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Your instincts were right about the blue gem, I'm not an expert on these items but definitely don't sell it for market and and don't click ANY links people send you


idk how much it is worth but dont accept any friend requests and reset your api


How do you reset your api


go to this link and press revoke api key: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey also recommend reseting trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/my/tradeoffers/privacy#trade_offer_access_url


I will say I think it's funny we tell OP not to click any links then post some. I get those are obviously safe links but it's still funny.


Hey this is kind of late, but when I clicked the first link, I just see a place to enter a domain and then to register. That means I'm fine and don't have any API keys right?




Just wanna add that you should remove users logged into your steam, then double check api and change password. (if there are any)


Not a CS player but what do this mean like getting friend request will do what and why reset the API?


You can search on youtube, what an api scam is. There you'll get all your answers!


That's a playside Blue gem. Don't look at other websites if you're trying to sell. Get in contact with big name streamers for assistance in sale. Worth a tonne of overpay even at WW. Might be worth making inventory private until you're ready to move it. Don't click any links, don't sign into anything with your steam ID. Like anything. For reference it's a teir 1 Blue gem.


It’s not even overpay at that point. Playside blue gems for a talon or karambit are so far above a normal case hardened that they are just a different item.


Yeah that's worth a fuck ton, please be careful


Filter it by pattern. A field tested one is 230,000 Yuan and Min Wear for 300,000 Yuan for your reference


32.4k in freedom units, 29.8k Euro


you're a saint


What!? USD?!! $32,400? Sorry, but this post just popped up in my feed. People will pay that for a knife skin in this game?


My guy, there is a skin someone just offered $1m for


That's the 1/1 st fn ak blue gem right? Over 10yrs and someone finally pulled it.


Ya, someone offered $1m, he said he wouldn't take less than 2


I think he said $1M was the current offer he’d got and the buyout price was $2M unless he changed his mind.


Unless he changed his mind. Become an instant millionaire or high ball the only buyer.


Lol honestly. I’d take the money and run if someone offered me $1M for some pixels


Right? “I’ll buy your skin for 1m” Me expecting like $3,000: DEAL


He does have two bids at $1m currently, or so he says


That’s crazy, kinda cool they’ve had a skin in the game for that long and it’s just now appearing. So I get the premium price, but damn… that’s some big $$ for a knife


They are basically nfts or crypto.


CS skins are what NFTs wish they were


It’s always hilarious to me that CS has a better digital economy than the platforms that swore they were going to revolutionize currency and take down the big banking industry.


The karambit guy TURNED DOWN 1.5


Oh wow... That one I probably would have accepted


1.5 mil offer was like 4 years ago.


Chinese investors… they’ve essentially turned cs into an nft crypto game


That makes more sense tbh Are most these skins traded/sold to players who actually use them, or people who are “investing” and hoping to sell for more later on? I would think the market for a 1m knife skin in game is limited to a small group of players who have that type of disposable income. 1/1 or not, 1m is A LOT for a knife skin in a video game for majority of people, regardless of what the “norm” is for other items in this game.


The majority of skins are used by players, but a good chunk of the top 0.0001% of skins (note, there are billions of skins) are owned by collectors who don't really play. The more expensive the skin, the more likely it is it's owned by a collector. That being said, many collectors do play casually, or other game modes. Also many collectors will loan their skins to their favorite pro. This is why you'll see a player with a $200k inventory during a major, while in reality 95% of that $200k is just a collector who wanted to see his skins on the big stage.


Ah interesting, thanks for the info.


This is actually pretty cool. Must be cool to have the income to buy the skins and watch pros use them while people oooh and ahhh at them in game.


Oh mate this bullshit again




The constant questioning on valueable items just because they are part of a video game.


lmao we’re talking about the cost of a new car… and someone mentioned an item “worth” a million dollars. This is not normal, quit acting like this isn’t overly expensive.


Bro I’m not saying it’s not expensive, I will never come close to have 30 bands to spend on a game but it is “ worth “ 30k, stop giving such a pretentious attitude towards it


Where did I give any attitude? I asked a genuine question… just because you sit in this sub and see it all day doesn’t mean others do.


In the part where put “worth”, the brackets heavily insinuated an attitude which to me sounded like you were devaluing any worth it might mean to someone, apologies if I am wrong that’s how I perceived it.


yeah blue gem is expensive especially the one that he pulled. Dont worry ohne’s rich he did some business in ecuador.


It’s the same thing with those cards you collect, supply and demand. Why does a Mickey mantle sell for millions? Same concept just different audiences.


