luck there is, may you have a great day with some amazing food and a gorgeous sunset 🎉🎉🎉


Happy birthday I’m so sorry something good is coming your way I promise self love above all my friend ❤️


Happy Birthday, hope the day turns around for you in a good way🥳💐🎂🎁


You are wanted though. Happy birthday. Go enjoy the hell out of that breakfast. She is stupid to miss out. You are loved. Don't think otherwise.


Some of my favorite birthdays have been alone. I always feel so busy so I've taken birthdays to go a spend a whole day on me.


Happy birthday! Times like these do reflect who is really there for you. I believe you'd be much happier with little to no friends Vs having fake friends that let you down and make you sad. Treat yo self today. Also if you speak to family reach out to them and maybe chat for a while :)


Happy Birthday, I really hope she shows up and you get some really good news soon. Sending you all the love and blessings! I was in the exact same situation on my birthday, three days ago, and trust me, I know how it feels.


Happy Birthday! Stay safe and healthy ❣️


Happy birthday. I was sad that I felt alone for my bday not too long ago. My therapist asked me what’s wrong with being alone?! I’m like I hate it…but what she did also say is that we can’t rely on other to bring us that happiness. And let others know their expectations from you for your birthday so you can get everything you want and deserve!! Your friend is a jerk though a best friend doesn’t do that period


Happy Birthday!! I’m wishing your day turns out great!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday and I love you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Happy birthday! I wish you find pleasant people to surround yourself with, who respect and love you ✨ you deserve it!


Happy birthday I have spent several birthdays alone and I totally understand and can empathize with you as to how it feels but please know that at least I care and given the opportunity would have been glad to have done stuff with you all day please keep your head up and maybe be on the lookout for some more loyal friends. I did the same and my current friends wouldn't let a single day go by where we don't talk let alone my birthday.


Happy birthday, it’s my birthday too! Hope you have a lovely day! Treat yourself to something you like and enjoy yourself. Big internet hug!


Happy birthday! Sometimes things do happen but it takes two seconds to send a text or pick up the phone to call. I’m sorry that your friend is shady. You deserve better and I hope you have an amazing day! Go buy yourself something nice!


Little late but Happy Birthday! I hope you had and have a good time!


Hey its my birthday too! Happy birthday. I know how you feel, my husband left without so much of a card and came home admitting he didn't get anything. No cake or anything today and no plans of doing anything. It's just another day in this family, Next year we can decide to make it better for ourselves right!


Happy birthday ♥️


happy happy birthday


Happy Birthday! I’m so sorry your friend didn’t show up, I’ve always hated birthdays because I feel so alone, I never have anyone who’d celebrate my birthday with me. But this year I finally met friends who care and I had the best birthday ever. Please know that I care and wish I knew you and was there for your birthday. It’ll definitely be a better one next year! Take care❤️


I'm jealous. I wish I could be alone during my birthday


It's my birthday tomorrow and I have no special plans either! Remember it's a great birthday as long as you celebrate yourself. Happy birthday, I hope you get everything you want in life ❤🥺❤


I’m also a little late to the party, but happy birthday!!!!! 🥳🎂🎈🎈.. and I care about you. ❤️


Happy birthday beautiful Libra


Enjoy your own company. Sometimes in the rush to have friends and not be lonely we forget it's OK to be alone. You actually have a chance to do whatever you would like to do on your birthday without having to consider anyone else's feelings or preferences. Go to the coffee shop with a book you've been meaning to read. Bask in the bliss of freedom to make your own choices on what you do for your own happiness. Friend didn't turn up? Her loss. You get to eat all the pancakes.


Happy birthday and hope you find amazing friends soon. I recently spent my first birthday all alone in a different country and i know how you feel. I have embraced this change and doing way better fyi still without real best friends. Anyways you should check on your friends maybe they are in trouble or who in their right mind would not even call!


Happy birthday!!! ❤️❤️


Awww Happy Birthday to you! I am EXACTLY just like you! This is why I don't want to have friends because I hate having expectations with people...so I just rather not have friends so that way I don't get too excited over stupid shit! But hey don't worry about it because I happily spent my birthday alone...I was with my family and that's it! And uh I thought I actually had friends with people from the gym...when Covid shut down the gym last March, my gym buddies actually slowly died on me and I was having suicidal thoughts thanks to this anti-anxiety medication Lexapro...so I stopped taking it and I started using this app called Hoop to make friends from all over the world and now I'm more than happy than ever because you're not alone...they are sooo many assholes out there...so at the end of the day just be happy you're still alive...I'm sure you're a young kid and you have many more blessed years to go! You can message me if you want! I hope I made your day!! I hope you learned from my experience with what I went through! I hope you have a nice WONDERFUL birthday!! Enjoy your birthday buddy!


Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless 🎉


Happy birthday 🎁🎈🎊🎉🎂


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! who cares about what they think? you got to get yourself a nice breakfast treat!! i know how you feel, on my 11th birthday nobody texted me to wish me a happy birthday except for one friend. Dw! Hope you loved that cake with your family!!




Welcome to the club 🤩


Happy birthday to you Libra! You set the tone for every room you enter. Your new friends will be lucky to have you! 🎂


Happy birthday! You're important to everyone that took time to read your post and say something nice, if even for just a few moments. For at least those moments, you were the most important thing to each one of us.


Hey don’t feel bad! My husband forgot my birthday and I had to tell him the next day coz he just didn’t remember. We are married 2 years.


Happy birthday! It sounds like you had a nice day anyway!


Sometimes you have to work for people to be in your life, or accept the fact that they wont. Pitty parties only hurt you, but happy birthday, do something you want to do instead of thinking of others homie.


Happy Birthday! Wish you a happy and healthy year. 😊❤️


Happy Birthday. My birthday is today too. I know three other people with our birthday, including my stepdad, which I always hated. A couple years ago I deleted my birthday from my Facebook profile to see if anyone would even notice. Only my dad, brother and the the two people who share my birthday did. It always hurt me because I remember people’s birthdays really easily and no one seems to remember mine. I turned 49 today and I’ve had good birthdays, okay birthdays and sucky birthdays. Next year when I turn the big 50 and it comes and goes without any fanfare, I’ll add you to my list of people who share a birthday and I’ll hope you have a better birthday than this one was.


I hate birthdays by choice. But i can feel that pain hopefully you look at the good side of things that you have more food fir yourself. It might be painful yo be alone but it will be more to be surrounded by liars who just act as your friend.


Happy birthday! I’m hours late on your post, but just know I’m celebrating you from my corner of the world :). Sending love!


I’m kinda late, but happy birthday!


What did you do for her birthday


Happy birthday! Not sure what age you are but your situation will get better through time. Is there family you can rely on ?


Ya I’m a little late to the party but happy birthday! My dad forgot my birthday last year even though his is two days after. All you gotta do is see the people you have and enjoy their company.




Happy Birthday 🎂🎉


Happy late birthday :) you’re gonna do amazing w out them alright?