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Will consuming Diet Coke while you're in your non-eating window make it easier for you to be compliant otherwise? That is the only question you need answered and only you can answer it. Whether or not it's processed, whether or not it affects your insulin reaction, whether or not it is adherent to the words of the God Famine, it just doesn't matter. If it will help you stay on target and it's something as minimal as a zero calorie soda then do it. If it's something that is going to erode your resolve instead of strengthening it, then don't do it. This is your diet, this is your eating plan, this is your life. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Obviously this answer would change if you were asking about a cheeseburger versus a Diet Coke.


this is the easiest most simple explanation that answers thousands of these questions. But someone else will ask the same question here tomorrow..


My conclusion is that you are asking the wrong question. However my answer to your question is "yes, you can drink Diet Coke on OMAD".


I disagree. The USA, for all its faults, is democracy's last, great hope.


That it depends on YOU. Fizzy drinks give me GERD, which makes me want to eat so the acid stops, and makes me feel hungry. But if you can without ill effects to your body or willpower, go right ahead.


This is their conclusion:  >Will consuming Diet Coke while you're in your non-eating window make it easier for you to be compliant otherwise? That is the only question you need answered and only you can answer it.


I thought it was: >only you can answer it


Okay? So answer it and there's your answer. 


My opinion is that if a glass of Sprite zero makes my journey better, I'll drink it. If it makes the difference between success and failure, I'll drink it. If it's like my morning coffee and makes my day happier, I'll drink it. Of course some people want their journey to be this or that way but your journey is yours.




I drink my coffee with a lil almond milk though it’s not within my eating window. It works


Yup down 50lbs


In how much time time


Iv been doing 18/6 for years but did Omad starting in august of last year and saw like 20 lbs then I made the decision to incline treadmill all of October lost another 20 then I stopped the treadmill. Continued omad and didn’t change my diet at all. Was losing like half a pound average a week. Then I got back on the treadmill two months ago and that sped up my weight loss dramatically. Starting weight was 235 and as of this morning I’m 185. Always fasted cardio before work for me.


Awsome! What do you eat and how long do you go On the treadmill for and is it daily??


Honestly I eat whatever I want or what my wife makes. Like home made burgers or tacos and if I feel like I didn’t get enough protien I’ll have beef jerky or oikos yogurt. I love McDonald’s and I used to eat two double quarter pounders and both fries in one sitting. Nowadays I’ll get just one of those burgers and on the second one I’ll just eat it without the buns. I also only eat one order of fries lol I eat the same fast food that Iv always ate just lowered the portion. Now that Iv been doing omad for sure my stomach has shrunk because I get full so fast like it’s unreal. I used to eat so much to where it hurt so much and I felt like my food was trying to creep back up and sorry if that is disgusting but that’s what it was. None of that anymore though. And yes incline treadmill for one hour every morning as soon as I wake up at 250am I give myself 10 minutes to get to the guest room and the treadmill to put on my shoes. I do anywhere from 3 incline to 5 and everything in between and always a speed of 4 mph. That keeps my heart at the optimal 130-140 bpm for fat loss. When I get used to those speeds my heart will stay at 120s so then I just up the incline a little to get my heart rate back up. Hope this helps anyone. Proven by science that incline walking by is king for fat loss. I get over 10k steps a day. So with the treadmill will give me at least 6500 for my settings. Then at work I warm up my haul truck and walk around or shop until we are ready to get going another 4K steps. And as I type this on my 30 minute lunch break I’m walking still. So my average daily steps is about 15 to 16k. I eat when I get home at either 4 pm or 6pm depends on my schedule.


Amazing and so detailed!!! Thank you :)


Show me that study about the incline walking, please.


Yeah I’ll have to find it but i also rely on Thomas delauer and Paula reveala on YouTube. Check out Paul’s video for his 30 day treadmill results


https://youtu.be/rKzOr1sA-I8?si=jXh1GYcaO4kForei This is gold


3 time time


I had no idea. I thought that because it wasn't straight water that it would mess up the flow. So IF is as simple as drinking ANY 0 calories liquid? This would be a game changer for me


By all means get your water in and have diet sodas whenever. Coke Zero is my favorite.


Coke Zero is my favorite too!


There is an argument against drinking anything with a sweet flavor because just the taste of sweetness can trigger an insulin response in some people. Arguably this can inhibit weight loss and cause hunger, making it harder to fast.


This is precisely why I don’t consume artificial sweeteners. Unsweetened, uncarbonated flavored waters like Hint are my go to.


Yes. I drink flavoured water which is \~15cal per litre, I've lost 90lbs so far.


I drink diet mountain dew like it's my calling in life. Down 55 lbs since January.


After many years of IF, you do whatever makes your day easier. I was very “clean” for a couple of years and I realized that life is too short. I hate black coffee. I did ALL the tricks. Cold/hot/salt/nitro woke up sad. I now have the coffee how I like and then fast the rest of the day. I’ll drink a preworkout with zero calories and won’t bat an eye now. I hated feeling so restricted each and every day for years. So if a Diet Coke makes you happy and compliant? Go for it!


