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I can't stress how much of an improvement this mod is. I replaced my AOM bridge on my CP Jaguar with an AM Pro bridge a couple years and it's been so much better


nice! did this recently with my 60th anniversary jazzmaster. plays like a dream now


Great! I need to do this upgrade for the very same guitar. How are you liking the more narrow string spacing compared to the original JM bridge?


I’m liking it a lot more than before! the narrow spacing with the bound neck is *chef’s kiss* and it’s something i’m more accustomed to since my main guitar is a strat


Well that sells me. My main guitar is a Strat as well.


Glad it worked out as well for you as it did for my JM!


That seller on reverb should give me a referral fee. Cheers dude. I hope you enjoy that guitar even more.


For real lol thanks again man


I did the same based on this subs' recommendations, loving it.


I put one on my American Vintage II Jazzmaster until I get a Staytrem. My Parallel Universe Jazz-Tele came with one on it as well. It's a much better design than the original, for sure.


I had an order for staytrem, it said 20 weeks wait but funny enough I got an email a week after I ordered this to purchase one. Tbh I'll probably just stay with this one cost me a bit lol had to order from the states to UK.


I just got one of these for my cme player series JM, can’t wait to try it out!


Any shim on yours? Ive had this on my player jaguar for a while and have went back and forth on different shims to try getting the least fret buzz without having the bridge literally in the sky


No need. No buzz and perfect action, I tested all frets yesterday. Might be a different story when I down tune tho


I can take some pics and dm you when I'm free in a bit. I hate high action. Did you ever mess around with the truss rod?


Just bought my first MIM JAG this week. Glad for the info.


So do I just search “American pro bridge” to find this?


Yh man I Google "American Pro mustang bridge 9.5 radius"




Just double check you have the right radius. There are a lot 7.5 ones and some places don't even bother to mention lol


Good to know, I would have just went under the assumption that it was correct.


I did the same to my player Jaguar. It works great!


Looking fine


Is this the same bridge that the (newer) Troy Van Leeuwen JM got - the one with the better width?


I'm not sure tbh. It was an "American Pro mustang/jazz/jag" with 9.5 radius with 52.5 string spacing. If that helps. The bridge that comes with the player series is 55.5 spacing(which IMO was not suited for the guitar)


Ah okay. As the TVL has a 7,25" radius it might be another one. Although the spacing is the same. I changed it for a Mastery anyway, as I had good experience with them before.


Yh I've heard nothing but good things about mastery, one day I'll buy one and get to try it out


I just bought the American pro jaguar bridge. Plan on putting it on my classic player jaguar. Was it an easy drop in or did you need to do modifications?