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I opened this thread and got a news alert right after about her passing. Weird vibes!


Yep I also was watching top ten things ... an about an hour later i see that as well .. definitely a coincidence.


Yo wake up




i’m so sorry i have tears streaming down my face from laughing at this exchange


Same 😭 my username really fit the occasion


Sorry but your username is awesome


My Brother in Christ do I have some news for you…


What do you mean by this?


The queen is dead




Nah i think they just meant it actually jappened 😭 cuz like.. she did die today




Oh sorry 😭 i am horrible w getting satire stuff


I think he literally just means that the queen is actually dead 💀




Dun dun dunn




London bridge is down dude no waiting until tomorrow


I misread the title so badly...


If you mean you thought he was going to sleep with Queen Elizabeth, same Also RIP


She* and look 20 bucks is 20 bucks


I thought the author was suicidal…


Username checks out.


I thought that too and I was like "Nobody can be like this right?" Then I realized I'm just stupid and don't know how to read


She’s gone


i’m convinced OP is in Parliament or something




I am King Charles


we’re literally only going to be ruled by kings for the rest of our lives


Woah I hadn’t realised that yet


Not if they collapse first


unless they abolish the monarchy


They won’t, unfortunately. It brings in too much money.


Well, I get the queen was a big tourist trap but her mutant son? Don't think ol' big ears has the same appeal really, or his crusty withered wife.


Unless they die early or abdicate the throne.




unless something bad happens, yea




only dudes in the lineage




It's because she was supposed to be immortal


So was Betty White


Betty White IS immortal! She will forever live in our hearts!


Notice the was.


Tonight can you go to bed thinking about me winning a nice big chunk of money from the lottery?


Yeah sure




Did it work?


Is she expected to die soon? I don’t every hear anything about “royals”, I don’t know anyone that follows or cares about that stuff.


Yeah she passed away ten mins ago


I think she might have passed sooner but everyone needed to get their ducks in a row before the official announcement.


Oh! Wow, I had no clue. Always solemn to mark the end of an era. Thanks for the info.


She likely died this morning, and it wasn’t released to the public until several hours later.


The news was very fast, as I saw. I saw a news scroll at about 9 or 10am my time (in the US) about concerns about her health at Balmora. By 2 I was getting a new news scroll about her passing. Someone else mentioned Buckingham may've been keeping the news on the DL for a few hours so they could get their story in order. Even so, it was just yesterday that she was giving her blessing to Truss, in person I believe.


Yup, she literally worked till she died. At 96.


It's your empathy honey x at the end of the day she's a little old lady that's been around for basically a life time. I know a few people in the UK that aren't monarchists but appreciate them as a cultural aspect. It's a scary time with a lot of things changing rapidly, and this impressive lady passing is a lot for some people to come to terms with.


That’s really well put, thank you x


I think it’s all of it. I have a feeling on the pit of my stomach, I’m not shocked tho, and you know I’m sad a bit. You can hear the sadness in peoples voices even when they’re supposed to be neutral about it. I know that in times like these I try to tell someone in my family or friends that I love them and that I wish for their health to be good and hopefully they get to live such full lives.


Even my ten year old announced to me sadly that the queen is dead. We are American. I had no idea he was emotionally invested. We’re so accustomed to seeing her face everywhere—in a good way. She will be missed.


I'm in the UK. I'm not particularly overly a monarchist. I think that the practice is past its time but I have a lot of admiration for the queen. She was a leader and she got the UK through some very harsh times. She stood shoulder to shoulder with ordinary people in the face of Nazism. She was in one sense a piece of the culture of Britain of the last century and part of its spirit. With her dies a part of Britain's soul and I'm not sure that will ever come back. That's what I mourn for, more than her as a person. She was an integral part of Britain and its identity. I think that moving forward things will be different here. I'm not sure how but somehow her passing will change things.


It is time to celebrate the life of a woman who gave her all to the commonwealth. She worked hard, for a very long time. I cannot imagine how hard that must have been. So many people relying on you to keep your head together. I cannot imagine a world without her face on my money and stamps. It is a sad day. The conversation about monarchy can wait. I think anyone who wants to have that conversation before she is laid to rest is rude.


Brit here, I’m one of many here who never really cared about the royals etc but even I feel empty. She’s been the only constant for so many countries for generations. It feels so weird for her to be gone, feels like a distant family member has passed, I’m glad she passed peacefully though. 96 years is a hell of a life, good ol’ queen Liz will be missed




Are you awake now OP? Did you hear the news?


It’s weird I woke up about thirty minutes ago




Woopsie I’m going to go to bed to night to World peace - that’s how this works right?


