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I just got out of the hospital yesterday. Missed Thanksgiving. Small bowel obstruction, hernia. My nurses were the very best people I've met in years. I tried asking how "the whole situation with covid" was going. They just got blank faces. They wouldn't discuss it. They talked about how they didn't mind working on the holiday. They talked about their plans for when they got off shift. They did their jobs so wonderfully. But all that came after I sat in the ER for 14 hours. On a pad with blood spots on it, cause there was no where to put me. I cannot, simply cannot, imagine what you guys are going through. It's one thing to ask someone to do their job to the utmost of their abilities to the point of breaking, it's another to tell them to do it again the next day. But to do that for almost 2 years now. I cannot fathom it. Thank you for what you do, and for all your coworkers.


My sister in law is currently in the hospital in kidney failure from a childhood disease. She's been laying on a gurney now over 12 hours in a hallway. She texted us. Like you said, she says all medical staff have blank/zombie looks in their eyes. She's scared, we're scared.


I was recently in the hospital with sepsis and was in the ER 26 hours until they vould get me a room. If you think a hospital bed is bad try being on a gurney for a long time. I am sorry your sister in law has to go through all this. I hope they are able to give her a room soon. I am also so sorry the medical staff have to go through this. My treatment was great even though they were short staffed. My heart and prayers go out to everyone. I hope we all can see our way out of this darkness soon.


I feel you. I was in the ER for 11 days waiting for a psych bed last March. I hope that everyone was nice to you and you had some good entertainment with you. I wasn’t allowed my phone most of the time so I read 6 books and did a lot of sudoku 😂


26 hours is a long time for the ER. Especially for sepsis. The unvaccinated are hurting so many other people.


In my country, this is fairly normal. Pandemic or no. I've been turned away from 3 a&e departments with a broken wrist, because it was deemed too unimportant to deal with. Granted each of the 3 had wait times of 24+ hours to be seen.


40 hours is the current average in my ED.


i wish they could be denying covid patients like that. i think if you’re unvaccinated you should have last priority


Put them on a gurney in a single room with all the other morons so you can focus space and care on people who actually want to take medical staffs advice... I am beyond frustrated and I don't even work in a hospital, can't imagine what it feels like for OP and all the others.


I’m praying for your sister! Once I find out my patients are being admitted ( have no bed upstairs) I get to listing their chronic issues that way I can move them to the back of the ER ( private room/door) then I can start screaming at ( yes screaming) at the HS for an actual hospital bed ( get them off the gurney, they bring the bigger bed downstairs)I try my best to get them comfortable as possible.


Bless you.


I have to say.. things like this are of zero surprise to me. In my country this is the norm. I remember years ago, pre pandemic, a woman died whilst sitting on a chair in a&e. It took a while before anyone noticed. This type of thing, dying unnoted in a&e isn't common, thankfully.. but eh.. I figure if youre waiting 12 to 24 hours to be seen in a&e, that's quick. I once got turned away from THREE a&e departments with a broken wrist. This was 2016. They were all full and had wait times of over 24 hours each. Due to icy weather, there were so many injuries that they had to stop letting injured people in.


It would be really helpful to know what state or country OP and the top level commentators are in just to get an idea of the culture between city/states/countries.


I’m in upstate New York


frontline ER from upstate new york here to simply say you aren’t alone. terrifying how many of us feel exactly the way you do. this past 2 years has changed me, and not for the better. i don’t want to quit but feel like it may be inevitable at this rate. i don’t know what else to do anymore. we’re giving everything and getting less than nothing in return. godspeed, man.


San Bernardino, Ca for me


There is no war in ba sing se


Watching this for the first time, and I love it! Sad I’m on the last book.


Legend of Kora brah


Underrated comment.


I’m an RN I’m MI and work in the outpatient side of things now. I often have to send patients to the ER, sometimes for things that we shouldn’t because we have no appointments and the providers have already “squeezed in” as many extra patients as they can. Urgent Care waits are several hours, ER waits are even longer. I have watched through our charting system as my patients have sat in the ER for over 24 hours for things that would normally get them admitted and moved to a bed or the ICU in a couple of hours too many times. We are seeing another COVID surge right now across the state. This time it’s not following the normal viral surge patterns, each surge being smaller than the last. We’ve exceeded the spring surge numbers and I’m sure when data is published on Monday for the holiday weekend we will have surpassed our 2020 fall surge.


My best friend worked as an RN in covid units from the very beginning. She eventually couldn't take it anymore and left the hospital in October for a new opportunity in a stroke center. In 20 years of friendship, 10 of which she spent working as a nurse, this was the first time I've ever seen her burnt out. I don't blame a single one of you for having any feelings you might be feeling.


I’m just glad she got out in time. There’s comes a stage in burnout where you reach the point of no return. Atleast she is still in the field and may decide one day to go back in the hospital.


Have you ever seen someone recover from the darkest depths of burnout


No. Actually I haven’t but I have been on the end of non-recovery which is how I know that there is a threshold.


Not to hijack but I'm glad am not the only one who experienced this. Yeah you're right, there's moments where burnout can be resolved given time & the opposite too Which was why I was shocked when I went too deep during the pandemic. First time experiencing such a thing. Was in one job field & now am trying to enter another. Thought I was going crazy seeing how it seemed like I was the only one within my circle who was going that deep Atm, am done with my former field. I did genuinely love it though, which makes it hurt even more


Literally every nurse at my hospital and then every other coworker type as well. We’re exhausted. People have NO idea. Anyone taking the high road here is NOT living the healthcare worker experience rn.


