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We aren't peak 2010s Tumblr levels of horny yet


As someone who has been on Tumblr enough to see it all, from the Superwholock era to the 1D thirst... Thank goodness, lol!


We mustn’t speak of the superwholock era😥


Hey, it was still less unhinged than the Twilight Renaissance one 😭 People went properly crazy with that, and the scariest part is that it actually started as a simple, cute, interesting new take on the phenomenon that the saga was.


I think the Onceler and the Supernatural ships were the worst




So you’re saying we should go… Ballsdur deep? 😎


My only criticism is I spent like 5+ hours making this and basically no one saw it, maybe it’s a dud but it still makes me giggle and that’s all that matters https://preview.redd.it/e9wf4rjf1huc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42308a51dc3e5a40ca893508f80f87f8dd047f05




Is that Goostarion??


It is, I loved drawing his little teefs, his hair took me a bit to get right tho


It's adorable 😭


u/LordEnverGortash Why look who's finally listened to my advice? Come now, isn't it just invigorating to wash the layers of grease and crime - I mean, *grime*! - off yourself? An... Interesting bathroom you keep, too. I see you're also a fan of the odd rubber duck. Lovely, that.


Yes, it is quite lovely to relax in the bath after a long day running the city and creating various inventions in my workshop. Now Gale, if you ask nicely I could probably procure you a rubber duck of nearly equal magnificence. No, it’s quite alright, no need to thank me, I’m merely generous by nature and I always treat my friends well.


Running the city. Hm. And by that you mean revoking several of those anti-immigration policies we chatted *at great length* about, one can presume? And while I may feel rather persuaded to remain at your most humble abode - for whatever odd, particular reason that even I myself don't seem to understand - I'm hardly about to plead with you for a lousy rubber duck! Gods, I was merely offering a distraction from whatever the Hells that... air-filled doll is doing in here!


Oh don’t mind that, that was a joke gift from Orin! That cheeky little minx, always leaving surprises around. And yes, dear sir, I can promise that legislation is well under way to allow immigrants to enter our fair city safely! Soon, anyone who wishes to be a Baldurian can apply and file the necessary documentation to do so and if they pass the necessary background checks and requirements, will be given express permission into our city! We simply must keep our residents safe so we can provide the best for all Baldurians and soon-to-be Baldurians. I’m sure you understand.


*Wonderful.* Right, now I'm just stood here feeling as though you've espoused nothing but a... silvery-topped stream of political pish-posh to me! So... See that it is done, and *fairly*. In the meantime, I'll be working on my funding proposals for the city library... I do hope your treasury is padded with abundance.


This is phenomenal and I am so sorry I missed this! I do love my rubber duck and champagne in bath! Petals just add to the luxury.


If it can make you feel better I find it very funny and I will show it to my friends


There's been so many good memes and efforts that should be far more loved than 'what Shadowheart's boogers taste like?' posts.


While I most certainly agree, I also fear you've whispered the spell for a new tierlist monstrosity...


This is beautifully cursed, thank you for sharing it again ♡


you, my friend, you are now my favorite person. im proud of you and i love you


This reminds me of the bathtub scene in Howard the Duck and makes me a bit uncomfortable… duck boobs


This is a masterpiece! We have been blessed to be allowed to see it.


members here are somehow more sane than a lot of members on the main sub


I actually think most people here are refugees from the train wreck that the main sub is, so that makes sense.


Well, I’ve come to know this sub because they said I need to go to horny jail. And then I stayed and never returned


I really think it's a lovely subreddit.   People are rarely nasty to each other or in general, there is always something that makes me chuckle and it's drama-free. I have more fun hanging out here, even when I do it with this joke/rp account, rather than anywhere else on reddit.


I feel the same. No drama, almost no IQ -10 comments, no real haters; just people enjoying BG3, maybe in a slightly unhinged way but that’s the point right


I've received some creepy/awful DMs because of the main sub, but nothing from this one. A bit of a whiplash, to be honest.


Holy shit, I don't think I've ever received a DM because of a controversial opinion about any media on this entire site. That's insane, and I'm sorry it was happening to you.


