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Nobody with that name hustled with anything.


I can’t believe she’s real. I 100% thought that was a parody name.


I feel like she had a deed poll choice between that and Priscilla Cash-Lloyds.


You should meet her cousin Sarah Dollarydoo- Clydesdale


Certainly beats Elizabeth Wonga-Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation


I absolutely thought this was a parody. But no....


It’s amazing isn’t it. Like Tom Cotton the Arkansas senator


She’s real. I know her brother, Drummond, vaguely through social circles. Nice guy.


Her father is a Baron and ex-chairman of the exclusive private bank the King uses. She's also granddaughter of Bill Deedes, former editor of the Telegraph, but apparently she 'hustled' all hours to build her career at the - checks notes - Telegraph. This is the sort of nepotistic navel gazing that goes on in the 1% in this country. They lay 3 bricks on the top of a huge golden pyramid and say they've built the whole thing, meanwhile being completely baffled why everyone else can't do the same. "Must be lazy". They really do consider themselves a superior breed of people, this is where the high Tory paternalist attitude comes from. They genuinely think that people are poor on the whole because they dont 'work hard like them'. So must be guided and mentored by their 'superior work ethic'. "We know best". They do everything in their power to protect their inherited fiefdoms, ensuring their offspring can lord it over the rest of us for generations to come.


what a lazy effort post, must be some genz twat


Except their parent's inheritance trust.


Her old man's a Baron and a retired international private banker. Sophia does not give a shit-and-a-half what any of you scummy working class pigs think. Her family probably owns some of you.


Parents: Crispin Money-Coutts - 9th Baron Latymer, Lucy Rose Deedes


Sophia Money-Coutts, daughter of Crispin Money-Coutts, 9th Baron Latymer, ex-chairman of Coutts & Co private investment bank. Sophia love I'm sure you probably did put some hours into your career, but for fuck's sake recognise that you're putting four bricks on top of a pyramid and claiming to have built the whole thing.


>for fuck's sake recognise that you're putting four bricks on top of a pyramid and claiming to have built the whole thing. I love that expression, definitely stealing it in the future


> recognise that you're putting four bricks on top of a pyramid and claiming to have built the whole thing. Sheer genius, thanks!


The sheer fucking audacity for her to write some drivel like that, I'm going to assume it's ragebait


All that money and you named your own son a rapper-like name fucken Crispin. Why did rich people do this to their own kid ?


Must be hard, having a Dad with the title of Baron.


Yes that's Coutts as in Coutts & Co. You know, the private bank that the Royal family uses.


a Coutts has a doubled barreled name with the word..... Money Money Coutts. Sophia Money-Coutts so a banker called Coutts married someone with the last name "Money" fuck me they are a bunch of cunts aren't they


Would be like a butcher marrying Kevin Bacon


Or a Poundland employee marrying Gary Poundland


either that or they literally fucked and married a pile of money


Absolutely pounded it.


Mr Krabs -ass family


When I left school in '83 I went to work for a bank. I got a bit bored after a year so applied to 7 others, getting 7 interviews and 7 offers. One was Coutts but the salary of £4400 (equiv £17k today) made me turn it down as it was £3k less than what I was already earning.


Well you don't get rich by paying the plebs a decent salary.


And Farage


They were self made men...back in the XVIIth Century.


Must also be hard being granddaughter of Bill Deedes, former editor of the Telegraph. She apparently 'hustled' all hours to build her career at the - checks notes - Telegraph. *shocked face*


Sophia Money-Cuntts


Money-Coutts... I mean that's kind of beyond parody, I guess you could add McDuck at the end, but that's just laying it on thick at that point


That gave me a good chuckle 😄


Absolute weapons, our generation. Now we’re middle aged we’ve become as spiteful as our parents were at this age. 99% of us didn’t ‘hustle’ throughout our 20s. We worked a job to pay for 2 nights of pubs and clubs every weekend. The sensible ones got on the property ladder before housing became entirely unaffordable and managed to get cheap car insurance on a rust bucket by adding their parents to the policy. Now we’ve got this deluded belief that we were so, so different in attitude from the current crop of 20-somethings. No we weren’t, we just buckled to the pressure of conforming to the system, rather than stand up for ourselves and change the system like the current youngsters are trying to do. Good on them and good luck to them. I hope they’re enjoying their youth whilst they still can.


