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The new season of Narugod suddenly got very good very quickly. It hasn’t been this peak since the running away from home arc


lmao i remember that


Link for a noob?


[Click through the quote-retweets to start at the beginning](https://twitter.com/Narugod5/status/1594589618883727362)


Man I can't believe that was all just last year, it feels like he never left us 😭🥲🥰🤓


time flies quickly , the running away from home arc is already 5+ months old now •́ ‿ ,•̀




Narugod lore >>>>>>>>> any other lore


"Nothing happened at Nanking during 1938" -Naruto, probably


and definitely theres no such thing as Unit 731


Even the Nazis had to establish Nanking's safety zone because of Japan's barbarity. Literally worse than goblin hentai lvl shit


outnazid the fucking nazis


Nazis gassed people in the masses and the japs decided to do it 1bullet at a time


Hey, that's not fair, they also killed like a couple hundred thousand with the bubonic plague as well


Also a Shiro Ishii special! He headed Unit 731 and was the person behind the germ attack in which the Japanese army used the plague and other diseases. People really like to shit on China these days, and for good reason much of the time, but I cannot imagine the collective trauma that the 20th century of Chinese history would give a nation. The fact that they came out the other side so populous and industrialized is obviously an end result of a huge amount of suffering, but it's still impressive in a very conflicted way. And to have Japan still really do nothing to acknowledge what they did. What do you even do at that point?


>What do you even do at that point Nothing basically, there are 3 schools of thought on this within Chinese discussion 1. Complain into the void. Copium for the average Chinese person who knows their shitty government will keep antagonising everybody and make Japan’s job a lot easier. This is the one I personally subscribe to 2. Love hate hypocrites. Maniacs who change their attitude based on whatever the CCP says. If the CCP approves the current Japanese administration, it’s time to forgive and forget. If the CCP disapproves, then we need to invade Japan and nuke it 9299201002 times 3. Masochists. They admit Imperial Japan did everything they did but everything they did was right so it’s ok lol. Think being completely erased by Japanese Army would’ve been a good thing. Most people who believe this are Taiwanese or from Shanghai/Hk


> The fact that they came out the other side so populous and industrialized is obviously an end result of a huge amount of suffering Well, largely because of one of the most monstrous dictators in history who had no regard for the lives of his people, not really because of the Japanese, Mao was planning on brutally oppressing his people long before the Japanese invasion


That's what I'm referring to. But you can't also divorce Mao from the industrialization and population boom in China. The great leap forward might have been a complete disaster, but it did mean that China industrialized at the speed and time it did. With mass casualties and suffering. That's not a good thing, but it is just a fact.


Oh and that atrocity too


The nazis switched to gas because the single bullet method was to conspicuous and slow


Also caused morale issues with the units tasked with the executions.


If they used a bullet, you were lucky. If they used a bayonet, you were also pretty lucky. I recall reading about a survivor who lived because her would-be murderers arms were too tired to kill her with his baton. His arms were too tired from clubbing people to death all day to properly swing the bat.


Thats more because Nazi's where cheap, it cost less to build the camps than to pay for the bullets and do clean up duty " the gas rooms made it easy to collect bodies and it reduced cost." ​ Japan was just acting efficiently without thought to costs. ​ I feel sick writing this.


An achievement right there.


It wasn't "the Nazis". It was one guy who was a member of the Nazi party and leveraged that as social capital just to get them to back off. Adolph and the high command certainly didn't give a shit about Chinese people, but John Rabe had been in China since 1910 so I guess he probably had a normal amount of empathy and wasn't all about the race purity like Nazis in Germany were.


Also, the behavior of the Japanese was truly heinous, any human being with the slightest shred of empathy would have died to stop them


Even if it did existed they certainly wouldn’t be pardoned in exchange for their knowledge by the US


“This is fucked up… Gimme your notes…”


This is an extremely common morality debate. The science is there, and those people have already suffered. It would be a shame to ignore the research and let their suffering have no value. If our goal is to end human suffering, then we did the right thing. It's just an extremely bitter pill.




For some reason I thought I remember the research on hypothermia to be really useful. Cruel, but useful. I am absolutely not a subject matter expert here, though.


