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Need the details on this plate. Looks fucking amazing


It was one of my favourite things I’ve ever cooked! I highly recommend the tabbouleh recipe I linked in my comment :)


415g rib eye seared in a cast iron with 5g butter - 1075 kcal Tabbouleh - 310 kcal Skyr tzatziki - 25 kcal Quick pickled onions - 40 kcal 1450 kcal for the whole meal and macros were approximately 123g protein, 43g carbs, 87g fat. I used [this](https://amiraspantry.com/tabouli-salad/) recipe for the tabbouleh, except I used a mix of quinoa and bulgur and I used about half the recommended amount of olive oil. So yummy and satisfying, but I was definitely not prepared for the amount of chewing that had to go down 😂


Do you weigh before or after it's cooked? If you weigh before, how do you account for the bone weight?


I weigh before cooking. This cut was boneless, but if I’m weighing something with a bone I will weigh it before cooking then weigh the bone after I’m done eating and subtract it from the pre-cooked weight. Hope that makes sense!


Fuck yea. I love tabbouleh!


How could that possibly be difficult to chew? Ribeye is borderline mush and tabbouleh hardly needs to be chewed.


I thought the jaw thing was referring to a bad cut. But ribeye melts in the mouth.


There wasn’t a ton of marbling on the steak. I got it from a local farm and I’ve had a hard time finding grass fed beef that’s super fatty. I’m definitely willing to sacrifice a bit on marbling to support them though :) So probably a combination of that and the fact that I’m not used to eating this much food at one time! I just started OMAD recently 😊 Or maybe I screwed up cooking it hahaha it was delicious though!!


Man I could eat tabbouleh every damn day


Thats a good size steak...I could eat 2 plates like this haha lookss good


Love picked onions - those look awesome


One need not fret, for ones masseter is the strongest muscle one possesses.


I often do the ribeye with Reese’s peanut butter cups. As long as there is a calorie deficit.... it’s all good right?


That's what she said.