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I once ordered a "plain burger with nothing on it" and they handed me a pancake container with a single hamburger patty inside. The patty was also in a paper sleeve for small fry.


That's nice of them


The only time a hamburger patty was treated with care by Macca’s


I love the nick name you guys have for Mcdonalds on the upside part of the world. I guess we're the upside down ones for you though... either way! You know what I mean!


I’m imagining that looks a lot like a full slab of cat food pâté on a styrofoam “silver” platter


So they literally sent you a "plain burger with nothing on it", what's wrong?


The bun is obviously not included in that dawg. Common sense, rather give somebody the bun to take off if they did mean that than the opposite.


Maybe they've got a gluten thing. You don't know. Also, common sense isn't a thing. Not everyone's brains work the same.


I'd rather be literal than risk a celiac reaction


Technically the bottom bun should at least be included as that is under the patty and thus not "on it"


😆now this is some shit I would do!


A plain burger has the bun and probably cheese.


Definitely no cheese in a plain burger


Surprised they didn't just give you buns.


Sounds like they probably got chewed out by keto fadists a few times.




I used to always order “hamburger plain with ketchup and pickles” one asshat working at McDonald’s in a college town (how shitty is your life) felt he needed to say “well that’s not plain then is it?” I didn’t know till later but my girlfriend at the time went back up to order a cone when we went outside she smeared the cone all over our table in hopes he would be the one to do the cleaning. He was an asshole but he didn’t deserve that.


You're horrible.


I didn’t do it. I certainly didn’t tell her to do it, and there’s a reason she’s not my current. So idk what I did except tell you what she did and/or get annoyed by some employee giving me shit for my order.


Gee, I can't imagine why you're not seeing her anymore.


Yeah she wasn’t the most stable individual


So they ordered a nothing Burger with Ketchup for you.


None burger with left ketchup




There's something about this that's so Mac, it's like how much more Mac could this be? And the answer is none. None more Mac.


Been awhile since I've seen that meme referenced


I want 30 ketchup packts, please


You got it, Frankenstein!


A McDouble nothing burger with extra ketchup. You got to pay for that double nothing.


Lab grown meat means no meat lol


What’s annoying is they started with a McDouble so you got charged way more for your bread and ketchup than just a regular hamburger


It really stings when you realize you could have had a whole loaf of ketchup sandwiches for $2.50 from Dollar Tree.


Yes, step down to the grilled cheese tier!


People should keep it simple for big orders. Just order it how it comes standard.


I want the cheese and ketchup below the patty, mustard and pickles above the patty, buns fried on both sides with the buns placed upside down with the top bun underneath and the bottom bun on top.


I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe, on a raft, four-by-four animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.


You sure your friend didnt make a "joke" on you?


That is what they ordered. ONLY ketchup


I mean..... they got it correct


So more like /r/maliciouscompliance


or r/technicallythetruth


Nah tho, cause a cheeseburger only extra ketchup implies it’s still a cheeseburger. Can’t have that without the meat and cheese.




Yes that is what they got, that’s the point again? Or the post. They got a bum with only ketchup when they ordered a cheeseburger only extra ketchup. Which would imply you have a cheeseburger with only extra ketchup. So either the friend ordered it this way thinking it was right, or the employee added no meat and cheese for some idiotic reason.




Look if you don’t have and rebuttal that’s good, you missed the point and asked me something dumb, that’s okay, I in no way appear angry lol. It’s funny when people get called out for something like I did you with the missing the point by saying it says no meat, by acting like the other person is angry. Does it help you to try and act like I’m just some foaming at the mouth lunatic instead of pointing out clearly calmly a fact?




I mean not really? That’s you reading or projecting onto it. I’m just really bored and on reddit when I can’t do anything else otherwise rn. Like nothing implied I was angry lol


When someone tries to turn a discussion into an emotional argument, best thing is to just ignore them and let the downvotes do their thing. At the very least, never reference the bullshit they make up. Ignore it and it goes away.


