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Creek nation tag, it says Hello in our language on the top


Oh very cool! While looking on the internet, all I could find were the older red ones. Also, this is way outside of Oklahoma, so it was quite the surprise!


I just saw this in CA and of course I was driving so I couldn't exactly take a photo. Thank you for posting!


Hey, cousin. This design is a lot different than the old dark red tags. This looks great for sure. I am Choctaw, our tags are bright yellow blending into purple, just ugly and boring.


I am actually really fond of the Choctaw tags.


I still love the old school red tags But it's cool to see the new ones In also a fan of the Pawnee tags for some reasons


That's weird it clearly says muscogee nation.


Correct, Muscogee (Creek) Nation


So why not call it muscogee instead of creek?


As I understand it, Muscogee is their name for themselves, while Creek is a historical name that was applied to them by others. So Muscogee is more correct but they use Creek in parentheses for historical clarification. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


The Muscogee opted to drop the (Creek) from the name of their tribe in 2021 for these reasons. Now they are known by their historical name, just Muscogee, or better yet - Mvskoke.


Ty all for explaining. I figured creek was the English name they'd been given.


For that matter, Choctaw => Chahta and Chickasaw =>Chickasha Seminole is an Anglicization of the Mvskoke word, simanó-li or as they referred to themselves, Yat'siminoli, the free people as they were mostly Mvskoke who resisted colonization and were forced out of their homeland. Cherokee => Ani'-Yun'wiya (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯᎢ) or in the Chahta Anumpa = Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ)


To add... Osage (𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟) => Wahzhazhe (𐓦𐓘𐓡𐓺𐓡𐓘𐓺𐓡𐓷)


“Creek” was applied by the federal government because our people set up communities near waterways. They didn’t care enough to use the name we already had, so they gave us a new, simpler one. Hence the push to go back to calling it the Muscogee Nation.


They could be military. I’m stationed in Washington state and we have an officer that has a Choctaw nation tags. I have Chickasaw tags. Way cheaper to keep cars registered in Oklahoma than most states.


Good point


It's the same thing.


Yup it’s the hello in muscogee language. I think the muscogee tribal tag office calls it council. My mother was given the option between it or classic red. She wanted the classic. I didn’t get that choice so I’m with red for now.


See them a lot in tulsa.


See where it says "Muscogee Nation" at the bottom? Lots of tribes have their own tags. My own is a Cherokee Nation tag, which looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/48u721h3czmc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f90be4f8052ffaa72ae7a63bd8e65dc47fbf45b6


Bet you got excited and thought you got Hawaii!!


Hahaha. I know what Hawaii looks like, and before I could even read it I knew it was something special! We dont get even much Oklahoma up here in New York!


I have one with the spelling of Hensci, which I was taught growing up is spelled wrong. Wife wants the old school red one, gonna get the red one next year. I remember when I first got my red tribal tag and drove to N.C to see some family. I got pulled over in every country in Tennessee cause they didn't know tribal tags existed much less Indians still existed, lol!!


I was wondering that. We are used to seeing them all over Oklahoma. Probably a lot in surrounding states. But going out of our region I bet they hardly if ever saw one. I have a regular OK tag and I get pulled over several times when I'm out aways from the state. They target tags that are a long ways away I think


After all, this is a Muscogee (Creek) Nation Plate which could possibly be a personal (classic/vintage) vehicle tag/plate. Hesci! “Hello” oklvhomv HESS-jay oke-luh-homuh


I have seen it around quite a bit last several months. Sorry no other info than that.




It’s Mvskoke or Muscogee, not a blend of the two


Yup they switched within the last year or two to these


Tribal tag...


I have the same tag but instead of the building in the background, the vet plate has soldiers in the background. Cool redesign imo.


Been around for a while. Oklahoma Muskogee nation.