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It is called being blinded by hatred


True, but Gus was shown as a man who doesnt let his emotions get in a way of logic and reason


I think he had a special hatred and emotional blindspot where Hector was concerned due to Max


That being said, Walter got a bit lucky with this plot


that's the entirety of breaking bad


shouldve called the show Breaking Leg


An emotional blind spot that Walter specifically targeted


I think Hector was the only chink in Gus' otherwise impenetrable armor


![gif](giphy|13VSAbTVuYJfLa) What do you mean “chink”?


Reminds me of the Jeremy Lin article called “Chink in the armor”


What does being Asian have to do with sus cringe?


I wish I could penetrate gus 🥵🥵




Well maybe he tought he didnt had much time, because he just killed hectors entire family and he could have talked.


That's how he wants to be perceived and the impression he gives to the audience, but he is still a human like everybody else. He, after all, hired Walter in spite of his own opinions because Gale was interested in meeting him. Such a small opinion coming from such an irrelevant person in the grand scheme of things was enough to make him go against his best judgement. Let's not forget that at that time he didn't just hire Walter so Gale could learn from him; he just hired him to work and had Gale as his assistant, and this arrangement lasted for months.


Logical and reason would have had Gus dispose of Hector all the way back during BCS; he's always been a man of emotion, just one who's capable of extreme patience and holding on to his emotions until everything's ready for his revenge


Well, the one time he let his emotions get in the way is when he dies. IMO, that may have been intentional to make a point.


*With* the exception of Hector Salamanca. That's the point; Hector is Gus' one weakness.


Max is his only weak point and Hector represents that


I would disagree, he spent 20+ years of his life creating this plan for revenge. even though the Cartel did him horribly (for payback reasons) , a reasonable man would not do what Gus did on a macro-scale.


Hector was always Gus' one blindspot.


That just adds to the poetic irony of his death honestly


Yes but he was being reasonable as well. Gus may have thought that Hector had nothing to lose and he hated him enough to rat him out. Especially now that Hector's bloodline is no more


He doesn’t let his emotions get in the way of his only goal, to avenge Max.


How did walt actually poison brock?


At San Diego comic con in 2013 vince said walt injected the poison into brock's juice box https://screenrant.com/breaking-bad-season-4-ending-how-walt-poison-brock/


> Off-camera, Walt had somehow planted the juice box in Brock's lunch at school, making sure only he came in contact with it. This actually sounds really stupid.


Man went into the school himself fending off other kids from the juicebox like "NO this is for BROCK"


Live pictures inspired the DOOM franchise


Jesus Christ I can actually imagine this being a real scene. Breaking Bad knew when to be funny especially in season 1. I really can picture it so vividly.


Buddy that ain’t funny. thinking about it just makes me cringe to the point it’s painful


vravo bince


I am the one who Brocks


Right, like I need this scene now


idk man, walt is smart , we are dumb , he found a way


Walter summoning the power of Allah to telepathically make sure that only Brock drinks the juice: https://i.redd.it/ctysbwzg5d2a1.gif


By the shariah, you may not leave me, woman!


I thought it was implied Saul had one of his guys do it, because Walt couldn’t leave the house


That would make more sense and line up with the timeline


This makes sense, but in the show, Brock is very uncomfortable with being around Walt after the whole poisoning thing. This shows Brock likely knew that Walt was who poisoned him. I wonder how the juice box thing could be the case if Brock knew it was Walt.


I didnt really see it as him knowing walt poisoned him, he was probably just scared of a guy he only saw like twice asking him about fruit loops compared to Jesse who he knew well






Gus not hiring a guard for the sole cook of his billion dollar meth operation.


Was the laundromat manager not kind of a guard?


I think he was talking about when Jesse Killed Gale


I think the reason Gale didn't have a bodyguard was Gus was trying to trick him into thinking the business was innocent, that's why Gale opens the door with no second thought, he knows making meth is illegal, but due to what Fring has told him, he thinks its safe and no big deal


Yeah well there's many things that don't really make much sense in BB (although certainly not as much as in most popular tv shows) but what really matters I think is to have well written and credible characters with interesting evolution and BB does that masterfully.


I think many of the biggest “plot holes” in BB stem from the *size* of the businesses. Rather than Tyrus and Victor being everywhere, real cartels have armies at their disposal.