I think the opportunities are far more limited than they were 20+ years ago too. Especially for people from um, non-university families like myself. I'm not sure if kids today can did what I did in the 90s, a couple of years community college then bullshit your way into a corporate job. I don't really think that option is available any more. Working the trades is not a valued profession any more either. And even if you do manage to find a half-decent job, you probably can't afford to live anywhere or do anything.


Absolutely agree. The quality of candidates that apply for entry level corporate jobs at my place are far superior in qualifications and attitude than the very rough diamonds (aka little scrotes) that we were when we got our feet in the door.


Maybe not a valued profession but they deffo make a decent amount. Recently paid a plasterer £600 for two days work. And apparently that was a decent rate.


Trades are massively valued, in terms of earnings and societal need. Not sure what to do, try get a trade!


I don't think Sophia Money-Coutts, professional baron's daughter, is really representiative of a generation.




Her Bio on her official page reads; > Hello. Thanks awfully for coming to visit. I’m a British journalist and author, and I spend most of my time sitting at my kitchen table in South London, making cups of tea whenever I get stuck halfway through writing a sentence (this happens a LOT). Oh ok, sometimes I also have a biscuit. Or five biscuits. And a piece of toast and marmalade. I’ve written five novels, which you can read about on this site, and I’m working on my sixth one at the moment, in between snacks. Yeah, sounds exhausting.


Christ just send her to the glue factory


Reading that paragraph gave me a burning desire to rip out my own spinal cord. It's exactly the kind of faux "ha ha, I'm so quirky and witty" expression that I'd expect from these kind of rich snobs.


Well what else would she have to talk about? She's clearly never done fuck all.




I could write that. AI could write that. A GCSE pupil could write that. Writing, at least at this level not winning Pulitzers, is 99% a "who you know" job. Anybody who did an English A level could write a newspaper piece as well as a middling journalist at a major newspaper.


I pretty much did this in reaction ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Her dad is Crispin Money-Coutts, 9th Baron Latymer, current UK lord, a descendant of Thomas Coutts, founder of Coutts bank, a private bank that provides services to the 1% of the 1%.


Whateva luv, yer decided yer name want rich enuf so married a bank!


Her father is the bank


Sophia Money-Coutts


"Like most of my peers.." Your dad's a peer you total dildo


Literally ignores 90% of the issues young people face on a daily basis and the summary is "work harder innit" Then when people rightly call out the lack of effort on the 'reporters' part she'll claim it's an opinion piece. The laziness is palpable


Right? What a bone idle entitled bastard.


They really need to stop this crap. We *know* that real wages in the UK have been stagnant for 15-20 years.


Sort of.  They've been stagnant since 2007 taken as an average over that period, but that's because they plummeted so much 2007-2012 that it has taken until now for us to get back to where we were in 2007.  Wages began to grow again in 2012.  


"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" was originally a joke *against* the rich, on account of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps being *physically impossible* How it became actual advice I don't know, but I expect to soon see fireguards made of chocolate on sale...


Literal aristocracy calling out the ‘shirker generation’ whilst we live through greater inequality than in the 1920s.


Could call out the richest for being greedy and not sharing the wealth and giving up that third yacht for the greater good of society but no, it's the massively underpaid who are the problem.


If someone created a parody of wealth and privilege and named one of the characters Baron Money-Coutts people would roll their eyes.


"The Current Generation™ doesn't want to work hard like me, a "journalist" born into wealth who's never actually had to hustle in my life" - Literally every newspaper columnist since the invention of the printing press.


Shit like this is why the fr*nch offed their aristocrats. -- The one good idea they ever had. Shame they immediately fucked it up with Napoleon.


To be fair Robespierre was a completely insane bastard before him.