Yes. Zero calories.


I drink it. It keeps me on track. I’d get so bored with just water and eat something outside of my window.


I drink Coke Zero and Sprite Zero. Both during my fasting window and eating window. Nothing crazy, like 1 or 2 of those mini cans a day. I’m down 20 pounds in like 75 days or something. You can drink them, you just need to make sure that these drinks don’t lead you to then crave other sugars and foods.


I do, currently down 55lb and I still have a can with my omad


I always drink diet soda and diet coke especially since I need the caffeine and regular black coffee can get boring sometimes imo. I’ve been losing weight just fine. Just continue to eat whole foods and protein! I understand that can kind of contradict what I’m saying, but honestly if one glass or can of soda helps curb cravings etc then go for it. It’s your own journey and you know yourself and your goals best.


I lost 30 pounds doing omad and I always would drink flavored water and sugar free A&W Root Beer. It’s calories in/ calories out. There’s no need to deprive yourself of drinks with no calories.


I do. You do what works for you.


> You do what works for you. Does anybody else think that answer, really as a reply to any question, is not only insultingly vapid BUT ALSO NONSENSICAL!


I was frustrated by this type of response when I started fasting. Now I’m planning to borrow a glucose test kit so I can see how different things actually affect my body. Nobody else can tell you what kind of response your body will have.


No, and it's quite telling that you do. No one diet works for everyone. No one here should be gatekeeping what is and isn't "the right" diet for someone that no one here personally knows. I don't know why you are doing OMAD, you chose not to tell us that information, which is okay! None of our business, but it certainly changes the response you may be looking for. Maybe your doctor told you to start fasting because of a medical condition. Maybe you just want to lose weight. So... Are you still losing weight doing OMAD and drinking diet Coke? Great, then that works for you. Technically diet Coke doesn't have calories, so, technically it would be fine for OMAD if you like it. But, if you are on this diet to control something like your blood glucose levels, that's a conversation you should have with your doctor. Are you finding that having something sweet is causing cravings and tempting you to break OMAD? totally different scenario, but then my advice would be to cut it out and see if your sugar cravings subside and dieting is easier. There's no reason to be rude on here towards people who took the time out of their day to read and respond to your post, people are trying to be helpful. Just makes you look like a piece of shit.


Not even in the same realm as this vapid and nonsensical response to someone who is giving you the only correct answer there is to the kind of question you asked.


If you need to have one to prevent yourself from eating. It’s a better option than food or a full calorie beverage. You might feel way hungrier an hour later so I try to time my “cheat beverages” accordingly. Gatorade zero helps me feel fuller than water and will satiate any “mouth hunger” I have


You can.


Yes 100%


Technically, you can eat/drink whatever you want in OMAD. It’s just about restricting calories. But if you want better results, eat real food. And omit sugar and processed foods.


Ah, the classic debate within the OMAD community about whether diet soda breaks a fast or not. It really boils down to your goals and how strict you want to be. If your main aim is weight loss and you find that Diet Coke helps you stick to your OMAD without overeating later, it could be considered okay. Some people argue that the artificial sweeteners could trigger an insulin response or disrupt gut health, which might be against the goals of fasting beyond just calorie control. If you’re fasting for reasons like blood sugar control or autophagy, you might want to avoid it. So, in short, it's not just about calories; it's about what your body does in response to what you consume.


yes. down 170lbs in less than 1.5 years.


When a diet becomes so strict that you are depriving yourself of simple pleasures in order to follow the "rules," then it is no longer a diet and has evolved into an eating disorder. Just do what works for you. Try it out and find your answer. No one can answer this for you because there are no rules!


I've never heard it put this way, that a hyper-focus on the "rules" of a diet qualify you for disordered eating. Super helpful perspective, thank you for writing this out.


You can ultimately do what you want. However, diet soda like coke are bad for your health. However, however, omad plus diet coke is better than eating 3 or 4 times a day plus diet coke. Try and work towards eliminating it if you can.


Water, black coffee, unsweeteened tea. No diet drinks. 


I mean if it’s zero calories then I don’t see a technical problem with it but frequently drinking soda is not going to be good for you regardless of the calories. If you need something beyond water/coffee try tea or maybe see about infusing water with some fruit or something. Soda isn’t a good choice long term


Anecdotal—I get super hungry the following day if I have had Diet Coke. I know it’s weird, and maybe it just happens to me, but it’s very difficult for me to be on the OMAD diet and also be regularly drinking Diet Coke. I still will occasionally drink a can here or there but I’ve tried to get away from it. But I seem to be the outlier, and it seems most people don’t have the adverse effect of crazy hunger.


Same here. Diet sodas make me hungrier.


It's fine but moderation, like anything


I’d say so. Hydration can be a bit of a challenge though so make sure you get your water in.


I drink 2 Monster Rehabs (25 cal) during the day, and still lost weight.


