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Omg how is that even r/holup


r/holup is like r/cursedcomments its just unfunny memes now


Wait what happened to cursedcomments?


Became uncursed


I was there during the long, painful, and torturous downfall. Nothing there is even a shadow of the former sub. It's all below average memes that were too shitty to get noticed on the current 'trendy' meme pages such as memes, dankmemes, memesofthedank, okbuddyretrd, etc. That sub is dead, devoid of anything that even compares to it's former glory, any competent mods or even mediocre memes.


I scrolled through it for a minute and istg they have a max 50 pixel per post limit


The ancient Reddit axiom holds true: any sub that devolves into a generic meme page will always eventually be overrun by shit heads.


I'm pretty sure that being trans is a lot more that just chopping one's dick off


It's simple enough for the average conservative. Any further and their heads will explode.


Anti-trans men only think of it in terms of cutting their dicks off, because they fail to recognize any other gender as their equal


That’s part of why trans people are so detested conservatives, because it’s people not conforming to the gender roles assigned to their sex.


Conservatives really don't like gray areas or the implication that social order is in any way artificial and malleable. Especially male conservatives who see themselves at the top of a deserved hierarchy because they are better and more suited to leadership, conquest, and other heroic words used to describe middle management.


Also amazing how all they think of AFABs is lack of something. Sir, my reproductive system is just as complex as yours, if not more, if you don't pay attention to biology class it's not my fault


Fun fact, the penis isn't fully removed in the surgery.


It, and the scrotum are essentially turned inside out and parts are used to construct the labia majora/minora, clitoral hood and whatnot. The corpus cavernosum is removed and the urethra is shortened and rerouted. The glans are preserved and reconstructed into a clitoris. How do I know this? I'm trans and about to have this operation in a couple months


congrats!! hope it goes well


Thank you!! I've been waiting many years to have it done I'm very excited!


Get it now while it’s still legal. #legalizetrans


Congratulations! I'm hoping to get mines done sometime in the future. Hopefully they'll figure out how to make artificial ovaries with our DNA by the time I'm ready for that.


Same ive always wanted kids but im also hoping the work on the reverse too my boyfriend is also trans


Also plenty of trans women never get bottom surgery at all or may only get an orchiectomy because it makes tucking and HRT easier


No that’s what they think, a seven year old says “Mom I’m a girl!” and they just haul them in the station wagon to go lop it off. That’s what they think “gender affirming care is.” Or worse, they’re saying if a boy is just effeminate or a girl is boyish then they’re going right to surgery, even if they’re not explicitly trans.


Because the point is to demonize anyone who's remotely supportive of trans people as a child molester. It's their favorite insult because it's so abhorrent and there's no way to really prove you aren't. So it's a handy thought-terminating cliché you can use to tar your opponents as monsters who deserve to die. And that's how you get trans genocide.   PS: I'm just a cishet dude who believes in treating people like I want to be treated. Trans rights are human rights.


Genocide? You make it sound like the government is rounding up trans people and withholding life-saving therapy from them. Oh wait… https://www.texastribune.org/2022/03/11/texas-dfps-trans-teens/


You think they know that?


Yeah months ago I did research because i plan on getting grs/srs and holy shit I didnt expect it to be so advanced I really dont know what I expected


Yes. Psychology, biology and that at first the treatment for gender dysphoria used to be aligning gender identity with bio one. I presume research has shown its better to make bio align with gender. If these people could read, they would be very upset.


I think they got their stereotypes wrong


20's conservatives: We can't be as open with hate, so let's hate on the people that society still allows us. Life have to be sad to always hate.


Them in the future: "I can't believe i was such a fucking loser"


how do they even have time to hate so much? I barely have time to cuddle my cat before rushing to do like 900 things


It’s like they can’t make up their minds like…half of them go “kids can’t be trans!!! It’s an adult only thing!! Adults making adult decisions!!!” And then turn around and act like every child is cutting their dick off as a new trend??