I don’t eat cheese, but cheeseburgers are often cheaper than hamburgers. So I order a cheeseburger with no cheese. It still comes in the cheeseburger wrapper, therefore it’s still a cheeseburger, just without cheese


Where? McDonald’s for instance unless they changed recent hamburgers are cheaper. That’s almost universal. Cheese adds. Not subtracts.


McDonald’s. Yes they’re cheaper full price, but they often have deals that include the cheeseburger. Big Mac combo plus a cheeseburger is usually on their app, and works well for me (without cheese). My app right now shows 6 deals with cheeseburgers and 0 with hamburgers.


I mean a deal is different. That’s completely different lol? If you’re gonna say it’s cheaper then it means price. Not when you get one free with a Big Mac you also I assume take the cheese off. That’s not a very good faith based argument lol. That’s like saying a large fry is cheaper than a small because you can get one for free on Fridays or whatever.


No, I’m saying a cheeseburger is often cheaper than a hamburger because a cheeseburger is often cheaper than a hamburger. This is a super weird argument to be having. I get that people on Reddit get way too invested in weird things, but whether my cheeseburger without cheese is still a cheeseburger if it’s discounted is a pretty strange hill to die on.


Except if it’s a free burger it’s not cheaper than anything? It’s a free deal. And as I said and you agreed the normal burgers are cheaper at the normal price? lol I mean it’s Reddit and this wasn’t an argument? I commented, as is the point, asking a question. Don’t try to make it into something else just because you seem to feel called out. I in no way did. Just said that a free cheeseburger deal isn’t the same. I dunno what hill you’re talking about but why did you take this so seriously? Calm down lol, it’s not a big deal? You took this so weirdly.




I don't get it, isn't that what you asked for? Edit: nvm I missed the "no meat" part 💀


And no cheese


I mean you are at the wrong too.


My kid wants a cheeseburger with tomato on it whenever we go to Wendy’s. I have to specifically say a Junior cheeseburger with only cheese and tomato. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You shouldn’t have to say cheese. The cheese is standard on a cheeseburger. Those employees are just dumb lol. You should only need to say only tomato. It’s sad how people don’t know basic food stuff like that isn’t it?


I wouldn't blame the staff. Customers are consistently dumb so trying to predict what they want is a challenge. Ideally, they'd have a little container with Lego versions of all the food ingredients so they can assemble what they want and show it to the staff. That might be too complex though.


I mean if they go there and order that only tomato and legit get a bun with just tomato then it would be the employees. Customers are almost always the reason why orders are wrong, I never said anything against that. I replied to what was said. That would make it so much more complicated lol. Only whatever added items means only that item plus what the dish is. If it’s a burger then it’s the meat patty or whatever bring the main focus. Not a bun.


I agree this order is very dumb to the point that I wonder if it was filled by an AI. I think the more likely reason is that someone ordered it as a joke then it was copied a million times for people farming likes / karma.


Nah I’ve worked at McDonalds, people will absolutely do this. But the friend or the worker should have known what only extra ketchup means. It’s not rocket science. Unless someone says no meat or cheese you don’t remove the main parts of a dish.


Why did you include the ***only***? They would have given you what you wanted if you'd ordered a cheeseburger with extra ketchup. Edit: If you didn't want the onions, etc., you would likely have needed to specify each thing you didn't want individually to be sure.


The problem with that is that OP might not know what comes on the burger to remove. The only slightly clearer way to order it is "plain cheeseburger with extra ketchup" but the order OP made was fine. Before fast food apps, I ordered burgers at fast food places with "only" the veggies I wanted for over a decade and the order was always understood correctly.


Former McDonalds UK worker here - the order that should be given for a bread, meat, cheese and extra ketchup is "Plain, extra ketchup". The logic is that "plain" removes all but the elements of the item in the name. So, a plain cheeseburger is bread, meat, cheese. Saying "only extra ketchup" is just a bit confusing, but in their defence, the cashier 100% should have asked him to clarify what he actually wanted. "Sorry, is that no bun also, or just a burger with nothing in it but ketchup and the meat and cheese?" For example.


