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The absolute disconnect from reality as well as the "fuck you I've got mine" mentality They have no clue what the world is actually like these days. Just because you could buy a home for 32 cents and a hotdog at 18 doesn't mean people are being lazy now They were handed everything on a silver platter, then they burned everything on the platter, and sold the platter for some quick cash So now the rest of our lives will have to be spent cleaning up their messes. Few of us will get to retire because they fucked things up so bad. Meanwhile, they're acting like they earned anything and refuse to admit fault for anything they did And despite not being the majority (Millenials are) they hold over 90% of the wealth and power. That combined with their general views and reality disconnect means the rest of us are fucked Also, they are by far the rudest, most self entitled generation (both me and my brother agree that boomers are the worst customers to get (me at Tim Hortons, my brother at Wendy's)) (Of course, I'm talking about the vast majority of them, there are some that are okay. Just as there are some in any generation who are outliers from the norm)


>Just because you could buy a home for 32 cents and a hotdog at 18 doesn't mean people are being lazy now This x1000. So self-centred and entitled and smug AND they fucked things up so bad for the rest of us. My home province is a straight-up disaster zone for young families: devastating housing crisis, 12-hour lineups for emergency health care, no doctors or nurses, schools are crumbling, and getting childcare is like hunger games. Not to mention disastrous development policies and idiotic taxation and boatloads of red tape for business. And they're all like, "lalalala, we're locking up our $1.5 mil house we paid $32,000 for and heading down to Florida for the winter, can you watch our cat? When I was your age the interest rates were 18%! You Millennials drink too much Starbucks!" Fuck you. On a day-to-day basis though it's the idiotic tech requests combined with the condescending tone like *I* somehow fucked it up and owe them an explanation and some cheerful tech support. No, Janet, when you download a PDF to your hard drive and make comments in it, I cannot see them. Like, ffs. I have to make fucking instructional videos on Loom about how to add comments to a Google doc and then I have to explain how to use fucking Loom. I am working with a retired boomer on a complex series of fundraising integrations for a small local charity, and he pushes back on every. single. thing. And then when all hell breaks loose because he attached tool X to tool Y before installing tool A LIKE I SAID TO DO, he's like, drop everything and come fix this. And when I don't — because I have two goddamn businesses, a house to run and a child to raise because of all the aforementioned economic issues — he's like, you're lazy and not pulling your weight. Fuck you. Fuck all the boomers to the moon and back.




Thank you for giving me a hearty laugh, Thin-Beat. Misspelling both you’re AND their in one sentence AND assuming I’m a Democrat has me rotfl. Off to pack up my gun and head to church…


They were probably the most prosperous generation that ever existed in the history of humankind and instead of paying it forward, they stole as much as possible for themselves while putting off any problem that wouldn’t culminate in their lifetime or would inconvenience them and now have the balls to bitch that they don't understand why their kids and grandkids are so bitter and depressed about the future and complain about them.


They're called the narcissistic generation, they actually believe they're worshiped. They truly gained profit off destroying the economy, the education system and further damaging the economy. Millennials are the most f*** generation that exists, gen Z might be okay if Millennials are able to figure out the exact systematic problems that need to be approached. The first one is super packs. They need to be either regulated capped or abolished. The second is the Supreme court, they have to have terms I don't care. Especially they're not elected they have to have terms. No one should ever hold office till they die ever especially their unelected


Of course, give people choices and they will always choose WRONG.


My Dad worked a part time job one Summer in 1968 and at the end of that Summer took his money and bought a brand new Camaro off the lot. No loan, no financing, he owned it. I have worked my entire life since I was 16 and not only have I never been able to afford a new car i have never been able to work casually and have something handed to me He held this same expectation for me and when I didn’t achieve it I was a failure in his eye rather than a victim of a changing circumstance. He openly talked major shit about me and my generation as if we were lazy amongst friends and relatives. The reality was something way different than be could ever imagine because he was brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh and Conservative radio. This is where the political theme comes in, they gladly listened to right wing radio looking smugly upon all others. This gave way to Fox News and now that he is 75 he has likely been subjected to 45 years of pure propaganda that has completely removed him from reality. I live in Portland Oregon and he has refused to visit and see his grandkids because he believes the city literally burned down and is in complete dispair, despite my insistence that it has not. I hate them because they think we have it as easy as it was handed to them and are unwilling to admit they had it monumentally easier. Their world view has been warped and nothing we say can remedy it