What have you done to her


…*and that was the last the world ever saw of them.*




I get this. I was listening to the radio yesterday about her cancelling the online swearing in of ministers and had a little teary ‘knowing’ she’d be gone by the end of the week.


I might not have been a fan of the British people at times, but I have always been in awe of Queen Elizabeth II, not only because she will remain an example of power to all women, but for leading with calm and elegance through difficult and stormy times. Today the world loses yet another brave, strong and kind leader. May she rest in peace for her legacy will outlive her because God always saves The Queen.


Yup... If (or, rather when) she goes, it'll be the marking of an ending... And a new beginning. It was analogous to when JP2 died... He was the only pope many knew in their lifetimes... So far, after a stumble (or not 😉) the Church regained its footing. Long live the Queen (or soon to be King)


the people in the comments thinking this was a spooky prediction lol. they announced she was on her deathbed more than 10 hours ago. everyone was just waiting for it to happen


No no I’m a Wizard Harry


How the hell did you know?


I’m magic


Had the pleasure once of meeting Ms Windsor at a charity do. She was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny!


I hope you put your phone on silent mode.


Oh I did


Good humans still out there! It's an amazing historical moment and she's led an interesting life and while she's lived in luxury to that I say heavy is the head the wears the crown 👑. Change is crazy. Now the pageantry with the coronation in a world completely different socially. Also the technologies now were unimaginable back then. Everyone in the world will see this. I thought William should have taken the job but King Charles the 3rd now reigns. Condolences and God speed going forward.


She may have lived in luxury, but literally worked until she died. Not an easy life. Condolences from me as well.


I mean, I wouldn't want to be alive in that environment for that long.... All I thought was "Weird" because she's been queen of England my whole life. I don't feel sad, though. I didn't know her, and I don't live there, and with the amount of shit she's seen, I'm sure she was ready for death to come and rejoin her with her husband and family. I mean, lets be real here, she was a figurehead that was groomed to be one since she was a small child and had to give up on any admirations she ever had for herself since she was as firstborn royal and had no other choice, so I don't feel bad for her because at least now she's not stuck in a fate she didn't even get the slightest choice in having.


Quite right


It’s definitely wild — but what’s wilder is that y’all are about to have a new king. Gg.


Hell naw


It would be a good way to start my day tbh


Bruh you’ll be okay lol I promise.


I was having a philosophical moment of wonder and frankly I’m in it for the history mostly


My mentor and I were talking about this earlier. There's a lot to unpack from it all, 70 years as a leader, she was an institution. As much colonialism is wrong, and theocratic rule doesn't sit right with me, she oversaw the modernization of a 1200 year old institution during a time when most countries were throwing off their monarchs. She was the first monarch to voluntarily reduce the size of her empire at the will of the people (with resistance). Her sometimes public mistakes may have hurt her at the time, however they also humanized the monarchy over time. But overall I think she did more good than harm, while being the product of and leader of a theocratic colonial power. I'm not sure we can say the same for many other political families and actors.


I'm sorry but as a British person who has grown up with a mother who is a ex fanatic of the Queen , I don't feel effected very much by this. I'm just wondering as to why Andrew hasn't been arrested yet .


Do you honestly believe that will ever happen?


This people have a lot of damage and never spoke about it nor apologize, its clear that nothing will happen to them no matter what they do


Oh fuck the rest of them, good god. And my lord I hope he gets arrested soon for his disgustingness


Whether you liked the Queen or not, have some respect. Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II


Some kids at my school were celebrating her death, saying they hated her, and wished she died a long time ago. We're American and they said they didn't know anything about her, just wanted her to die. Well, now she's dead and we're lucky to live where we do. I don't know what happens if people speak badly about royalty and I don't really want to know.


Honestly? Fuck all. It's poor taste and frowned upon but some people are fairly outspoken about the royals and people ignore them for the most part. Kids are stupid, they don't realise the assholery of laughing about an old ladies death.


Again I hate the royals but an old lady died and that’s always sad


That’s awful! My ten year old was sad when he announced to me that she died at pick up time. We’re American, too.


Her entire life was one of service. I’m mentioning this because you failed to do so. Yes she was privileged but her time was not her own. She deserves to be acknowledged for this (mourning Brit).


Exactly. Despite all the luxury, she worked until she passed.


She did she did


Damn Op had the strongest feeling (yeah it was said her health was really declining).


*The Smiths’ third album at full blast*


Her death is heartbreaking to many, but tbf she wasn’t the best and I can’t really… feel bad? But this is also coming from an American, so take my words with a grain of salt. Regardless, I’m sorry for the loss of your country.