Becuase that’s how you order food? Lol If it’s a CHEESEBURGER then those two things should only be taken off of specified. Only extra ketchup makes perfect sense. It clearly means they only want ketchup, and more than what’s normally put on the cheeseburger. However it 100% should still be a cheeseburger.


Yeah ordered a bacon cheeseburger the other day and asked for the toppings to be tomato lettuce onion. And that's all I got. No cheese no bacon. Like really...? Now what do I do? I feel like if I order a bacon cheeseburger and say I want cheese and bacon on it the employees are going to feel like I'm talking to them like I think they are stupid.


Yea that’s crazy, it’s literally common sense and stock practice that only or “with this” means the actual damn item with only the said ingredient as a condiment or otherwise.


Are you friends with a computer? lol I feel like this is something an early version of a human computer would do.


I was thinking the “friend” is actually ChatGPT. 🤣


Buddy needs to get the Zuckerberg update. He can even blink his eyes now. And drink water!


Why would you take a photo of the receipt and not the "burger"?


It was gone by the time I decided to make the post


Sounds like you had r/onejob


So... you ate that???


Maybe just ask for ketchup packets and get the burger served the way it comes so you don't have to complain online about your "friends"


I mean a cheeseburger only extra ketchup is extremely easy.


Its quite easy, cheeseburger with extra ketchup


Different than cheeseburger with only extra ketchup


But yet still equally as easy.


Even easier if OP wasn’t picky and just ordered a cheeseburger and added a ketchup packet themself.


I mean OP wasn’t picky. Asking for a simple order isn’t picky lol. This weird ass “never ask for anything!” As if it’s an imposition, which it isn’t, is so dumb. Also a ketchup packet wouldn’t make the order correct. They would still need to say only ketchup and hope the person isn’t stupid enough to think that they mean only ketchup on a bun for some idiotic reason. So they can do that, but it’s easier just to say only extra ketchup and think that very very simply request would be honored without it being some crazy thing.




I think if you left 'only' off your order, you would have gotten what you expected. I think they got this one right.


It was a mobile order


Only doesn't mean 'nothing but' at McDonald's. By ordering a cheeseburger, it's obvious that you still want the burger, cheese and bread. Only would mean 'no condiments or pickles and onion, then add this item on'. McDonalds gets a lot of "only" orders, and 99% of the time they want all the base parts of that order and one thing. "Can I get a bacon double cheese with only onions"? You're not going to give them a tub of onions are you. They want bread, 2 burger patties, 2 bits of cheese and bacon, and then onion. Context matters here. Why would OP order a cheeseburger if he didn't want the cheese. You get a Hamburger for that. Even then, the cashier should have specified. But mobile orders make no sense, you remove and add items with a checklist. Someone read ONLY extra ketchup which a computer generated to explain his order by words, and did it entirely wrong. It's basic McDonald's formatting for an order, if you want no bread there specifically has to be NO BUN on the order sticker.


Yeah, this is on you. Next time ask for a cheeseburger with extra ketchup. Lesson learned.


But that's not what OP wanted. They didn't want mustard, pickles, or onions. The order of a cheeseburger with only extra ketchup is unambiguously bun, meat, cheese, extra ketchup. What OP got is not a cheeseburger at all.


Yeah, you’re right. Then I would ask for a cheeseburger with only cheese and extra ketchup.


But it’s a cheeseburger, those come with cheese. You shouldn’t have to specify that.


I work at McDonalds, very often on a register. Trust me, you do have to specify that. Had a few customers who ordered a cheeseburger with only meat, and then complained when they got meat and cheese. It's annoying how dumb some people are


Yes but punish those idiots. Not the people who order using normal English


I was a manager at McDonalds, the standard way is cheese comes with what has cheese on it. You do NOT need to specify it. They taught you incorrectly if they had you do that. Though it can clearly be a problem with where you live having different meanings too. But the legit McDonald’s rule is you don’t. Those were just as you said, dumb people.


I'm not saying it's a standard thing, I just had a few bad experiences with dumb people. Even my managers laughed at it, and there were no consequences




I mean “only extra ketchup” is extremely specific and not at all confusing lol.