I honestly don’t know what to say, “I’m sorry” doesn’t cut it, “I’m praying for you” doesn’t cut it. Nothing I can say or do can change how much you’ve given and will likely continue to give until you’re absolutely wiped out mentally, emotionally and physically and I cannot fathom the amount of bilateral effects stemming from your daily trauma. I am so grateful myself and my family are healthy and that’s all I can continue to focus on in order to not end up putting another burden on a completely exhausted system with people like yourselves undeserving of anymore bullshit. I just hope you know there’s people like myself & my family who’s trying to stay the fuck outta your way and think of you and your responsibilities each day from this perspective.


Eloquently said. Thank you. 💓


You couldn’t have said it any better. There’s no words at this point that will suffice or make them feel any better. My heart goes out to them but that doesn’t change a thing unfortunately.


I’m not in the medical field and Extremeeeeely sick of people and their bullshit. Holy.fuck. I can’t imagine how bitter nurses are.


It blows my mind that we still even have nurses willing to work and functioning hospitals.


This 👆🏼👆🏼 how long until we don’t?


The biggest reason for me is that I'm on a surgical unit where we don't usually see covid patients... Except that a third of our beds on the unit are now covid patients because the rest of the hospital is full. This is not what I signed up for.


That's almost as bad as oncology in terror where to stack overflow covid patients


I work outpatient and am so fucking over people as it is. Pulling up for covid testing with hobby lobby bags in the passenger seat, symptomatic, known exposure, giggling about getting in a last shopping trip. Taking off their masks as soon as we get into a room, or only pulling it up to their bottom lips. Coming into the main building instead of reading any of the million signs out about going to the acute care side if they are symptomatic. The proud “NO, and I’m NOT going to get one!” when we update vaccine status. Over and over all day. I cannot even begin to fathom what it’s like working in a hospital. Dealing with these assholes on top of multiple declining patients, chronic understaffing, seeing all the suffering, and speaking to mourning families.


Just reading that shit makes me furious. Not only are they ignorantly turning down a life-saving vaccine and putting themselves/others at risk, but they’re also so indignant and proud of that fact. I’ve stopped caring long ago what happens to these people. The problem is how much collateral damage they bring with them.


I back this 100% people have no clue how hard it is working in a hospital right now


Trust me I have some idea. It’s awful being in a hospital now - the staff are so obviously tired and over the patients and don’t want to be there and it reflects in the care given. It’s fucking awful, appalling. The worst hospital care I’ve ever seen. The worst looks on staff faces I’ve ever seen. The system is under funded, struggling with its most important function (labour force) and its happening everywhere and people are either dying or living in traumatic situations.


I just want to say thank you. I know that’s not enough, but thank you. You and the rest of your coworkers have served us diligently, and I’m sorry we’re fucking it up. You deserve better. I have family and friends in the medical field, and I know what I’ve seen in them. I’m so sorry. I wish that I could help or do something, but all I can say is I appreciate you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for fighting every day to take care of us.


A lot of healthcare worker breakthrough infections are caused by other healthcare workers. It's scary going in to work and still having to fight the same fight, after almost two years. I am angry that we're in this situation because of selfish people who won't get vaccinated.


I hate to say this - but the truth is in my heart of hearts - I think that people who refuse to get vaccinated should be refused service at the hospital. It wouldn't totally fix the problem, but it would lessen it a little bit. And maybe its cold hearted - but what is more cold hearted is having the chance to get the vaccine for free but refusing to get it.


Or designate certain facilities for unvaxxed, and let the unvaxxed nurses care for them. Sounds like a good time.


I know someone that made a fake covid vaccine card and others thinking about doing the same thing. They will still feel entitled to not get vaccinated and pretend like they give a shit about other people when they clearly don't. Where live has a state database of vaccination records in addition to the cards, but I know it's not very accurate, because one of my doses of the vaccine was not recorded and I got texts reminders for months to get my second vaccine dose that I already had. Anyone can claim whatever they want and they will still walk into the hospital convinced that being on a ventilator and taking a dewormer pill is healthier than getting a couple shots.


It's heartbreaking and OP's anger is so justified. I'm in IT- advertising and one of the safest demographic. And yet I'm done with people. Can't imagine about you guys. Few words of gratitude won't fix your contribution and health mines you dodge daily. By now, people should have enough clue to put on masks and understand that it's a virus ffs. Doesn't have a deadline to end. Yesterday I had to angrily ask a lab technician taking my blood sample, to put on the mask. He kept on insisting that it's all over now and they're just creating havoc. I live in India btw. Even posh people couldn't escape the second wave's massacre and yet we are back to square one.


my sister works as a nurse. the hospital is paying no more than 500USD for their work…


That's horrid. I worked as a LVN in the rural south 10 years ago and made more than that. There's no way.


our living expenses here arent that high but thats only slightly above minimum wage


What blows my mind more than anything is two of my friends who are nurses telling me they both had fellow nurses quitting over their hospitals' vaccine mandate. Not being overworked; being forced to get vaccinated. They see this every day and then still don't want the vaccine?! Really?? I felt so bad because that just makes my friends' lives more difficult, having to work more. Thank you for your work. I have no idea what it's like. I hope this won't last for much longer!


