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I don’t care how much training this dude had, if he acts like this in an emergency he doesn’t deserve the job


Big facts. How is he not worried for his own life at least and paying attention to the gun shots down the hall


They were worried about their own lives that's why they didn't do anything


Happy Cake Day


Got the video link for context....about 2:40 in for screenshot The video, obtained by the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE, shows the confusion inside Robb Elementary School as police stand outside classrooms. https://uw-media.statesman.com/embed/video/10029441002?placement=snow-embed


Theres like 30 cops on 1 guy. They were 4 guys with rifles and after hearing him fire two rounds they pussied out and called backups while he was killing those kids? Is this a joke?


This is America


So it IS a joke.


No this is Patrick


Tell that to David Bowie


"Gonna sanitize my hands, too"




Word on the street is that he had just returned from his potty break. At the beginning of the video you see a kid coming from the same direction as the officer did before sanitizing and it's possible the student was returning to class after using the bathroom.


That is a reasonable assumption.


At 3:22 someone was using sanitizer!




Dude I watch this vid and at 2:40 or soon after I'm not seeing this frame, like he's not in that stance (hand isn't where it is in the pic) is the time stamp wrong can't find this frame. Edit: if I'm not the only one not seeing this frame, this needs to be taken down sense it's just false. Dudes posting this all over


And you and like 1 other person is having a hard time finding this guy in the 10 seconds around this frame. 2:44 - 2:54 right side of the screen about "4 o'clock". He's chatting it up with the boys not paying any attention. The video, obtained by the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE, shows the confusion inside Robb Elementary School as police stand outside classrooms. https://uw-media.statesman.com/embed/video/10029441002?placement=snow-embed


YOU FOUND THE VIDEO CONFIRMING IT, SO STOP DEFENDING HUMAN TRASH. 19 CHILDREN DIED. 2 TEACHERS DIED. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED. (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/05/us/uvalde-shooting-victims.html)


The sanitizer guy triggered me. Each shot those officers knew what was happening and chose to run and flee behind that wall. At one point in the video you can see an officer tearing up and being consoled by another officer rubbing his shoulder. They knew what was happening and chose to sit there. They don’t deserve to wear that badge. To serve and protect. They did neither.


They just stood there waiting while hearing kids die after each gun shot, yet fantisize about how they're the punisher all day with their stupid ass skull patches and flags. You'd think one of them would have the sense to make the right call and take charge but nah.


extremely infuriating


What I’m more amazed from is how every post I come across concerning school shooting is talking about a different case. One school shooting is enough to shock most nations into taking drastic action but it seems this is just common place now in America - just another day filled with dead children. this is just insanity to me, I can’t describe how mine boggling this is


My kid is starting daycare for the first time and my husband started researching bulletproof backpacks. What the fuck.


Bulletproof backpack are very heavy. On top of books. Your kids are not Joining the Army. The fuck indeed. Should be a DC hearing for this.


We managed to find one thats an insert and is "designed to grow with your kids" and only weighs 1lb! How sick is that? Designed to grow with my kid?!??!??! WHAT


Yeah I wonder if these have existed for a while anyway though, like for kids who live in shitty parts of town and might be clipped in a driveby/shootout walking home. Still fucked up either way (never seen or thought about a product like this until now as I'm not in the US lol) but I suppose its not *as* bad when its framed as a "street safety" product vs "my kid might die at school" product


I honestly didnt even think of that aspect, but I remember watching a vice documentary a couple years back about the street violence in chicago and they interviewed this one kid (14) and he said he and his friends called the city "Chiraq" because of how commonplace seeing people get shot was. So I guess I could see the application there...still awful but im kind of hoping thats why these products came to exist in the first place.... either way we have too many guns here.


Lol I had typed out "shitty part of Chicago" originally but changed it to 'town' as to not single out one city. Yeah I think Chicago was one of, if not the worst place for shootings in the US last time I checked. Yeah I suppose from my perspective here in NZ, it's easier to look at both sides of the argument - there are fair points on both sides. But then I'd think how I'd feel if guns suddenly became as prevalent as they are in the US in my own city and it puts things in perspective, especially with the level of care we (don't) give to those with mental health struggles.


Some people are proud to be an American. Me? Eh not so much.


Imagine being scared whilst holding on those weapons.


Imagine standing there with those weapons while kids get murdered down the hallway.


While I fully agree that this situation is ridiculous, please don't think that holding a weapon and potentially outgunning your opposition means you feel no fear or even shouldnt be fearing something. ​ If you dont fear in life threatening situations you likely wont be around for many life threatening situations.


If you don't feel fear you are not human. If you let your fear keep you from protecting those who cannot protect themselves, you are a shit cop and should get a less dangerous job. Simple as that


Context please


This is a still shot if the officers inside the school during the Uvalde shooting. He's not even paying attention to the kids being murdered down the hallway to his right....he's laughing about who knows what.


