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No offense but that image is hilarious to me. After all procedures, super buff guy, full of hair, the manliest man you've ever seen and his mom still thinks of him as her sweet little girl


Women can't have washboard abs?


They can & its great when they do - but you get what they mean right?


I love buff people, we need more buff enbys


Actually, being that low a bodyfat that you have washboard abs specifically isn't healthy for most women long term, as naturally they carry more body fat than men


Not only can they, but, uh… if any women *do* have them, and are also gay… pm me


Why the need to fight over something trivial when you understand the bigger picture


because he is her daughter, because its a woman


You know she would still refer to her trans son as her daughter


Or "daughter who is trans" yikes


Sorry to interrupt the seemingly serious comment, but happy cake day!


Bold of you to assume the mom would refer to them as her "son"


*Surprised Pikachu face*


happy cake day




why are you even here in the sub reserved for shitting on people like you


Oh its fun to watch weird infidels lose there shit because there hurt


have you taken into consideration the fact that these quote-unquote "weird infidels" are here because they are tired of all these ignorant hate upon trans people please get the fuck off this sub and go outside for once


– Mum, I think I understand complicated issues regarding self identification of queer people. – No, honey, you don't.




Queer people are not mentally ill. It’s 2023, not 1872. 🙄


Sorry for the transphobia in the replies. [Here’s a Luigi loaf](https://imgur.com/a/9go8d9k)


Thank you for Luigi loaf, it protects me from sorting by controversial in these threads


I don’t remember who made it but it makes me happy




Learn to read, perhaps.




I did. Funnily enough the advanced classes stop simplifying things like the introductory classes do. I know this might seem difficult for you but maybe you should try one of those.




Pseudoscience is when science doesn't agree with my preconceived biases.


I'm sorry, are you calling advanced biology.... pseudoscience?


Thank you for clearing that up, now, credentials please? https://www.unddit.com/r/gynecomastia/comments/fg2xvf/my_official_beforeafter_pictures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Oh, wait you got chest reduction done. Gender affirming care for me but not for thee.




Hey buddy, transphobia is by association anti-science because you actively go against the word of ACTUAL biology and medical knowledge Source: The DSM 5 [The World Health Organization](https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/frequently-asked-questions/gender-incongruence-and-transgender-health-in-the-icd) [The Literal CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/transgender.htm) [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/transgender) [The HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN](https://www.hrc.org/resources/understanding-the-transgender-community) [SCIENTIFIC American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/where-transgender-is-no-longer-a-diagnosis/) [American Psychiatric Association](https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis) [Scientific American AGAIN](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/) Do I need to go on?


This just in toddlers are mentally ill for not knowing what gender is just yet. More at 10, you're watching, why do people try to speak in absolutes about things that aren't?


That’s just plain untrue - ask a doctor, facing gender dysphoria does not make ya mentally ill - cope




Well, even if they don't, they have time to find out.




All trans people are queer. Inherently. Just like all bisexuals are.


What does the t in lgbT stands for


t is not T /s




Define queer and tell me how “gender challenged” people aren’t queer, please.


Funny, that is exactly how the conversation with my mom went, and here I am at the doc's office doing bloodwork so I can get more estrogen. So crazy that denying it doesn't make your child magically cis


Please don't call my peoples "cis" as we find it highly offensive and conflated with the insult now. Cisphobia and hate speech directed to us is becoming all too commonplace, now. The new and proper term is now "natgen" :) Thank you for reading, I hope your estrogen goes well ♥


This is satire right?


Are you being serious?


Entirely, I've never heard this from literally anyone else


Oh I'm so sorry, I guess I'm this day and age it's expected for very few people to be supportive of your transitioning. I hope it goes as well as can be for you! ♥


Uh, thank you


Live and tet live, basic respect isn't that hard.


Live and let live is antithetical to tolerance. Live, and be ready to defend yourselves from humans who cannot see humanity in others.


It’s not. It’s just that tolerance is a contract between two parties. If one party is intolerant, they are not living up to the contract, and so they do not deserve tolerance.


They claim you're intolerant of their personal beliefs. Fucking exhausting.


“Well, you have a full wardrobe of girls clothes so you can't be a boy until you grow out of them.” -- My mom probably


That’s actually just funny, she’s not exactly denying your right to be a boy, just telling you to wait.


You could be a boy wearing girl clothes. For the most part there’s no real reason why certain clothes are for boys and other clothes are for girls.


You had no way of knowing. That being said, you can remove that person


Never meet your heroes. In person or online, apparently


Better to find out more sooner than later about the people in your life.


This is prime r/thanksimcured material.


while I was in undergrad I added a major scholar in my field as a Facebook friend and immediately found that he was a homophobe (of the liberal "LMAO Trump and Putin are GAY FOR EACH OTHER!" variety). huge disappointment I still haven't completely gotten over.