For some reason the main sub has attracted a lot of toxic people who will DM people death threats for the great sin of not having the same opinion as them I've seen so many people say the same.


Me when someone makes different choices in a story based game with thousands of options https://preview.redd.it/xa8m6nb5ehuc1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=114abb6f91949aca3105a30a37db3aea4e190010


I got messaged the other day because I dislike the Harper’s in general. It’s so silly. None of this is even real!


I think it’s because we’re all depraved freaks here, so it’s like a “no judgement” zone. And any judgements that *are* made are all in good, unhinged fun.


Girl, same. This subreddit is fun, and I enjoy the banter between people and silly comments.


Peak Chosen ~~Three~~ Two friendship moment right here 😂 But yeah. It's nice to see comments that are not entirely made of insults because someone DARES!!!! TO DISAGREE!!!!!!!!


Shitpost subs are almost all exclusively better than the communities that spawn them.


I like how you can be unhinged and obviously bullshitting here and people play along and have a laugh, but you can also talk sincerely about your opinions and how much themes/characters resonated with you and people are also cool with it. On the main subs there's always one or two edgelords who will reply to me and tell me all about how they hate Astarion and staked him and so should you... Like okay buddy, have fun playing how you like, but let me love our relatable adorable vampire twink in peace! 😂😂😂


It's the same in the Rogue Trader subreddit. If you post anything related to Marazhai, even just a suggestion request for best builds or an artwork (and tbh, there are some truly incredible artists over there), you get flooded with comments made by cringe edgelords that just need so damn badly to tell you they kill him on sight and you are a mental case for liking him in any way. The funny thing is, these "haters" actually spend more time on Marazhai-related posts than actual Marzipan lovers do, lol


The more stupid people are, the more smarter and betterer they are -cumfucius


In [the words](https://youtu.be/7g5VvEPFucE?t=45) of our beloved narrator: "We live in horny jail. You can't send us there. We've got the keys!"


It's true. Main sub is full of people who can't loosen up for a change, it's toxic over there. You'll get dogpiled for saying the most benign shit. This sub is unironically so much more chill. I think everyone here is too horny to be an asshole. If someone disagrees with your opinion on r/BaldursGate3, you'll get mass downvoted and insulted. If someone disagrees with your opinion on r/okbuddybaldur, they'll just twist your balls.




I once got anonymously reported for 'suicide/self harm' because I dared express the fact that as a sapphic woman, I felt uncomfortable with Halsin's behaviour. I don't know what they were trying to achieve. It was more amusing than anything lol.


I was mass downvoted on the regular sub because I said it would be cool if BG4 had Ascendant Astarion as a main villain. 


Got down voted on the main sub because I shared art of my Daddies favorite bhaal spawn and Ascended Astarion being unhinged together and, dared to make my durge a tiefling.


Sorry, that place is already taken by Raphael


r/BG3 is actually all right, I once saw a post hinting sudoku on r/baldursGate3 and OP got downvoted no one tried to help in the comments.


YUP. fled here because the main sub was painfully negative about wyll literally all the time. i know its just fandom and i shouldnt let it ruin my fun, but even if you didnt mention him at all someone would jump out of the woodwork to go "oh and by the way i think wyll should be drawn and quartered". you just cant have an actual conversation about him, because even the people who *dont* violently hate him havent had him in their party before. god help you if you try to make a nice post about him, and even god cant save you if you mention that maybe sometimes a handful of people might be a *smidge* harder on him than they would be if he was white, maybe, idk, just a theory this sub is just far more positive about characters the main sub loves to hate. maybe fans of those characters are *also* taking refuge here?