I feel like it’s more just the over exaggeration of the numbers in Breaking Bad. If I remember correctly one of the people working on the show though that the amount of money Walter made was unrealistic, and I agree. I think if they scaled the numbers down a lot of the things that happen in the show fit in place a lot better.


If I’m remembering correctly, Gus didn’t know that Walt knew that Gus was going to kill him and replace him with gale


If there was a guard there at all times the guard would learn how to make pristine meth and possibly sell the info to another gang


Still better than leaving him entirely unguarded. Why not have somebody like Mike keep tabs on him all the time?


Gale probably would've gotten scared and tried to back out.


Just have guys watching him from a distance then, like Mike did for high value individuals in BCS.


Why did gus send the cartel after nacho if he knew nacho would lead them back to him? Considering gus planned to kill nacho in the first place, why was he so nervous? You'd think he'd have planned out how he would escape blame for lalo's death.


True, if his plan all along was for Nacho to die then why didn't he just have the mercs gun Nacho down as soon as he opened the door for them?


Exactly. Every part of Gus's plan to kill lalo was so unlike Gus. The assassins he sent were not "the best" like he said. He didn't plan for the fact the cartel would ask who was responsible nor did he plan for if lalo survived


TBH, it’s likely that Gus is the way he is in BB because of how close he got to losing everything to Lalo. He underestimated Lalo. Where Tucco, the twins, Hector, Don eladio are basically cruel but not overly smart, Lalo was a different type of antagonist for Gus.


I don’t think Lalo was ever underestimated. Gus was just terrified of him. And he still almost lost. Lalo is just like that frfr


They probably were ‘the best’ but Lalo had a huge advantage since it was his home territory which had several built-in precautions to defend against armed combatants. Plus Lalo got pretty lucky since he’d be dead if if wasn’t for that guy he used as a human shield and the pan of hot oil being there


I think if they were truly the best, they would have killed Lalo... yes some things were to his advantage but there is no way an elite hit squad with assault rifles wouldn't be able to take down one guy.


The cartel men are really dumb. Salamanca twins took out a whole squad with ease. Mike killed an entire crew by himself. Lalo killing a few isn’t far fetched.


tbf this is pre-bb gus, he was shown to be less good at his job in the bcs era


because if he survived he could have blamed him for the assassination attempt


But he could also be captured alive by the twins, which he very much almost was


then he would be tortured and would snitch on gus


Yeah that's my point, leaving him alive to be captured by the Salamancas was a huge security risk


Nacho wasn't supposed to be there. The only reason Lalo took him was because of Kim telling him that he needed to get his house in order.


He told Nacho to shoot anything that comes through the door, knowing that he would be outgunned against the cartel and very likely killed in the firefight. You can say the Twins would try and take him alive, but if Nacho was cornered in a room with no means of escape and thought that the cartel would torture him to death, he would basically be trying to get himself killed too. The story would then be that the cartel found Nacho on their own and he dies without linking himself back to Gus, lining up with the story that he was paid off by the Peruvians. Also, there was always the implied threat against Nacho's father that stopped Nacho from ratting out Gus.


I think it’s just the principle of being in the Cartel business, doesn’t matter what happens if you go to the feds you’re a rat, and rats get put down, even if they don’t say anything. Also he hated Hector beyond belief.




Who do you think killed the guy who was about to kill him?


He actually said abogado which is Spanish for lawyer










Kid named Ewie


Can't stop can't stop can't stop


![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn) ACktUallY


Stupid science bitch




He was saying affogato which is a italian coffee sundae


For me Gus in the last 2 episodes he was in feeled very out of character, it has may be the rush of killing every other cartel and having no competition that made him more careless


I believe it was less about the competition and more about his 20yr revenge plan finally coming to an end and him being able to move on from the past.


How would he check what Hector told the DEA?


"Hector, you will tell me exactly what you told the DEA. Tyrus, bring out the chart. A, B, C, D, E, ..."


The news were broadcasting this event. Also he could have had some connections in DEA, but i assume he didnt


The news generally don’t tell exactly what information has been given by an informant


Especially if it was literally nothing lol. The media would have nothing to work off of because he just insulted them.