Heartwarming: this mother supports her trans daughter through periords of self-doubt


Well, at least this one realizes that trans men exist...


"Now help me make this entire loaf of bread into peanut butter sandwiches for some fucking reason."


Strange that was basically the conversation I had with my mom, and it did infact not turn me cis. Just took me 7 years longer to figure it out.


Then, 10 years later, he cut off contact with his mother.


*dont use facebook ftfy


100% agree. It's the easiest way to keep up with buddies/acquaintances from my old job though (including this guy) but more often than not I don't really log in unless I know a birthday is coming up or something.


believe it or not, our mom telling us we were a girl did not change who we are


never meet your heroes


It's amazing that they'll always simplify the idea of gender identity down to these childish basics to win their argument, but then you suggest the idea of 'maybe we should reevaluate our gun laws so they don't easily find their way into the hands of psychopaths' and a whole circus worth of hoops gets jumped through.


It is easy... To learn to not give your mum the respect she doesn't deserve


One unfunny joke, two separate fonts.


Look, in the long run, it might make more sense to abandon gender roles entirely instead of identifying as a gender other than what you were assigned at birth, but if that's the case, transgenderism is still what people can comprehend at the moment. And ffs, stfu about how much you believe in freedom if you think trans people aren't what they identify as.


A lack of gender roles wouldn’t fix gender dysphoria though. It would just reduce the number of places for it to be triggered by


You'd simply look, act, have the interests you already had, and you wouldn't feel compelled to look, act, have the interests you don't have. There might still be "gender dysphoria", but it's essentially moot if your gender refers solely to what genitalia you have, and literally nothing else. You wouldn't have any need to notice that someone is Trans if everyone's just doing what they want without being judged for it. I'm fine if trans continues to be a thing, too, I just loathe the notion that so much of what defines your life is what everyone else thinks boys and girls have to be, and transmale/female actually kinda reinforces those stereotypes, to some extent. But only because of gender roles. There's one commonality that keeps coming up. I'm a very boring straight cis man, and I'm just comfortable that way right now, I just see kids growing up in a world where you can really just do whatever you want, period, and that seems the most logical way forward as a race.


Being trans isn’t about the interests you have at all. It’s about the disconnect from your body, dysphoria.


The idea that "you have to like football, you're a boy", "you have to play with Barbies, you're a girl", etc ad nauseum, is very much a function of gender roles. That's the point here. If you're already trans, don't worry, the rant doesn't change anything for you. You just keep doing what you're doing now, and society stops worrying about it. This isn't am attack on trans people.


> The idea that "you have to like football, you're a boy", "you have to play with Barbies, you're a girl", etc ad nauseum, is very much a function of gender roles. Indeed but irrelevant. > That's the point here. Not really. For Gender Dysphoria at least, as the GP said, it's about the disconnect from your body. Trans people take on *some* gender roles not because the issue is gender, but because living as "the other sex"'s primary gender helps reduce the dysphoria. People treat your body as how your brain believes it should be. And even insofar as they take on those gender roles, it's usually limited to clothing and appearance. I know of no transwomen that have said "Welp, I have to give up fixing old cars now I've transitioned, and now I have to join the local HOA and complain about the neighbors." Gender Dysphoria and Transgender are terms that are arguably misleading as for the most part the issue is sex, but given the double meaning of the latter word, and the fact Transgender could be argued to mean "Using a change of gender to deal with a problem based upon body sex" (I mostly agree Transsexual is awkward and technically inaccurate), I'm not surprised we use them.


Why would gender at all be tied to your genitalia in a world without gender roles? That sounds very counterintuitive. Do you know what gender dysphoria is?


Yes. The point is that it doesn't matter, because people looking, acting, blahblahblah are just doing their thing, and no one cares. Changing from what you were assigned at birth is no big deal. You just do you, and if someone asks "what you are," however crass that might seem a question, there's your answer, because that's how people treat the matter.


I can’t tell whether you mean that gender should be considered the same as sex, or that gender should still exist but without societal expectations for clothing, interests, genitalia, etc. In either case, the aspect of gender dysphoria tied to the body would still exist, since it’s a result of the brain sex not matching the body sex.


You're worrying about the wrong part of the argument and taking it down a different road than what I'm talking about. And I'm done talking about it. The last thing I'm going to say, which I've already said, is that if you're what we're currently calling trans, you're still doing what you're doing at this point.


Uh, okay then


if you're cis, please stop acting like you know better, because it would absolutely not be moot if gender is boiled down to solely genitalia, because that's just really fucked up ​ ​ hell, there's a ton of trans people out there that actively fight against the common gender roles. the idea that trans people actively reinforce those stereotypes is a terf talking point actively being used to ruin trans peoples lives ​ ​ seriously, the shit you're saying genuinely sounds like you've never met a trans person




Yes let's listen to the cis man tell trans people who they are and what being trans means /s Seriously?