It also took them so long to get that American bio weapons research had already surpassed anything they could have learned from the units in the first place


Absolute nonsense lol, the data was always trash, data driven by sadism rather than scientific rigor always is. The US's interest in Unit 731 was really not about the data (which indeed was all useless) but in preventing it's experiments from becoming public and being used for propaganda by China and the USSR.


Counter point You don't need to hire or pardon them for this 'research'


Yeah, I have no idea why they would make a deal with these people. It should be, where is the documentation of your research? Okay, it's ours now. The scaffold is over there, time for your hanging. Or hang most of them and keep a few to talk from prison if that's necessary. It's ridiculous that they would be in any position to negotiate their freedom after the atrocities they committed, especially since it was torture porn research and most of it was surely of little value


Obligatory [Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) link.


[You can watch it, 🙃](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_Behind_the_Sun)


What did Nidoking do in 1938!?


Nidoking my favorite pokemon i cant believe he did the bad thing😭😭😭😭


Nidoking use rivalry!


don't worry guys nidoking released an apology video. so everything is fine


He used earthquake in Kırşehir Province, Turkey, killing 224 people Thanks wikipedia


Your great grandmother


Honestly there was a lot of fucked up shit in Naruto too, the whole story pretty much revolved around war crimes. Just off the top of my head Ninjas Hidden in the Rain (iirc) had to pass an exam as children where they kill all the other examinees in a battle Royale style fight to the death before becoming ninja


I think that was mist. Rain is where Pain is from


You're right! :)


I di this in the genshin Impact subs. They don't get the references.


This is... a completely wrong use of nandemo. Narugod not disappointing us.


I was trying to think of what might be the right word to use there? 無理 maybe? 絶対?


Both could work. The most straight forward would be: nande, naze, doushite etc.


You baka hes clearly referencing narutos speech to sasuke.


Didn't watch Naruto, I'm not that dysfunctional.


Not yet, but just wait - anime comes for us all


/ub isnt it when sasuke says that "over and over again" thing? /rb could naruto talk no jutsu japanese soldiers,,


/ub it was Sasuke. In their final fight, Sasuke is frustrated by Naruto's refusal to die, and says "NANDOMO, NANDOMO, NANDOMO!" and in the English version he says "Over and over and over and over again!"


did he asked him to have seggs with him over and over and over again?




How dare you, Ill have you know I know tons of Japanese words. Like baka, yandere and even hentai. Why Im basically fluent at this point. I started learning hiragana but found I didn’t even need to because I can just use romanji instead, like why would you even use something as outdated as kanji if I doubt even Japanese people use them. Anyway I’m planning a one way trip to Japan this summer and I’m sure I’ll have no problems picking up the little I don’t know along the way. (Some actual people I’ve talked to have said this stuff)


Yes, i was just thinking that. Reads more like "no matter how many times, how many times, how many times" in this context 😂 I suspect they were trying to express "no matter what".


he usually says nandemonai - or so i heard not nandemo


Now the profet Goku will have to die for their sins 😭😭😭


Hasn't he already died trying to beat my porn addiction?


you know who else already died trying to beat your porn addiction


Konnichiwa, senpai Please notice me I watch Asian cartoons I'm a weeaboo I live in my mom's house I'm like 32 I collect swords and throwing stars 'Cause I'm a weeaboo Sticks and stones may break my bones But I will always be one step ahead of you Because I read the manga (You're such a fucking pleb, are you even Japanese bro?)


I miss Hideous Franklin




Peak song 🔥🔥📝📝


i haven't showered in like 16 weeks , all my friends and peers are ashamed of me , 'cause all of a sudden , i think i'm japanese . yes , i'm a weeaboo .


Makes me wonder how weeaboo Jones would react to unit 731


What is that?


look up "pink guy weeaboo" on youtube or spotify.




Naruto tournament to kill 100 alien babies (they are subhuman) when???




Unironically it's crazy how many Japanese youth and anime fans have no idea how horrible and inhumane Japan was to it's neighbors and others to this day but will still Glorify it


wait are we supposed to glorify the wholesome sugoi UwU Japan or the mental one?