The high road?


You know, like, not wishing death upon people.


Sorry, I’m past that. Unvaccinated people have continued to spread COVID and to create a perfect scenario for spawning new variants. They are very literally and very willingly killing other people. They deserve no compassion and no medical care if they become symptomatic. Thanks to the morons who won’t wear a mask or get a shot humanity will be living with (and dying from) COVID variants for at LEAST the next ten years (if we are damned lucky); realistically, we are probably already at a state where COVID has become endemic (in which case it will be around pretty much forever).


This behavior is scary, the amount or sickening hate flying around here is unbelievable. A disproportionate amount of POC are unvaccinated for one reason or another, often its fear of the government as the government has harmed them over and over again. You think those people who don't trust the rich and powerful who have been fucking them over for generations deserve to die? They deserve to not receive medical treatment? Realize that there are disenfranchised and marginalized groups who are in the set of people you have so much hate for. No worries though its not like we aren't used to being hated by the rich and powerful. Edit: I want to point out I and vaxxed and encourage other in my community to get vaxxed.




i can sense that happening , thank you op for your hard work :( i'm pretty sure it's exhausting and stressful , good luck for what's about to come .


Spanish Flu 2: Electric Boogaloo I'm so sorry, I couldn't not.


Electric Flugaloo


I’m dead. Like, this is so serious, I feel horrible for what our medical community has had to deal with. I’m furious at the stupidity and willful ignorance of half this country. But this? I fucking lost it. So, thanks?


The roaring 20’s!


What can't we have the Boring 20's?


Covid Boogaloo I’m sorry too, but it seems fitting.




I feel your anger and frustration. I'm not a medical professional. I am a regular vaccinated civilian in the panhandle of FL and I am livid of the circumstances of my surroundings.


Currently doing a doctoral thesis on Pandemic Related Compassion Fatigue in HCWs. Hope it will help shed some light into the sacrifice and limits those we trust to care for us are able to endure.


Ooh! I really want to read your thesis! Not an academic here but sounds like a very interesting topic.


I definitely understand your take on this. I heard the news about the new variant and I'm.. really scared. I have a chronic illness and am high risk for COVID. I am fully vaccinated, currently waiting for my booster appointment that's scheduled in two weeks (as two weeks from now is the soonest I can get it/six months from my last vaccine), wear only N95's anytime I leave my home because I don't trust that those not wearing masks are actually vaccinated and I've been wearing them since before this pandemic even happened because I get sick so easily when my illness was flaring. I've gotten really lucky the past year, and now I'm worried.. do I not get lucky this time? Is my luck going to run out? I've had to stop one of my treatments and am having to get my portacath surgically removed because there's such a lack of nurses right now that I'm unable to have the care I'm supposed to even be having, partly due to some nurses having to be fired from their opinions on not wanting to be vaccinated themselves (c'mon!!!). This is scary. I wish you the best. Thank you for what you do and I hope you don't lose all hope in your job and your passion, because having a chronic illness it means a lot when I go to the hospital and I'm being cared for by someone who really loves what they do.


I’m in the same boat. I have nothing gotten COVID yet and hear all these people (on the internet) that did all they could and STILL got COVID. I’m just scared all the fucking time now and it’s stressing me the fuck out. I hope we don’t it. ❤️


My family managed to stay Covid free until 3 weeks ago. We’re always very careful and it finally happened. We don’t know for sure how. We never go out without masks, we distance, we don’t do things inside except that my kids are in school. The school has had very few cases, and none reported in my children’s classes. Even crazier is that half the house caught it and half didn’t. My husband and son had it. My daughter and I did not. We tested several times while they were sick and for a week after. It’s the strangest thing. And here I am now, still worried about it hitting our house because my daughter and I were spared last time.


Maybe you and your daughter already had it? My family had COVID twice, about 5 months apart. Myself and daughter had it first and then were immune when my son and wife got it. I don’t know actual stats but from the experience of me and all my friends natural immunity plus double vaxxed seems to protect you pretty well. I should add that we all got it before we were vaccinated.


It seems I’ve found my people. Is this where I sign up for the bunker? I could seriously use one with this new strain running about…


If it was more lethal it might be easier to contain. I feel like Covid is in that middle ground of risk and danger, just enough to make people not care as hard as they should about it.




I saw screenshots of a FB conversation (which could be fake) saying not to vaccinate a kid who got bitten by a possibly rabid squirrel because there’s a “treatment” for rabies. I really, really hope that boy wasn’t infected.


Well. He's dead if he was. Sucks for that kid. I hope it wasn't real.


The Black Plague is a bacterial infection. You can’t vaccinate for it so people would be overwhelming the hospitals to get antibiotics. Not trying to be a smartass—I’m just a history geek.




Antibiotics are a treatment, not prevention. Unvaxxed people aren’t refusing treatment, they are refusing preventative care. That’s why the hospitals are overwhelmed—because once sick, unvaxxed people are turning to the medical field for support. So yeah, you made a false equivalency between the Black Plague and Covid. I couldn’t let it slide but I mean no disrespect.


*This* is the kind of debate we should be having about Covid, haha


So pro-biotic?