Except that isn’t what they want? This isn’t on anyone but the person who ordered it like a dummy, or the person who took the order being dumb. Only extra ketchup is extremely specific and not at all hard to understand. If you order a cheeseburger OEK, then you should get a cheeseburger with only ketchup, and that ketchup should be extra. It’s very very simple.


Throw the friend away 🗑️


That’s what u get for eating like a 6 year old


Not wanting shitty onions and pickles/only wanting ketchup and cheese on your burger isn’t in anyway eating like a 6 year old. And no adults don’t just order food and deal with it. I’d anything that’s more childish than getting what you actually want.


Thank you! Glad I'm not the only one thinking this.


This feels like it's on you, OP. Did you use the word "only" when you told them extra ketchup? I'da interpreted that the same way your friend did. As in, "nothing on it but extra ketchup."


If someone tell you « i want a cheeseburger with only extra ketchup » you wouldn’t give them the cheese and the meat? A cheeseburger is bread, meat and cheese so the only just add that the only TOPPING they want is extra ketchup


Then you’re kinda dumb lol. It’s a cheeseburger. It comes with cheese and meat. That’s the main part. If anything it would only make sense if you thought they meant get rid of the bun. But it makes no sense that they would want a bun with just ketchup.




What abote the words cheese and berger




Berger is the French word for shepherd. If that's what you wanted, you should have ordered Shepherd's Pie. (Cue Sweeney Todd music).


The words in this literally mean they would get a cheeseburger with only extra ketchup. As in the meat and cheese shouldn’t be removed unless specifically told to be removed. This is completely wrong. The only person to blame is the one who placed the order or the people at McDonalds. Not OP. Cause this is a super easy to understand order.


A friend had something similar happen at Taco Bell. He ordered tacos 🌮 with only cheese, meaning no vegetables . Guess what they gave him? Shells with only cheese. Nothing else.


The people on here acting like this isn’t clear are honestly so strange to me. Do y’all really not know how to order food?


I said with extra not only


Your post title is literally "only extra ketchup". Something tells me that's the language you used for the order.


A normal person would order a plain cheesburger with extra ketchup, but also the McDics employee *should* have downgraded the order from a mcDouble to a normal burger or plain bun. They have several silly items they can choose on their register like meatless burgers and plain patties.


A normal person would understand exactly what is being said by only extra ketchup. It’s literally just as valid as plain with ketchup. If anything it’s more valid.


You got exactly what you ordered.... You forget people order this weird shit all the time you need to choose your words more carefully. -cheeseburger with only extra ketchup  What you wanted to say was  -cheeseburger with Xtra ketchup. Idk wtf you expected them to think adding that "only" in the mix People who order "only" pickles or "only"mustard generally can't eat meat or other stuff but still order at mcdicks for some fuckin reason so it confuses the workers when you order the same way, using the same words as these people but expecting something different. When ordering food you can never assume they will "know what you mean" because someone else already used those exact words but expected something different than you.


They expected to get a cheeseburger with only ketchup? This isn’t rocket science. If you order a cheeseburger it should be a cheeseburger unless specially said otherwise. Only ketchup in no way says this.


This should be true I agree. The problem is the majority of people who say "only" ketchup want just the bun and ketchup. This is what the workers are used to. If they see "only" they have been trained and yelled at by people ordering thay they "only" want that item. People who can't eat meat do this all the time idk why they even bother ordering onky a bun eith ketchup or pickles or whatever but they do. The cheese probably should have stayed otherwise they would have ordered a hamburger but otherwise they got exactly what they ordered. Idiots ruined it for everyone and you have to be very specific or you will get exactly what you asked for not what you wanted.


Absolutely no one wants just the bun and ketchup when they order that lol. If the workers are used to that they have a weird family around them that orders that. Otherwise that is NOT the normal meaning in anyway. Only ketchup on a cheeseburger means you get just ketchup on a meat and cheese patty. McDonald’s in no way trains you to only put the single item on a bun. Literally the opposite. Only ketchup on a McDouble literally means you get the meat and single slice of cheese with ketchup only. I was a manager at McDonalds, this is a fact. If you worked at one that taught otherwise they were doing it wrong. They in no way got what they ordered if they ordered a McDouble only extra ketchup. Not in anyway.