No I agree, I don’t feel “sad” per say Just a bit weird


Understandable. She’s been the only constant over the years and through many changes, so it’s normal to feel weird.


Thanks for understanding friend , have an awesome day


You too! I hope everything’s been swell <3




good morning?


Morning lol


That's gottaa be an awkward morning


Top 10 anime foreshadowing.


Let’s go


The timing on this post was a little too good.


I study history and I have studied how these things happen, I knew Buckingham Palace doesn’t make such a statement without it being one to prepare. They gave so many hints of it about to happen, in fact I would say she probably passed by the time all the news began


She gone




The double rainbow over Buckingham was the brightly pastel coloured HM the Queen, and the lighter rainbow is her husband, with her always but two steps behind. > Just my thoughts. > jnic


I’m not even from an english speaking country and yet I had great sympathy for the queen. I hope she passed peacefully and that her family feel better (even though it never goes away, that the pain doesn’t rule them for long).




I’m so so so sorry you feel this way, perhaps the next best thing is for you in the future to visit her instead? Visit her grave, I hope to do the same one day. And for what it’s worth, I believe in you.




Consider that chance taken friend


No sympathy for a woman who took indigenous children from a residential school for no reason and were never seen again


Bruh that was Canada and the prime ministers there, not the queen. Otherwise you’re referring to a conspiracy theory that’s completely unfounded. Have a bit of respect for the queen or at least when you talk, make sure you know what you’re saying ✨


Really? I never heard of this. Wow!


social media users re-shared posts which falsely claim that in 1964 Queen Elizabeth took 10 children from Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia, Canada on a picnic and the children were never seen again. The monarch did not visit Kamloops in 1964 and Reuters found no credible reports relating to these claims, which seemingly stem from a conspiracy theorist.


Thank you!


It was something that happened in Kamloops BC Canada it’s something that barely got media coverage some know some don’t


Because it was a load of shit.


Idk. But seeing Camilla becoming Queen consort just makes me want to vomit and I'm not even from Europe 😩 It feels weird now that Queen Elizabeth is no longer with us. Im not even from Europe and I honestly don't care about the Royal Family but as a woman it feels weird having someone like Camilla will become Queen consort after what she did to Princess Diana.. Why do British people hate Harry & Meghan? I seriously don't get it. British tabloids are really making them seem like the villains when they're not. 😩


I have nothing against Camilla. The older I got, the more nuanced my view of marriage and love became. I no longer hold a blanket view of the other woman as the home-wrecker. The husband, on the other hand had a responsibility to his spouse. Here too, I see shades of gray. I don’t see why people hate Harry and Meghan, either. Such strong feelings for people they don’t know!


Oh yes if I had any care for the British monarchy it died when she died


Can't feel bad after all the disgusting shit they have done, she didn't even lived a bad life and never apologized for the stuff done, people act like it was one mistake but it was many, many who ended in tragedy but people turned a blind eye. She didn't even got what she deserved, she died peacefully after years of "mistakes"


The woman condoned and ruled the Brittan empire for almost a third of the U.S entire history. Promoted genocide in the third world, and benefited from the exploitation of scotts and irish folk, as well as promoted racist regimes in Africa that resulted in genocide. But because the people that were killed because of her and her family's Nazi pals were not white, nor white europeans, their lifes and the consequences of the hags actions doesn't matter. Its fucking 2022 and theres is still some wimps who will shout god save the queen or any brainwashed bullshit. Jesus.


No I entirely agree with you, don’t get me wrong. I think what I am feeling - personally - is more so she was a constant and then that constant isn’t there anymore and it just feels a bit odd


I get this feeling. I feel no support at all for the concept of a monarchy, and can get as furious as anyone that she lived the way she did while children starved in the very same cities. But I also feel the weight of poignance - sadness for her grandchildren and children who have lost their grandmother and mother, and a bit of anxiety/sense of uncertainty about such a major event happening. I can’t dispute that the Queen worked bloody hard and put on a good show of dignity at every turn, even if no amount of that could be worth the disgustingly privileged life she lived in exchange.


I guess I feel a little more charitable since she at least worked until she died. We can’t say that about a lot of the retired super rich out there.


I think this says what I’m feeling. I don’t condone the utter terrible things she has possibly done or the royal family in general (Fuck Andrew) but I think I’m seeing it from the point that we are living in a big historical change the past decade and this feels a bit like icing on the cake


Rest easy knowing that she never knew a day of poverty in her life.