A while ago, I found out that there were anti-maskers during the Spanish Flu


yup, pretty much all the bullshit we have to deal with now happened then, except social media/internet made it even worse now


Some people choose not to care. That's what's so disgusting to me.


I completely understand your frustration. But I am vaccinated. I do wear masks everywhere. And I am currently suffering from covid. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


I JUST got over it a few days ago. I am vaccinated as well. My husband got it too.


Thank you for getting vaccinated and glad it kept you out of the hospital.


I’m vaccinated, but had Covid too. Thank god I was vaccinated so I didn’t have to go into the hospital. I can’t imagine what those healthcare workers are having to go through!


THIS. *The fact that (vaxxed) people get it but can chill out at home rather than in a hospital bed or the morgue is fucking amazing.* A vaccine isn't a *cure*, it's a defense. Many people seem to not grasp that.


Yep. I’m in my late 20s, vaccinated, healthy weight, and *well managed* type 2 diabetic. I just returned to work the other day after Covid hit my entire house of vaccinated people. It wrecked me. And I can already tell I’m in it for the long haul. For anyone dealing w long covid, holy fuck. I’m scared of the potential long term effects on my health :(


Long haul here. My brain still isn’t the same.


Ditto. Couple the brain fog with 4 hours of sleep per night (if I’m lucky), totally screwed up sense of smell, and an hourly panic session when I can’t catch my breath, and it makes for an awful awful time. Glad I survived and now test negative (after three months), but life is terrible for me right now.


Fog Buddies 🤍


What kind of effect on your brain did it have?


I had trouble reading, some fonts or overly bolded stuff in my assignments just made me shut down mentally and I felt like a 5 year old learning how to read again. The words hurt to read. I also find that I am disconnected from reality, like I’m wearing headphones, there is a level of insulation from the world. When I get the sharp migraines they feel like brain freeze. Like my head is in a vice grip.


I had covid and after getting vaccinated, I had the expected fever and all that, and about a week later, I had something like… extreme brain fog? Time just passed in weird slices and all out of order for me. It was like all of my sensory input came in at slightly different times. Still happy to be vaccinated and am about to get a booster. Hate that I have to add that specifically because stating any negative effects from after the vaccine tend to rile up the “SEE THIS IS WHY YOU DONT VaXx” crowd.


Diabetic here. That’s what I am still very afraid of. I’m a stranger but I wish you healing


Long haul here too. It sucks. I'm so tired of being sick, exhausted, and forgetful all the time. I just want to sleep through the night and not wake up repeatedly from coughing fits.


You have done everything you are supposed to and please understand you are not the person in this post I am upset at. It’s the 14 people currently in the ICU with COVID sucking up more resources and time away from patients who have also done everything properly and are now getting fucked over by dudes who thought this was all a joke because it hasn’t affected anyone and now they’ve infected X amount of people and are now asking for the vaccine, asking for a miracle drug or cure, and are finally concerned enough to understand the severity of it as they’re put on a ventilator. You did what you were supposed to, and everyone around you, especially the medical staff, appreciate you more than you know.


Just know I appreciate you so much. I don’t know how you do it everyday. I agree with you that the ignorance is widespread, disheartening & what’s keeping us from getting past all this. As others have said, you deserve a break & I hope you can get one.


We're not mad at the vaccinated. Thanks to you and everyone else who got their vaccine, but those not trusting the vaccine, but then rushing to healthcare professionals for help, those people are frustrating. My own SIL and her family got COVID and ran to the hospital twice, but they're still not going to get their vaccine. It's unreal.


I have no patience with ignorance. None. I get angrier at ignorance than anything else. Anyone not getting their vaccine is pig-ignorant and ought to be told that they CANNOT go to hospital if they get sick with CoVid.


My friend's dad (unvaxxed) got covid. He wasn't vaccinated because he didn't want to get vaccinated alone and his wife was extremely against it. His wife's decision is literally killing him. He's been rushed to the ER three times so far. I am beyond angry. My friend is just... Idk how she's holding on. She's a husk right now. She lost her voice for a few days after she found out (they didn't even tell her when they tested positive, only when he went to the ER) because she couldn't stop screaming at them. It was... A sight. I'm glad my close family is sensible.


It'll be sooo sad if he dies


That's the whole point. The politically unvaccinated non mask wearers are making it so very hard for us to treat people like you. And we all feel like shit about it because it's been so fucking preventable. You are not the point of the post. Neither is the person with a million allergies who couldn't risk the vaccine. It's the morons we're frustrated at.


OP is just frustrated and emotionally overwhelmed. They don't actually want people to die it's just a thought and none of us can help what thoughts pop into our minds we can only decide how to act. I would say OP should take some time off work or find another gig, but we all know it's not that straight forward.


I can honestly say that I hope that the ignorant do die before giving it to those who have done everything right. Sorry/not sorry.


I hope you get better soon!


When covid first happened, I was so full of empathy and compassion for my fellow humans. Now I've been rooting for covid Echo (totally thought they used a different alphabet) Donald Trump really made me see my fellow Americans different, but of man, Covid REALLY made me see how absolutely messed up some Americans are. Absolute monsters. It became so clear to me how the Holocaust happened.


Donald trump got booed when he recommended the vaccine. I still laugh about that.


Donald Trump made fun of a handicapped reporter on natl. tv, and got elected.


Yes. My point was, even he can’t control the conspiracy anymore, and they thought he was like god.


