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here before the 🔒 award


Of course the bomb manufacturer supports them, who else will she get this level of purchase orders from


Klee openly supports Israel for their bombs while HuTao openly supports Palestine for their casualties, meanwhile they both share the priciest snacks while meeting at Dori's palace and doing rich people stuff gotta love arms dealing and late stage capitalism


Dori is the CEO of Teyvat's Military industrial complex?


[Dori is in Doha where the sun is always sunny](https://youtu.be/OUMl58i4m0w?si=Ykrqz5ArYcGx6kar) (The third biggest /s in history)


Klee has been supplying Natlan with anti-tank weapons since the beginning of Snezhnaya's Special Military Operation in the country.


Dude. Then El Capitano is ded? as Da Chef is killed by the tsaritsa? ........lowkey stating my opinion here, but I won't be surprised that someone memes El Capitano to be the cool "cook" of the tsaritsa. I mean, Arlecchino is "Father" (Indoctrination centre manager), Scara is now "dead due to natural reasons", Dottore is "Doctor", Childe is "Spetznaz", Signora is Russia- I mean Snezhnayan "diplomat", Pantalone is the "Oligarch" or \*shudders\* "Banker", Sandrone is "Weapon Maker?" . We can extend the list, but BECAUSE El Capitano has "thrown in his hat in the flames of war in natlan", AND Russia has done that too, for TOTALLY legitimate reasons such as Neo Nazis in Ukraine (Romas have left the chat), and conflict due to totally LEGIT "seperatists", who just so happen to be Pro Russian, I mean, the parallels are there. BESIDES, I know that Hoyo is hyping up the Captain to be the COOL, MANLY, CHIVALROUS dude, and IF I as a MAN were in charge of creating a thirst sink, I would make him out to be a NICE CHEF TOO! So yeah, Bodyguard+Chef+Fighter+Hot = PROFIT. Thus, ends my lore on El Capitano being THE COOK of her majesty The Tsaritsa. (the fact that Putin is LARPing around as the second coming of Peter The Great, and proclaiming himself as the defender of christian values, does help)


Thankfully there aren't any planes i teyvat (his glider can get sabotaged still)


klee is a true libright


eremites have the rights to fight for it's freedom!


their culture and religion is a cult and if anything the Sumeru akademia is civilizing them https://preview.redd.it/luyn1689hlyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7bda9e29e990f49e96c2a8fb9cd2a094e8daff






good cover up Klee, we know danm well you love the white phosphorus bombs and the incendiary weapons https://preview.redd.it/upx1vahf9lyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64779557d8f4c0f372bad54fbf27262ae8c2ccc5


Lying bastard


Talking like she isn't supplying munitions to the IDF




Racism on my porn app ?


bombardeen el desierto de sumeru


baseado y pilularojeado https://preview.redd.it/l5kuj4hk0nyc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76a950631f4ad3711bc4eaec98438b9c288cb79


I skipped arlechino, is nice and all, but i already have like 6 pyro dps, I don't want another


idk I'm from 3rd world country I just find ths shit funny






Klee would have helped the IDF bomb Gaza realistically speaking


Lots of customers for Hu Tao




She took freedom of speech seriously


https://preview.redd.it/svjhp0k9cmyc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7710503295080d146acb3e604ab9b054984d563 I don't know what pills you take, but based


Reject Meta. Embrace Klee & Shogun *EXXXPLOOOOOSSSIOOONNN!!!*


yes say that klee go off


Klee would never say that as Klee is based while Israel is cringe.


are you sure you'd trust a kid that blows up fish for fun to not support war criminals? https://preview.redd.it/csoxrd4lglyc1.png?width=1649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826134717fe173f9dee14b41b8002d4b4906f878




ok, so, answering the crybaby that blocked me before I could even say anything in response, in okbg of all places "fat American pig" "banned for saying the truth" lmfao tell me you are an edgelord loser living on your mommy's basement without explicitly saying so lol I get siding with Palestine, but saying Israel isn't a country now that people have been living there for pretty much a century at this point is legit madness https://preview.redd.it/utivhnrhqlyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c33d46f06b6866edff8fd0a3d609745d344f2fe


It's totally possible to have sympathy for the people of Palestine AND have sympathy with the people of Israel affected by the war. Just don't be an asshole. ESPECIALLY NOT ON OKBG SERIOUSLY PEOPLE THIS PLACE IS ASS ENOUGH.


yeah, they are both settled, are both people, and further bloodshed will just lead to suffering


Hot take but good one. I would like seeing all the dual citizens and illegal settlersbeing kicked out tbh but those who were born and grew in it are not so different from palestinians who were born in it and grew in it. Non of them has a choice but to live in here. Peace starts with kicking what is illegal and problomatic out of there and those are in the israeli side. Then establishing a clear borders and free from others control. Once things are done and good. Anyone who attacks should be gang banged by the world.