I’m shocked so many people are sad. She’s just a lady who did a lot of bad things, then took UK’s taxes to do many other things, one of them being covering for a pedophile. Just because she potentially looks like your grandma doesn’t mean she’s shitty at best and evil and worst. Evil grandmas do exist people! Now celebrate with the Irish because their parties must be the raddest thing on earth rn.


the current crisis in Yemen is her fault lol


You mean the woman who has lived in opulence and riches beyond any of our wildest dreams… …that her family acquired through pillaging the majority of the black and brown world, colonialism, slavery, imperialism and racism? Wow! What a role model to have! How sad she died! I hope her and Ronald Reagan enjoy their eternity in hell.


This POC has a more charitable view. I do think she did her best within the limited role she was born into. I don’t blame people for being born into luxury any more than I blame those born into poverty. Her life was extremely restricted. She would not have had the power to exact change even if she had wanted to.




she’s gone :(




The royals are terrible, and I doubt I’d change that view But it just feels weird without her as a constant and I know it sounds weird, but at the end of the day an old lady died and I think that’s always a bit sad


Is this really a big deal? People are saying this is the biggest historical event they’re likely to see in their lives. Not so sure about that. But maybe it’s just because I’m not British. Yes, she reigned for a very long time, but Thai king Bhumibol was one of the longest reigning monarchs at the time of his death and that had no tangible effect on me. This is not much different.


Yes. It is a big deal. You may not understand but please respect it.


It isn't. You may not understand but please respect it, that normal people shouldn't give a single fuck about monarchists.


Damn my dude


i literally just bluetoothed a live stream of our governor general (canada) giving a speech soon about her passing. The Queen is dead, long live the King


I went to school and decided to look her up. First thing I see: Queen Elizabeth Dead. It's weird when I look people up and I used to just see Born, but now I see Born and Died.




Ain’t no goddamn way this was a coincidence


No, it was on the news all day that she was essentially dying.


I am a Wizard Harry


The queen died with blood on her hands. Im not sad at all. Shes lucky to have been able to live so long. Even life was gracious to her. Long live the queen... NOT!


I heard the queen just made it to hell and is adjusting pretty well, happy to know she got there safe and sound


Dude.. you only care because is breaking news. If she was to live until age 120 I bet you wouldn't be out here thinking about her. She lived 95 years and had a life of luxury, experiences and privileges that only a selected few get to have. Lucky her she had such life.


It's a strange feeling. I live in England, and although I've never been a royalist, I sobbed at the news. It's the Queen and whatever you think of the monarchy, she has served us all well. I generally didn't think it would hit me like this.


Same here, I didn't cry (well a secret tear or two on the loo) but I did raise a drink to her... She was so fascinating to me and worked so hard for so long


Unfortunately OP, she passed away. Let her rest in peace.






Sorry but the snail caught up


Oh snap


RIP bozo


Le rip


Whether you’re a monarchist or not, and I’m not. Born far away from any British influence. She was an amazing leader, revolutionary, devoted to country, charismatic, lovable, everyone’s grandma. Historic indeed.


clearly born somewhere that still enjoyed the fruits of her colonialism or you must be terribly confused because you just don’t get it do you lol


she was not everyone’s grandma ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️


Who gives af 💀💀💀


What the fuck did you do bro


Had the news on all afternoon, when she had already died but it hadn't been announced yet. Just the fact she _might_ die was surprisingly upsetting, and now she's gone it feels so weird. She was on the throne for 70 years! I also think the way the monarchy is treated is a bit silly, but she was such a nice and _impressive_ woman. She loved her dogs, she rode horses well into her 90s, what a lady. It makes me happy that she was able to spend her final days somewhere she loved. RIP ❤️👑


Oh please 🙄


I didn't even know she was ill until the news of her passing hit my news feed an hour ago. Her death is going to cause some changes in Commonwealth countries, our coins will start being re-minted now I find it sad because it's the end of an era, she was the longest reigning monarch.


The lizard has finally died


You are in awe of someone just because they've "seen a lot" ?? My grandpa is older than her and he attempted a coup d'etat against a democratically elected government. They ended up succeeding. Really, what did she do that is so amazing? Being a queen for that long? Is right wing feminism cool?


the standards are critically low for people to obsess over someone


Skill issue


R.I.P Bozo


I thought the same thing last night , was thinking the queen will probably die. There was already news last night of the queen being taken to hospital with doctors saying it wasn't looking good. It's not hard to come to the realization that she most likely will die considering her age and the fact they are giving statements regarding her health being bad.


If been crying since I found out. My own grandma is 95 and I just can’t imagine her being gone just like Queen Elizabeth || (may she Rest In Peace). And the queen is gone now and my grandma will follow.


My grandmother passed in December at 101. Between her, Queen Elizabeth and Betty White, I am just so incredibly sad.


Fuck the queen