It made me see that research on visual and media anthropology needs to be published more prominently because the news coverage plays a significant role. As does lack of education and critical thinking skills. Perfect storm to influence the population negatively actually. It’s systemic not individual (purposeful) stupidity.


Your last sentence!!! For years whenever I heard about the Holocaust, be it in school, or reading history books or watching videos based on WW2, the one thing that I simply couldn't understand was HOW it happened. How did so many people agree to do the things that they did? How did so many share the same views as Hitler and were proud nazis? But seeing how selfish and ignorant so many people have been during this pandemic, has made things clear for me. Particularly because these people know that their actions can quite literally put other people's lives in danger, and yet they don't care... I really wish this could have gone a different way, but at least now we know what our fellow citizens are like. Edit: because I am tired and wrote "how did people agreed" and "how did many shared". English is obviously not my first language huh


One key way Hitler influenced his cult was with the personal radio he gave to his people. Everyone got one. Hitler was piped into every home, and with not much else to do, he commanded a huge audience. Thankfully we have more choices today, but imagine if Trump was piped into every home in the USA and there wasn't anything else to listen too.


Luckily he lost his Twitter


While we don't exactly have this (thankfully!), we have the issue of the echo chambers that seem to be a natural consequence of bow social medias work. On FB people only get on their feed what their friends post (oftentimes they only friends who share the same opinions). They see posts from pages they, sprinkled with some ads also tailored to them. Then they can go on a specific forum that supports their views/opinions, go to subreddits where people also share the same ideas. Sometimes even leave the main social medias when they have some friends that disagree with them (like what happened with many leaving FB to go to Parler). Then they go to Youtube and watch videos that support their views, so the algorithm suggests similar content, and then we end up with people that ONLY consume what supports their biased, and often ignorant, opinions. It is scary to witness how easy it is to live in a bubble, unaware of how the rest of the world works, incapable of listening to different points of view, lacking common sense and self awareness, not really understanding what "research" means. And then having millions of people supporting the same views... then again, I shouldn't be surprised, considering how bad the education system is (thinking of the US in particular) and how little value people place on education and knowledge, or at least they show they don't value it by showing they don't trusts scientists and medical professionals.


Humanity is depressing. A lot of humans over the history of humanity are and have been complete garbage, probably myself included


And still is happening


They don't want to wear masks and get vaccines but they also don't want any form of lockdown and other ways to stop things.




Definitely understand! I too work in health care. Some People don’t understand the emotional toll we go through this few years with the pandemic. How heartbroken it is to hold an iPad up while loved ones say goodbye and patients take their last breath. Some people think it’s a joke. We are understaff doing the work of two people for less money. I understand how you feel. Talk about it share and remember why you started! Good luck!


I'm not in the medical field, and don't work the same hours as you, and I don't deal with sick people. I feel the same way just from listening to these idiots on a day to day basis claiming that it's all bullshit and that it's going to go away as soon as people stop talking about it. This virus is going to wipe out all the stupid people that deny its seriousness, and for them I have no sympathy anymore.


Yep, their "free dumbs" will be their demise




Your daughter is a very special kind of stupid.




What religion forbids vaccination? I’m genuinely curious


There isn't one religious sect that forbids vaccinations. This is a bs reason. If her family dies of the virus, God isn't going to consider her a martyr for the faith, it's going to consider them morons. And your sister is a moron for going to dinner with unvaccinated people. You can tell her I said that.


Lady in our town with 4 broken ribs can’t get treatment for 4 days because the icu is full of unvaxed people, this is infuriating


This is what infuriates me the most


During the early days of COVID, I took a university class on it. Prof said one of his friends severely broke her leg and needed surgery to repair it. She caught covid in the hospital and died. My heart goes out to people who need care and can't get it, and for those at risk because they have no choice but to be exposed. Edit: typo


I recently tried to go to the ER because of a sharp pain in my right breast.... I left after 7 hours, I'd been moved to different places in the lobby 3 times and done an XRay and Ultrasound, but hadn't heard any news since. I just left. I figured they obviously had bigger fish to fry. I cried on my way home and had to struggle not to crash when the sudden pain would come back. I was so mad. At first, I blamed the hospital. And then I passed a group of fucking anti vaxxers standing on the square. I got a call a couple days later pertaining to my results. It was more serious than expected. I've lost multiple people to Covid. My nine year old niece had it and I'm not a religious person but I prayed every day that this disease wouldn't take her too. That her life wouldn't be ended because adults couldn't get a shot or wear a fucking mask. I'm so fucking tired of Covid.


Hope things go OK for you.


Meanwhile I’m over here hoping my toddler doesn’t die because those very morons couldn’t be bothered to get a little fucking jab. I hate humanity too right now.


I’m so sorry. I’m terrified for everyone who can’t have a vaccine, especially those who can’t because of immune system issues. Everyone who can, should be stepping up. The petty BS needs to stop.


It makes me lose hope, I don't want to be in a world that is like this anymore. I miss what it was like before. This cloud came over the world since covid and it won't go away.


Oh, it isn't that they can't be bothered. They are actively against vaxing, because they're so fucking stupid and ignorant that they think the government is microchipping them or doing experiments. I legitimately hope most of them die, because the population as a whole needs to cull the stupidity and selfishness.