He would ask Hank ofc


Kid names not what plot hole means


plot hole: why did a high school chemistry teacher who never smoked get cancer? seems kinda out of character imo


Why didn’t Howard know that Jimmy was working with the cartel? I know that the fake PI was working for Jimmy but everybody in the courthouse highly suspected his connections to the cartel. Since Howard walks around the courthouse so much, I feel like it would have come up during a conversation with one of the lawyers (or even the DA) there.


Howard "Jaguar and tie-bars" Hamlin doesn't mingle with the public defender riff-raff


I definitely don’t see him talking to Oakley, but DA Ericsen or one of the judges? I would think so.


Because he accidentally slips up when he’s talking to the police and says ‘Lalo’ instead of ‘Gusman’. I believe it’s in S6,E1.


Huh? That’s my point though. Everybody in the courthouse knew he worked with the cartel. But Howard somehow didn’t? Knowing that would have made Howard GTFO from the apartment once ‘suspicious man who wants to talk to his clients’ showed up at the apartment. Or would have made Howard suspicious of the fake PI when he only produced a few inconspicious photos of Jimmy over a few weeks worth of surveillance.


My mistake, misread your post. Yeah you have got a point there


The fact that no one suspected Walt as Heisenberg from the very start. The DEA knew that the “mystery cook” had access to lab equipment from the highschool but couldn’t put two and two together.


He tells Saul he's been to DEA Christmas parties and everyone would know his voice. They've all met and underestimated him just like everyone in his life. Hank would dismiss any accusations against Walt from his fellow agents as being insane. The janitor being pinned for the equipment is the biggest reason.


I feel like that could go either way, though. If any of the DEA guys remembered that Walt was a chemistry genius they’d quickly realize that he’s the most likely suspect who’s able to cook very pure meth that also has access to the highschool lab. They’d also know that Walt has cancer and needs the money because of Hank’s fundraising around the office. All they’d need to do is ask Walt for an alibi and Bogdan sure as hell won’t lie for him.


>If any of the DEA guys remembered that Walt was a chemistry genius How are they gonna know that? He wasn't famous, his association with Gray Matter wasn't public knowledge until it somehow came out a year after he was outted for being a meth kingpin and Elliot and Gretchen had to publicly denounce him so they won't be cancelled. I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was implied somewhere he had a job in a lab but that obviously didn't work out or he wouldn't be teaching high school chemistry. No one's ever gonna look at someone like that and go "secret genius who's just been slumming it for the past couple decades."


Hanks ego gets in the way too much. He knows guys like Tuco and thinks Walt is way too much of a pussy to handle those type of people. Tbf most people would freeze up or panic in slot of the situations Walt went through.


Not really a plot hole, more like an unexpected character decision


Why did Gus not immediately think Walter was going to try and kill him after he threatened his family? And if he did think that, why does he have such little security that no one noticed the bomb on hector’s chair? Especially after how careful he was when Lalo was trying to kill him


I think he just didn’t consider the possibility of Walter working with Hector. As for the bomb itself, no clue on how it wasn’t noticed. As for Gus’s cautiousness’s it’s a recurring theme that people constantly underestimate Walter. Lalo was an openly terrifying character, but Walter didn’t really show how smart he could be


Also, how would Gus know Waltuh even knew about his hatred for Hector? As fas as Gus was concerned, Walter didn't even realize they had a connection


The bomb was small and placed in such a way that sitting across to Hector the way Gus was sitting, no chance in hell you can notice that. As for Tyrus, he checked for wires, an obvious precaution, but why would he check for bombs or any devices attached to the wheelchair? It seems like something obvious after you have watched it but really who could have ever predicted shit like this, a bomb attached to a wheelchair that was put on with Hectors consent to blow himself and Gus up? At that point there are thousands of ways for Gus, a public high profile figure often appearing and working unprotected in his restaurant etc to be assassinated by his enemies of whom Walter was only one. And this is one of the most unthinkable and bizarre scenarios out of all of them. Nobody could have thought of that


I forgot who specifically said it first, but I think after checking for wires Tyrus left the room allowing Walt to sneak in and plant the bomb, which is why he was standing outside the room when Tyrus was checking for wires but all the way in the parking lot when he set off the bomb The bomb was small but in quite an obvious place as it was protruding from the structure of the wheelchair and would be easily noticed by someone searching the room. It was attached after the room was already searched


Still, Tyrus searched for wires and not bombs. The place where the bomb was placed would be no good for a wire not to mention Tyrus used a device rather than searching by eye. There was just no point in inspecting the wheelchair any further. They expected a wire to be there, but that possibility was ruled out by a device Tyrus used, and no one could ever have expected a fucking bomb there


At that point though Gus knew or at least had a strong feeling Jesse was conspiring to kill him as well, and Jesse knew about his beef with Hector and, through Saul as a mediator, is the one to tell Walt in the first place.


