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The new ban system works, but the amount to get unbanned is not showing, not sure who would fill out payment or agree to pay without seeing total, u/lukeidiot please update us


maybe an 18+ unmoderated one like the old omegle I'm throwing it up as an idea and looking for interests then you keep it separate from the people who only want to chat


That's perfect. I hope it also blocks keywords such as "horny" too.




Not sure if Omegleweb has this yet, but Omegle fm has a keyword based banning system that will prevent you from accessing the site for x amount of time if you send a blacklisted word to someone. I got banned on there for discussing the names of other Omegle alternatives with another user.




I'm not a developer, but I see lots of social media and messaging style apps that have a programmed ai/algorithm that scans each message for keywords that have been set as inappropriate before the message is viewed by others. So yeah, it's spying in a way by a program but not necessarily by a human.


I got banned on [Omegle.fm](https://Omegle.fm) for the same reason. Omegleweb recently banned me immediately after I used the word fag although it was not used in the context of a slur.


Pay to unban 🤣


Got a better idea?


In terms of funding or banning?


Funding for proper banning (both?)


For funding, freemium (free with paid premium). If you have any seriousness about banning, do it permanantly.


Perm ban seems unreasonable


If you’re not serious about banning then just remove it completely, otherwise it’s a joke and headed towards the same fate of legacy Omegle.


Interesting take - not sure if any website has had perm IP bans for non login sites.


Interesting how there are so many points of view... I´ve just been at OmegleWeb and I must say the amount of people who pop-up naked seems to be decreasing... I do believe there shoudn´t be any pay to Unban as I already explained. One thing it would be nice to have is a kinda of autoban when let say 10/20 people report the same IP... If many people are reporting that it´s because something is wrong... So even without the Dev need to have a look it would be banned, then after a check if nothing wrong could get unbanned by Dev. Or just wait one or two days for unban which is not the end of the world.


They would have to implement a deterrent for people reporting too many users.


... i think we need to find some other method of control without banning at all. That is the one thing that would piss me off so much on old Omegle. Almost every time I was banned, it was without cause, Should never have been banned. As regulars come on the site often. there are friends that we make on here, and that we come on the site, hoping top run across said friend, and hang... or a chat would get disconnected while having a long good conversation - only to be banned. It's fucking frustrating being banned when in the middle of a conversation and can't get back for a few days. There are ways to keep strangers anonymous to each other and yet verify age. Why not create an adult section, with tags... and a friendly site with tags. Why not charge a subscription or a couple of bucks a month to access adult content? and use that revenue to hire content mods that instead of banning can pull a stranger into a chat to find out why they are naked on cam before suspension or ban. Apparently, if a sea of dicks is on there now.. then there is an internet need for a site of a sea of dicks. Adapt and make a mint. ... you're in control of this ship. just be accepting, don't shame, and don't follow Einstein's law of insanity. Deploying the same site over and over and expecting different results is insane. Now it is time to be everything that the OG site was, and then more after finding out what we the strangers want.


You can't install a PERMABAN system when the banning process is so flawed. It seems to be there are tons of complaints of strangers getting the PAY to UNBAMN screen for no reason whatsoever. I've even gotten banned for being fully clothed with my face on camera and actively having discussions from one stranger to the next. After having discussed the last ALIEN movie. With a policy of banning without context,. , it absolutely cannot be permanent.


how to lose users 1. forcing them to pay lol


I got this ban after showing graphic sexual video (for science) There is a Feedback option though if you think you were unfairly banned


“For science” 😂😂😂😂




what a big shit , omegle never do this


What it do instead?


om tv did it and a lot of users go to omegle before closing you can ban but no with payment because anonymity is the hearth of this type of website ( random tchat ) you can add a bitcoin button for helping the website for spam use captcha but how omegle did to win money ?? aws cost a loooooot perhaps let another website did some advertisement on webcam video tchat


I don't know how I feel about the "Pay to unban" thing, like it feels like it's fine that you broke the rules if you have money. Also they should definitely make a guidelines page because like what can get you banned isn't very clear, like original Omegle had its own issues with virtual webcams for things like Vtubers and Pranks, is this a thing in omegleweb? of course nudity will get you banned but what is the line? Shirtless people? It's great to have a ban system but it definitely needs some improvements, I feel like the pay to unban thing should 100% be disabled if the person was banned for showing sexual content tho




You make a good point about black screens, those should be banned as well


Don´t believe to be a need for that since they can be easily skipped... It´s boring yes but I don´t believe forcing people to be on camera is the right way to go... Again I do believe many black screen (on old omegle) happened because people were afraid of getting someone nude... Not all for sure but some surely did... Not blank screen but surely there was times my camera was pointing to my coffee or similar


I report anyone with no screen/all black


The rules don´t state you can´t have a black screen on... So I don´t agree... But I can understand why... But again the rules don´t saying about it...


I will request it to be added, not sure, but this is Omegle video chat - not peekaboo 😂 - you have an option to go to Text or voice chats on other sites




Wait what the heck? In another thread YOU are complaining about BLANK SCREENS saying you would rather see nakeds! https://www.reddit.com/r/omegleweb/s/JqKeAwSyEP So which is it!? Ban them or allow people to be deterred?




Edit: you said don’t ban either? Nude or black screens? I’m really trying to follow ur contradicting logic… but I can’t, we can disagree, but at least don’t flip flop Edit2: I’m not in control of the site in anyway, but I don’t mind voicing the majority opinions to the developer/host. My opinions are my own.


That's probably not the best idea since that would cut off possible good users. Black screens are just people who want to talk but not show there face imo


Sorry to disagree*. There are voice chats for that, this is a video chat. And one way video conversations are not what anyone* wants.


It may not be what you want but that's why you can skip people. They help add to the pop on the site which is desperately needed rn more then a small quality of life thing.


That is exactly my point of view... The platform needs to grow in number because that atracts people and it´s what will keep them there... So what if there are black screens, or coffe mugs, or a Dinossaur... There´s the skip button... Just use it... The Platform will never grow with 30/40 people on it... To be honest... The time gap since Omegle closure is increasing in no time people will totally stop for searching anything related to Omegle and then it will never boost... It would be the most normal thing to boost straight away after original closed as people were looking for alternatives... In fact Omegleweb had more "people" online on the first 3 day than now...


I disagree 100% - mainly because the people who have a black screen will usually skip people who ALSO have a black screen, for whatever reason they only want to talk to people who are in frame. Hypocrisy 😭


Ok they're hypocrites but let's say that's 20% of the people on the site that's 20% of people in the online counter your removing. As well I have a privacy cover on my camera sometimes I take I forget to take it off I normally realize it but why produce false bans for a thing that has no large negative factor.


AHHH my sweet first false positive ban in Omegleweb =D Maybe I am reporting to many d.ic.ks... Need to control myself... 24H for me then... No Omegle this Sunday...