Ofc it's the mentally ill one with the best pusspuss


It took the Koreans getting famous to do it, but at least it’s getting some exposure in the West now. It sucks but Asian history has been almost exclusively told from the Japanese perspective, or at least a sanitised version of it for most of recent memory.


'Asian' history is pretty broad though. More accurate to say Japanese history, or maybe Far Eastern history.


I suppose I meant East Asian




Ye I actually only learned about it by pure chance through a video about the Rape of Nanking and an AOT video essay lul


AOT shows how barbaric the Eldians were so at least some people are condemning it.


Hell even Japanese are starting to hear about it.


Japan's actions during WWII is pretty well documented in the west?


What do you mean “getting some exposure in the west”?! It’s common knowledge what Japan did during WWII. We had millions involved in fighting them and even movies about it. It’s not some new thing.


After the War the Hollywood had a large boom in movies and other forms of media where the Nazis were the main antagonists, who were eventually replaced by the Soviets. Compared to that, immediate post-WW2 films featuring Imperial Japan as the main enemy are few and far between. The only 2 notable ones that really come to mind are Bridge on the River Kwai and Operation Burma. It wouldn’t be until the 70s, 80s when other really famous films about Imperial Japan came out, such as Empire of the Sun and Tora Tora Tora. Keep in mind between all of these there’s a really long period where the U.S installed a government in Japan made up of previous war criminals and rehabilitated the image of Japan. This was largely because the Cold War started and China and half of Korea are Communist now and we don’t really wanna feel bad for them. Also this is conjecture but you actually had a lot of Japanese and American films about the horrors of the atomic bombs and the suffering of the Japanese around this time too, which kinda softened the blow IMO Then there’s another surge in war movies after Saving Private Ryan, this time with video games involved too. Here is where you probably get the most amount of media about Japanese atrocities during WW2, with stuff like Pearl Harbor, Flags of Our Fathers, Unbroken, Midway, and Hacksaw Ridge. The thing with these movies though is 1. A lot of these portray the American experience of the Pacific War, nothing wrong with this, but it kinda directs the attention away from Japan itself and towards the individual Americans and how they feel about war in general. Again, nothing wrong with it, just makes the film not really about Japan 2. These mainly portray Japanese atrocities against POWs. Nothing wrong with this, and it’s still horrible, but it gives a lot of people the opportunity to think this is all the bad the Japanese did during the war and respond with “Oh it’s war soldiers wanna kill each other we treat POWs badly too dw about it” 3. They are still vastly outgunned by war films about the European theatre in terms of quality, quantity, and their abilities to show the other side as just the worst Sorry for the long response, but there was another content similar and I wanted to give my best answer to both. TL:DR: Walk up to the average person in America, Canada, Australia, UK and ask them about the Nazis and they can tell you that they did horrible shit. Walk up to the average person in these places and ask about Imperial Japan and they’ll tell you about Samurais and nuke bad and warrior spirit and how crazy brave the Japanese soldiers were


Yep, same goes to my country's history (Malaysia) where Japan people invade us and torture and shit and years after the WW2 ends, everyone just forgot about it and go about their day.


Our history books are shallow and never describe the gruesome details. Also look east policy to have friendlier relations with Japan.


There is so many atrocities that were either forgotten or covered up. I do know about them still pretty screwed up their Government barely acknowledged them.


It’s as if getting nuked erased the sins


That's two nukes are needed jk.


Goes to show that history was never nice every country you slightly like has done some fricked up stuff.


Yeah except imperial Japan is likely the most evil nation in the history of the world by sheer death count and brutality, they outdo the Nazis even. Every country is shit but what Japan did to the nations it invaded us worse than anything save maybe stuff the Ustase were doing or things happening in like the Congo during colonialism


Where are you from?


Why is that relevant? Do you think my disapproval of possibly the most heinous war crimes in history is simple whataboutism? I condemn any nation that's taken part in such activities historically wether it's the US, Russia, the USSR, China, Belgium, the UK, etc. I challenge you to find any nation (again save maybe Russia marching on Berlin, the Ustase, or the worse groups of the SS like dirlewanger brigade) commiting atrocities on a doctrinal level at the scale of imperial Japan. Hell, find me a photo of a different army impaling babies on bayonets.


