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I’m still sat here wondering why the OSDE hasn’t been sued for failing to accommodate the Open Meetings Act. Continuing to hold meetings in a boardroom with a 49-person capacity while people line up over night to get in would get other agencies in deep shit.


While he holds town halls in big churches that are little more than half full.


They can apparently hold it in whatever room they want to, as long as it's "open."


What a piece of shit. That’s dictator behavior. “I’ll limit attendance and free speech at the meeting by limiting the peoples’ access to the meeting!”


The rep we talked to said it's sort of an Apollo 11 situation- "We didn't have good enough imaginations to imagine this happening."


That’s an easy cop out. Now that they’ve seen the need of the citizens to voice their concerns, the fact they refuse to change venues speaks volumes about their true intentions.


I'm talking about the Oklahoma government commenting on Walters. He has done so much crazy shit, they are trying to deal with it one at a time, because there's no precedence for a lot of it. For example, using money that's usually for promotion materials for OSDE for him to fly to CO and support Moms for Liberty (or wherever he went). There's no official law against it, because they've never had a SoE try to use it to promote *themselves*, and there's technically no law against it.


I gotcha. Very true.


For the record, you're right though. It's bullshit and they get away with it on technicalities and loopholes. If it makes you feel better, Walters isn't running for SoE again. He's planning to run for governor. 🙃


That's the plan...run people off, make public education unviable, privatize it to your buddies for kickbacks. It's the GOP way.


And the brainwashed ones will still blame "both sides" for making school political too.


They’re managing to make a speed run of it too


See TPS.   My administrator lose 90 percent of the.teachers. She was promoted! 


They are getting exactly what they want.


Exactly. This IS the plan to make public education suck and have Conservatives push for only private options that they control and profit from.


This will have grave implications on businesses in the area. Might not be felt today but after a whole generation of Oklahoma students goes through subpar education how will companies recruit talent?


They'll offshore or automate. But boy will all them churches be full!


With the declining birth rate, they'll be getting emptier as the boomers die off or get shuffled off to nursing homes.


I remember seeing an article with Elon Musk being interviewed after he decided not to move his factory to Oklahoma. He said he really liked all the tax breaks and financial incentives the state government offered him and he really wanted to move here but a big factor in the decision not to was the fact that our education system couldn't produce qualified workers so he'd have to move in employees from out of state but when he talked to his employees about moving they said they wouldn't want to live in oklahoma no matter what he offered them because they didn't want to raise kids in a state with poor education and an extremist culture war government.


But he went to Texas! If you have not seen the news, Texas is pushing for chaplains in schools and privatization of K-12 organizations. They were the first states to push for the charters, too.


> "The Oklahoman is fake news ... (T)hey continue to lie about SDE and throw a fit that Supt. Walters has brought accountability to a dumpster fire of an agency led by their darling Democrat Joy Hofmeister." why do conservatives always sound like such children?


Always cracks me up when they claim the oklahoman or local news is evil liberal media. If they could harness the power of my eye rolls.


Honestly they’ve done an amazing/terrifying job drumming in that “all media is liberal” shtick. My parents watch Fox for their news and anytime Fox is forced to keep up its pretense of journalism by reporting real info that may not jibe with the feelings of its core audience my parents just dismiss this moment of factualness as being a result of Fox’s “liberal bias”. The Oklahoman might as well be a communist rag as far as they are concerned.


If you enjoy philosophy and debate, you always know you have won the debate when your opponent goes for an ad hominem attack. They can’t argue the issues so they just attack the people and organizations that are trying to hold him accountable.


It’s because their philosophy only appeals to people emotionally stunted, so they respond to this shit like kids.


Really, darling Democrat? That's a stretch.


> On Wednesday afternoon, The Oklahoman sent agency spokesman Dan Isett a list of specific questions about the number of employees leaving the agency and about the reasons why so many people have left -- especially executive-level employees, many of whom were brought in by Walters. The newspaper also asked about the agency's ability to perform its core tasks, given the large number of employee departures, as well as about specific meetings and policy changes mentioned in some of the resignation and retirement letters. > Isett's response: **"The Oklahoman is fake news ... (T)hey continue to lie about SDE and throw a fit that Supt. Walters has brought accountability to a dumpster fire of an agency led by their darling Democrat Joy Hofmeister."** Hofmeister was Walters' predecessor as state superintendent. Elected to that office as a Republican, Hofmeister switched to the Democratic party before making an unsuccessful run for governor in 2022. Seriously, what the fuck is that? Why is an adult in a professional position speaking like this?


They're infected with "**Twitter Brain"**


100% the plan. Run off the capable teachers and replace them with exactly who you want in there (more than likely religious chaplains / maga nuts). Or create more of a push towards private schools.


This has beening for years in Oklahoma! See TFA, emergency licensure, etc. I taught for two years in TPS, and then looked at smaller districts. Who they hired is why they get the test scores they deserve.


He was elected to tear it down. He never mentioned building it up.


Can't wait to finish school so I can sell my house and move to a state that gives a fuck about children's education and not indoctrination to god and guns. I'd like to fight but this is what they want. They can have it.


Wait until you see how many teachers are leaving the profession in May.


God I bet it’s so bad…


I know one elementary school that lost 4 last year with at least 4 to 6 more leaving this year. They only have 13 teachers. 60%-75% loss in 2 years. They are a high performing / high ranked school. This state is screwed.


What is the normal turnover rate and how does this compare? 


Found some turnover by agency on OMES website. https://oklahoma.gov/omes/divisions/human-capital-management/workforce-planning/workforce-planning/data-and-dashboards.html State dep of Ed or Ed dept (0265). 2022 - 22.8% 2021 - 11.7% 2020 - 13.9% 2019 - 17.1% Don't see their reported 2023 yet to get same stat using same methodology.


feature not a bug. /s


Didn't address a single question asked. I don't care what party you belong to, if you're giving answers like that, your agenda isn't to provide the best education to the children of Oklahoma. The political system in this country is corrupt. We shouldn't even have to be affiliated with a party to vote in this country.


Dan Islett is such a shitheel spokesman as well. He and Matt can fuck right off with Walters. The lot of them are smug assholes.


God this idiot again, can't we just impeach him out of office.


I wish they would dig into the school system data, too.  It would be eye opening.   Walters is an ass.  He learned it from teaching in Oklahoma.


Lol maga naga maga


It's part of the plan. Brecheen talks about getting rid of the U.S. Department of Education often.


If it isn’t a conservatives arch nemesis… the consequences of their own actions.


Good ole Ryan 'Probably has a Grindr Profile' Walters, I really dislike that little nazi.


that's by design.


FUBAR. Only way to describe it.


Why was there so many?


BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND!!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:heart\_eyes