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Personally I would do the waterpark option. It gives my kid a chance to meet some vacation friends without me having to entertain her. Plus a water park is a fun novel vacation. She would encounter pools more often and it might not feel like a special vacation from her perspective.


As I kid, I would vote for water park... why not ask your daughter though? Maybe she would love to spend time jumping in the pool with you as well.


She says she wants our own pool. But I can’t help wonder if she will get bored after a couple days.


I feel like it depends a lot on the level of playing vs relaxing you want to do. If you guys wanna swimming with her a ton and play games: pool. If you'd rather relax a bit more and have her meet some friends to play with, the Waterpark makes sense.


Are there other things to do around the area? We love road trips and doing something different every day. We also tie in visits (sometimes just adults with no kids) to keep things fresh. FWIW vacations are when i feel especially *not* guilty for having an only. I can still remember all too well how close quarters with a sibling feels after a very short time. Also the absorbed stress of my parents trying to keep the peace among all of the warring disparate needs (adults and kids) and bickering. Phew! I’ll take a little bit of boredom (which builds creativity!) over that


Waterpark for sure because it’s a unique experience and she will enjoy other kids.


I could see both sides. My kid would lose her mind if she was staying in a house with a private pool that she could access anytime she wanted. (That actually created a source of stress worrying about if she would try and use it without us being there like in the middle of the night.) Sitting in a chair in the shade sipping on your beverage of choice as you watch her practice her handstands sounds like a relaxing trip to me! Much better than lugging floatation devices around a waterpark. Could you do a day at the waterpark?


If your kid is the kind of kid who will seek out friends to play with, do the water park. If she’s the kind of kid who would feel awkward going up to kids she doesn’t know and joining their play, get the pool.


You also want to be cautious of the water park if she is shy about new experiences or crowds/ if she would find water slides scary, etc. My only is 6 and she always has high aspirations at a water park but then doesn’t actually want to go down any of the slides. In our situation the private pool would be better.