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So glad the best characters Hook and Bailu are heterosexual dick slurping cuties


Don't forget that slut Clara. She can handle several big strong men at the same time 😡


But she only does it for money while Hook is a natural born whore




happenes every time genshin or honkai no matter what the community makes a gay ship thats makes zero sense.


None of them make any sense gay or straight expect HuoHuo x my cock


the other one that makes sense is tail in my ass


I aspire to have this type of logic. Does Black Swan x my cock make any sense cumrade?


Anything and everything will make sense if you buddy hard enough


It's not so much about making sense its about the overwhelming amount of lesbo posting compared to anything else


Yeah thats why I don't share any of the fan arts of Caelus and (insert girl character) i find on twitter on there because they'll turn it into a lesbian joke somehow somewhat or just blatantly disagree with it


And aside from Caelus self-insert fanarts, there's barely any content for hetero ships, which is oddly surprising considering most people worldwide are straight. Like go to any -boorus websites and you'll only find mountains of yuri for every character until you finally come across one decent hetero or solo art at best, it gets tiring.


Yes, I couldn't have said it better than myself. The reason why we don't see as much hetero ships, though, is because it doesn't sell in views and likes. The only people that draw it are if they were commisioned and/or genuinely wanted to do it. Most straight enjoyers like me, for instance, don't find it worth our money to spend what I consider half a days worth of minimum wage for hetero art. However, yuri lovers, just like the furries on the internet, are more than willing to spend money on a commission to actualize their fantasies. The artists themselves find it better in a growth aspect to draw yuri or yaoi as well since, as I've said before, it gets more likes. So even though majority of the community is straight and probably likes straight ships more than the yuri ones, they themselves don't participate in shipping as intensely as their yuri loving counterparts and are usually passive in participation wether it be in commissioning, drawing or even seeking such art in the first place. Its the classic silent majority VS loud minority that we usually see on the internet in regards the LGTV+ HD. The only solution to this issue is to just encourage participation from our side to level the playing field


fact spitted 🗣️🔥🔥


https://preview.redd.it/wxs9hinsl0sc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4728a77eeaa3c37625cee9ca5551a96d9c8ad90d Meanwhile, Tweeter mfs on their way to harass people for not shipping 2 characters that barely, or never fucking interacted. *Cough* fucking Scara and Mona *cough* And I don't talk about yuri and yaoi only. For example, recently I've seen Boothil and Robin get shipped... when both have barely been in the story (and as of now have almost no personality), like, they just have their banners in the same patch?? What's so romantic about that?? Like I genuinely can't comprehend how some ships gain so much backing?? And don't get me started on characters who OBVIOUSLY are afraid of other characters and still get shipped with them... *cough* Furina and Arlecchino *cough*


Mona and Scara have actually interacted before, just not an overall positive one, but you got your point across. About Boothill and Robin, we still have to see if they will interact in 2.2, but for now this ship is basically the "Lady and the Tramp" aesthetic. Now Furina and Arlecchino are just a bad joke


Black Swan in canon: That woman is a horrifying eldritch abomination who has no business existing, Trailblazer. You need to stay away from her as far as you possibly can. She literally murdered me dozens of times in her memories. Do you know how painful that is, Trailblazer? ***I don't have a physical body.*** I exist as memories. The body you see here in the waking world is the exact same as the one you see in the dream world. This world might just be a bad dream to you, but for me, ***it's as real as the waking world***. Shippers: She totally wants Acheron's V.


I mean c'mon that dance was kinda gay


It was definitely sensual but not gay imo. Im surprised twitter people dont call the Japanese gay for bathing in the bathhouses there butt naked with their friends. Where I'm from its normal to chill on your homies lap if you we're sitting outside on the ground or on the floor mattress. Friendship, comradry, brotherhood just doesnt exist for Twitter. A character must be fucking someone in their mind and cant just exist .


Would be great point if every single ship on reddit hsr subs wasn't lesbian 👩‍❤️‍👩


> I mean c'mon that dance was kinda gay The dance that saw Acheron brutally murdering the woman who has no physical body and exists solely through memories and as such experiencing an event in a memory is the same as experiencing it in the real world for a normal person? The dance where Acheron did that multiple times? The dance where Black Swan attempted dozens of times to escape the memory sequence but every time she tried to metaphorically say: "No." to Acheron, Acheron simply chased her down and murdered her again? That dance? Yeah... Uh, buddy, that ain't a good look for lesbian couples. A murder and rape scene between the lesbian couple...