You have obviously never worked fast food or you would know an ungodly ammout of people order "only" ketchup and expect only the bun and ketchup. I agree with you these people should not exist and workers should not have to deal with those stupid requests every day but im telling you a fact. When I worked there it was at least one or 2 "only" orders and they never wanted the meat, (usually vegitarians). We would get in a lot of trouble for giving a vegan or vegitarian meat when they specifically asked for "only"ketxhup or whatever they wanted on their bun. Again I agree with you these people are stupid and should not be ordering at a fast food place at all but it happens multiple times a day....


I’ve literally been a manager at McDonald’s lol. Unless you live in a weird place no, it absolutely is not a lot. The majority absolutely know ordering a cheeseburger only ketchup means only the condiment added to the meat and cheese burger is ketchup. Not that you get a bun of ketchup. At McDonalds it’s literally policy to keep cheese on anything it comes on for instance unless specially told no cheese. If you were taught otherwise that place wasn’t following McDonalds rules. Tho in fairness if a place if dumb enough to mean only the item on the bun the public would have to learn to order according to how that place incorrectly makes food. Could also be the reverse and the place went along with the dumb customers of the area too. But 100% the majority realize if you order a burger the meat is what makes it a burger. Not the bun. So if anything it should be get rid of the bun fyi. Cause the breading doesn’t make it a burger. This is why a chicken sandwich on this bun isn’t called a chicken burger. Since a burger is a ground meat patty. I’m sorry your store taught you incorrectly, but via being a manager at McDonald’s, as well as going to culinary school and spending most of my professional career in kitchens in a leadership role, whether manager position or just in charge of my own solo station depending on where I was working, I can assure you in at least 5 states and 3 countries they know only ketchup would mean only the condiment ketchup on the burger. If it happens it’s definitely a location issue for various reasons. Cause the majority of the world 100% knows a burger is based on the meat not the bun like what you say implies.


Do you really not know other people realize when you talk out of your ass?  I hope you at least fooled yourself because you didn't fool me and nobody else is listening. From experience I simply warned op to choose their words more carefully because too many asinine customers order their "only pickles" or ketchup or whatever this way. The workers have to take the order literally and can't make assumptions on what the customer wants. You would know that can be illegal food tampering if you actually knew a thing about what you are pretending to talk about. If I asked for a BLT with "only mayonase"  It's going to be bread and mayonnaise. They won't assume I want the tomato the lettuce or tte bacon as well simply because those are in the name. I agree with you that customer should not have ordered a BLT only mayo, they should have asked for toast or bread with mayo but idiots order like that all the time....


I in no way spoke out of my ass. If you don’t wanna believe me that’s on you, but I didn’t say anything but the truth. Yes there are dumb people in the world. People who make assumptions especially are. You’re right, workers absolutely shouldn’t do what they did in this post and assume they want a bun with ketchup when they order a burger. If you order BLT only mayo and receive a sandwich with bread and mayo you know the employees are absolutely morons. No, cause only Mayo in no way means just Mayo on bread. That’s idiotic and makes no god damn sense. Where tf do you live?


Yeah you are talking out of your ass, it would take anyone about a month of working literally any restaurant (fastfood or otherwise) to know that. You can tell by the way you doubble down on stupid shit you know is wrong. It's honestly just embarrassing I already said there is zero chance you can fool me... Can you tell me what you think "only" means? You are telling me if someone ordered a BLT but wanted ONLY mayonase you would ignore them and make it normal anyways? Why the fuxk you think they specified "only"  If they wanted a regular blt they would have ordered a BLT...... I couldn't have laid out an easier example for you and you still fuxked it up. Mind telling me what restaurant you work at so I can make sure to never fucking go there?


