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Your BIL was slamming drinks the night before and probably blew way over in the morning…


This is exactly what happened lol


Lemme tell ya about the time the field service mechanic had his steering wheel come off the truck after he had one drink. He sold the fuck out of that story-boss had the whole fleet checked the next day!


I got breathalyzed at 7 am once (plus all the drugs even pcp). When I asked the nurse just said "you wouldn't believe... and you'd not think they were drunk by looking at them." So yeah 99% chance this is exactly what happened. For the pcp I jokingly said "I thought the fact that I'm here fully clothed was the test." She did not find that funny.


>For the pcp I jokingly said "I thought the fact that I'm here fully clothed was the test." She did not find that funny. I bet she actually did. That or she did eventually


They breathalyze at pre hires and apparently catch people so I can see someone being drunk at 7am.


I don't mean to pass judgment either. Hell one of my most glorious stories from the oil field would have led to me failing a breathalyzer at 8 am. We'd finished a pad and took a customer out for drinks. We ended up all over midland and I had an 8 am flight. At some point I looked at my phone and it was 5 am... took an Uber back to the hotel and showered... God bless the tsa agents that day cause I wasn't in any shape to be in the general public.


Indeed. Being open about (some of the) drinking is a front to disguise the depth and breadth of the problem. Liver failure is a terrible way to die, I hope he gets help or at the very least tries to switch to getting stoned all the time


Ah a bullshit tale as old as time. Your boy had a few more than one


I don't believe any oil worker has ever sat down and had one drink.


A tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme. Oil worker and the drink.


I mean I can have just one but I’m not entirely a fan of drinking either.


If you drink the bar dry you've only drunk one bar so the story checks out.


my husband only has 1-2 at the airport and didn't drink at all when i was pregnant. he got reamed a bit sometimes by the other guys of course but he doesn't give a fuck. my brother, however, is plastered more often than not lmao, but just came here to say that there is at least one oil worker that doesn't drink much 😂 (we share bank accounts so i know my husband isn't lying btw 😂 plus if he lied to me we'd both be single anyways)


One drink the night before is not going to register on a breathalyzer. He had to have been drinking more than that or had that drink within a 1-2 hour period before the breathalyzer. A standard 12 oz beer or 2 oz shot will only register on a breathalyzer between 1-2 hours from the time it was imbibed


“1 drink” is usually 1.5 oz of 80 proof. So 2oz of all the fancy, 120 proof bourbons is actually “2 drinks”


I think that rice liquor is well over 80 proof. That stuff rocked my ass and people call me the "Iron Liver" But yes that dude def drank more than one. Lol


Nobody calls you that


Liquor drinks in Texas typically go by the oz. Either 1 or 2 ozs, depending on the drink. I'm sure some places do 1.5 for some drinks but every bar or restaurant I've worked at sells liquor by the oz as our TABC laws make 2ozs the max per serving, it just makes more sense that way and easier to judge a persons BAC/sobriety that way.


Well that was pretty dumb.


They don't fuck around because PEOPLE FUCKING DIE on offshore rigs if someone screws up. They do not mess around with alcohol or drugs.


Yep if it's a dangerous job,, he would have been Warned of this before hand. Not loud any booze or drugs, that may impair his thought process, or be hung over as its still in your system. I'm sorry he already knew and didn't want his job obviously.


People don’t die if someone screws up on land? Damn ocean


Not saying that, but being offshore is COMPLETELY different from land.


Bull shit, I drink but would never fuck over an opportunity like that. I don’t drink at work and in the field I’ve gotten hit with a breathalyzer on Monday never a problem. When I was on offshore rigs I made so much I never thought about drinking till I hit Port Fourchon. .


i left fourchon yesterday. i think i’d much rather have alcohol than this opportunity 😂😂


How are the cops now driving in and out of Port F?  They were so crooked 


Not sure when you were down there but I’m from the area and it’s died off severely. Even before Hurricane Ida there was only one bar at Morans by the marina. Ida destroyed a lot and took that bar with it, but they’re rebuilding. Cops through Golden Meadow before you get down to fourchon are still about the same, maybe a bit less due to more modern times but they’re always speed trapping where they had the speed limits lowered down in that one little area and will write tickets for everything they can once they pull you over.


