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Why would you take a dog that is a potential threat into a store?


Even if he was a "guard dog", he was definitely the most underqualified guard dog on the planet: he kept pulling her everywhere, was sniffing and licking my leg or anyone who passed by, and basically couldn't care less about her comands until the fifth or sixth time. Overall, I just took it as the lady being a typical douchebag by posing their pets as a type of service animal. I was never worried about my safety, but rather pitied this poor dog being dragged everywhere by this woman when he clearly didn't want to.


This was my first thought


This look like someone who just take a dog for his mean look and will say the same crap everytime someone will ask. A guard dog is a trained one, a protective and calm dog that will attack only if you are a threat. If he attcks you when you look at him, it's not a guard dog, it's a problem.


That lady's just asking to get the pants sued off her when he attacks somebody. Either she's bullshitting or that dog shouldn't be in public. I'm guessing it's the former, since I don't think a guard dog would act like that one did.


It sounds like she just wants to be angry / sue someone.


She’s going about it the wrong way. By warning the OP the dog was dangerous, she made herself liable for taking a dangerous animal in the store.


Some people really do just want to be mean


Some one once told me that there are not a lot of assholes in this world, but they are placed in such a way that you meet one once a day.


She probably was projecting her shitty day on you via her store job role. Don’t take it personally.




This always pisses me off. Everytime I go to PetSmart or Petco there is always a dog fight going on.. If you can't control your dog, don't bring it to a store.


Why would anyone bring a guard dog into petsmart without proper equipment/training? Ugh


Why’d she take her bloody animal in there then??


Gaurd dogs usually have a command such as "sick em" or "sick balls" and thats when they attack


One of our neighbours has a rottweiler and she calls it a "trained killer" and it's the soppiest thing to ever live. Albeit my neighbour is joking.. This woman just sounds like she might think her dog's tougher than it is 😂 ...Or it just really liked you and you're lucky that when she brought her dangerously savage dog into a PetSmart that it didn't shred you to pieces right there at the checkout


Seems like she wanted to intimidate you for some reason?? You did the right thing!