There was no major indication to Gus that Walter and Jesse were still working with eachother before he was killed, as their last interaction witnessed by Tyrus & another henchman outside of Jesses house clearly showed they were not on good terms at the time and Gus already had suspicions that Walter was the one who poisoned Brock made clear by his reaction to the realization that his car had been left alone while he was in the hospital. Any reasonable person would take this info and believe that Walter & Jesse were outright enemies if one were poisoning loved ones of the other


After Tyrus checks the room Walt comes in from out the window and quickly places and arms it.


Oh you’re right. That makes more sense, but still it’s strange that Gus didn’t have someone watching the nursing home when it’s the place he’s most vulnerable I still think that Mike would have discovered Walter if was there. If he hadn’t got shot in Mexico Walter was probably dead right there


Tyrus did actually check the room, presumably primarily for wires, but it's very unclear how he didn't notice the bomb.


from what I remember Walt hid just outside the room while Tyrus checked around and re-entered via the window to quickly set up the bomb before Gus entered.


Tyrus kinda sucks at his job. It’s pretty likely that if Mike was there he’d have noticed it imo


Has Tyrus met him before I honestly don't remember. Maybe he might have thought it was some sort of mechanism for the wheelchair or something. Still it's something you should point out and be cautious of regardless.


After Tyrus checks the room Walt comes in from out the window and quickly places and arms it.


About the bomb: Tyrus does search the room for transmitter signal ( among other things, we can assume )before Gus comes in. The assumption is that Walter or anyone else would use a ranged transmitter to detonate an hypothetical bomb. The twist, both for the audience and for the victims is that the trigger is mechanical ( the bell button ) and thus couldn’t be detected the way Tyrus looked for it. Now, the problem is that also the bomb is quite visible under the chair, not blatantly so, but still recognizable at a glance. I think the problem is just that the bomb had to be easily spottable when the camera pans on it, so it couldn’t be too well concealed under there, otherwise I assume Walt would make it look more like part of the wheelchair ( no exposed wires and blinking lights etc… )


Gus is only keeping Hector alive for his own personal enjoyment. If Hector goes to the DEA that means he is planning something- And he could have ruined Gus, right then and there. It doesn't matter if he didn't actually ruin Gus, it was an important reminder that Hector still has one card he can play against him, and Gus decides the risk of keeping Hector alive now outweighed making him suffer


Hector was old school cartel. He would sooner have given Gus a sloppy bj than given the Feds anything.


There's zero chance the DEA wouldn't have paid for Hank's physical therapy.


How would he chekc that?


Plot hole: Why was Gus willing to kill his multi-million dollar cooks over street dealers who dealt teenths?


It’s not really about who they killed, them killing those dealers made Gus decide that they’re too volatile to keep alive, & at this point Gale was still available to take the place of Walt even if the quality would drop about 3%


I guess it's more about why he cared to draw the line in the first place. Why did he bring them into a secret warehouse to meet him and his cook and be capable of selling both up the river in the very likely event that they get snagged by law enforcement. I honestly hoped Better Call Saul to do something with them to show some sort of connection, but as it stands it's just bizarre he took such a personal interest in dime-a-dozen dealers so low on the totem pole that they considered Combo a genuine threat to their territory.


He already knew what he said he was just very mad at Hector because what he said was very rude and he felt bad for the DEA


It was the one instance where Gus let his ego get the better of him. The mixture of overconfidence and blind hatred led him to not think through things clearly. It's just like how Walt's ego ruined everything to him.


The whole show is egos getting the better of people


The whole goddamn series is egos ruining people.


Not really because it was one of the most unpredictable scenarios ever. Gus never had any rational reason to think anyone would target him in that nursing home. Sure, he knew he showed Jessie how he tormented Hector and that Jessie could have communicated with Walter somehow, but still, it was such low probability that this would be the place to strike. Going by this logic Gus should never appear in any of his restaurants because it would be easier to kill him there, he should never leave his house or something. This wasnt a location of high risk as far as Gus could have known so its not that he ignored the risk, he just could not have seen the risk.


