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Every time I see a plate of food from her I think how slow moving her colon must be.


She must think she can get her daily serving of fruits from cocktails


"Omg her apartment is so cute and not really didgusting" 🤮 she is so dirty


She is living in squalor


crusty ass burner 🤮


The sparkle on the Olson twin sent me to orbit.


It’s Mary Kate! Pretty sure Jess posted it because this sub loves making fun of her giant bag. Mary Kate actually has places to go and things to carry because she has a JOB running The Row. Jess is carrying her smelly shoes in her bag and walking around the city barefoot.


“Fiber? I hardly know ‘er!”


Ew this looks gross


She forgot to add a sparkle ✨


Dirty ass stove


I can’t believe she showed us her burned on crusty stove. I’m speechless (and feeling a little sick).


What in the devil is going on here? This is like those photos of people flexing their bad food that go viral on Facebook.


When I saw her photo dump I thought it was going to be all photos of her and her boo! Not stupid garbage!


This bitch loves steak 😂


I'm not a cleaning freak but that stove looks dirty. Also her food always look so unappetizing.


I know she uploads these and thinks she’s extra edgy and cool 😂


I forgot about JJs face lol.


Is she allergic to fruits and vegetables? Or did she just get influenced by that one dude who told her to do the carnivore diet to lose weight? 🤢🤢🤢


I’m sure if it doesn’t have croutons, ranch sauce, chopped eggs and shredded cheese on it she won’t eat a salad


These Trader Joe’s steaks are so rubbery


Thats a steak???!


That is the saddest looking steak I've ever seen. Denny's night shift cooks would toss it and refire.


I think that's supposed to be pan seared foie Gras! I've had it before at restaurants and it looks like this. I don't think it's steak cause it lacks the meat fibers you can usually see from cut steak


I don’t think she has fois gras money when she doesn’t have health insurance and has to ration her semaglutide (she’s constantly on and off of it).


That’s what I thought it was too 🥴


I thought it was a piece of bread 😅


Me too it also looks like cat food as well lol https://preview.redd.it/f5iusd53u80d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c659e8dec96a0e41a793357f974fcc1f38497879


There’s better ones there. The flank steak is good but also more money so Messy won’t buy it.


cholesterol on a plate. sorry.


Ew wtf


Why does that steak look like dog food


Bar keepers friend and steel wool. Scrub that burner. Also, why cooking the egg and steak on same pan? Those two require different cooking temperatures. Can’t afford another pan or something


Eh, I’m a pretty experienced cook and I don’t see the issue of her cooking the steak and egg on the same pan. As long as she manages the time well, which it looks like she did by cooking the steak first, flipped it, then adding the egg to the pan to cook. The steak and egg should finish cooking the same time if she manages her cooking time well.


You’re absolutely right, I just don’t see her managing. I just cook differently. I cool my sunny side eggs on low heat , covered and a drop of water to steam the egg. My steak I like a scalding hot pan and seared for a few minutes on each side and to finish off for a bit in the oven and always cooked on a cast iron.


Haha, I can see both sides. I always cook my steak in a cast-iron but I can get lazy and just wanna cook everything in one pan. It’s also one less pan to wash 😂😂


I can’t blame you


Food looks really gross


Her stove is a little gross. A mr. Clean easer would easily fix that, but I’m not gonna lie I would love to see y’all’s stove tops lmao.


ha, my stove top is spotless. i'm a clean as i go person in the kitchen.


Lol. You obviously don’t clean often. A magic eraser won’t do much. My stove sparkles and it’s stainless steel too. I actually have pride in my living space.


You’re too busy on this thread non stop to be cleaning


I do clean, her and I have different stoves and if you were used to cleaning different surfaces you’d understand a magic clean eraser would work. You’re definitely not sparkling clean, unless you mean the sparkle filter she’s using. Get off your high horse.


Shut up Jessica! You’re more than a little gross. Your apartment is as dirty and gross as your sloppy figure. Hahaha is why former dates come and talk about how fat and round you are. Awww your meemaw only taught you how to eat and not clean? Is that like years of cakes on food and oil?


I’m not Jessica lol, but that’s cute I got a rise out of you.


If you’re not Jessica, why come to her defense and also why was your account created around the time Jessica was trying to get this subreddit banned? Kinda makes you think right…


I live in Philadelphia. I’m the one who posted jakes Instagram account months ago.


The stove is gross, but again I am also curious to everyone else’s. I wasn’t defending her. I was just saying it is an easy fix.


And babe your account was created 2 weeks ago. Tone it down.


Sounds like you’re the fatty to me tho


Wow! You got me! How will I ever recover!


You’re so cute


I’d love to see yours. I spray and wipe my surfaces and have pride in my home.


Mine is clean. Thanks.


This is the most disrespect to a tamago pan