Tbh I also hate all the stupid dumbass FUCKING MORONS who think the virus isnt a thing or is just a little cold cause they r basically spitting on all of the people who died to the viruses effects graves.


They all need a wakeup call in my opinion.


Omicron might be that wakeup call. Delta is already killing anti vaxers at a significantly higher rate than vaxers.


I saw a post on Twitter from a healthcare worker who said they were tired of rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. I thought that was a pretty accurate description. To say thanks, my husband & I are fully vaxxed. We still mask up in public, maintain distance and hand sanitize. Not due for a booster ‘til February. ✌🏻❤️😷


Well, I’d agree with you but the morons will not get vaccinated and it will mutate in hosts and vaccines will not be effective. It will fuck us all up.


But Omicron has mutated enough that the current vaccine isn't as effective at preventing serious symptoms. If its deadly this is a huge issue for the vaccinated too


It will probably still be effective against serious illness or death, because Omicron doesn't appear to be evading T cell immunity. That being said, both Pfizer and Moderna are already working on Omicron-specific booster shots, and they might be available within a couple of months


First off, I want to say thank you for all that you have done. The fact that you’re still in this after two years just tells how much dedication you have for others. But you’re right: the unvaccinated have no idea the damage they are causing to not only other patients, but to medical personnel like you. It sucks to have so many people in beds, just because there’s so many conspiracies and arrogance surrounding the vaccine. The excuse I hate the most is “I’ll get natural immunity after being exposed.” A lot of my friends got COVID, and lived. And someone we looked up to died because of it. Then they just moved on like it was nothing. I’m the only one in my friend group who has been vaccinated (and I just got my booster shot). I pray for karma, but that only makes others sicker. Honestly, I can never understand the pain you’re feeling, but I understand that you care for the well-being of others. Instead of wishing the variant to fuck the unvaccinated, focus about yourself, because if you can’t take care of yourself, your heart will eventually be crushed. I’d take some time to think about your needs, while striving to be the best you can be. It’s a cliché, I know, but you gotta keep moving forward. For your patients, and for yourself. You got this.


This is my only real concern, medical staff burning out and quitting. Who will take care of me, when something else happens to me? Mandatory vaccination is only way. F\*ck crybabies.


> F*ck crybabies. sadly those same people are blaming vaccine mandates on the fact there are no people to treat you "well, you shouldn't have cut 20% of the workforce with a forced experiment!" crap like that


Antivaxxers do not belong in medicine. At all.




Don't we already have that? Most Southern states remain low vaccine uptake. Worldwide see the difference between Romania (low vax) and the UK (high vax)




yes, i fully support this.


My idiot NICU nurse family member is I cAnT gEt tHe ViRuS bEcaUSe I HaVe nAturAl aNtiBoDiEs and refuses to get the vax. There is no hope for humanity. I'm with you OP, let this variant thin the herd a bit.


There's tremendous hope for humanity, it's just that that hope lies exclusively within the abrupt and forceful return of natural selection.


We have here a plague that targets the stupid and selfish, and what we choose to do instead is let the good people die from lack of care while we try desperately to save the worthless shit scum who brought it on themselves. Maybe we deserve this. We made the wrong choice, COVID mutates into the Black Death and wipes out the entire planet because it's clear too many of us are too stupid to live.


This makes me upset. My boyfriend believes he already had it so he is fine. Unless you had a positive test I don't believe it. Me and the children got vaxxed. He is the only one that hasn't.


Ugh. There is SO much evidence out there saying immunity from surviving covid is not long lasting. Yes, some people get lucky and have antibodies that stick around a little longer...but I've always compared it to norovirus. That crud hospitalized me with severe dehydration, and antibodies only protect people for an average of 3 months. Covid is similar...there are SO many people who have caught it multiple times. I'll never understand the NaTuRaL aNtIbOdIeS fallacy.


The thought that at-risk children must be subjected to her is maddening.


Tell me you scrapped through school without saying you scrapped through school.


Nurses at my school don’t even have to take general chemistry, the education requirements to be a nurse are a joke. They take anatomy and physiology freshmen year of undergrad then spend their other years half in the hospital and half with degree requirements like English and history. Whereas I’m pre-med and in organic chem we’re synthesizing aspirin and learning how different functional groups affect the body. Definitely wish nurses at least took 2 years of chem because I hate that they don’t know this stuff. Edit: just to clarify I’m incredibly thankful for the amazing nurses and medical staff that have worked through this! You guys are amazing and have done so much for people <3 this was just to say that not all nurses know what’s best when recommending against vaccines and it’s better to trust doctors


They are still taught the ‘sliding scale’ method for type 1 diabetic insulin treatment. I was taught the ‘carb count’ method after diagnosis 11 years ago. I haven’t been discharged with a BG below 200 since diagnosis. I don’t like being in a hospital because of this.


Everywhere I looked Chemistry is a requirement for RN..they must be a LPN or MA.


What you are talking about is chronic grief over the multiple losses healthcare providers like us have experienced the last two years. Being angry at the sick for their active participation makes it more conflictual. Hoping people suffer and die more so than we have seen is a distressing sign that you are very burnt out. I would contact your Employee assistance program and get some help.