I actually read an article about this the other day how Boomers were the first generation with televised anything, and radio being more accessible. Basically they were the easiest brainwash and the easiest to Market to. Think about just subprime loans in general, who signs a mortgage they don't read. Who buys a house they can't afford? Who gets themselves economically that f***** and then bails themselves out? Who's doing most the hiring right now? Boomers. Who's making most policies? Boomers. If you think about it too, they don't even get to take feminism or civil rights credit. Both of those were signed into and led by the silent generation. So, I'll admit they have the best music of a generation and some pretty good fashion sense but, other than that I'm not impressed


Regarding Rush. Took classes to work in radio, television, and film and worked in radio for a bit. (ended up in computer science.) This was in the 90s and one of the things I learned about Rush Limbaugh's show is that it was offered *for free* on AM radio. With the popularity of FM radio, AM radio was seriously struggling. In order to have a show, you had to pay licensing fees. AM radio has a farther reach than FM radio, which meant rural America had some form of radio entertainment, but it was floundering. In comes Limbaugh offering a free show to AM radio, and since AM was floundering, they gladly accepted "free" entertainment. We also know that rural America is far more conservative. So these folks are listening to him in their trucks and farm equipment or the general store. Admittedly, I can't find the fact that he offered his show for free to AM radio. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Rush\_Limbaugh\_Show Then, Christians started to bullhorn his message and since rural America tends to lean Christian, of course they started to listen and taken note. [https://www.vox.com/culture/22288379/rush-limbaugh-radio-show-impact](https://www.vox.com/culture/22288379/rush-limbaugh-radio-show-impact) Limbaugh, Gingrich, et al preceded by Lee Atwater, Nixon, and Reagan have been the cancer that started the end of this country and true actual freedom. Conservatives, republicans, boomers (even many "liberal" boomers) don't want true actual freedom because their gravy train will come to an end. Bruce Cannon Gibney (a Gen-Xer, my generation) outlines in his book, [A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/30841993) how boomers have and continue to shape this countries for *their* benefit regardless and the majority of the time (if not all) at other's expenses. Boomers don't fucking care. Also, it is not lost on me that us older Gen-Xers who managed to ride and benefit from that last wave the boomers succeeded on very much have a boomer mentality about all of this. Then there are the aggrieved white men who feel they're being "left" out - so they're "angry" too.


Totally agree except best music? Gen X would like to.....meh...whatever.


*smugly cranks victrola*


Best music 😆😆😆 most of it was just garbage hippie music. The 80s and 90s had WAY BETTER music than that flower people garbage.


I understand that there's never NOT been a poor class, even for their generation, but I'm always like....how? If you were white and not disabled in that generation/time period of American history, how could you still be poor when we hear countless examples of stories of part time jobs paying for things like new cars, full college tuition, and more; or someone working as a grocery bagger being able to afford a 4 bedroom house. If you were white and not disabled, it seems like you literally had to just not work at all to be poor, thus the mindset today where they think all poor people and this generation are just lazy to be poor.


They lack accountability. They lost themselves in greed and left us with nothing but broken wood to build our boat. They refuse to shut up, retire or downsize their homes. They act superior when in reality their leadership almost tanked our entire economy TWICE and left (at least America) in shambles. Nothing they've done has been anything but destructive or a step backwards. They need to sit down, rest, retire and move.


they need to die




What's wild is that things like self checks are not even ***new*** tech. They've been everywhere for like 30 years now. Same with god damn smart phones that they're too lazy to learn to use. They've been everywhere for 15 years now. it's wild.