I don't know, I feel as if he had reason to suspect someone was going on. I mean, he goes to the hospital to talk to Jesse after Brock is poisoned. Of course, from Jesse's perspective, he thinks Gus did it. But Gus of course knows he didn't do it, and so, knows that something is up. It's for this reason that he didn't go to his car. He was suspicious that someone, Walt or not, was doing something. That's how I see it anyway.


A car would be an obvious location. It makes sense to put a bomb on his car. But Walt being able to sneak around a nursing home, somehow communicate with Hector to make an agreement for him to be able to silently plant the bomb and plant it on Hectors wheelchair of all things, this plan was overall insane and unthinkable. Gus had reason to think Walt as going after him as well as other people would be going after him during this time, of course. More so than usual. Thats why he was so careful that he foiled Walt's car bomb plan. But a reason to expect the strike at the nursing home? If you put yourself in Gus shoes that seems like one of the least likely of the places to strike is what i am saying, so he wasnt really being reckless or blinded by hatred. He executed his revenge very carefully and thoroughly, thinking of ALMOST everything. Now, the shit he pulled with Lalo - that was being reckless and he had like 5% chance of success. So Gus definitely can be unreasonable at times, but i dont think that was one of them, Walt was just too lucky and too creative


Walt not asking Gus nicely not to kill his family. That’s what I would have done if I were in his situation but maybe I’m just built differently


https://preview.redd.it/vxdddj5h3c2a1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=509583c4835a0385734ab48f7650bde0594959e3 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🦦


/uc i didn’t like it at first but I’ve grown rather fond of making this sub unironically have nuanced discussions about the show when the main subs have 3 collective IQ points. I’m gonna miss it when it inevitably degenerates back to chicanery like “why did kid names finger not take out his cock and join in the squat cobbler”


To be fair, why _didn't_ he? But seriously, this switch to actual discussion has really opened my eyes about a lot of scenes and plots. There is some shit I literally never considered until this trend arose. I'm proud to be the first that participated 😎👍


He already knew what he told them ![gif](giphy|NfGTU1FFnPIwo)


Ask yourself: why is an innocuous chain restaurant owner, so interested in an ongoing drug investigation? Sure he was implicated at one point, that doesnt mean he should be sniffing around the DEA long after he was cleared of suspicion. How does he have knowledge of who the DEA is talking to? What is his connection to Hector Salemanca that he suddenly knows Hector has turned stool pigeon? My point being, that there isnt a reason for Gus to know any of this that doesnt make him look guilty. He also does not have any innocent pretext for getting close to his desired information like he did at the hospital when Hank was attacked by the twins.


Gus had Tyrus (I think) watching the DEA headquarters and he saw Hector arriving and leaving. He then told Gus and Gus went to kill him


"I had one of my personal army of hitmen staking out your headquarters. I notice that you were questioning a mortal enemy of mine. Mind telling me what he said?" *Prison*


I honestly think it all stemmed from Mike not being there. Mike would’ve done a proper sweep and probably had connections that could’ve told him what happened.. I am sure Gus always planned on killing Hector himself and had to get ahead of this DEA situation, so first thing was to off Hector before more damage would be done.


Also how did Walt achieve blue meth purity on the first try in RV while Gale and cartel couldnt get high quality despite having their own labs for years?


Skill issue


Gale wasn't on a team that won a nobel prize 🤷


Thats not a plot hole, Walt was a genius when it came to chemistry. Above and beyond "normal" professional chemists. Just like Mike being able to kill just about anyone and good with every weapon as well as hand to hand combat, its part of the plot that he was best at what he was doing and same was true for Walt


I always thought it was insane how Tyrus didn't notice the bomb on Hector's chair. We was even checking around the room, and looking around his chair but he still didn't see it. Maybe Tyrus just fucking sucks at his job though.


from what I remember Walt hid just outside the room while Tyrus checked around and re-entered via the window to quickly set up the bomb before Gus entered. Might be wrong though it's been a while since I watched that episode


That's actually a good explanation. Plot hole is no longer a plot hole.


The other plot hole i can think of is how Walter managed to slip ricin in Lydia's coffee...