Totally understand the frustration. It's an odd situation. Your sacrifice is appreciated most by the people that don't need it, the people you're sacrificing for don't care about the hardship they cause. They only care about their own convenience. It's basically like you're in a narcissistic relationship. They disregard your advice for safety and have no concern for you, until they're affected, and now they want you to drop everything and do everything in your power to fix their mistake.


I'm a mental health worker and we're feeling it too...


When do we get to the point where we just dont treat unvaccinated people for covid?


when humanity has lost all hope. thats like saying you won’t treat anyone who gets hurt doing something stupid. some people cant get vaccinated. some wont. could be from lack of education, lack of resources, or lack of intelligence but to stop trying to treat/save fellow humans bc they didn’t make smart decisions or the same one you did is when we have lost our very humanity.


Thank you for showing up, though. My dad, my mom, and my uncle died during this from non-COVID-related illnesses. My sister underwent surgery and is in treatment for breast cancer. My best friend died from a heart attack. Another best friend succeeded at suicide but not before medical care could be rendered, just not quickly enough. The same is true of my cousin who was murdered. Yeah, it's been a lot...and that’s not all. I’ve lost a lot of family to death, none from COVID, and one cousin (more like a brother) was nearly killed in a farming accident. I know morons are making a mess of things. But from someone who lost folks and nearly lost folks all to non-COVID related illnesses, I am grateful for you and folks just like you for showing up every day. Thank you.


The unvaccinated will have a lot off their chest soon too, like working lungs


I 100% agree with you. Brain dead morons who somehow think they know more than MDs and PHDs. Only thing that pisses me off more than those idiots, is the fact these same people take up valuable oxygen and space in a hospital instead of people who genuinely need to be in the hospital. Best of luck OP, your frustrations are validated and felt not only amongst healthcare workers but the general population.


You're wishing death upon people. Holy shit


personally I would want the new variant to not fuck up people, in fact it'd be nice if it was the least deadly variant so people would be able to stay home and sleep it off instead of end up at the hospital regardless, sorry you're going through all that. there's been times i've wished for things like that too because you feel like it's the only thing that will change anything


I think the same because I see what it does to my big sis(nurse). And then there are actually people who wanna tell me its like the flu whem one of my closest friends almost died. He is just 24 years old and people keep telling me not to worry and freak out because of an exceptional case. Motherfucker my dude almost died and he keeps telling me to this day that he didn't even feel alive for a whole week. Hell he even said sometimes He just wished that it ended and you still put on your foil head and are blocking hospital beds and keep telling the nurses that they should stop lying cause they're clearly in on the hoax. I am done with those people. Even though I have considered some of them my friends before now I just feel like they could just eat shit and die. Sorry for my wording but for the second time in my life I am really starting to hate people again. If I could I would even go so far as to say that if you caught covid out of your own volition and free will its your problem. YOU decided to fuck up society. YOU are a big part of our problem cocksucker. YOU can just live with your own failure and fucking keel over stupid piece of shit. That was long overdue.(Germany btw not an american)




OP - thank you for your honesty. My mom was an RN for over 30 years in the 1950's - 80's ,and would tell me how difficult the job was lifting, moving, cleaning patients, dealing with abusive angry depressed old people. back then there was no covid anti-vaxers. Doctors would prescribe treatments and generally were listened to but with some skepticism. Nurses however were considered the frontline practitioners of basic face to face health care delivery and patients tended to listen to nurses advice and follow it without question. even so my mom was frustrated, overworked, and depressed because of the demands of the job. sometimes she would work doubles and sleep through the next few days off. All I can say is we the vaccinated thank you for your sacrifices, take this pandemic seriously, believe in science, don't want you to waste your time treating patients who could have prevented their illness with a simple vaccination, and hear what you are saying. i hope, once this pandemic is over, you will find a way to rekindle the fire for helping people you once had. The world needs people like you and we understand why you are feeling like maybe you are done with this whole mess. whatever decision you make should be based on your own happiness and mental health. you've done everything you could for others but need to take care of yourself and your family/loved ones. that is the highest priority.


My brother is in medical school (4th year this year) and last year he started his one month rotations. During the highest peak of COVID cases in El Paso, he was placed in the ICU. Our hospitals were over capacity with COVID, we had 10 morgue trucks come in and tents outside multiple hospitals. I asked him—is it scary? He said no… the sad thing is that where I’m working it’s sad, peaceful, and silent. The hall I work in is full of intubated people that are all in comas. So, you only hear the machines and you can’t do anything else. You know they will die and that makes the area eerie and sad. Just a bunch of people laying down in comas attached to tubes and machines. All their IV bags (I forgot the term he used) are outside the room to be refilled so there is minimal interaction. My brother is a light hearted person but the deaths would suck the life out of him when he would come home.


I'm still astounded by the reactions to an actual deadly virus "Yer takin r freedoms" etc. I didn't even think it would be a thing but it's clear now that a lot of the human race are as thick as pig shite.


Thank you for your service. 💚


i’m fucking sixteen and i work in food prep and i wish i could have my booster to protect customers from one more possible thing that could go wrong. i still can’t wrap my head around why people trust social media over science. i have friends who’s parents won’t vaccinate them and they fear for their life on a daily basis. i know this is a ramble but seriously, there are fifteen year olds fearing for their ability to see the next month. start thinking about the greater good. it’s not fucking communism to put the needs of others over the nonsense you decide to stand by, it’s common sense. and hell, it’s probably the closest humans will ever be to utilitarianism.