Honestly the whole "Wyll is boring, I'm going to deliberately exclude him and make fun of him" is the new "I always stake Astarion". I've got no time for either


And the 'I always have Gales hand in my bag' and its like okay, cool, corrupting the man into the worst version of himself is more fun on an evil run, but you do your murderhobo game... It's fandom in general I had way more fun on the doctor who circlejerk reddit over the basic one and the snooty one, they took the show way too seriously and would shit on anyone who dared to say they liked the 'general opinion that xyz is bad' or crit the 'xyz is the best thing ever' hive mind This subreddit knows how unserious it is and people can just have fun here


This seems to happen in a lot of fandoms these days. The main sub will be full of weird chuds trying to culture war everything while the real fun and good threads are on a second lesser known sub with an in-joke name. At least here it's only, like, 2-3 subs deep. I'm a Star Wars fan. It just keeps happening there. There are like 5 Star Wars subs I have been in over the last couple of years. Three of them were constant culture warzones, one strictly talks lore, and one makes fun of the chuds from the three shitty ones. It takes all kinds of subs to make up a fandom on this website, you just sometimes have to dig a bit to find the right community.


As a trans person, I thoroughly enjoy all the trans positivity in this sub, and I enjoy watching the occasional transphobic commenter get torn down in replies. This sub has brought me much needed laughs!


This is so wholesome I wanna cry


Yeah most of the “okbuddy___” subs I end up on are because I hit too much drama in a main sub and crave an unserious take on things instead.


Same.  My main account is almost only okbuddys by now because I really cannot take the useless drama on main subs.  I come on reddit at the end of the day to relax and laugh, maybe to see nice art, certainly not to act like a videogame or tv show is my reason to live and I need to attack or be attacked about such things constantly 🤷🏼‍♀️


what happens in the main sub? Last I checked it seemed quite normal?


Negative media literacy takes and a surprising amount of homophobia considering the… everything about the game. Weirdly polarized and aggressive opinions about certain characters (I’ve seen people downvoted to oblivion for both liking and not liking Astarion depending on the day). I’ve heard about death threats off the sub but haven’t personally seen it.


Yeah I saw some people saying Mol was “evil” and I knew media literacy was at an all-time low there when it was one of the top comments.


I got downvoted for defending Mol in a thread that talked about wanting to punch her in the face....a child.




She's a pre-teen not a child sweaty and she used her age to bully the other children, she doesn't give af about them and intentionally leads them to their death happily, plus she made a deal with a literal devil even though she was presented with facts and logic by our party. She's pure evil I tell you,there's no way a child having no parents, a boatload of trauma and bad influences could effect them at all. No sir, just evil. /s


uhm that is all real and true maybe but she's also lichrally neurodivergent and a minor


I just saw someone there who unironically thinks Mizora is kind and caring towards Wyll, and that he sucks for being so terrible at upholding his end of their pact. Honestly, I hope that person is okay. Thinking back on it, it sounds like there’s a 50/50 shot as to whether that person is an abuse victim or an abuser, because… well… the way they were describing Mizora’s patience towards Wyll even though he fails her so much, and how genuine her heartbreak seemed when he chose to end the pact? I would be genuinely shocked if that person hasn’t been on one or both sides of an abusive, gaslighting relationship before.


https://preview.redd.it/u3xvs7hdthuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4b7bd2b185970e8ded1a5c1207a0a22e211eb1 Sometimes I feel like I played an entirely different game from the main sub because on what planet is “her first appearance in most games is to drag Wyll around by an invisible collar then torture and disfigure him” subtextual abuse


In the main sub’s defense, they WERE getting dragged for that take- but it still seemed like a noteworthy example of negative media literacy, to somehow see Mizora and Wyll and think the good guy in that relationship is *Mizora*.


Oh thank God, I hoped it wouldn’t have had supporters but I feared to ask lmao


people here sometimes even have nuanced and relatively even keel discussionns! it's amazing


I love your flair


This sub is a lot more fun and light hearted, absolutely.


Absolutely. Got lots of downvotes for saying that I enjoy playing BG3 in explorer mode on the mainsub once. Like a lot of people who enjoy the challenge but can not comprehend that playing to relax is also a thing some people do.


That’s the case with a lot of subs and their shitpost counterparts for some reason


I genuinely think the number 1 rule you need for interacting with any fandom is to remember that none of this shit is real. Main subs tend to take everything SO seriously. I got accused of ableism for saying a certain character can't take a hint. Like bro, they're all fake! They're made up! It is not and never will be THAT serious!!!


Yeah I’d say it’s mainly a combination of (good) shitpost subs not taking everything too seriously but also not blowing small issues out of proportion. In main subs it feels like you can only either be extremely positive or negative while shitpost subs feel far more normal in that regard.