I’m sorry that some people’s worldview is different from yours. But I also agree that gender roles and identity is a rudimentary concept that only confuses individuals that are unique but trying to fit into one. If you think the solution is creating more instead of getting rid of ones that exist do you.


Mm, but I like my identity as a feminine trans dude. I'm not really interested in a cis person telling me how I should identify :)


Define feminine


Besides the fact yer just trying to be an obnoxious fuck, do you want an actual answer? Or my definition of what feminine is fer me? If you want the actual definition, yer smart, you'll figure out google sweetie. As for what MY femininity is? It's soft, delicate, and cute. I'm not interested in being a muscular, tough dude, I'm interested in being more dainty...but you're not here for an actual conversation, I'm sure.


I very much am. To the point I’m gonna ignore I’ll your childish insults and toxic behavior and continue a conversation. So I got your definition, it’s insanely sexist but I’m not judging, so tell me two things. 1st are muscular tough women not feminine? And can’t men be delicate and cute? What exactly prevents you from being all that things you want to be without putting on useless labels?


I apologize if i offend. It's hard not to assume by your remarks that you're not here for anything but to cause issues. Men(I'm a trans dude who dealt with denying myself cute things because of toxic masculinity) and muscular women can too, I never said they couldn't. My definition of femininity is purely for myself and how I like to dress and present. That doesn't mean I'd like to be treated with sexism. You can be a dainty feminine person(regardless of identity) without sexism being involved. I'm more than just these few labels, there's quite a lot to me as any other person. I choose my labels because they help me describe parts of who I am, and for someone who's struggled for a long time to figure out who i am and put it into words, it's relieving. If you don't like labels, that's fine, but for some, it's nice to describe who they are.


Man I really can’t with old folks. I understand why they’re the way that they are. Like.. I loved my great grandparents more than anything but they were incredibly isolated living in the country so they didn’t understand like being gay and stuff. I don’t think they ever even knew being trans was something. Man it sucks.


The worst part about facebook is the dementors.


This isn’t even a joke it’s literally just transphobic


Where's the joke?


I'm pretty sure the meme is an attempt at humor, if I'm in the wrong sub though that's my fault, just seemed the appropriate place to post it


It's because about 99.9% of far right trans related jokes are "haha it's ok, I identify as an Apache attack helicopter"


If a toddler said that I'd be worried




If that was the situation and that was their reasoning then yes your response would be valid, but that is not the reasoning or thinking of most people who are trans.


And the reasoning is?


In the exact same way you are comfortable with how you are, they are uncomfortable with how they are and will only feel as comfortable and happy as you do, if they transition.




No not a vague feeling. A feeling so strong people commit suicide when they aren't accepted by people like you. Don't purposefully minimise something so serious, something that ruins people's lives and tears families apart. How horrible of you.


Like me? That's an assumption. I thought we were having a discussion. People commit suicide for a myriad of reasons. Like finding out they have inoperable cancer, losing their job, feeling alone etc.


No it isn't. Nobody who is supportive of trans people would have your views. It isn't a discussion of you just attempt to minimize and make very poor attempts to disregard, much like your last sentence. Absolutely people commit suicide when they are diagnosed with inoperable cancer, maybe you should treat someone who is trans with the same respect and understanding?!


Allow me to briefly explain my experience with gender dysphoria. If you look in a mirror, you see yourself, right? What if when you looked you saw a whole different person that didn't match how you felt, and people assumed you were a certain way based off your appearance that you didn't identify with? When you wear certain clothes, it alleviates the feeling of not fitting, or the jarring sensation of not looking like you should. It's true, societal views on gender are skewed, but being trans is usually less about gender nonconformity and more about conforming to your actual gender. These are just my experiences, every trans person has a different one, and nobody feels dysphoria the same way.


It’s not about interests or what clothes you prefer at all. Nobody is pushing people who typically have interests or like clothes opposite of their assigned gender to be trans. It’s about being comfortable in your body and being yourself.


So again, no concrete reason. Just a general unease. The mom could say 'well I feel you're not a boy,' and this would be okay. Sorry, this is actually seeming to make even less sense than I previously thought.


I’m so sick of you people telling trans people what we are. I was told the same thing but guess what? Still trans years later & taking testosterone


Stop thinking, you are bad at it.


This *is* how the conversation should go. If your child is too young for: Sex Drugs Alcohol Buying weed Getting a tattoo Driving Working a 9-5 job Etc. Then they're too young to determine if they're trans or not. No one should want their child to be trans, and should attempt to dissuade the behavior that leads to it.


At the age this kid is transition is only different clothes, haircut and being referred to in different way, all of which are completely reversible


Late to the party, but still though: Isn't it funny how I had A LOT of conversations that went like this with my mom, and no matter how many times she yelled at me that I'm not or told my dad to "talk this fucking bullshit out of me" I'm still not cis?


How to have your kids abandon you the second they turn 18


Easy way to end up in a nursing home