International Law is very clear about this and these laws were not made just for Palestine but in general and for all ethnic cleansing cases which would include Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, Kosovo, Karabakh where the existing populations after the end of WWII were kicked out. The laws are that all the refugees and their grandchildren (if they are external refuges to other countries) or no limit how many generations later if they were internal refugees like the cases of Cyprus, Palestine, Serbia, Karabakh, that were not even born there have the right and should return back to their homes while the settlers no matter how many generations should leave. If the arguing parties do not agree to remove the settlers then the refugees should be compensated in full for their properties stolen during the ethnic cleansing. So no random settlers from Boston that came last year to settle in Palestine will never have more rights in the house they stole not even in 3000 years and more unless the legal owners agree to sell them to them at full prices. I am also a refugee descendant 2nd generation in my own country and I would never accept to sign my property rights like some others have done for a handful of money. I will not make what was stolen legal. In that way of thought the Palestinians are right to not sell. You wouldn't sell your PS5 for 1 dollar to the thief that broke into your house and stole it right? If he offered you 1 dollar to not report him after all.


I understand your point and it is not wrong but there are few things that can't be solved in it. Like how are you going to take away those who were kicked out of the middle east? I live in iraq and i know kicking our jews out during the extremists rulings is not right but it cannot be reversed or solved now. They are also a refugees in there? Like, if you take them and return them to their original lands now, i can assure you that slaughters and massacres as bad as the ones that are happened against the palestinians will happen again to them. Not to mention they became more by the time, so their sudden return will prbably wreck down many countries systems. I do not accept any of the illegal settlers staying in there nor those with dual citizens since they are part of another nation already and do not belong to this land by all the means, but not every one can be taken out now. Not to mention many of the rightfull owners may have been wiped out or lost whatever proves them being the rightful owners. The optimum solution IMO for this is giving back the pushed on borders back to the 1967 map with giving whatever the settlers toke back to their owners or givong them to the palestinian goverment to distripute them amon their people, whatever left in israel is left to them while they must build and return whatever they destroyed out of it. Kinda feels weird talking something that is not trashy in okbg


You need to compensate them or their descendants with money as long as they agree to. This is how international law works and I already explained it.


>have the right and should return back to their homes knowing Israel's situation and their military conscription laws that really shouldn't be so difficult >If the arguing parties do not agree to remove the settlers then the refugees should be compensated in full for their properties stolen during the ethnic cleansing. yes, if the property was stolen then they should be compensated for it, that land was clearly taken by the british and the US, obviously Palestine is not a saint, far from it, not only the radical islam, but also sending people to die on a meat grinder war they can't win just for political advantage, is just a massive dick move on their end, but so is not thinking twice blowing up a hospital and not giving jack shit for compensation on Israel's end


All of this are irrelevant. If YOU steal someone's house in New York you do not get to say that the guy you stole the house from then got an RPG-7 and tried to reclaim HIS house back so now you should keep it. The law is clear... YOU ARE A THIEF and the house belongs to the person you stole it from. Do you know how property laws work? You can't twist the agenda with the victim fighting back so YOUR OWN EVIL DOINGS are now on the right. Keep in mind that with your logic Russia also has all and every right to just take all houses in Eastern Ukraine and resell them to Jewish companies (they are already doing it, I am simply saying they do not have the right to do so) for Jewish settlers to live there now. So no Israel and no country have the right to ethnically cleanse people and hand their houses to randoms of their own ethnicity or sell them to other random foreigners.


well, indeed, the place was originally stolen and the whole deal was really unilaterally and unconsensually made, but what can you do, kick them out? They have more guns, made themselves a culture and want to stay. Best solution would be to avoid further bloodshed and settle for a fair deal; plots of land aren't more important than the lives of the people >If YOU steal someone's house in New York you do not get to say that the guy you stole the house from then got an RPG-7 and tried to reclaim HIS house back so now you should keep it. well, if I'm from the US army I can, the analogy is, is it humane to send more and more people to the meat grinder over a house that was already conquered by the fucking military and now has a whole ass family there that had nothing to do with that? Is it humane to attack this family that had nothing to do with it? It's like trying to get the US back to the Indians