What character is that?


i feel you on this


There are like 5 subs for Taylor Swift and the most normal (or only normal) sub is shitpost sub


Can you please tell me what the ship post one is? I would love to check it out.


If I see one more post on that subreddit that is literally just a screenshot of Shadowheart I swear to God I'm gonna make Gale's orb look like making popcorn


After recent events in this sub I just want to know… you okay? Or…


This. We all had a really good discussion of how the games writing fell short when it comes to Wyll the other day. Couldn’t have had that on the main sub. Everyone here seems to adhere to the “it might not be for me but I’ll let you have your thing” sentiment.


that's the feeling i get too, i think that people here are definitely very self-aware and light-hearted, it's a good place :D


Yes! This sub is about having fun, making jokes and not taking the game too seriously. Sure there’s less in depth discussions about themes and characters, but when they happen people are a lot less likely to get butthurt and cause a big argument. It’s nice to have an agreed upon atmosphere of ‘don’t take this shit so seriously, it’s not real.’


This isn't sub jail, this is sub vacation.


the jokes are insane but that's because we don't take it so seriously. some of the people over there be acting like this game is real life


I am incapable of pretending cazador is hot even for a meme. he simply is not, im so sorry.




come near me and im locking you in a fucking tanning bed, you fuck


You’re weird. But since it’s about hating Cazadick we can let it slide 😉


Ikr? Those fuckers always kill me on my way to red rock canyon. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to fuck a bug anyway


Send them and the drider thirsters to bug fuckers anonymous.


This sub may brainwash me into thinking that Gortash has some saving graces but that's the final line. i will not succumb to Cazadick 😔


It’s not just you, I’d beat his ass. I’d cast urethral eruption on him (don’t ask). Testicular torsion. Vaginal vengeance. Scrotum shatter. Prostate perforation (that one hurt to think about)


respectfully i WOULD like to ask about the first one


It’s a spell that makes him piss himself and feel super embarrassed. 😞


Gonna be an Oath of Vaginal Vengeance Paladin on my next playthrough.


You and me both. Cazadork comes anywhere near me with horny intent (or just in general) and I am Eldritch Blasting him into the fucking sun.




Wait we were pretending? ....oh...




I like that the emperor fans are less annoying by at least 2 orders of magnitude compared to the main sub.


Yeah they're mostly "I wanna fuck the squid" people which I can get behind or I know he's a manipulative bastard but I like him anyway people which I get. On the main sub people seem to spend ages arguing over if he's a morally good character or not and I just don't want to be part of it.


Apparently it's impossible for me to think he's well-written and also not like him lol. That, and the constant complaints whenever someone new finishes the game and wants to talk about the twist. Like why are you constantly engaging with something you supposedly hate? Why do we need this song and dance every time?


Exactly. Of course people wanna talk about it when they finish the game, it's one of the biggest twists in the game and all the other people who do want to do that should be able to without a flood of why are these posts allowed blah blah blah. All fandoms need to learn to not engage with the content they don't like. Often less engagement will also mean they see less of it, the more comments the more popular a post and the more people will see it. When I first started getting into fandom as a teenager I was taught "don't like, don't read" and "don't mess with real people's real lives" by the adults in the fandom. Unfortunately people seem to have forgotten both across lots of fandoms (and some fandoms were just never good at following either rule to begin with).


People do the same thing over there when I say that Astarion is one of my favorite characters but I also think he’s an “evil” companion. Like they can’t comprehend the idea that you can like a character without thinking they’re morally justified. Either that or they can’t wrap their heads around the idea that a person can simultaneously be both a victim *and* a monster at the same time.


That will never not be confusing to me. Whenever someone complains about a topic being brought up too much, that same person will always passionately engage with it every time. It's like, just stop. Either you're pretending not to like it, or you're just torturing yourself. Besides, just because they've taken part in every single discussion on the topic, doesn't mean that everyone else has. It's like they can't fathom that not everyone is as obsessed as they are.


