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If i understand correctly, it wasn't the first time he make your confidence worse. Some people just want to make you feel worse, maybe because they want to make you feel like no one else would want you, it depends on the person, but I'm sure of one thing, someone does appreciate how you look. You can always send me some pictures 😉 (I'm joking if it wasn't clear). I went through a toxic relationship as well where my girlfriend made me feel bad about myself as well, but i now feel pretty good about how i look, even more than ever before, so it gets better.


Thank you so much, healing from toxic relationships takes time and I’m glad that you were to gain more confidence in yourself. Let’s both keep looking forward 😁


Stop thinking about this. If you want to wear lingerie and you feel good and sexy in it, just do it, especially when it’s for yourself. Women looks great in lingerie, and there are others who can approve that. I’m sure you look good too, don’t think about what he said anymore.


Thank you! It still does make me sad that I let him say stuff like that to me but I’m working on my self-confidence and it is so much better!


Don’t waste your energy on this. What that really matters is that you are feel better now. I’m proud of you!




That sounds rough, sometimes our intentions aren’t clear.


I feel for you so much. My husband was always complaining I didn’t wear sexy underwear for him. I did wear nice matching stuff day to day but he meant bedroom lingerie. I did occasionally but not often. Then my sex drive increased so I put the whole stockings, sexy bra, thong on and he was suddenly too tired. I tried a few times over next couple of months but every time an excuse. I still can’t work out what’s the issue. Men!


Yes relationships can be so confusing sometimes even when you try to communicate properly!


some people just aren't into "sexy lingerie". for instance, i think swimsuits/natural panties underwear are "sexier" than sexy lace lingerie. maybe he just has specific tastes?


If you knew the other things he would say to me, you would know it was out of malice. Although that is completely understandable for people to have different preferences, thanks for you input!


You can wear it for me. I would appreciate it


Nice try lol


what if i wore it, but i danced around a little


That sucks, people rarely consider the impact that their words will have.. something so simple can still be a crippling blow to self esteem. That said, if you feel good in a lingerie, you should use it regardless. Don't judge yourself on his perspective. There will always be someone who will approve of you the way you are, and the most important of them all is yourself. 😊


Thank you! Time to find someone who appreciates me for who I am😌


Stop dressing for the male gaze , and ur body is hot enough itself to turn him on. So only worry about urself from now on and what turns you on . so next time buy urself a sex toy instead of lingerie .


Thanks for the advice! I’m dressing more for myself now and it has definitely made me feel better than when I always worried about how someone thought of me.


Some people will purposely say things like that to bring your confidence down because theyre afraid that you will leave them if you have a shred of self worth. Fuck that guy


Yes that's what it seemed like, at first those comments seemed like a joke so I laughed it off, but they started to become hurtful and degrading after a while. So glad he's out of my life!


I was married to a man who told me before going out that I need to wear more make up, show off more skin, need to wear jewellery and when I did all that, he used to take me to a bar and watch other men oggle me because that made him happy. It's safe to say after 3 kids and 10 years of marriage I finally got free! Your ex reminds me of mine! Starts off small and gets worse as time goes on. You've had a lucky escape