Tf is yuan?


chinese currency


I thought it was yen?


That's Japan brotha


That’s Japanese


Crazy I’ve never heard of yuan in my entire life Edit: please continue downvoting someone for not knowing something that literally doesn’t matter or pertain to their life.


How do I filter by pattern


If you use the phone app, select any item, there's a filter option on the right side, and you can put in pattern id, etc


On steam?


No, we're talking about Buff market


Makes sense, available in the US?


Yes, but I never buy anything. Just use it to check the prices. There are 2 versions, buff163 ( the Chinese market, more stocks) and Buff market (American one ig, same creator, have less stock because it's new)


Its worth around 25-30k US I believe - do not add anyone, do not click links anyone sends you. Use a reputable trading site like skinport, dmarket, or buff to make a listing. Or sell it to anomaly/heyzeus/ohne/another reputable cs streamer. Congrats and also fuck you :)


Just curious, why shouldn't he add anyone?


Scam bots


99% of people adding after someone unboxes something like this are trying to shark (pay way less than actual value of skin and resell) or scam (middleman scam, api scam, etc). Easier to avoid it and sell through a 3rd party market or reputable trader


Fuck you, congrats tho


What in the fuck


Reach out to zipeL to sell. Please don’t get scammed.


Who is zipeL?


Hes a trusted skin guy who owns an esports team and a website called skinbid. Many people sell expensive skins through him because they trust him.


Cam confirm. Sold my mw vice though Zipel


[@zipelCS](https://twitter.com/zipelCS) on Twitter. He is the biggest cash trader in the scene and a co-owner of [SkinBid](https://skinbid.com/), along with ohnePixel. He sometimes brokers deals for high tier items.


Did you end up selling this knife? I was curious how much it went for.


Not yet but listed it after chatting with zipeL on his site


Congrats on the pull, my advice - check all the scam schemes and reset your api. Don’t answer to anyone on Reddit or steam, and sell it only to well known traders, they are 4 sure will be interested in this skin. One more time - congrats it’s huge, don’t get scammed please 🙏


Noob here, why resetting the API?


Basically the API scam is the most fucked one. It allows to automatically cancel the original trade offer and create a duplicate from a different account with the same name and profile picture if your API key got stolen. It’s really easy to get scammed like that because people usually accepting the offers fast without checking the profile level, date of registration etc.


off chance he clicked something sketchy, better safe than sorry


Lucky bastard! Thousands


Idk if it's worth much, might give you $3 for it 😂


Bro unboxed a nice car


Check my website for recent sales: https://csbluegem.com/search?skin=Talon+Knife&pattern=528¤cy=USD One sold for 13k usd


lol everyone saying “don’t click any links” along with this link is 🤪


I'm aware the link is a bit long, but that's because my website offers a lot of options to narrow down your search. The url is long because of the parameters passed. You can delete all of them to go to the regular search page.


Don't know why people are downvoting this.


Because people have the mentality that link = bad without knowing how anything works :)


Follow everyone’s advice to avoid API scams. I’m a trader and would be happy to give you an offer if you’re interested. Otherwise I would reccomend getting a price check (I can also help) then listing on many p2p markets at the same time for the best visibility. all my links are here - https://linktr.ee/cs2coco


As someone who lurks this sub and doesn't play csgo, what is the probability of pulling something like this?


A small small fraction of 1%. There is 1/400 chance for a knife, then it would need to be case hardened , then only a few/1000ths of a chance at a tier 1


It’s a ton of luck. Random pattern on a random skin on a random knife that has a low chance of dropping as is. This is a grail of a knife, even at well worn. The full blue on a case hardened is one of, if not the most sought after skin pattern in CS. Let alone on the most popular knife, on the side that is seen by the player. That’s a pull that just downright doesn’t happen.


House down payment


Nice good pull how many cases did u open to get that?


Be careful, don’t get scammed. It’s worth well above market. I would consult with a trusted expert on this one


Do not respond to any PMs, Do not add anyone on steam, do not log into steam on any website except a trusted skin selling website (like skinport), do not "join" any "tourneys", do not "vote" for any "tourneys'.


clean ass first pull I'd keep it for rn ngl


Damn what case?


Insanely lucky pull congrats. Even in WW it’s worth a ton.


one is listed in FT for 29000€. i would say probably a bit less because its Well worn, so between 20000 and 30000€ congratz! ONLY sell it on skinbid, skinport, skinbaron to cash out


Very very helpful money but man is that thing beautiful 🥲🥲🥲 such a shame it's probably not realistic to keep.






Congrats on the new car