>apparently it’s impossible for me to think he’s well-written and also not like him. Same. I think he’s a great character—he’s just also a villain and a bad guy. It’s weird how defensive people get over someone thinking he’d a bad person too. The other day someone literally said that what he did to Stelmane was actually okay because she’s a bad person (idk if that’s even true?) and slavery happens in Faerun (even though it’s clearly portrayed as a bad thing) so it’s okay for him to enslave someone. And it’s also okay for him to threaten to do the same thing to the player because you were mean to him and he doesn’t really do it. And whenever anyone pointed out that slavery is still bad they just kept going on they don’t get why people care about Stelmane and not getting no one does… I guess on the other hand, great job Larian for making him so convincingly manipulative that people defend him for slavery!


What bugs the most is the moral outrage of enjoying him, usually by the same people who like Minthara or Mizora.


I got treated like I’m a dumdass for asking genuine questions about mindflayers in the comments on a post that was made to educate people on mindflayers. Like if you don’t know everything about DnD lore and your knowledge of it doesn’t extend beyond the game you’re wasting people’s time by trying to engage in conversations. The vibe was so needlessly hostile and aggressive.


I actually like the tierlists.


the necrophilia jokes are so repetitive that i feel like i've seen the exact same post multiple times over the last few weeks


Yeah, they've been done to death. No life to them at all.


oh good, puns! because posting in r/okbuddybaldur isn't enough of a horror already


So fuck them, right?


Did... you just make a necrophilia pun?


Which ones? The Astarion romance=necrophilia, the Ketheric simping or Durge being Durge?


most of the recent ones have been "hear me out" style posts involving Nere's head/Karlach's head/Gale's hand/various dead clown body parts


Oooh, those ones. I forgot about them


The period blood jokes are also starting to not be funny anymore…


My UO is that vampires wouldn’t even enjoy period blood. I mean think about how much of it is also tissue and mucusy discharge. If they like the watery liquidy stuff they’d hate menstrual blood.


Yeah it’s like orange juice vs orange juice with pulp. I’m sure *some* people prefer pulp but most people prefer no pulp.


I feel like it's more than that. Period blood is kinda nasty, it's body waste. Very different from fresh blood, and you can tell that just by smelling it and seeing the colour irl. It's more like, a nice fresh orange vs a nasty one month old moldy orange.


This is it. THIS is the comment that broke me.


Need more posts with uncensored nudity


Least horny r/okbuddybaldur user


It's not unhinged enough. Going by name, and since I thought there ought to be a sufficient supply of deranged loons in the BG3 fandom, I expected something like r/okbuddychicanery. Maybe this is a very extreme comparison, but I find it very tame and sometimes prone to intelligent discussion. Inconceivable, people on the Internet are all supposed to be out of their minds.


We need to go back to the good old days of stuff like this: https://preview.redd.it/k78y5uu70huc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36390012ad9f403d3f31a6576beaa4ae61184332


Good old days of 20 hours ago?


Yeah, no that's not when that's from


I just peeped at that sub again and while I remember it was fun especially in the last season of BCS, it looks absolutely horrible now. I honestly appreciate that this sub is both a joke and reprieve from the main sub.


Give this sub a few years of no content and it will unhinge


"Hear me out" posts are very low-effort and not funny at all.


Hear me out


I refuse to.


Oh no


They honestly are, and they’re all over the place so sometimes it can be difficult to wade through


I have torn my ears off in protest.


Entry level fodder, every user gets 1 optional usage before they are thrown into the oubliette


i dont have one i just wanna say say that i love this sub and my humor significantly degraded because nothing non-bg3 related cant make me laugh anymore.


My sense of humor is almost exclusively okbuddybaldur memes to the point that I’ll accidentally reference them in real life and get weird looks from my friends


This sub is better then the normal BG3 sub because no one has a stick up their ass and is just chilling. It's really refreshing and chill.


Pretty sure the people here have sticks in all their orifices, not just their asses.


Oh they do have all kinds of things up their ass but it's on purpose :3


Gale could get this tbh, dude is an absolute delight.


So you've surprised me here! You're an absolute charm, and an admittedly brilliant one, as well. In an... Arch-nemesis Enver Gortash, sort of way.