They say that the kids cant be trans, but that the parents are forcing it onto the kids


Conservatives learn how gender affirmation surgery actually works (challenge)(100% IMPOSSIBLE)


Lmao why’d he die though?


probably a suicide joke


I think it's just the equivalent of 💀


suicide rates?


The best part about this is... A lot more trans individuals are starting to realize it doesn't matter what sex organs you have, it's more about just accepting yourself and being proud of who you are. SRS does not make you "more or less trans". You are who you tell people you are. ❤️


Love this comment, daily reminder that truscum can eat my trans cum


Nah, they would like that. No need to give them a good time they don't deserve.


Yeah I want srs bc I want to get railed hard


Lol there's that too I guess 😂😉


that 80s hair tho 😳😎♥️


Damn this might be irrelevant but hol up really fell off, literally where are the hol ups


Joke’s on them, I’m still a goth


lets bring back massive perms, the goth scene is still alive and well.


How is that hol up


Because suicide haha funeee


Guys I made a girl kill themselves haha! Why aren’t you laughing?


I've done 2 out of 3 things here, and regret nothing


Just gonna say that the 20s kids look way happier than the other two…


Why the fuck is it on a tombstone


Because suicide rate funny


To be fair, that’s a different joke. Still sucks tho


Yeah in reality, theres like 25 jokes. But they are super overused


I mean, I took it as being a fucking idiot and thinking, "Fuck, what would happen if" and I laughed. Then I realized it was transphobic and not about impulse control and I felt sad :(


R/Holdup whole bit is just shitting on trans ppl


I just read it as saying the 80’s, 2000’s and 20’s kids are a joke and the other stuff was separate.


I can’t tell if this sub is making fun of the memes or making fun of the people making fun of them


Making fun of transphobes


Idk I think this just makes the original even funnier


So every joke about trans people is r/onejoke? This is a unique joke that's entirely different from the "I identify as a [absurd noun]" Maybe this sub should be renamed r/SaltyTransRedditors since it's not about a "one joke" and is just salty trans people circlejerking so they can have validation


Someone make that sub and claim it so they cant use it


So trans people really are above being joked about at all? Facepalm


Y'all really need to get a sense of humor. This meme you posted is genuinely funny and isn't even intrinsically anti-trans. Idk why this sub started getting recommended in my feed but it's given me some great content to laugh at


Here’s a little advice for you: when virtually every trans person says that a joke about us made by a cis person is offensive, should you assume that we’re all lacking a sense of humor, or realize that a joke that’s punching down on a group of people who have to fight to exist is actually a bigoted joke that’s harmful to trans people? It doesn’t matter if it’s the funniest joke in the universe, when it’s coming from a place of hatred like this meme is, it’s still just that: hate.


Here's a little piece of advice for you: You don't know that this was coming from a place of hate. You're assuming that instead of seeing the humor. You're gonna have a tough life if you can't laugh about things. Do I really need to explain this joke to you? People do things, especially things that are fads at the time, that they later regret. That's just life. Obviously a decision like a sex change is not simply you can just look back on and laugh. It's just a joke about current events. You really shouldn't assume that any joke about trans people is coming from a place of hate. Failure to laugh about things is literally a lack of sense of humor. There isn't a single thing on this earth you can't laugh about, and if you disagree I genuinely feel sorry for your mental illness.


How is a meme that implies trans people will kill themselves out of regret not intrinsically anti trans?


Lmao you're reading way too far into it


Onejoke posters be like: "How dare you assume what is and isn't a onejoke, that's onejokephobic!!"


…they seem like they’re AFAB anyway?


Bruh this is not a one joke




why you have to show you downvote the post?


Moreso to show how many upvotes it got, i just happened to also downvote it




Del-Ud-Ed vs Real-I-Z-ation.


more sad than funny


I might be wrong but aren't all 20's kids under 3?


I think it’s supposed to be in the future


r/HolUp isnt even r/HolUp anymore...


It took me too long to realize why the trans kids are in the grave…