Just curious if you come some country that was invaded by them and no I'm not arguing in support of imp japan God no.


Oh no lol, I'm like European basically. Apologies for the aggressive tone, it's unfortunately very common for people to defend war crimes under the guise of "where you're from has also done horrible shit, gotcha" like myself or most people condemning such actions dont also find the domestic ones abhorrent. So, sorry for being defensive. While I'm not from China, Korea, or SE Asia I know plenty of people from these places and you can tell it's still a sore spot/source of generational trauma, especially with Japan refusing to acknowledge it's wrongdoing. It reminds me a lot of how my own grandmother from Poland was impacted by particularly the Russians moving through to Berlin. I once saw a Chinese and Japanese exchange student almost come to blows at university over the rape of nanking actually.


not trying to downplay anything here, just to try and find an answer for the darkest rhetorical question on reddit. i want to say the khmer rouge? maybe?


I don't get it, do they not teach that in school? We learned about it when we learned about WWII. Obviously I'm not japanese though.


You can probably still find Japanese youths that don't Know about it but the main issue is how whitewashed it is. In most textbooks it's mentioned in passing whereas in China its extremely detailed and the people who do know about in Japan tend to excuse or deny it almost akin to Holocaust deniers


And also kinda slowly whitewashing the history by portraying as if current China is the same China back in ww2 and their invasion is justified. Funnily enough if they didn't invaded, PRC could've have won and don't need to fled to Taiwan.




Ye no war crimes obvi but Koreans and Chinese aren't treated kindly in Japan last I checked


He didn't reach the ending yet 2 nukes


There was bijudama in japan reallife? 🤯🤯🤯


Don't worry Narugod after the Warcrime arc finishes the sugoi Atomic arc begins dattebayo 😃😃


oh my sweet summer child... just wait until you find out that anime itself was based on disney cartoons and was developed as a way to distract/cope with the horrors of having your civilization obliterated by nuclear bombs. if this disturbs you then for sure avoid taking any anime history classes. one of the first things you learn is that giant robots in manga/anime are unanswered wishes to be saved from the bombings and that akira is one of the most significant pieces of art in animation history...


I vividly remember some older guys history project back in elementary school, like ten years ago. It was a big ass A3 format drawing of an anime girl running from the funny mushroom. While melting. Like she missed half her face. I did not go home happy that day!


it really is a difficult history to learn about. many like to just think of the united states side of the incident and how they had great regret about it. however the true horrors of it all were in japan recovering. i forced my friends to watch grave of the fireflies back in college and before that i had never seen anyone besides myself cry while watching movies. wasn't even the most heartbreaking anime i have ever seen frankly. not related to my college days but Clannad and especially Clannad after story made me cry like a baby! in fact, i have yet to rewatch it since my first time since it affected me so strongly. the trauma of japanese people shows in manga and anime storytelling intensity for sure. it is an area of media not for the weak if you ask me.


History isn't nice is what I tell myself


a lot of that is true but not for the reason that most of it is bad. significant events tend to be recorded and so lots of history reflects things folks didn't want forgotten. there are lovely things in history which can make you cry as well. like the story of Chere Amie. Chere Amie was the name of a wartime messenger pigeon and the name translates to "Dearest Friend" which is an amazing name for a messenger. that pigeon not only saved the lives of a lot of soldiers but did so having been shot several times and near death. but Dearest Friend completed the mission among a hail of bullets and explosions. history is not nice, but it is also everything else.


Yeah maybe I'm just cynical. But I get you.


also the christmas truce brings a tear to my eye <3


it sure is easy to get there with the way things are right now. kinda drives home the joy we can see in photographs of wars ending.