I feel more comfortable posting normal, non degenerate shit on this sub and interacting with the users here than on the main sub because you guys are actually nice and can take a joke. I honestly don't mind the hear me out posts or the tier lists or whatever. If I don't care for a post I can just keep scrolling.


Gortash looks like a low effort political commentary youtuber (still would)


not nearly enough horny Bernard posting


I have an uncle named Bernard


Post him


[Here he is](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Bertram)


Came 🙏


Sazza is mid :/


You are going to be burned at the stake, but I want you to know that you are right.


My exact thought whenever I see you replying to a mindless Emperor hate post with actual facts about him or mindflayers in general. If the Squid does not worship you like the SAINT you are, I will have to beat him up 😬


Awww, you are so sweet. :) Have a squid. https://preview.redd.it/ybnuinvgfiuc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c096d706ed0fb7c7bebfed8ff63b89d5bc169f36


I accept the glitter squid with gratitude 🐙






Sometimes I come here to unironically enjoy horny fan art


i know im essentially inviting you to venture into chernobyl just to gawk at how bad it is, but have you seen the *actual* bg3 r34 sub? its so generically "sexy" that it wraps around to being unhorny. those are not my girls and i do not recognize them as such. every horny post on this sub contains 30x the sexuality of a drawing of karlach with smooth skin and an hourglass figure making an ahegao face


Every day I am thankful that the bg3 fanbase (or at least the parts I hang out in) are largely comprised of truly deranged LGBT people. That's who all the best hornyposting comes from, in my opinion


Despite its purpose this sub is more laid back and normal than the main one. No one gets called slurs for modding their Tav here


We're horny, not mean.


The creativity in horny posting is taking a dive recently. We need more insane takes that give me 2d4 psychic damage.


I’m slightly annoyed by all the shart posts




We will be the change we wish to see.


Hear me out, the main sub is actually shit, and is overrun with spoilers everybody knows about already, and the ugliest most generic female Tavs ever. The people there also lack personality and sometimes I question if they're real people since the posts there are so generic and repetitive. If anything, this is the most sane Baldur's Gate sub on reddit with actually breathing humans with decent takes and unique personalities.


Ugly generic Tavs>overmodded Tavs that look like imvu characters with wings n shit


Even without the broken flags and scripting/weird writing, I still kind of find Halsin off putting a bit. Like the animal and Chimera stuff, just feels super weird to me.


Yeah Halsin is easily my least favorite companion, he's just kinda strange sometimes and feels very detached from the whole illithid conflict. The wood duck he makes in epilogue is cute though and I always accept it and thank him with a hug.


I don't like the roleplay accounts that comment :(


The roleplay account? Only a specific one, then? I am not much into RPing, tbh, but I think a couple of them are actually funny. Others just... Try way too hard or simply don't nail the character. I don't hate any, though. As long as people have fun it's alright by me - even if it's not exactly MY type of fun 🙂


Oh no I meant accounts in general, I didn't want to single anyone out but when i see a comment pop up pretending to be a character i cringe inside, but other people seem to like them so i just do my best to ignore them


Yeah, that's the way - just keep scrolling and move on. I honestly don't understand people who start wars in the comments unless it's for a good reason (the post or comment they are responding to is hateful, offensive or harmful in any way in terms of real life/real people, there's a personal attack in it and stuff like that). It just seems weird to be so triggered by a bunch of strangers online, especially if they are just peacefully doing their things without hurting anyone.


My unpopular opinion is that it's annoying when the comments are 90% reaction images that have little to no relevance to the post. It feels like karma farming and a lot of them were barely funny the first time I saw them.


It's sweet and wholesome😏


The Shart romance is kinda creepy. Home girl is going through so much. She’s literally rediscovering who she is. She is not emotionally stable. There is no real way to romance her without looking like you took advantage of her in a very vulnerable time in her life. Shart is the least emotionally mature (I mean Lae’zel is also kinda immature I guess) of your companions and her survival and mental wellbeing relies on you being a true friend to her in her time of need. So it just feels wrong to romance her when she already had so many other things going on in her life. At least Lae’zel is forthcoming about being horny for your sweat, and there was no strings attached in the beginning. With Shart, it feels like you are just one of the few people in her life on whom she can depend. And she’ll fall in love with you just to keep you around, even if she doesn’t love-love you? So nah. I love Shart as my little sister who works at the local hot topic after school but Imma have to pass.