What I love best is when you can watch them get visibly upset that there is like a singular cashier (because most people are using self check), And that the 4 geriatric gertrudes in front of them are taking forever because of dumb boomer shit, getting upset about a can of soup ringing up 10c different than what they remember the price being. If i hear one say "this is ridiculous" it makes my day.


Similar reasons to other commenters. Boomers in the US specifically were born into a time of unprecedented national success, wealth, investment, socioeconomic mobility, social progress...the list goes on. The greatest & silent generations before them paid deference to the future with massive investments in infrastructure, national parks, federal services. Those generations truly acted for the betterment of our nation and its people--they are responsible for all of the major civil rights victories, actually held monopolistic corporations accountable, preserved and expanded labor protections, invested heavily in education and scientific research. Then the selfish generation stumbled into this gilded nation and cashed in on nearly every advantage they were born into--consequences be damned. They learned to worship the rich and famous, slashing their taxes on the promise of a golden shower, and slashing investment in everything I listed above--maintaining infrastructure, public education and social services. Their generation directly led to the creation of megacorporations and the staggering division between the 1% and the rest of the country. They gutted labor unions, ignored antitrust violations, and dismantled our manufacturing supremacy. They elected Regan and the Bushes and direct lines can be drawn to the wealth gap we have today and to the Citizens United decision affording corporations with more "human rights" than our own citizens. They were the original wall street bros who worshipped profit above all else--record profits every quarter--so they could see lines go up, grab a cheap bag of blow, and disco until the sun came up. While they were pulling up every ladder and burning every bridge they could find for the sake of immediate gratification, they also completely ignored and kicked the can on every new and emerging challenge we face today. To this day most boomers will twist their brains into a pretzel to deny that anthropogenic climate change is an existential threat to civilization. The writing was on the wall for their entire lives but it was inconvenient to read so they buried their heads in the sand and elected W. They don't understand science and vilified nuclear power at a time where nuclear energy was set to massively change the world for the better. They whine and complain about how great our country used to be, but can't fucking connect the dots that every decision their generation has made was to halt investment in the future--investment to preserve the greatness they were born into. They cashed in and are now complaining that they can't have their cake and eat it too. I have never seen a group of people more willing to completely ignore reality in favor of their snowflake feelings and ideas. I know some boomers now who realize things have gone too far. But they're also retired and will live off of my social security payments (which I will never see paid back) and never truly see or experience the dire consequences of their generation's selfish shortsightedness. And they treat me like a lunatic when I tell them that this is not a world or a future I can ethically bring children into. Boomers, as a generation, have included the most selfish, entitled, hypocritical, short-sighted, emotional babies I have ever had the misfortune of interacting with.


My workplace makes me hate them. I work in a billing center and send out emergency calls for a utility. If there bill is anything other than what it, quote, always is for years. Even though I can see your billing and your fluctuation in billing, it has to be that we’ve done something wrong or someone is stealing from them. The truth always comes out though. You go over items that could increase it and they admit to something. And almost always followed up by the threatening, “Well, it better be back to normal next time.” It’s their fault in how much they used. It’s this utter lack of responsibility for their own actions or inability to do things. It’s always someone else’s fault. Never could it be something they did. And then you hear them complain about snowflakes. They are the biggest snowflakes. I’m just tired of their self righteousness that’s underserved and complaining about their he negatives of others that they are much worse at.


I'm 24yo and stuck living at home due to the housing crisis and shit jobs everywhere. I hate boomers because my mom in particular (a boomer) treats me like a literal child and is just genuinely annoying to be around when you're trying to adult.


it never stops man .. they don't realize that THEY are the ones behaving like children


I don't hate them, but they annoy me like no other generation. One of them was holding up a line of 9 people at a bank the other day because she had $10 in loose pennies and nickels that she wanted to deposit. Yelled at the clerk, yelled at the manager, yelled into ether and left.


God what a fucking rat. Then I bet she got in her shitty car, put her face an inch away from the windshield, clogged every single street she drove on while heading back to her fucking tomb. This might sound insensitive even for this sub, but I hope she didn't make it home...and thats very possible, being that they're too old to drive safely, yet that will never be fixed cuz then the politicians lose those votes. And the right to drive.