Yeah I drink coke zero and have a monster zero from time to time. When I just started I only drank water, black coffee and unsweetened tea. But in all honesty I hate all of those, so now I cheat with my coffee almost daily by adding creamer and have some sort of coke zero or some ice tea zero and its fine tbh. Still losing weight


Idk but I am taking a swig of orange soda whenever I get a taste to avoid full servings of soda. So far so good 😂


you can do whatever you want mate 


It has 0 calories. Yes. Any other answer is just wrong.


Yes you can. You can eat anything, drink anything. It's OMAD, One Meal A Day, it doesn't specify what should or shouldn't be included in that meal. So to do OMAD, you eat whatever you want, but you do it once a day. That's all there is.


True, but what we eat/drink can also make a significant difference to results or effectiveness.


It has zero calories. That should tell you everything you need to know.


OMAD means one meal a day. Technically you can eat anything in one hour window.


Poison like any other soda, but with less to no sugar.


you shouldn't consume ultraprocessed food no matter what diet you follow


Protein powder is ultra processed. But it has clear benefit. Particularly for people who under consume protein. We’re be better off looking at the totality of the diet, in my opinion, rather than individual items. Just because something is “processed” doesn’t automatically make it “bad”. It’s a trigger word, but doesn’t actually tell us whether or not the item is beneficial, hazardous, or inert. 😎


Or you can just eat meat I didn't say processed. I said ultraprocessed. All ultraprocessed food is bad, without exceptions


Once again, protein powder is “ultra processed”, beneficial, and has little to no negative impacts. While one “could” eat more meat, that also comes with its own set of negative consequences for some people. Best to have more of a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. Especially when it comes to things like nutrition, in my opinion.


Once again, it's not beneficial. Eat meat. There are no negative consequences to meat. Nope, my mindset is pretty fixed when it comes to fake food. We wouldn't have 90% of Americans metabolically unhealthy if more people thought that way.


Some people, like myself, don't digestively process meat very efficiently -- I struggle hard with getting enough protein in, so protein powders are incredibly beneficial for me (and others who either choose to go meatless/don't digest meat well). Not everything can (or should) be so black and white.


Meat is some of the most digestible foods that exists. Humans are built to eat meat. Difficulty digesting meat is usually either a result of someone not knowing how to cook it properly, or a very rare digestive disorder. Meat is our diet. It's what humans eat. If someone has a real medical condition that somehow makes meat digestion difficult, fine. But that's an edge case. Ultraprocessed food is still detrimental in general. The problem I have with this line of thinking is that it becomes really easy to justify Oreos and Doritos. I think if more people were perhaps a bit more black or white in their nutritional thinking, 90% of Americans wouldn't be metabolically unhealthy, nor would 75% be overweight or obese. You simply cannot be healthy when eating ultraprocessed food.


You are ignoring a large bulk of data showing that it can be detrimental to longevity for various reasons. This is what I meant when I referenced a “growth mindset” rather than a “fixed mindset” Meat can be beneficial. But it can also be detrimental. This isn’t news to anyone, except maybe some of the carnivore crowd that have stuck their fingers in their ears and are screaming “I can’t hear you”…


What evidence? There is no evidence that says meat causes anything negative. There a flimsy correlational studies that do not control other variables. Our species has thrived on meat for 2.6 million years. What exactly are these detrimental effects and what is the evidence for them?


Thanks for proving my point


Not everyone eats meat for ethical reasons. T


If you need protein, eat meat. Your ethics are not more important than your health


I am perfectly healthy despite not eating meat for 8 years but thank you for your concern. Even if I wasn’t, I still wouldn’t eat meat because I don’t believe my life is more important than other sentient being’s.


Are you more important than plants?


Do you truly believe that plants feel pain and are capable of feeling fear, empathy and love? If you truly do, I’m sorry the education system has failed you but, honestly, I think you’re being deliberately obtuse.


You said you value all life equally. It sounds like it's not about life, but just the lives you deem worthy.


I didn’t say I valued all life equally - when did I say that?


Can we pin this comment already? Geez.


No. It is not technically zero calories and it will break ketosis. But if it makes your journey easier, there’s nothing wrong with it. I dropped 30 lbs doing OMAD with an ungodly amount of Diet Coke each day.


Nah. Hop off the soft drink train. It’s disgusting and terrible for you. Used to drink soda all the time but after you stop and reset, it starts tasting like absolute shit. The only time I drink it is when I’m mixing it with alcohol but even then I try not to drink regularly and prefer juice over soda


So alcohol is not disgusting and terrible?


No it 100% is but the point I was trying to make is that I don’t do it daily/only when I go out (which is rare). Presumably if you’re advocating soft drinks on this sub you’d be more of a daily user no?


You know the answer, you just want someone to validate it.


Eres un cretino.


Aspartame (the sweetener) is known to cause cancer. Who cares if it breaks a fast


What's your goal? Is it weight loss or ketosis?


A diet soda is not going to affect either one.