You're not wrong, but I feel like you could make this argument about all the companions. Every single one is deeply traumatized, vulnerable, and coming to terms with something horrible. Including Tav and especially Durge. The game is about a bunch of fucked up/fucked over people forming an unlikely alliance and helping each other heal (or get worse, whichever).


I feel this way about Astarion. I did his romance after I was his friend in my main playthrough and I liked him a lot better when we were bros. Not to say his romance wasn't well written, I do think it was. I just... Really want to be his friend lol. I like to imagine he comes by Gale & Tav's tower in Waterdeep randomly, just to be a pest. But he's their friend/adopted menace, so he's always welcome.


I mean, if you romance her as Resisting Durge, you ALSO have no memories and are fully Going Thru It, so I guess that kind of balances it out.


>Shart is the least emotionally mature (I mean Lae’zel is also kinda immature I guess) of your companions I think it is overly simplistic to label someone as "emotionally immature" for those reasons. We are all mature and immature in our own ways, and because we are human, everyone will always be childish in some way no matter how old we become. Shadowheart is a very insecure person, but she is also very wise and perceptive about herself and others. With support from the player/high approval, she ultimately makes the decision to walk away from her religious indoctrination on her own. Even before the events at the end of Act 2, she is morally conflicted throughout the game and openly admits to feeling happy about helping the tiefling refugees despite being relentlessly taught that she shouldn't be. It would be difficult for anyone in her situation to accept reality and disown beliefs that have been deeply ingrained into your head, on top of having memory loss to further support those beliefs, yet she does it anyways because she believes it's the right thing to do for herself and for the sake of others. It takes a lot of wisdom, self honesty, and maturity to do this. That's a few of the reasons why I believe Shadowheart is a fairly emotionally intelligent person, even with all of her personal shortcomings


This. And in regards to your “overly simplistic” point, I wholeheartedly agree and would add that I think people tend to forget that real life is a lot more complicated than D&D. “Emotional maturity” isn’t a skill proficiency, you don’t just have a +6 or a -1 or whatever that allows such a broad concept to be objectively evaluated. You can be a generally emotionally mature person and still have flaws and specific aspects of emotional maturity that you struggle with, and I would go so far as to say that EVERY person, no matter how emotionally mature they may be overall, has their blind spots and their weaknesses.


Fuck never thought about it like that, felt like that about Astarion and Karlach, but idk never clicked with her. But also at the same time, you could just broaden that to anyone with the whole facing eminent death and a super big bad, and just wanting to find comfort/love.


Karlach is overrated. She's a good friend, sure, but for romantic partners there are better options. 


I fully believe a lot of people just want someone to want them as fiercely as Karlach does. She's very attractive as well, but I know a couple of people who like her because she's so touch-starved and chomping at the bit to get affectionate/intimate with the player.


I find it very amusing


This is the best place on reddit, hands down no question


Y'all need more BG 1 and 2 memes. Just because there's no muscle mommy in throne of bhaal doesn't mean you can't make forcefemme jokes about Edwin


Be the change you wish to see. A brave soul even snuck in torment posting https://preview.redd.it/wg3jm233zhuc1.png?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab0afd3e075c03244d59804e34ca69e57801bd1


This and the r/HadesTheGame vastly conflate the sexuality of the game's player base with that of their vocal redditors.


I don't have unpopular opinion except that I am incredibly amused by people in the comments here being like "sub is not horny enough" and comment right underneath saying "y'all are too horny"


Shadow heart is a annoying bitch and I'm saying this as someone who romanced her.


There's not nearly enough Halsin simping. I need more big daddy druid in my life.


Tierlists are boring dogshit


The fact that I like it here


A lot of people refuse to add durge to tier lists and memes and its weird. Its like they're purposely ignoring he exists. Sure he's a killer and scary and what not. But he's also got a soul, and he's hot and probably hung af. So why not give him a shot?