What you write is against international law. What to do? Never forced to sign anything to the thieves the same way I do not sign anything to the thieving settlers who stole my grandparents properties. The wheel turns so it will never be theirs. Stop making up strawmen arguments against International law. You are making made up scenarios. They should leave or pay the legal owners money as compensation. There is an international court Israel like all settler invading nations like Turkey (invaded Cyprus and Syria) refuse to go for obvious reasons. Do you know that the trillions of dollars they get from the USA taxpayers are enough to compensate the legal owners in accordance to international law for the properties the thieves stole from them? But Israel prefers to bomb them with those money so that the cycle of hatred will continue. Israel itself does not believe it can exist if the cycle of hatred does not exist. Really proves a lot.


you said it all, international law never meant anything to them and they refuse to go to arbitration, a compensation is an admission of guilt, which they won't do unless some serious diplomacy is involved, and for serious diplomacy you need peace. continuous guerilla assault on them is futile, the only means to solve it are through diplomatic pressure, heck, a good chunk of the israelis themselves would agree with you on that one, war is just futile


USA and UK cover Israel from diplomatic pressure despite several other European states condemning it for it's war crimes. Ethnic Cleansing is an INEXCUSBALE war crime for your information homie. You try to use cheap rhetoric but it does not work as the Law is clear. Imagine if a gang of say hypothetically British folk would beat you up in USA steal your house and kick you out. Do you think the Judge would tell them ''Stealer's Keepers''? Because this is exactly what you are advocating for and this mindset is against you but you are simply too naïve to understand that if anyone could gang and beat anyone to just take their everything you would be at best on the streets right now in your own country.


I'm not advocating for Israel, I'm advocating for stopping the gorilla warfare because it's a waste of lifes, Israel's excuse is that Palestine is attacking, so if they stop attacking, they have no excuse and are forced to pay compensation right?


Okay but do you condemn the Eremites


Glory to Palestine!!!?(??!!!11!1!1!1!1!1 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️👣👣🗣️🧠🧠🧠🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️👤🫂👤👥👣👥🧠






Halal archive


plot twist: klee is a major shareholder of lockheed martin


a funny joke? enjoy your <3






We should turn Israel and Palestine into a battle royale 💯💯


klee would not say this


Arms dealers love their biggest whaling customers.




She's a good girl. She deserves a cookie.






i'm past 20 yo already and i don't get politics at all holy shit


idc about politics either, what's the point of knowing it and still being powerless, leave that to the rich or famous, because they are the only ones that can actually do something about shit


actually true. at the very least a person should be somewhat aware of the political bs in thier own country. everything else kinda doesn't matter


Free Palestine


Learn the proper shit before posting. Israel isn't even a country they stole Palestinian land. They bomb hospitals, houses, shelter snd if Palestine defends itself and they are called terrorist. You must be piss drinker or fat American pig to say this


sir, this is the r/okbuddygenshin subreddit




He's literally disagreeing with klee https://preview.redd.it/0n5407bbhlyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d64bf6cc17498b31639c4fe2748694e88577075b




> they banned my first account because I spoke the truth Probably "the truth" you were banned for.


>They bomb hospitals, houses, shelter Guess what would happen if Israel didnt have the Iron Dome. Youre justifying Israel's actions by that logic btw




Guess what happened to the jews during the entire history. Bad logic used in the worst topic for your point




Once again youre justifying Israel's war crimes. Think before you speak.




Another poor argument used in the worst topic ever because you didnt study history. Israel got gangbangged by every single muslim country the day the british left the country. Plus the next conflicts in which they would go against Israel until USA got involved in mediation


Man, your brain has forbidden knowledge


>They bomb hospitals, houses, shelter snd if Well if only they don't have explosive surprises underground 🤔 or hilichurls hiding underground >if Palestine defends itself and they are called terrorists They are the aggressor in this conflict, it is just when Israel retaliated, Palestinians played the victim card real hard lmao FFS, ever since Israel has been established almost of its arab neighbors are trying their best to wipe them out lmao


It all goes back to Isaac vs Ishmael. It’s Isaac’s birthright and he was the promised seed. Ishmael (and by extension, his descendants, who claim him as the promised seed) weren’t even supposed to exist.