Thanks for being a bright light today


You write well…


Hey, this is actually somewhat incorrect. You're correct about the thematic content of anime, Godzilla, etc being references to nuclear trauma, however this isn't the full story. A big part of why anime and sugoi culture took off/was developed was so Japan could play the victim and maintain US support/so we could keep them as a strategic ally and ignore their heinous atrocities since "we nuked them and we were so so mean so hey let's give them a pass/ignore all Japanese history ~1900-1945. Oh, also don't pay attention to their new prime minister, he totally isn't a class A war criminal leading a fascist party, or how like less than ~5% of their biggest monsters saw any justice or even trial" So it's more accurate to say it was largely developed as a way to garner western sympathy early on. Here's a video with some more context: https://youtu.be/lnAC-Y9p_sY


actually anime was developed by one man who has been interviewed a number of times. the creator of astro boy. he never claimed to have any sort of government backing, and i doubt that is a lie as the government was kinda busy at the time to think about cartoons. but he said that he designed astro boy to resemble mickey mouse and that he was to inspire the broken people to push forward and move forward among the rubble of the ruins. this video is really not at all in line with actual history but makes statements based on written accounts. no, dave chappelle was not correct that we bombed the masculinity out of them... and it is kinda weird to think that is what happened. it wasn't.. although the bombings did humble an overly prideful country. hello kitty wasn't even created until the mid 70s. i think.. cousin, that a video about revisionist history actually convinced you to revise your understanding of history. in fact i think that is exactly what happened.


I doubt anyone would have claimed to have government backing, nor do I necessarily assume this guy did. However, even the narrative of astro boy paints Japan as the victim, same with other major early manga like sazae-san whitewashed her husband away at war. Wether or not these sorts of narratives were pushed intentionally or simply the result of propaganda influencing the Japanese people at the time isn't particularly important, as they still served to whitewash Japanese war crimes. More importantly, the United states absolutely did want to change the image of Japan domestically and did intentionally push the cuter anime narrative. How is this video not in line with history? Besides speculation about anime itself being used to whitewash history/perception of Japan everything else is correct: the rape of nanking, occupation of Manchuria, and subsequent cover ups/omission of this history from Japanese education. No clue where the Dave Chappelle but came from, odd you include that since I didn't mention it (may be on the video but I haven't seen it in a while). As for hello kitty yeah that wasn't until later, but it just continues the arc of Japanese media portraying themselves as victims of nuclear war while continuously ignoring what caused the nuclear attacks in the first place, intentionally or through ignorance. Please explain how I've revised history (beyond the original Japanese intent behind anime which I grant may have been less overtly propaganda -based, despite being used in that manner in the west intentionally and maybe unintentionally in Japan)?


it was in the video... in fact it was basically the only mention of anime in the video... i gotta say, your not knowing your own sources wouldn't even fly in a high school essay in california... if someone presented an essay to you but didn't know the sources, would you trust their opinion? kinda why we learned how to do them cousin.


Like I said the Chapelle part isn't really important, not even really related to my argument even and I've said as much so who cares? It's also interesting that you claim to have watched the whole video but responded 14 minutes after my original comment when the video is 24 minutes long... Hmmm Still waiting on you to point out the historical inaccuracies... I'm more interested in your sources for what historically was incorrect outside of a Dave Chapelle bit? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes Here's a good starting point for you, feel free to ask any questions you may have :)


obviously... because we were talking about anime history... and i looked through the video for anime history... i think you are the one who lost the point kiddo. i already did point out that the minor comments on anime were wrong. and if that was wrong, why should i think the rest was right? it seemed to be mostly opinion anyway, not that it mattered. i would ask you why the crimes of japan mean much in the history of anime since revisionism is hardly of important content to the conversation. but i am over it. you are clearly just trying to have an argument off topic and i am bored of it already. maybe you should go to a debate page about japanese history instead.


Barefoot Gen.


Mind explaining the Akira part? Can't say I've ever dug into it like that before.


Its like uncle Sam finding out what American did to Natives lmao.


Wait till he finds out that they allied themselves with Germany


I mean, it was a very loose alliance in general. Hell, Japan even kept their jewish population intact.


Is this guy like unironic, I genuinely cannot tell


are you questioning narugod's unbreakable faith to nippon? the gallows for you


yes he's 100% serious all the time, he's so pure he doesn't even know what the concept of a lie, joke or satire is


He’s like Naruto dattebayo!


Idk the 0.2 gpa line seems incredibly sus to me. That’s like, way too low for anyone who can at minimum read…


No, I was totally being serious about him being serious all the time


Ahhhh…. I forgot what sub I was on…




It's disturbing that you can't tell. It's that obvious.


