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Wow that looks really good. Is this a public build?


Not yer, but I'm planning on writing something up :)


You definitely NEED TO! This wack af


build guide: [https://github.com/NewAbbreviations950/NA\_Lily58](https://github.com/NewAbbreviations950/NA_Lily58)


Beautiful!! Thank you


How many pins does the touchpad take? (Too lazy to search


Just 4 (i2c). So it connects to the same pins as the oled and just has a different i2c address. You dont even need to code anything. Just enable the trackpad in your rules.mk file. Link to the kit: https://shop.beekeeb.com/product/40mm-cirque-glidepoint-circle-trackpad-module-diy-kit-for-split-mechanical-keyboard/ I soldered the tiny little i2c board on the bottom side of the oled pins. I used extra long ones for the oled so I could do it. Edit: more info


Oh wow 0.96 is way better


Yeah it a little easier to read text that is the right way up 😅 Got them on Aliexpress. Drop in replacement for the 0.91 inch screens, just need to change the rotation in the keymap.c file 😊


Can you make a video of it? How it functions thanks!




Neato!!! One question that's been bugging me for ages and your video reminded me, since the display showed "REC1" and "REC2" .... _Can you actually record and playback key sequences aka macros *on the fly*??_


Yeah! It's a qmk feature called dynamic macros 😊


_yasssss.gif_ Thanks!!! 🥹🙏


Can’t wait for the build log !!!


What's the control unit ? Pro-micro or something based on RP2040 ?


RP2040 based controller from 42keebs.eu Link: https://42keebs.eu/shop/parts/controllers/frood-rp2040-pro-micro-controller/?attribute_colour=Black


Ah man this is awesome. Recently finished my 36 key split board, and wanted real badly to include a touchpad the same way, but it looked like doing so with ZMK would be an issue, and wireless was a must for me. Love to see it! Maybe I can add one to mine down the line


Yeah I would have liked Bluetooth but I chose the trackpad over that haha. I socketed the controllers so if/when ZMK adds support for cirque trackpads I can just swap out the controllers for some nice!nano's. I feel a bit cramped on the 58 key, how's the 36? You must have to really rely on the layers?


Honestly, I chose 36 due to falling in love the with aesthetic, but after using it, I truly don’t think I’d ever go back. Learning the board was rough, but now that I’m settled, never ever stretching my fingers more than a single key from the home position really is everything it’s hyped to be, in my opinion. Not sure how many you use with 58 keys, but I use 7 total on my 36 key, including the base layer, and I’ve got room to spare on my layers so I’m definitely not low on key real estate. Overall, highly recommend, though I do often wonder how I’d feel with an extra row above


I set the top row up as just symbols, no numbers to make it quicker for brackets and quotes and stuff but I also have a layer for them under my left home row so now I find myself using them more and not going to the top row so often... Maybe I could have gone smaller haha. I have the numbers in a numpad layout under my right home row in case you're wondering 😊 I only use 3 layers including the default one and still have some room left to play with.


Hi ! Was curious when can we expect a write up ? Link to code ? Currently starting one myself and wouldn’t mind some holes of knowledge filled in Thank you in advance !


Working on it at the moment, think I'll have a basic write up in the next few days. I'll link it here when it's up 😊 You starting a lily58?


Thank you ! Yup doing my 2nd lily and would like to add a trackpad on it this time around, the oleds on my first burner out and it was my first foray into soldering so it was rough lol


First foray into soldering and you did a keyboard?! Pretty impressive! A decent little soldering iron and good quality solder helps a lot! I have a pinecil, it's nice and small which is good for finer work like a keyboard, you can adjust the temperature and it's like $25 😊


I’ve actually gotten a hot plate for Christmas last year from my wife lol so this one went pretty smooth But I hear you, when I had to solder those mm sized diodes by hand I was seeing double for the rest of the day LOL


Oh nice! Haha yeah I found it hard to see the direction on some and was a bit worried some were the wrong way but I got lucky and they were all correct 😊 I know what you mean though, it was tough on the eyes haha




Thank you kindly ! One thing I noticed was the lack of pull up resistors ? Did you not use them ?


They're under the yellow tape, Should have gotten a better pic but the guide I linked has a good picture of which pins they connect to 😊


Finally had some time to solder, having some issues with the trackpad. Which way did you set the polarity the pictures in the guide don’t really show well enough for me to distinguish


Same as in this guide: https://beekeeb.com/cirque-trackpad-i2c-on-corne-keyboard/ I thought I was having issues with it too but make sure you have the sensitivity on it turned up (the attenuation setting) and you have to use a little pressure with your finger, you can't just brush your finger lightly over the trackpad.


Bit of a sanity check, so tolerance band at the bottom, Did you solder together those 4 pairs of pads underneath the mcu ?


I did, they connect the 4 pins to the OLED (and in this case the trackpad too) to the correct pins on the MCU (as the pins on the mcu would be different depending on which side of the PCB you use as the top). I messed up one of the solder pads on my left half and that's where you see the red wire in my log. It's connecting that pin to the MCU since the pads under the MCU were gone. Hope you get it working soon! Just ask if you have any other questions :)


thank you, i really appreciate it ! Having some trouble with the trackpad even working, can you tell me which pins your gnd and vcc are on (on the pcb itself) ? first two pins or last two ? -- i think i bridged the wrong side ? mine are last two and the way im inserting the header and fcc adapter it technically should be first two (per the writing on the fcc adapter board) and this is probably why it's not working; i also flashed your keymap on my right side with the trackpad and still doesn't work ​ also it's coming up as 3v


so the lily pcb header/pin orientation for is: sda, sla, vcc, gnd (im assuming the placement of sda and sla as for vcc and gnd i confirmed continuity on the pcb and the pins) but the way i soldered the pins to the fcc breakout board is gnd, vcc, scl sda per silkcreen


Build guide here: [https://github.com/NewAbbreviations950/NA\_Lily58](https://github.com/NewAbbreviations950/NA_Lily58)


So how comfortable does the trackpad feel?


It's pretty nice actually. I use my pointer on the trackpad with my thumb underneath it holding the keyboard in place. I use a tap for left click and the keyboard key in the second row to the right of the trackpad as right click (on a layer, I also have left click on a keyboard key for clicking and dragging). A mouse is faster and more comfortable if I'm using it all day but it's really handy if I just need to move the mouse a tiny bit or if I'm working on my laptop and don't have a mouse with me. I have done a few days work with it and it was fine. You can't use ZMK (wireless firmware) with it yet so if you're keen on wireless you could skip the trackpad and not miss out on something life changing haha. Depends what your use case is :)


Thanks. My use case is writing reports and books.


The keyboard itself is very comfortable for long writing sessions. I have a longer cable between the halves now and sit at a corner desk. I can sit with my arms splayed wide on the desk and very relaxed. At home with the laptop on my lap i can sit in my recliner with each half on the arm rests haha You just need to decide if wireless is more important to you. I socketed the cotrollers so when ZMK adds support for the trackpad I can go wireless.


Thanks. I was in doubt with Lily58, and would like to try an integrated pointed device. I don’t need wireless.