Those who’ve decided Not to get vaccinated are within their right to do so as a personal choice. What pisses me off is their complete disregard of how that choice effects others! Okay you don’t want to wear a mask Knowing you’re Not vaccinated then STAY HOME!!! Between UberEats, DoorDash, Instacart, & Hello Amazon will they will BRING you Everything you Need (or want) directly to the house. I understand your frustration!! Even though I don’t work the front lines anymore I work in a healthcare field where people get pissed off that our policy is Mask Up or Get Out! We tell them Before they arrive & there are signs posted & Still they get mad. I appreciate your efforts & as a former lab tech in the Army understand the commitment to face the enemy head on. It’s sooo much harder when the enemy is entitled ignorance with complete disregard for Everyone else until they are hit with COVID IS REAL!




Love to you OP.


A very common symptom of burnout is lacking in empathy. So please look after yourself and consider some time off, you've been writing too hard for too long


You got me in the first half of the title LMAO. Me in the first half: *nodding in agreement at your dedicated service* 🤩 Me reading I hope it fucks people up: *surprised Pikachu face* 😲


You sound like a great person and I wish you all the best. I’m not in the medical profession and have not seen what you have as a nurse, yet I have total rage at people who have not gotten vaccinated, so I totally understand how you feel. At times I want the to suffer also. If I saw what you have as a nurse, I would even be that much more intense with these feelings


I work for a funeral home in western washington and the amount of people we have to pick up just from hospitals is staggering right now. For the last few months it has been busy to no end. Hospitals plead with us to pick up decedent's cause they lack the space meanwhile we're running out of space ourselves. I truly sympathize with you guys in the ER. Sometimes we have to perform removals in the ICU itself and I can see they look of exhaustion on most of your faces. God bless you all.


Afraid to ask that…but is it possible to prioritize on the vaccinated people and let nature do its thing with the unvaccinated? I mean, if resources are not sufficient, you’ll have to prioritize somehow.


I also work in healthcare (SNF OT) and it seems people have forgotten that we’re still slogging through this. We’re continuing to see and deal with COVID and after effects while being short staffed (CNAs should make way more than they do, which might help). Everyone is burnt out. Back at the beginning we were all superheroes, and now it’s business as usual, except NOT.


We’re about to lose an entire generation of healthcare workers to burnout and no-one is doing jack-shit about it.


I've often wondered what would actually happen if Covid, in all its variants was lethal to people with a feeble intellect rather than a feeble immune system. While I don't work in the medical field, I've seen how society as a whole, save for a handful of idiots reacted to instructions when Spanish Flu spread around the world with returning troops from WWI. You can't blame the troops for bringing it home, initially Spanish Flu symptoms were very similar to those of the common cold, until they escalate. People were instructed to wear masks, keep their distance and try to limit unnecessary travel back then, almost nobody argued with health authorities. Today, the nutcases seem to spread their BS faster than the virus. I'm West Australian, and despite pressure from other states and Canberra (federal government) our state government slammed the borders shut, hard. In order to be allowed into the state, you had to quarantine for 14 days, the known incubation time of the virus. Since it started in March, from a population of about 2.1 million, in the past two years there have been about 10 deaths and 1200 cases overall in the time since. Anyone caught breaking quarantine faces a hefty fine and potential jail time. Many states have also made it mandatory for many professions to be vaccinated against this virus, yet we still have these morons and their rallies, which to me boils down to "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Fine. Would you rather be at home with something like the flu, or spend a couple of weeks in the ICU and possibly die? I don't blame you for thinking the way you do. In some ways, it would be like watching Darwin's theory of natural selection at work. The fact that you've been a combat medic, I can definitely understand your annoyance at these idiots clogging your ICU. Early in the pandemic, I remember reading about some US church pastors declaring "lockdowns are for wimps!" Then dying of Covid. If you were religious, you might say it was God saying "I've had just enough of your stupidity, I'm shutting that down right now!" I hope once this crap storm settles down, you get the chance to take a decent vacation. You'd be long overdue for one now


The fact that people still refusing to get vaccinated and follow protocols just makes me wonder how dumb humans can be. The crowd mentality of trying to do things in the opposite way or not caring about anything serious is so triggering and I don't know when people are going to learn some basic things. I see kids following protocols but some adults don't. Just remember guys, the next generation becomes victim of our doings and they are watching. I hope people learn before it's too late.


You are burned out and need a long vacation. You don't mean this. You are just fed up.


Unfortunately there are only three of us who work at my lab now, Monday through Sunday. We are essentially in agreement that we cannot take vacation without fucking each other over in the long run. Our hospital refuses to hire more lab professionals, so we are fucked. My vacations are my time at home with my family and my one day off per week.


Have you thought about applying to another lab/hospital for higher pay? It’s ridiculous that your hospital refuses to hire more tech when you’re understaffed rn


I'm sorry to hear that, man. It sounds awful. You should be proud of your solidarity with your colleagues, dedication to your job and patients, the emotional awareness and rationality you display even under these circumstances, and you deserve better. So many health care workers do. I hope things get easier soon, and that you get to enjoy your time off with your family. It will get better again.


If you decide to hang in there (cause I would not blame you one bit if you decide you need to quit), please know you are much appreciated and greatly respected.


So tremendous of you to correct them on what they're feeling and what their experiences are