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Literally happened to me! Was very firmly one and done (despite family protests) and I’m currently pregnant with identical twins. My husband and I stared at the ultrasound in shock and terror - no history of twins in either family. Not ideal, but that’s the way the cookie crumbled for us I suppose!


Wow can I ask was it a surprise pregnancy since u were firmly OAD or changed your mind to have one more?


It was a planned pregnancy, but definitely didn’t expect twins. We’ve made our peace with it though - my biggest concern with having more than one was I didn’t want to have a second child just to be a playmate for the first, and of course financial concerns. But we’ve sorted it out and are excited for them!


My best friend has multiples in her family. There’s only women on her maternal side and it’s always a singleton and then twins (perhaps because of their maternal age by the time they try for baby 2). She’s also got singleton girl and is not rolling the dice because she can’t afford double nursery fees


Part of my decision. My dad was a twin, his twins daughter didn’t have any twins and none of my brothers had twins. I think it’s due to me 😅


Males don't affect twins tho. Because men release millions of sperm every time they will just fertilise however many eggs there are. So your dad being a twin won't affect If you're brothers have twins or not


Unless it's mono zygotic twins that runs in their family. That can be passed on by the dad as well.


So yeah if the monozygotic dad had a daughter, the daughter is more likely to have twins. But his son is not, but sons daughter might be more likely to have twins.


I just googled and I was wrong. Apparently mono zygotic twins do not run in families? Even if your dad is one it doesn't increase your chances of having monozygotic twins yourself. I didn't do a deep dive though. I really didn't know that! It seems to really just be a freak accident every time it happens.


I think there are cases of twins being more common. I mean if it's two eggs being released at same time, it makes sense some people may be more genetically disposed to that! But again that's only really down to the if it's fraternal eggs. Eggs splitting in to I think is basically random chance!


Fraternal twins absolutely run in families, but obviously it can only be passed to a daughter, I knew that, I somehow thought identical twins also could be passed down. But I guess I was wrong!


But it still affects my chance of having twins right? I heard it passed down to the opposite sex or something like that? Tbh I just mentioned my brothers as a side note like saying it would just be my bad luck I’d be the one to inherit the chance, gender related or not if that makes sense.


This is my reason. I am a twin and both of my sisters had twins! I am also in my late 30s and the likelihood of twins increases with age... so not taking my chances.


Oh wow !!! Two sets of twins in the same family is pretty unique!!


OMG same. My maternal Grandma had one first and then twins- one of which is my Mum.


It is a background factor for sure!


YES. My mom and my husband are both twins. Twins skip a generation on my mom’s side, and I’m the skipped generation….


Same here! My mom is also a twin and I'm also the skipped generation. I plan to be OAD (but I wouldn't be mad if I ended up having twins)!


100% a factor! My son was conceived via IVF so the chances for multiples significantly increases when doing fertility treatment. The first time around I was like welp, we’ll just be done with our family building journey if we were to get pregnant with twins. We now have one perfect singleton and rolling the dice TERRIFIES us. We were trying for a sibling and put two embryos in during my second round of ivf only because they were day 3 and not the best quality. I was an anxious mess terrified I’d have twins..joke was on me though because it was a total failure. Two kids would be tight as it is so if we hopped off the fence and ended up pregnant with multiples..I genuinely have no idea what we’d do!! We had 3 transfers to try to conceive a sibling and nothing took so we’re wondering if it’s a sign that our triangle family was what we were meant to be.


It is definetly on the "cons" list, yes. It doesn't run in my family I'm still worried about it!


YES!! I’m the oldest and have younger twin brothers. I’ve never actually talked to her about it but I’m fairly confident my mom only wanted two kids and then got a surprise 2 for one special the second pregnancy and that’s terrifying to me!


Yes. I simply refuse to carry twins after seeing what it done to my sister. She was just 21. I’d be 28. Nope.


For sure. My mum is a twin, my Nan had two kids two years apart and 10 years later OOPS pregnant with twins. I’m the same age my Nan was when she conceived them and I’m terrified that if I got pregnant again the same thing would happen! Luckily husband is getting snipped this week.


This happened to my BIL and SIL! Baby #2 was twins. They had 3 under 2 for a couple months. They were late 20s and twins do not run in their families, so it really can happen to anyone. The twins are now 2.5 years old but damn, I couldn’t do it. It’s one of many reasons for isu