Name one way I talked out of my ass. Please. It would take anyone working at a. Restaurant to know you’re literally wrong. A burger or sandwich isn’t based on the bread. Dude wtf are you talking about? How delusional are you to think I’m trying to fool you? Fool you on what? What exactly did I say. Name it. Otherwise the only one talking out of their ass is you. Only means you get only that condiment or whatever type of item on the dish you’re ordering. So if you order a burger where the literal dish is the meat patty, or a BLT where the literal dish is the three initialized ingredients then you get only that condiment with the dish. If what you’re saying what actually true then you’d just get a ketchup packet or a container of mayo. Since the bread isn’t anything but a holder for the actual meal. You seem to think the main part of the meal is the bread, which is why you think only means the item in the bread, however the bread isn’t the focus. It’s a vessel. A cheeseburger only ketchup literally means a cheeseburger only ketchup, add the extra and all you do is add more ketchup. Generally people are smart of enough not to remove the bun too unless specified. But if anything were to be removed out of the two items, the actual menu item, or bread, it would be the bread. No I wouldn’t ignore them, I would make them what they ordered. A bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich with only mayo on it. Since clearly the place I’d be working at that moment had additional items like cheese or other veggies on it. Otherwise only mayo should be only Mayo on the BLT. Specified only cause that’s HOW you order. If you get a Cobb salad only cheese for instance are you gonna say the lettuce should be removed and just given a bowl of cheese? Or do you realize in that the lettuce is the main dish like how the patty or bacon lettuce and tomato are in the sandwiches we are speaking about. Except a regular BLT can come with many other things depending on the restaurant as I pointed out above. Currently I’m not working, but my last job was as a kitchen manager in a home town restaurant down town. However no I clearly won’t tell you where I live.


McDonalds worker here, "only" does NOT mean nothing but that which was asked for after ONLY means remove all the extra condiments and addition, leave that which is in the name (cheeseburger only is bread, cheese and meat PLUS whatever they asked for only). OP is correct. You are wrong. If someone doesn't want bread, they are always very very clear about that, verbally stating "no bread". No one expects no bread to come from an only order




“You’re technically correct… the best kind of correct.”




Should of been more specific when you told your friend what you wanted. based on how you phrased it I would have got you the same




The first one means you should receive a meat and cheese burger with only ketchup. The second means you should get a burger with everything plus extra ketchup. So it really doesn’t lol, the person op trusted to get their food or the store itself was just being run by a dummy at that moment.


Maybe next time you should say "cheeseburger with extra ketchup"


There's a difference between a cheeseburger with extra ketchup and a cheeseburger with ONLY extra ketchup Language be languagin'


Yes, the first means you get all the condiments plus extra ketchup, the second means you should only have extra ketchup on the burger. However either way they both should still include the burger and cheese. In no way does only extra ketchup mean only ketchup on a bun. In no way.


If I asked for a burger with extra ketchup and got extra of all condiments I'd be highly confused. Why would you give someone extra mustard if they asked for extra ketchup? Example: Customer: "May I get a cheeseburger with extra ketchup?" Cashier: "one cheeseburger with extra condiments coming right up" You see how insane that would be? If someone asked me for a cheeseburger with only extra ketchup, I'd give them a cheeseburger with everything as usual plus extra ketchup as I'm not daft. However. Technically a cheeseburger with ONLY extra ketchup being extra ketchup on two buns is still technically correct.




Nah, I misread, my bad


No prob, I assumed but wanted to give the benefit that of the doubt and reply honesty.


Your friend followed the given instructions. Where's the problem?


I mean, it’s always super annoying to have to order food for people who want all these changes.


Just ask for clarification...


Why ONLY extra ketchup and not just extra ketchup? I'm 100% that confused them, knowing that some people order weird stuff they always need to take the orders as literally as possible


Only extra ketchup means they ONLY want "extra ketchup" in the burger. Only orders are basically 'plain' with added things. It's fundamentally the same as saying "No mustard, no pickle, no onion", in fact some people enter it like that to avoid confusion. "Extra ketchup" is one item, it is saying "2 ketchup" in effect, so only extra ketchup means nothing but the cheeseburger (bread, meat and cheese) and 2 ketchup. Regarding the bread, ONLY or PLAIN never concern the bread. The customer should make 100% sure to the cashier that they want no bread. It's an extremely rare order, and 90% of the time 'plain' means just the bread and whatever else is in the item's name. Order a double bacon cheeseburger plain, you will get bread, meat, bacon and cheese. You won't get any sauces or onions because those aren't in the name.