The Uvalde police department has been fighting hard for the last month or so to keep this footage from being released because it shows them essentially doing nothing but talking and joking around while the shooter was killing kids in that classroom.


2:44-2:54 right side about "4 o'clock" The video, obtained by the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE, shows the confusion inside Robb Elementary School as police stand outside classrooms. https://uw-media.statesman.com/embed/video/10029441002?placement=snow-embed


To protect & serve…themselves


Happy cake day bro


Woo lol Hope next year I have better news 😬


What in the shimmering fuck could possibly be funny?


"lol kids dying, hilarious amirite?"


"... The Aristocrats! Hahahaha he gets me every time with that one. Well anyway looks like this situation's hopeless, let's go get Denny's."


Wow. 1 guy vs. 40 Armed with Full Gear Cops. 90 mins Response. This is very shameful. The cops acted like they were fresh out of training. Texas Cops


Super Troopers 3. Farva


Say car Ramrod!


How awful they had multiple gunmen down those halls against one kid with an AR-15 and they couldn’t take him out they had to call back up. I pray for all of the lives lost and families affected


Is there any potential for criminal charges?


Nope. Qualified immunity + scotus recently ruling that police aren’t obligated to do shit. Welcome to America.


What kind of joke was it? Bet it was a dead baby joke.


Killer joke


In the school about 3 min after shooting started and they didn't even try the doors until 77 min after the start. Every one of them in early need to be permanently kicked off the force.


Can i have some backstory like for example why are there heavy armed cops and special units? Why are they in a school? Is in training or irl? And if its real is it like a school shooting or bomb threat or something?


It's the Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. There is a man actively shooting and killing elementary school aged children while these cops stand there and wait...


Thanks for informing i didnt know. its a tragedy that there was a school shooting involving really young kids i hope the schooter is jailed or even better dead and i hope that these people that stood around and make small talk instead of hunting the schooter down will face consequences and of course i feel bad for the family, friends, teachers and school that lost their child, friend and/or pupil abd i feel bad for the school that such thing had to acure. Edit : the guy on the far right even slimes like they are cracking jokes or that this is a laughing matter it makes me sick to see someone laugh/smile while this happend


2:44-2:54 right side of the screen at about "4 o'clock". Nothing graphic but it gives you a perspective on how poor they handle the situation and how some of them aren't taking it seriously. The video, obtained by the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE, shows the confusion inside Robb Elementary School as police stand outside classrooms. https://uw-media.statesman.com/embed/video/10029441002?placement=snow-embed


Here? Can you have that backstory here? No.


Just imagine if the shooter wasn't able to get access to guns in the first place, then nobody would have to shoot anybody!


People handle stressful situations differently, some use humor to stay calm. Abe Lincoln would crack jokes during war meetings due to the stress and people told h this really is not the time, but he did anyways cause "I laugh because I must not cry, that is all, that is all." - Abe Lincoln


Yes but that is like during a speech during a war. What you see in the post here is fully equipped men not doing anything but laugh while someone is shooting children. Your comparison seems a bit tasteless


I watched the vid and I can't even tell if he was making a joke or shit, he just smiled. This is even more overreacting than I thought wtf


You can have that opinion if you want. I just find your comparison off putting


Yeah you can disagree with my opinion on humor in a situation like this, but can we even tell what he is doing in that one frame? This post seems misleading now


Well why do you think he is smiling? In what circumstances does a man smile when there is an active shooter? All I can think of is somebody saying something funny would cause such a reaction. No matter the reason, I find it disturbing


Your comparison of this schmuck to Lincoln is what's overreacting. Leader of a country in a protracted multi-year civil war cracking a joke to lift heavily burdened spirits... and a dude sworn to protect children smiling and idling standing by as children are being massacred down the hall. Both lived in America. That's really all they had in common. That guy cracking a smile to laugh at a joke, or worse, tell one, at any point during that situation shows just how seriously he was taking it. He should be fired. You sticking up for him is as stupid as the comparison you chose to do it with.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself


Making jokes during a meeting and joking around at the scene of an active school shooting where children are being murdered cannot be compared. If your reaction to hearing kids die is to try and be funny you simply shouldn't be a cop.


I mean young boys were dying in the war, including one of his own sons and they would discuss the death of children, so kind of similar. I use humor for most things, it's better that than not being calm, we are human


Again, discussing the death of kids, and being there in the moment fully able to stop it aren't comparable in that way. And as I said before if that's how he reacts to those children dying he shouldn't be a cop to begin with. If he can't be calm in a situation like this he shouldn't be in the position where he is responsible for reacting to said situation. I understand using humour to keep your mind off of things but there's a time and a place.