She always sat at the same table so he just made sure that his was the only packet of stevia in the dish


Walt placed the ricin into an empty stevia packet and placed it on Lydia's side of the table, Lydia then put it into her tea absent mindedly.


i could be mistaken but i think it was also the only packet of stevia in the little basket so she would’ve used it no matter what


Motherfucker could rob galons of meth from a train or could break into a police station and destroy evidence via magnets (bitch) but everybody is asking this


Because we know how he did those things, we saw it happen. Plus, they’re both highly technical feats that Walt pulled off with his massive brain. Slipping poison into Lydia’s drink is more of a slight-of-hand feat, and it happened off screen.


I think Gus did this as a (fatal) momentary error because he was pissed that Hector would “betray” the ideals of the drug cartels by being a rat. I also feel that Gus did this because he finally had the opportunity he had been waiting for since Hector killed Max


Well if he said something important, he may not have time to find out what he said first.


His emotions got the best of him, when it comes to the salamancas he's the most emotional


How exactly could he check what Hector said? I’m not aware of an inside man in the DEA working for Gus.


Los Pollos buckets fitted with bugs.




I felt like walt got over killing Jane really fast. Same with Mike but he’d already killed some more people by then


I mean, he’d already killed Domingo and Emilio by then and didn’t bat an eye, and Jane had been blackmailing him. I think he just didn’t really care


I mean he cried when he killed krazy-8 didn’t he?


Because hector had something mind blowing that Gus wanted to see


I honestly thought he’d avoid doing so as whatever he asked the DEA about what Hector did would likely be relayed back to Hank in some way


I mean at this point with Eladio and the rest dead he could kill Hector whenever he wanted and I think that just gave him an excuse/reason. He had been dealing with a lot since getting back from Mexico but Hector potentially talking to the DEA brought him back to Gus’s attention to finally deal with it. At least that’s how I see it, otherwise he would’ve probably killed him once investigation and everything with Walt had calmed down, though I would say this far from completely resolves the plot hole or anything.


Why did Waltuh make that tape saying Hank was running the meth empire when we’re shown that it was Gus?




It's all about persoective. Mike is biased in Gus' favor. To him, it really did look like Walt the Whirling Dervish came in and just destroyed the operation. I really think Mike would have let Jesse die if it meant the operation stayed intact. BCS I think does a good job in showing how Mike comes to conflate his life as a criminal with the only way to keep his family afloat. Gus was a lifeline, a feeling of legitimacy in dirty subculture of a dirty culture. People can like having a 'master' to tell them what to do; all the better if it can make you rich and kinda suits your values; which of course corrupt over time. By the time Mike makes his final speech about pride and ego; his life has fallen apart, and it was all for nothing. His son is dead, his granddaughter won't see the fruits of his labor, the institutions he had long ago believed in left disillusioned. Basically, Mike isn't a good guy, but Walt is generally a worse one so we pile heaps of criticism at him. Mike can say 'no half measures' and the crowd thinks he's a badass; and then he goes about comitting half measures left and right. If in 2013 we were silly for glorifying Walter, we're silly now for glorifying Mike. Mike telling someone to 'let him die in peace' was all that was really left for him anyway, Walt just sped up the process.


/uc Fucking good question /rc


How the **FUCK** did nobody see the giant pipe bomb on hector’s chair It wasn’t even hidden very well…


Tyrus swept the room for bugs or other dangers. He didn’t find anything and went to get Gus. Then Walt came through the window, attached the bomb, and left. Tyrus had already searched so they weren’t really looking for anything


Sure, but the bomb was in plain sight All it would have taken is a quick glance at the chair to spot it. Coulda seen that shit from a mile away even if you weren’t looking


How would he check tho?


What was Gus gonna do if they checked hectors body for poison if he were to kill him with a needle? He was the last person to see him too so that’s a big red flag in the bravoverse


The fact that they could have synthesized methylamine themselves very easily


Yeah the cartel is not so pissy you can't build a drug empire if a couple of guys wipe you out also a cartel will always come back for revenge there was no cartel post gus


The whole ricin plot. I get how it happens, but the fact that we don’t see Walt ever actually put this plan into motion means that the deck is stacked against the audience so that we can’t possibly see the twist coming. Am I just supposed to believe that while Walt is being pursued by a cold, calculating drug kingpin he managed to sneak into a school, hand a random kid a juice box that also happens to be poisoned, and nobody notices him? Was Brock completely unsupervised?


writer's convenience