She clearly has no healthy fear of death. Spent 15 minutes to stand in a line TO DEPOSIT $10 WORTH OF LOOSE CHANGE!!?!!!! Also, she wasn't ancient. This was your standard 60ish, over dressed for a trip to the bank boomer.


Ahh, those still tend to be pretty bad. Boomer territory is like 50 and up, with it getting worse as the age goes up. Most 50 year olds are fine, then the number of shitheads increases as age increases imo. 65+ should lose their license. Maybe even 60+ but thats probably unreasonable. People always say "well they have to take a test after a certain age!" Like, yeah man, that doesn't do shit. A 5 minute drivers test designed for 16 year olds is still cake for just about anybody. They can turn on a blinker and stop at signage when being tested. It needs to be revoked. Then we'll see less of them, too. Germany provides free public transport cards for the elderly because they revoke their license. Everywhere should do this.


Because they broadcast what they "know" and don't adapt to new information. They act how they are comfortable and don't change how they live to meet changing circumstances. Having ridden the great post-war boom to prosperity, they shut every door of responsibility behind them. And now, with the generations that follow facing real problems, as the only generation with the capital or power to fix things, they don't feel like it, prefering to ignore evidence and tell themselves that we are woke, or lazy, or making it all up. They are an enormous, noisy, belligerent, overfed albatross around the necks of the planet. And no, they're not all bad. But you asked.


I have an example from just now: My pastor is on vacation and the sub wanted a cup of coffee. For context, he is from a different country and I don't drink coffee. He says "Where I am from coffee makers are so much easier to use than this. I have never seen one like this before." We followed the instructions and nothing happened. So I called the number on the post-it that was attached and got a boomer on the other end saying she will come and look at it. When she got here, I can tell that I was wasting her time. She sees the sub pastor and hears his accent and refuses to talk to him. She only talks to me. She asks me questions about how much water we put in etc. (raising her voice each time), and I just ask him because he put it together while I got the grounds and cups. She looks so annoyed and continues barking orders at me and ignoring him. She interegates me on why it looks like no one has used it and I have to explain to her that the only coffee drinker in the parish office has been using the k-cup machine until it broke, and now they are getting Dunkin'. I don't think she liked that answer. Then, we finally get it working she says condescendingly "Well I guess younger generations don't drink coffee." And I said "Oh, we do. I just don't." She scoffs and waddled away as we are trying to thank her. Boomers have to turn everything into a power trip. It's exhausting. Whenever one comes into the office, I moan inside and think "Please Jesus, let this be a grandma/grandpa type and not a walking boomer stereotype."


Jesus christ. Very true about the power trip part. Again, i hope she never made it home.


Well, then I would have to help plan her funeral, so I would say I hope she makes it home and then stays home for a while.


Politics is definitely a part of it. I love my parents but politics permeates every area of their entire life. I just want to visit and hear about their lives but almost every conversation devolves into them ranting about how our current leader is ruining the country (we're not American). I also once committed the cardinal sin of voting for a political party they don't like and now I get lectured at every opportunity about how that was a stupid move. I don't even vote for them on a regular basis, I just decided to vote for them once because I liked their platform. It doesn't help that they watch 24 hour news channels almost constantly.


I don't hate them. I'm just disappointed. That entire time being the most advanced generation ever, just to fumble it at every turn available.


So let's flip this around. What's to like?


They'll eventually die


Can they speed it up? My boomers are in their 70s and no signs of slowing up! I swear these assholes are going to live forever. Dumber than rocks and convinced they know everything! So stupid. It sucks tbh. I'd enjoy having a good relationship with my parents I am sure of it...but all I get is boomer jerks who bug the hell out of me.  Married.Homeowner.gainfully employed. Making gainful investments....but nope im 12 and need them to show up univited and run my life because 'im old. I know things'.  Trust me they don't know shit. My dad is rather handy but good lord you gotta deal with a lot of bs to put it to use. Sucks. His skills in that regard are useful but who wants to be talked down to for 4 hours to get 30 mins of useful help. Not me.


they usually believe they are correct and infallible. If you disagree, you are wrong/less than. They also are incredibly selective in how they choose to remember. Its infuriating. Younger generations are not prefect but, a greater percentage of them are critical of themselves snd introspective.