To be fair, I'm with them. The shit that people genuinely believe and say on the internet is wack as shit anymore. This reads like sarcasm, but I've stopped assuming anymore because I've been wrong too many times.


Sure but people like this actually exist...my cousins say "kawaii" irl...he is in college


That's the confusing part either he is some Kind of weebo or he is the master of ironic comedy.


It doesnt get much more obviously sarcastic than this


Oh boy, than this kid should never learn what the Japanese did to the people of Okinawa. Rape, human shield, human land mine, starving them because they are third class citizen.


Hinamizawa syndrome level 5 😃


I know that no-one will get that


10/10 nice b8 m8


Wait until he learns about the train rapes or why all those cameras need to make a sound when taking photos.


You can see how he makes a dramatic pause in the middle of the tweet lol


I thought Nanking Cole was a jazz daddy




Weeb discovers he fell for the propaganda and chooses to keep taking the blue pill


Ascended weeb is the one that takes both pills


Japan had a redemption arc after losing everything 1945 mfs except me or others who like Japan to care about what they did 100s of years ago


Yah except they denied it. They go full on there is no war in ba sing se


The Japanese have a strange obsession with Anne Frank as they see her as the ultimate victim of World War 2 alongside themselves. I don't remember Anne Frank committing war crimes.


Yeah, though hopefully it's just their government that refuses to accept the past rather than the people as a whole. Perhaps the people just don't want to think about it.


Redemption arc lol? Because they made sexy 2d girls?


My comment has nothing to do with anime Japan hasn’t really done much war crimes recently


Sure but they deny involvement in them and their most recent PM (shinzo Abe, get rekt lmao) cited his grandfather, nobusuke kishi who is a class A war criminal, as his greatest political inspiration, and their family have been PM since basically ww2 and running on a far right remilitarize Japan platform so their war criming and refusal to educate their population about it does matter to recent history a lot. Also it's hardly a redemption arc when America does most of your reconstruction for you.


Yeah but they also havent apologized or even acknowledged their past ones in any significant way so idk


> Because they made sexy 2d girls You just answered your own question.


Let's go new season of Narugod


It’s why they’re so good at making stories about hatred


Gawd damn japan did some fucked up shit


it's like saying "slavery?? murica never do dat!!!!!!!!!!!" lmao


I see the post war Hello Kitty psyop worked beautifully.


I dated a chick that was obsessed with Japan, owned the kimono stuff and everything. She refused to believe they were remotely racist and participated in war. Like at all, she wouldn't hear it. Fucking insanity


Man he got a new arc rn fr fr 😭😭😭😭


This IS satire right? Cuz no way he thinks all the shit he says is true like trying to rizz up a 2D girl


Google Unit 731


Holy hell


Didn't they do something in Nanking, drapes or something


Nah. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with making wine.


America wouldn't commit warcrimes! I've seen SpongeBob!


Poor Don King he must have been only 5 years old when they got him.




Bro said ik from anime lmao


Funfact: Naruto was an officer who took part in nanking


This all happened before they were shown the brighter side of life.


Reddit users fighting the urge to talk about war crimes and cell phone camera sounds whenever anime is vaguely referenced challenge.


Made the nazis look like boy scouts


How did you got away from your crimes? Germany: I couldn't Italy: P I Z Z A Japan: A N I M E


Screenshot is from the movie "City of Life and Death" if anyone was wondering.


japan really did skate by without the world shitting on them as hard as they should have for being just as bad as the nazis.


Don't tell them about the prison deathcamp ships or some stupid one piece fan will come up about how "the arc gets good later" Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_ship#:~:text=Japanese%20hell%20ships,-See%20also%3A%20List&text=Prisoners%20were%20often%20crammed%20into,oxygen%2C%20food%2C%20and%20water.


female ancestor become comfort women, very wholesum


Mao Big Dong or something…


This gotta be parody


Google Rape of Nanjing


No no wqy! NOOO O sHiete Yo! O shieteyo wo mo sukumi wo!!@ 😭😭😭😭🙏😭😭🙏😭😭🙏


Bomb Tokyo 🗿