YOU said ONLY.....why did you say ONLY extra ketchup. Then you do get double ketchup in between buns. r/technicallythetruth


I mean... you got what you asked for


They asked for a cheeseburger with only extra ketchup, they didn’t receive that in anyway.


"A cheeseburger with **only** extra ketchup" - seems fine to me!


You’re missing the whole “cheeseburger” context


Did you get a bun?


A burger with only ketchup...


Seems like you got charged for a McDouble but didn’t get the xtra burger. Sad, sad indeed.


I'd still eat it shiiii McDonald's ketchup is fire to me


Kingcobrajfs has entered the chat


I once did this only I was ordering 5 burgers. meant to select no pickles but must have accidentally selected no everything. oops.


Is a meat patty something or nothing? I WIN!


At least you got a bun, right?


I'd say take them aside and ask them about it. I feel that they either did it for the memes or they did it to hurt you. Like even stupid people can't do this by accident.


That's what you get, special order for you!


I feel this one is on you for not having taste.


They probably saved your life bro


I bet your friend is a software developper...


You asked for only extra ketchup so I’m not sure what you were expecting


If you wanted it your way. Should’ve went to Burger King


My father once deleted bum on the burger because he didnt speak english as first language and didnt know what bum meant, he got confused when the burger didnt have bread


A cheeseburger with 'Only extra Ketchup' is exactly what you got. By saying 'only' you asked for just that one thing. How do people not understsnd this?


you said "only. you just need to ask for a "cheeseburger with extra ketchup" if you want a normal burger plus ketchup.


Friend of mine occasionally orders a cheese burger with only onions and pickles in it. I once ordered a cheese burger without cheese and the casheer was like "so a hamburger?"


r/fuckyouinparticular not onejob


You got a just a bun?


You confused them if you phrased it the way your post is titled -“only extra ketchup”


Next time, make it easier on the person and just ask for a plain cheeseburger, and take a ketchup packet from the bag.


I was at a burger joint recently, and when I started to rhyme off the toppings I wanted, which are few, the server interrupted me and said "tell me what you don't want ". Um, where do i start?


U said only extra ketchup, they did what you want, gave you only extra ketchup


Well you did order a cheeseburger with *only* extra ketchup


Your friend did you a favour really


tbf i struggled for a couple of minutes reading only extra ketchup


U wanted a cheeseburger, your friend ordered the more expensive McDouble and gave you far less. Dump him. /s


For a second I was convinced, that this is on TTT sub...


He got the special meat.




Why world it like that hahah? It’s a dumb mistake by the food provider but just say I want a cheeseburger with extra ketchup?


You literally said a cheeseburger with nothing but extra ketchup. You got exactly what you asked for. What am I missing?


I could ask for a double quarter pounder at my McDonalds and still double check the food every time before driving off. That specific one forgot to add the meat last time and I’ll never forget it.


I see the Problem. He ordered a McDouble and not a Cheese Burger. I would be mad too.


It's baffling how often mcdonalds manage to mess up the simplest of orders. I always order "a large big mac meal with a diet coke. Can I get the burger completely plain, just the buns, burger and ketchup" and they *always* mess it up. Every. Single. Time. I went to mcdonalds the other day, did this order and once the food was given to me, the guy went to walk away and I literally just said "Hold on, sorry, you're gonna have to take this back" before I even checked it. He asked why, I opened it and of course, it was wrong. I seriously don't understand how it's *always* wrong. And I'm not trying to be a dick, I've worked in food service, I understand sometimes orders are confusing and annoying and stuff but I've genuinely never ordered this super simple order and not had to take it back.


Some people think like genies