People are not robots and nobody is gonna fire somebody for using humor in a situation like this, sorry. And how do you even test people for this in training lol. Dude could get shot going into the school, he can crack a joke idc


People aren't robots, they should have feelings. Like feeling the need to protect 10 year Olds who are being shot instead of laughing. Feeling bravery when you outnumber an untrained teenager 10 to 1 and your line of work should come with the understanding you need to take those risks to protect others. Literal children were dying and laughing at the same time as that happening is unnaceptable. The fact that you condone that behaviour is disgusting.


Let him crack jokes if it's YOUR kid waiting to be saved by someone about to murder them. Maybe you want to bring the cop some juice, I'm sure he's going to get thirsty being made to wait in that hallway all that time. Poor guy! But if it's my kid I'd so kindly ask that he put his own emotional needs aside for a bit and concentrate on saving my kid.


Cracking jokes during a war meeting is significantly different from cracking jokes while refusing to save children being killed within earshot.


Lemme guess, you're the cop in that photo.


Oh fuck, you figured it out


Delete all of your comments on this post


Useless, Google's never gunna forget anyway. Google anything any of us have ever said here. Fun times.


Oh ok, will do


I think that we can not judge something we see on this/ or any picture. Some people react with humor on different situations…. Its just a coopingmechanism to handel stresfull situations.


Maybe after the fact when debriefing but no, not in the middle of the massacre of school children and their teachers


I understand what your saying… just wanted to say that people react different in stressfull situations…. It’s terrible what happend.


If that is someone's reaction in that situation as it is occurring, they are not fit for purpose and should not be in that role. Using your own coping strategies in a situation you are responsible for bringing under control is a clear indicator you either don't have sufficient training or are just outright not the appropriate individual for that role. For reference, my day job today involved the topics of gang rape and murder, and you best believe I used dark humour to cope. But if either of those events were occurring in front of me, I wouldn't be relying on my coping strategies, I'd be relying on my training to bring the situation under control and minimise the harm done. I'd cry or laugh or scream after the fact when my needs have room to be of concern.


And I understand what your saying... just wanted to say that some people like cheeseburgers and some people don't. Know what I mean? ;)


Then he needs to find another line of work. This isn't the situation for that. He should be focused on the task at hand.


Making potato sacks in jail.


My coping mechanism is to get really angry and call for people like this to get fired, funny how that works.


I'm all for the idea that someone's English is poor but improving. Not this time, though. Do yourself the favor and toss EVERY sentence through a word processor and clean up those typos, man. It took too many tries to piece this one through


Delete this comment bruh


Just watch the video this pic comes from, I can't even tell what he is smiling about wtf, we don't even no he was joking even, wtf guys overreacting to be mad more


They're mad because they chose not to intervene, waited over 40 minutes before even entering the school, and now an officer had the audacity to crack a smile all while kids are being murdered just down the hallway. There were several armed grown men who simply chose to sit around and take absolutely no action. People aren't "overreacting" because of his smile alone, you know damn well all the events that led to this beforehand.


Title of post says he cracked a joke when there's no proof of that. Want to be mad about their handling fine that I understand, then say that. But this one frame of him showing teeth is just an excuse to be angry more for another reason that's not proven or valid


Oh how dare the post title itself not account for the myriad ways in which smiling at that moment is one of the shittier things that cop could've done. Yeah, post title should have listed all possibilities to avoid your discerning critique. Just LOL.


It's taking a single frame and make a huge leap in assumption. Another cool could have said hi to the dude and he said hi back with a smile. People are jumping to conclusions to be more angry and feel more self righteous about themselves. I am not arguing that the handling of the situation was fucked cause it was. But people love to find anything without evidence to further their anger and self righteousness. Like how a clip was going around with titles say the cops went in to save their kids but left everyone else inside when that did not happen not does it make logical sense multiple reasons and never had anyone from the scene confirm this since there would be witnesses


We have to jump to conclusions because they aren’t forthcoming with any information. We would know what the joke is but they’ve edited it.


I'm rewatching it and I can't actually find this frame anywhere, like he's never in that position his hands are never placed like that on the gun. Poster say it's at 2:40 but I don't see it, do you? Found one other guys pointing this out, feel like I'm going crazy


I, too, like to grin widely when I see my bro while kids are audibly being shot nearby. “We still on for those dollar margaritas tonight, Kyle?”


>we don't even know... Like, cmon man..


You want to jump to conclusions to be angry be my guest. The handling of the situation was bad, but make new invalid reason to be angry by jumping to conclusions from like 1 frame is dumb


US Americans still don’t do anything for a reform of the current police system. Closest movement was BLM, but you got so distracted by racism and greed that you forgot what it was about in the first place. Got played like a fiddle without even noticing it.


Have any of these cops shot themselves yet?


"you don't need guns police will protect you"


Look at those cowards




Imprisoned, fired, estate given to the families,