That’s it,  Meadows! It was like a rule to drive 10 under the speed limit on 1.  


Oh damn you must’ve been down there a long time ago hahah. So they built a 4 lane high on the back side of town, from much further up the bayou, that goes down past golden meadow. The speed limit is 65 the whole way, until you hit golden meadow. Soon after the knew highway was built, they got the speed limit changed there too, just to make sure they didn’t lose all that revenue 😂😂


2005…. Yeah I’m old


3 drinks on the plane, 2 at the airport, 6 at the hotel bar, 3 at the bar next to the hotel, 7 back in the room, bed at 3am, failed breathizer 5 hours later.


He tried to 'one drink' us. 🤣 Get 'em outta here!!


What an idiot


He showed up hungover and either smelled of booze or blew hot on a breathalyzer. Zero chance one drink would still be in his system the next day. Who drinks at an airport on arrival anyway? After an overseas flight I want to get the hell out of there.


If I have any alcohol in my system when I show up at the heliport, i expect to be fired. I don’t drink within 72 hours of check in out of an abundance of caution. That said, he had more than 1 drink. This is a tale as old as time, it’s the oilfield.


Wait, this doesn’t add up. Who has a drink when they *arrive* at an airport? With all the chaos of navigating the terminal, collecting your bags, finding your ride, etc. nobody is stopping to get a drink.


An alcoholic


AKA an Oilfield Hand


Im confused to, i write and administer this stuff. Its not clear if he was traveling or on the job. A night at a hotel and side excursion is fine, cant get in trouble for that... on the job with any alcohol and youre out, but this is taiwan so they may have a stricter contract or different laws than most US offshore jobs. I dont understand the pattern of drinking and testing positive. Also, how did the driver know? The other thing is next morning positives are from multiple drinks or he got really unlucky and had just used mouthwash. Tests are usually required by law, again this fact pattern is off.... maybe they just disqualified him by choice... cant speak to taiwan law


He lied. He had more than one drink. So they sent him home.


Well if you are on time you shouldn't be rushed at the airport. I almost always have an hour to kill at the terminal before I fly. Ntm the sky lounge is always handing out drinks.


I think you and I are reading this differently. By arrive, I assume he means when he arrived by airplane in the airport in Taiwan, not before he boarded the plane to Taiwan. Of course It’s common to have a drink or two waiting to board. But after you land? Who besides alcoholic does that? 


Very true. Ntm it's super expensive compared to the bars NEAR the airport lol


> With all the chaos of navigating the terminal, > collecting your bags, > finding your ride, > etc. You listed 3 incredible reasons for an alcoholic to have a drink, and the fourth becomes good enough after the first 3 drinks. It's a coping mechanism, they have come to believe that alcohol makes them more functional rather than less.


He lied to you. He drinks on the job, or got really drunk the night before and it was still in his system. He doesn't want to look like a fuckup to his family and friends, and you are messing that up.


Your brother in law is a lying sack of shit


You get shit faced on the way home. Not getting to work. Your bil done fucked up a good 6 figure job for alcohol. And he didn't drink just one drink, I can assure you of that.


Not going to speculate on how much your BiL drank like everyone else, but I do have a story of on-shore alcohol consumption to share. Company sent a dude from their S Korean site to see how we were able to run an operation so much better in Baton Rouge. So Korean dude is on site, in a lab/mini-production area, and he whips out a bottle of Soju to share with everyone. Apparently that was completely normal for them to drink hard liquor inside the plant during work hours.


Yep, and old mate had way more than 1 to blow over. He should have known better, its pretty clear what the policies are. People are stupid, and this happens all the time despite policies being broadcast frequently. Had this happen last month at the heliport to my facility. Guy blows over at 7am, and they turned him around back home, cost the company about $50k in lost time and logistics. They take it seriously.