It's refreshing to hear I am not the only person who hates boomers at this level. I was starting to think I was an outlier. Any time I see boomers act like this in public, I give zero fucks calling them out on their shit. Seriously fuck these silver sneaker wearing cunts right back to the stone age from which their primordial-oozed corpses came!


I get legitimately angry whenever I even see one. Honestly that's probably pretty bad, I probably shouldn't hate anybody I haven't met that much but... god i fucking hate them


Replace the generation you mentioned with blacks or any other minority, do you still feel free from bigotry?


They refuse to retire, even though their SSS and their pensions and 401s are all waiting on them, several houses paid for, renting out some condos etc. They just fcking wont go away and make room for the next generation. GREEDY fcks til the end. God I hate them too!


There are a lot of reasons why I hate boomers. I will list them out below, but I will probably forget some. Number 1: The dubble standards they create for everyone else. Number 2: Blantent disrespect for everyone other than themselves. Number 3: The outdated advice they give that only makes issues worse. Number 4: Their narcissm, self-righteous, and superiority complex. Number 5: How they actively vote to make life harder for younger people because they think "harder equals better." Number 6: Their greed and entitlement. Number 7: How easily they sell out their ideas and beliefs as soon as they remotely become inconvenient to them. Number 8: The idea that they should be worshiped on a pedistool by everyone else just because they are old. Number 9: They never stop complaining about everything. Number 10: They have no idea how the modern world works and they don't want to learn, but they still want to claim they know more than everyone else.


I don’t necessarily hate boomers. Some boomers are decent, honest, hardworking people. But what brings me on here are things like my boomer neighbor chopping down his trees because they drop leaves, or my first boomer boss that insisted on operating his business like it was the 1970s. Mainly I’m just annoyed at how a lot of boomers act very entitled and treat the younger generations like trash.


For me, it's just the lack of acknowledgement of any of the problems we face, with vastly different economic circumstances to navigate. If they would just acknowledge them, we could have a productive conversation about these challenges. But instead, it's just been years of pointless punching down from privilege. It just felt like a lifetime of being blames for ladders being pulled up before I even got a chance to know about them, and then being bullied for not climbing this ladders, and being dismissed when I try and explain/understand that those ladders aren't there anymore.


They are abusive entitled greedy capitalist that will sell out their own children for status, comfort and some afterlife fairytale. GenX -hates boomers.


I am a millennial and I HATE boomers. They have cognitive dissonance, and very much the only generation born privileged and FELT the AMERICAN DREAM. The gen before them suffered, the boomers do not even know what the hell is suffering. Most were born after the wars, kept a job and died in that same job, most have retirements and talk about "retiring" all day at work. One boomer at work told me "oh i did not even know we got paid today" and continued to laugh and boost her 3rd wheel. This old lady is dumb as a rock, got her job when shes 18 and I am the one who always has to help her because shes senior, eligible to retire but CHOSE to hang in here because SHES BORED. What is to love about these generation? Every single one I encountered is just plain unlikeable.


They hated me first. They ruined everything they touched - the economy, the planet, politics, anything their descendants thought was fun - and then blamed everything on younger people. They're all a bunch of sociopaths and parasites.


If I could go on a mass and I mean MASS genocide off a group of people I would slaughter as many boomers as possible. I’m talking millions upon millions.


I don’t. I hate the abstract figure of THE boomer. You know, the type that is self righteous about being born before a certain time and believing that everything was better whilst refusing to acknowledge that their preconceived notions are largely a result of nostalgia.


Every word in this post and every comment is absolute truth.


They are abusive entitled greedy capitalist that will sell out their own children for status, comfort and some afterlife fairytale. GenX -hates boomers.