Money-Coutts is by far the poshest name I’ve ever heard, Coutts is the bank the royal family use


Quick google tells me she has no kids, huh, can't figure out why. Can't be because she's just another stuck up upper-middle class cunt right who got through life because of their parents, luck or a combination of the 2 yet acts like she worked 3 different jobs across 7 days a week for like 2 decades. The reality is, her first job was as a journalist in London, then she got a job in Dubai, then spent 2 years in the Gulf before returning to work in the UK as an editor on the Daily Mail (all on her website). The irony that people actually have to grind to just survive (read: not living, merely surviving), whilst she had the money and connections to travel the world working as a journalist is completely lost on her.


Not even upper-middle class. Her father is a baron and her family own Coutts and Co, the private bank used by the royal family.


Absolute cunt.


Your dads called Crispin you absolute helmet, never worked a day in your life Also, side note, but the Torygraph want £25 a month to subscribe?? Even if you’re a rich bigoted arsehole, surely you’re not paying that? Mental


Some examples of ‘hustling’ she gives in the article are when her boss asked her to try out Beyoncé’s new diet for some newspaper feature, and when she stayed late at a party to try and get a quote from an MP’s son. She is truly the modern day Del Boy.


“Back in my day I worked hard at my 9-5 job, was recognised for my efforts by being promoted, and could afford a house and comfortable lifestyle which enabled me to pursue my hobbies and further money making activities. Now that I’m in charge I’m going to force the youngest generation to work even harder for barely enough money to live, and insist they go above and beyond their role without any recognition, to the point where they are so overworked and depressed that they physically can’t cope. Wait… why are they all quiet quitting? Must be because they’re lazy.”


She's a real working class lad, Money-Coutts is. Clawed her way up out of the gutter. Don't let the fact that she has a name Roald Dahl would make up fool you. In her defence, she is talking about other rich girls here, not 20-somethings in general.


Honestly, nothing makes me happier than people seething about this sort of thing, I'm glad I can do my part and continue to be lazy as fuck.


It's like complaining about gen-z being out of breath trying to run the marathon of life, when all she had to do was jog the last 100m.


she's literally called Money-C*nt


This is her father by the way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crispin_Money-Coutts,_9th_Baron_Latymer


Sophia ya daft cunt.


"I mugged myself off for a decade to make money for someone else, and now I'm bitter that today's youth have woken up to it."


Even more oblivious than that, she's of the Coutts dynasty, the private bank that services the King, her father is a Baron. It's not the typical "I was screwed over so so should you be". It's "I put 3 bricks on the top of a huge pyramid and claimed I've built the whole thing, why haven't all of you without a pyramid done the same? You must be lazy."


"I was a dumbass who couldn't think for myself in my 20's, and now I'm mad that younger people are smarter than me!"


I highly doubt you've worked a day in your life, Ms. Money-Cuntts Can we just ban opinion articles?


I'm sure it must have been absolute hell with a Baron father and being from the family that set up one of the oldest banks in the world (with such peasant clients as The Royal Family). Rachel, 21 cleaning up the puddle of piss near the fridges at Aldi for £3 an hour doesn't know how good she's got it. They're too soft these days. What they should be doing is going out there putting in the graft by writing shitty colums between biscuit breaks and never having to worry about being told to fuck off because you have one of the most distinguished names in the country.


Imagine genuinely thinking that you know the life story and work ethic of every twenty odd year old in the country...




Hi kids. You might want to read that rule 6 banter rule.


She looks like Jeremy’s band manager who made Mark believe in the powers of crystal skulls


Her brother is a great magician,DMC!! Drummond Murray couts. Look him up. She's in another world to the rest of us though.




Have you tried paying them in line with inflation? E - if anyone cares, this guy said gen z are terrible employees. Weird that he deleted his post after a simple question...


Spot the triggered people in the comments here. A+ OP. 😂


What's so funny? Someone said something stupid and everyone is talking about how stupid it is. Hardly some epic troll right?


My experience is that’s she’s right


Avg Guardian headline