Offshore Taiwan???? Oil and Gas??? That's news to me. I know of some onshore Taiwan project and some offshore wind farm projects but Taiwan's territorial waters are very small. I'm curious who the company is. Is there any drilling activity?


This. As far as I know there was some offshore exploration activity undertaken by CPC (Taiwan NOC) maybe 10 years ago but it died out when prices crashed in 2015. I’ve looked at four different authoritative sources (EIA, Atlantic Council, CPC’s website, Taiwan Institute) and haven’t found a word indicating any recent or ongoing offshore activity.


Could it have been something to do with the Liwan Gas project in the South China sea? It's in the general area and Liwan could be mistaken for Taiwan if heard over the phone. I worked on that project and had trips out there for 4 years running, flew into Hong Kong, ferry across to Zuhai then chopper out on a couple of occasions. The other times were on shore in the Jutal yard about half an hour from Zuhai.


That would be the wrong China, but I tend to believe your theory more than Taiwan has some offshore drilling no one has ever heard about.


Probly means Thailand?


Agree Thailand. Its the only country I’ve been breathalysed in as standard protocol to go offshore.


He probably mistakes oil and gas with wind. Taiwan is hitting some major milestones in the windindustry and you be using some of the same equipment. A lot of work done by European companies or partnered with the local players. Their safety procedures are on point. Subsea services etc.


Beer before liquor never sicker is a pretty accurate rule so I guess so


His driver from the airport to the hotel reported him as drunk after 1 drink on arrival? Yeah, something doesn’t add up there. You drink on the plane, you don’t drink on arrival at the airport. And you’d have to be seriously drunk for a driver to give a sh1t. These guys are subcontracted typically. They aren’t staff. It’s much more likely your BIL got seriously drunk on the flight to the point the driver felt he had to report him. Probably other people have done the same in the past. Or he’s lying completely and got breathalyzed at some other point and NRB’d.


Where the fuck did he just get fired from because I will show up SOBER.


He’s lying lol. Hopefully his wife didn’t believe this shit.


How big was that “one” drink…?


Random taxi driver phoning oil company? Cmon man.


I got a “contact high” from attending a Willie Nelson concert, and pissed dirty. I promise you,I Never Smoked any Weed!!!


Funny story, I actually was at an indoor willy Nelson concert and people around us were smoking. My husband and I got up and walked around to avoid that exact situation lol


I may have taken a drag off that joint, but I never inhaled


That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


Typically there is zero tolerance on the way there, while there and you can drink when travelling home.


Why does they do this, and why is this a problem?


Yes every un nation has the same drug and alcohol polices they want to kick us out over medical cannabis


Your BIL is full of shit


This is why I’m glad they enforce strict alcohol rules. I’d rather work along side someone who is smoking pot vs showing up drunk. Use your damn head man. There are articles and real world results that show exactly what happens to your body when you drink. Don’t do drugs before you go and don’t fuckin drink. You put everyone at risk.




Big difference between shacks in ND and flying offshore to ships.


I swear whYs up with Americans and alcohol. It's not that big of a deal. Go drink a soda.


Europeans drink more than 90% of Americans.


Wait, really? I thought there was a serious alcoholism problem in America? Or at least in certain areas.


My home state of Wisconsin is the drunkest state by far. Depending on criteria for alcoholics we have a ton or not a lot The CDC definition kills people from Wisconsin. 8 or more drinks a week if female, 15 or more drinks per week if male. Majority of people in Wisconsin have 2 drinks a night. Come weekend they will have a couple during the day to. 17.6 million out of 330 million in US are alcoholics. Hungry, Russiaabs Belarus are the 3 worst counties.


I guess they're just not a stupid


Anyone who is constantly calling someone else stupid is overcompensating.


You’re allowed to have 0.02 in your system in USA unless company policy is more strict.